HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/01/1983 I I I 409 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 1, 1983 I CALL TO ORDER \ Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast, Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Acting Deputy Clerk Headrick, P. Carr, J. Pittis, B. Jones, L.Glenn, M. Cleland, R. Orton, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell. Public Present: E. Tinkham, D. Price, D. Rudolph, H. Berglund, B. & S. Erickson, L. Ross, S. Fahnestock, R. Cockrill, G. Vanderziel, R. Levin, S. Hopper, B. Knebes, D. Wolfe. III MINUTES Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept the minutes of the February 15, 1983 meeting. Councilman Whidden and carried. and place on file as received The motion was seconded by IV CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Polhamus moved the Council accept the items listed under the Con- sent Agenda including: (1) request permission to call for transformer bids; (2) correspondence from the Washington State Liquor Control Board regarding the American Cancer Society special occasion license, and discontinuance of licensed operations by The Country Aire and Georgie's Pizza, and master license renewals for Safeway Stores; (3) vouchers of $242,568.42; and (4) payroll of $194,099.04. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk objected to the ad for Data Processing Supervisor being placed in two Seattle newspapersi one newspaper would have been sufficient. On call for the question, the motion carried. V FINANCE I. Petroleum Fuel Bids Councilman Quast moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Finance Director Orton and award the following fuel bids: (1) Oil Heat Company of Port Angeles (Chevron USA) for regular gasoline, premium unleaded gasoline, unleaded gasoline, automotive and heating diesel fuel, solvent, insulating oil, motor oil, and heavy duty gear oil; (2) Buckeye Gas, Inc., Sequim, for propane; and (3) Doyle Distributing Company (Texaco) for lubricating oil, DELO 400, Dextron II, hydraulic fluid and regular-duty gear oil. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. 2. Solid Waste Collection Bids During the February 15, 1983 meeting, the Council reviewed five bids from private contr~tors for collection of garbage and refuse. At ~his meeting, Councilman Quast moved the Council reject the five bids and retai_n the present system of garbage collection. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. "'V n c '- "'t'I.." ..... 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II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast, Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Acting Deputy Clerk Headrick, P. Carr, J. Pittis, B. Jones, L. Glenn, M. Cleland, R. Orton, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell. Public Present: E. Tinkham, D. Price, D. Rudolph, H. Berglund, B. & S. Erickson, L. Ross, S. Fahnestock, R. Cockrill, G. Vanderziel, R. Levin, S. Hopper, B. Knebes, D. Wolfe. III MINUTES 409 Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the February 15, 1983 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden and carried. IV CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Polhamus moved the Council accept the items listed under the Con- sent Agenda including: (1) request permission to call for transformer bids; (2) correspondence from the Washington State Liquor Control Board regarding the American Cancer Society special occasion license, and discontinuance of licensed operations by The Country Aire and Georgie's Pizza, and master license renewals for Safeway Stores; (3) vouchers of $242,568.42; and (4) payroll of $194,099.04. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk objected to the ad for Data Processing Supervisor being placed in two Seattle newspapers 1 one newspaper would have been sufficient. On call for the question, the motion carried. V FINANCE 1. Petroleum Fuel Bids Councilman Quast moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Finance Director Orton and award the following fuel bids: (1) Oil Heat Company of Port Angeles (Chevron USA) for regular gasoline, premium unleaded gasoline, unleaded gasoline, automotive and heating diesel fuel, solvent, insulating oil, motor oil, and heavy duty gear oil; (2) Buckeye Gas, Inc., Sequim, for propane; and (3) Doyle Distributing Company (Texaco) for lubricating oil, DELO 400, Dextron II, hydraulic fluid and regular-duty gear oil. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. 