HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/01/1982 - ....-~ ':'J..;'i'f;~:-: ::' ':.:~~~~~~,:'-,,::~.~.: .~ 'r :?:~~~~~~~t"~P~,~;~~~~t -:~,. . .. ' .. . '<~-ii~~:;~--:~,;~;;. 248 UTILITY ADVIS0RY COMMITTEE MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 1, 1982 I CALL TO ORDER .1 The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss Po~ Angeles City Light utility customers' concerns. Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Hordyk and Quast were present. The meeting was open to the public. II MEETING CONTENT The Committee addressed the following items: 1.) Expansion of City's "Senior Energy Credit program"i, 2.) Expansion of City's "Budget payment Program" to all utility customersi 3.) PUD 3% utility tax; 4.) Mayor Duncan reported on the February 23rd Irate Ratepayers meeting held in Port Angelesi and 5.) Mr. Greg Shields, representing Irate Ratepayers, voiced the organization's concerns and proposals regarding termination of WPPSS Plants 4 and 5. III ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:21 P.M. ~'e.~ Clerk ~~ Mayor I ITEM Parcell Alternale A DESCRIPTION Block 229. Lots 1 thru 4, TPA. land, land improvements. buildings. "as is" basis. ---"i . I I I I NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NOTICE IS HEREilY GIVEN that the City of Port Angeles will o"er for sale the following d8lcn1led surplus real property bj'1II8cins of sealed bids to be opened by the City Manager on Thmday, April 1 , 1982 at tile hour of 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers Of 134 West Front Street, Port Angeles, Washington. Block 229. Lots 1 thru 4: TPA. Land, land improvements, "as is" with City demolishing buildings. location: Corner of 7th & Peabody Streets legend: Commonly referred to as site for Street & Water Department Shops Terms (Ire thirty per-cent (30%) downpoyment, with City.ecrrying a con1~oct on remaining balance at 15.5% o-nnl)ol interest over a 'Ive (5) yeaf period. Closing date shall occur within 4S days alter the bid opening date, I The lots will be sold in one parcel only. i.e, Parcell Alternate A, and Parcel I Alternative B; . All bids must be in writing, sealed and must specify the nome and address of the bidder, a descript.on oftke alternate being bid. ond the bid amount. A certined check for S% of the amount of the bid 511011 Qccompony eoe" proposal. In tne ev-ent dosing does not occur, the 5% bld deposi, at the sue. cessful bidde, shall beforieited to the City 01 Port Angeles. Parcell Alternate B Bid. shall be deposited with the City Clerk at City Hall not later than 10:00 a.m. an Thursday April 1. 19B2. Title .hall be conveyed by Quit Claim Deed and the City shall not lurnish title insurance. Tile City reserves the right to reject any and all bids; and wolve cny portion of tne terms herein.