2. Solid Waste Collection Bids During the February 15, 1983 meeting, the Council reviewed five bids from private contr~tors for collection of garbage and refuse. At this meeting, Councilman Quast moved the Council reject the five bids and retaip the present system of garbage collection. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE N .~.... . -0 oK -,;..: -;. s< 3: M 1/)::; ~."I.. -g.-so CUQ>>"2CDD.~._ ~(l)"'fo...a z..e 8.'0.0. ~.~ ~~ E,;~ .~ go ~ c,? -6,- .U1 o~ ~ . U1~~ i:"_~M.E~UlOcp..c'!J ~~.,,-~g-;~::;M~ ;cQ. ~~>~~DO:iND2 c.::..o:r~Ql ~~::Nt'-~ c~ ~ ~ . c. ~~ OJ ~ u ~_'2 ~ ~ c ~ ~ E . ~ ] i .o.~ cO ~_ :€ ~ .E ~ ... S .E :5 $( ~ c.,~~. ''If N .e ~ 0; .. 1] - ~ g ..: :=t 8 ~"If .., lil r-- - CS.- 0..... U to .. N ~ "'C... .. I- N ...J 1I'l Z . ~ .~r:-;--:'~1-~.>Elbg-~~~~ g~ 55.rnvi.l:l~ m~'::~ ~c>~_~c.gca;;..o= ~-c"'" :.r:..~~~- .ww )( ~. "'C.g"'E 0 3 5 coO 0 ~ x u) ~f - ~ 0 ~ 0 OJ c( 4A- oo;.&"E ~~~-: \&. .~II")~ u.~ u~~ ~~'x ~ 3 ~ 0:; Q,~ ......-:b.~ ..o~ ~a~ ...; __ ea :I:iIt""f ~ 0 t' ~.:) l'r--- > t'" t' ~ u - None. ,~~ t ~~ > , .." ..c: ._ u.., f. ~ ~~ ,.. . ",,,, ~ W I.:~ I Q. <(." "'~ ~~ :::.~ oj", '" 410 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 1, 1983 ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA None. VII LEGISLATION l. Joint Planning Commission/City Council Meeting Councilman minutes of 23, 1983. Quast moved the Council accept and place on file as received the the joint Planning Commission/City Council meeting of February The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden and carried. ( 2. Presentation: Scott Hopper: "Stand Up" Mr. Scott Hopper, a representative from "Stand Up", a local pro-growth organization, addressed the Council to voice his concern about the poor economic condition of the' Port Angeles and Clallam County area. To start, Mr. Hopper pointed out that he was not associated with Northern Tier. How- ever, he did support Northern Tier's proposed pipeline project, as it would benefit the community in both taxes and employment opportunities. The area needs a broader base of economy, Mr. Hopper stated, other than just tourism which is handicapped by climate, the recent fish laws, etc. Mr. Hopper also felt that the Council would be doing the citizens of Port Angeles a disser- vice if they did not encourage some other methods of employment. Heavy and/or light industry could be one avenue to pursue. Mr. Hopper's presenta- tion also included comments on "Stand Up's" petition drive approximately one year ago for support of the Northern Tier project, the Chamber of Commerce membership decline and whether it was associated with Northern Tier, people leaving the area for jobs elsewhere, and the Council's role in economic growth of the community. The presentation concluded with Councilman Quast commenting that the Council was not "no-growth" oriented but rather repre- sented good growth and constructive growth. 3. Resolution: Lincoln Park User Fees Mayor Duncan introduced and read by title Resolution No. 5-83 entitled, Resolution No. 5-83 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, establishing fees for the use of Lincoln Park, and repealing Resolutions 14-79 and 9-81. Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Duncan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk questioned whether the rental on the Longhouse was adequate to maintain it and if the rate increase would reduce use of the Longhouse facility. Mr. Frizzell responded that there could be a decrease; the $9.00 per hour rate for the Longhouse is based upon recovering only the utility costs due to increases caused by rate adjustments this past year. The Council also questioned Mr. Frizzell in regard to the need to increase utilization of the Lincoln Park campsites by tourists. On call for the question, the motion passed unanimously. 4. Resolution: Ocean View Cemetery Fees Mayor Duncan introduced and read by title a proposed resolution which established fees and rates for services provided at Ocean View Cemetery. Councilman Hordyk moved to adopt the resolution as read by title. Council- man Whidden seconded the motion. During the discussion whic\1 followed, Councilman Quast concurred with the Park Review Committee recommendation to provide a 15% reduction in cemetery lots purchased by City residents, and stressed the need to avoid too much price competition witH' privately owned cemeteries, competition which could drive prices up. Councilmen Haguewood and Quast then questioned Parks Director Frizzell regarding the Cemetery Endowment Fund and the recommendation to charge City residents one fee and non-City residents a 15% higher rate. I I -I I I ,I 41.1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March I, 1983 Councilman Quast then moved the Council table this agenda item until addi- tional information is received and the Park Review Committee recommendations can be included in the proposed resolution. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried with Councilman Whidden voting "No". 5. Update of City's Self-Insurance and Health Programs Mr. Rob Orton, Director of Finance and Administrative Services, addressed the Council to update the City's self-insurance and health programs. Mr. Orton's presentation included a status report on 'each of the following programs: (A) Workmen's Compensation; (B) auto and general liability; and (C) employee benefits (health and welfare) . All three programs, Mr. Orton reported, are doing very well in terms of efficiency and savings. Worker's Compensation claims are down from approxi- mately $50,000 to $24,000 in 1982. In addition, the administration costs for auto and general liability are less than claims for the past two years. Employee benefits, the most expensive and volatile of the programs, is also doing very well. In the past eight months the claims outflow has been re- duced over 10% - possibly due to the health education and wellness activities which the City has been promoting. Another area of success is the City's health incentive plan which showed that 57 employees (l2%) earned some form of incentive bonus in 1982. In total, the City spent $248,000 for claims costs in 1982, and saved approximately $127,000 in one year by its decision to self-insure employee benefits. 6. Request to Purchase City Property: Priest During the February 1, 1983 meeting the Council agreed to take no action on Mr. Glen Priest's request to purchase five City lots to the west of the Bushwhacker Restaurant until the Real Estate Committee has had an opportunity to view the property in question. At this meeting, Councilman Quast reported that the Real Estate Committee had met with Manager Flodstrom and Mr. Priest's representative at the prop- erty site, and recommended the Council discuss the possibility of rezoning the property from PBP to Commercial. The other possibility, as pointed out by Councilman Hordyk, is to sell the property as presently zoned and allow the developer to rezone and develop it as he saw fit. The Council, Manager Flodstrom and staff discussed these two alternatives at length. During the discussion Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the sale of this property as is (zoned PBP). The motion died for lack of a second. The discussion then continued on whether the property should be rezoned by the City before it is sold, the public hearing requirements on a rezone, and whether Mr. Priest wants the property rezoned to commercial. The discussion concluded with Councilman Quast moving the Council refer this matter to the Planning Commission to establish a public hearing for consideration of a rezone of the entire area from PBP to Commercial. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". 7. Request to Lease City Right-Of-Way: Knebes The Council first considered this request at the February 15, 1983 regular meeting. At that time the Council referred Mr. Knebes' request to the Real Estate Committee for a recommendation, utilizing information on file from a previous applicant (Theodore Ripley) who also requested lease of an approxi- mate 16-foot wide piece of Peabody Street right-of-way for parking requirements of a proposed office. At this meeting Councilman Quast reported that the Real Estate Committee had agreed that the City sign the same agreement with Mr. Knebes that it in- tended to sign with the previous applicant, Mr. Ripley. The only question is the period of the lease agreement. Following a brief discussion with Mr. Knebes and staff, it was agreed that the lease of the right-of-way would be for a period of one year. Councilman Quast then moved the Council authorize Manager Flodstrom to enter into a lease agreement with Mr. William Knebes for lease of a l6-foot portion of the Peabody Street right-of-way abutting Lot 2, Block 34, Norman R. 412 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March l, 1983 Smith's Subdivision. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus. Dur- ing discussion on the motion, Mr. Knebes requested line 3 of that lease agreement be amended to include utilities as well as parking, as a sewer line may run from the house at 40l East Front Street and across the property in question. Councilman Quast agreed to amend his motion to include utilities as well as parking in the lease agreement. On call for the question, the motion passed unanimously. 8. I Repurchase of Ocean View Cemetery Lots A. D. Rhebeck Councilman Quast moved the Council authorize the buy-back of cemetery lot 15, Block "0", Section I from D. Rhebeck, in the amount of $40.00. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. B. Vern Sukert Councilman Quast moved the Council authorize the buy-back of cemetery Block 50, Section "K", from Vern Sukert in the amount of $165.00. motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden and carried. lot 3, The 9. Board and Commission AppointmentS/Reappointments A. Planning Commission Councilman Quast moved the Council appoint Mr. Todd Holm to the Planning Commission to replace Richard Wight, effective May I, 1983. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk pointed out that perhaps Mr. Holm should be appointed to Mr. Ranta's position which expires March l, 1983 since it is unknown whether Mr. Ranta wishes to be reappointed. Following a brief discussion concerning Mr. Ranta's plans, Councilman Quast moved to amend his motion to state that Mr. I Todd Holm be appointed to the Planning Commission to be seated in either Mr. Ranta's position if he decides not to be reappointed, or to Mr. Wight's position effective May 1, 1983 if Mr. Ranta is reappointed. During the discussion which followed, Manager Flodstrom advised the Council that Mr. Holm should be appointed to a vacancy, appointed to an uncompleted term, or appointed to a new term. Councilman Polhamus then commented that he felt that too much emphasis was being put on Mr. Ranta's position since Mr. Ranta is aware that his term has expired, yet he has not contacted Manager Flodstrom regarding reappointment. Councilman Quast concurred with Council- man Polhamus and suggested that Mr. Holm be appointed to Mr. Ranta' s position, and if Mr. Ranta wishes to be reappointed to the Planning Commis- sion, the Council can appoint him to Mr. Wight's position. Councilman Quast then withdrew his amended motion. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council appoint Todd Holm to the Planning Commission effective March 1, 1983 for a 6-year term, to fill the vacant position previously held by Mr. Ranta. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried with Councilman Whidden voting "No". Councilman Haguewood then noted that the Council is not denying Mr. Ranta a position on the Planning Commission and they will await his decision whether he wishes to serve or not. B. Board of Adjustment Councilman Quast moved the Council appoint Mr. Robert Hill to the Board of Adjustment effective March 1, 1983 for a 4-year term, to fill Mr. J. Clevenger's position which was vacated by the Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting uNolI. I C. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Councilman Whidden moved the Council reappoint Mr. Gordon Thomson to the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission effective March l, 1983 for a three-year term. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. I I 413 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 1, 1983 Councilman Haguewood moved the council appoint Mr. Don Hodges to the Park, Recreation and Beautification Commission effective March 1, 1983 for a three-year term. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried, with Councilman Whidden voting "no" and Councilman Hordyk abstain- ing. Mr. Hodges will be replacing John Ralston on the Commission. D. Senior Center Advisory Board Counci~an Polhamus moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Senior Center and reappoint Jane Grasti, Rev. Ted Mattie and Marie Senecal to the Senior Center Advisory Board effective March 1, 1983; appoint Marguerite Siewek to the Board, effective March 1, 1983, to fill a vacancy created by the death of Dewey McDonald; and appoint Mr. Bruce Clampett to the Board effective March l, 1983 to fill a new position being added to the Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden and carried. 10. Status Report on Utility Relief Fund Final details of the 1983 Utility Relief Fund project have just been finalized, Manager Flodstrom reported, with the help of the Community Action Council (CAC) and Operation Bootstrap. The project is included in the activities of Operation Bootstrap, with the CAC doing much of the accounting and administra- tive work involved in determining eligibility. Clallam County PUD has also joined with the City to work with the CAC and Operation Bootstrap to assist people who are in need of assistance with their utility bills. VIII LATE ITEMS I. Shoplifting Prevention workshop Manager Plodstrom informed the Council that a shoplifting prevention work- shop has been scheduled for local businesses on Friday, March 22, 1983 in the City Council Chambers. 2. Letter from Representative Al Swift Re: Workshop The Council has received a letter from Representative Al Swift announcing an EDC workshop March 5, 1983 at Peninsula College. The subject will be export trade and the status of trade relations with the Pacific Rim countries. Several high-level speakers and panelists are expected to attend. 3. EDC Tourism Committee Manager Plodstrom informed the Council that the EDC Tourism Committee will be holding a meeting March 23, 1983 in the County Commissioners' Meeting Room to discuss the proposed Convention Center with Cla11am County hotel/ motel/resort owners. 4. Breakfast invitation aboard the USCG Cutter MORGANTHEAU Manager Flodstrom announced that the USCG Cutter MORGANTHEAU will be stop- ping at Port Angeles March 9th following departure of Queen Elizabeth's yacht from Victoria. Captain Jim Shan ower has invited the Mayor and Council, along with other County, Port and EDC officials, aboard the MORGANTHEAU for a continental breakfast. I 5. Budgetary Reporting Form Manager Flodstrom handed out copies of the January report for the Current Expense Fund and a summary of all other funds within the City, and advised the Council that this form will be used for all budgetary reporting through- out the year. The Council will also be receiving printed copies of the 1983 Budget at the March l5, 1983 meeting. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Ms. Evelyn Tinkham addressed the Council to state that No Oilport!, Inc., has on file approximately l,200 signatures opposing the proposed oilport, and operates in the black. She also pointed out that tourism is up in the Olympic National Park, which does not always have good weather. 414 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 1, 1983 Councilman Gerberding questioned Light Director Cosens regarding the time schedule for submitting comments to the Northwest Power Planning Council's hearings on the draft energy plan. Councilman Hordyk asked Public Works Director pittis who presently has the recycling rights at the Landfill. Councilman Whidden and Public Works Director Pittis discussed uncovered I loads being taken to the Landfill and whether violators were being charged as per the ordinance. Noted that the February 24th meeting of the EDC Tourism Committee was very enjoyable and enlightening. Congratulated Todd Holm on his appointment to the Planning Commission. Mayor Duncan announced that Operation Bootstrap will be holding a community meeting on March 7th to report on the progress of that program. Councilman Quast thanked the officers of the Downtown Development Group, the Downtown Merchants I Association, the Downtown Parking Association, and Manager Flodstrom for bringing these organizations into one combined and organized body for the future improvement of the Downtown area. Thanked Building Inspector Bob Willson for his excellent report and processing of Olympic Memorial Hospital's building permit. Noted that the Fair Toll Coalition will be meeting on March 2nd and the Coalition has been asked to appear before the Senate Transportation Committee. He would like an endorsement from the council in case he is asked to testify before the Transportation Commission. Councilman Gerberding then moved that Councilman Quast represent the City Council before the Senate Transportation Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. Councilman Quast then expressed his concern that staff should have an endorsement from the Council regarding the use of service limiters. Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council authorize staff to proceed with the use of service limiters. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. Councilman Haguewood: Questioned Public Works Director Pitt is about the I status of the Laurel Street slide area. X ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. to an Executive Session. XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at 10:25 P.M. WPPSS ESCROW ACCOUNT Councilman Quast moved the Council, upon motion, remove the money deposited in the present Coleman court escrow account and deposit such funds in a separate local escrow account, including the penalty interest fee, prior to March 9, 1983. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden and carried. XII ADJOURNMENT Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 10:30 P.M. ~@.~ City Clerk ~~ k4._ I