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Port Angeles, Washington
March 1, 1994
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmembers Braun, Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown, Ostrowski, and Schueler [arrived at 6:40
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S.
Brodhun, B. Collins, L. Glenn, K. Godbey, B. Titus, B.
Coons, K. Ridout, T. Riepe, K. Maike, T. Smith, G.
Kenworthy, and Y. Ziomkowski.
Public Present: E. Tuttle, R. Beausoleil, D. Assumpcao, C. Hassell, R.
Brockett, G. Goldberg, B. Tiffany, L. Hansen-Carl, D.
Milligan, K. Smith, S. Schultz, T. German, S. Oliver, C.
Alexander and R. Mantooth.
ADJOURN'TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 6:01 p.m. to discuss a matter of
EXECUTIVE SESSION: potential litigation and labor negotiations for approximately one hour.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 6:55 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 7:02 p.m.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by the Camp Fire Group Adventure
ALLEGIANCE: Girls, JoAnn Frederickson, Leader. Participants included: A. Brach, J. Ruud, M.
Rushton, H. Deane, L. Osterberg, K. Fredrickson, and L. Fredrickson.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Ostrowsld moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of
MINUTES: February 14, 1994. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried by
a majority vote, with Councilmen Hulett and Schueler abstaining due to absence
from that meeting.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
February 15, 1994. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. Councilman
Schueler indicated there were errors on Pages 9 and 11, relating to the vote on
special agency contracts and the Golf Course Seminar. He remembered voting
against both of those issues. It was the general consensus of the Council that
Councilman Schueler had voted for the special agency contracts after his concerns
had been addressed; however, the minutes will be changed to reflect his vote against
the Golf Course Seminar. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Hulett attended a Visitor & Convention Bureau Board meeting where
COMMITTEE they voted not to merge with the EDC. He attended a Public Information Committee
REPORTS: meeting where articles to be placed in the City Newsletter were considered. He also
attended a Chamber of Commerce Board meeting, and the Parks Board meeting
which was a farewell to Jim Jones.
Councilmember MCKeown had nothing to report.
March 1, 1994
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Ostrowski attended a Peninsula Regional Transportation Organization
COMMITTEE meeting with Planning Director Collins. The RTPO is sending letters of
REPORTS: endorsement to the Honorable Bob Cart, U.S. Representative and Chairman of the
(Cont'd) U.S. House Appropriations Committee for the City's multi-modal transportation
project. Councilman Ostrowski also attended the Washington Coastal Corridor
steering committee meeting in Olympia, again with Director Collins.
Councilman Ostrowski informed the Council that an alternate was needed for the
RTPO. Councilman Doyle had expressed an interest in this as he serves as an
alternate on the Clallam Transit Board. Clerk Upton will notify the RTPO that a
new alternate has been selected.
Councilman Schueler met with the Principal of the High School to discuss
volunteerism, as there is a great need for more volunteers in Port Angeles: The
RSVP program needs volunteers and financial help, and he would like to see
Lutheran Social Services bid for the opporttmity to provide this service.
Councilman Doyle attended a Fire Station Design Committee meeting where they
discussed colors for the exterior of the station.
Councilman Braun attended the Fire Station Design Committee. He toured the new
Foss Tug at an open house, and attended a general meeting of the Clallam Transit
Mayor Sargent attended the EDC meeting where there was a presentation by a group
interested in promoting off-shore aquaculture as an industry. She also attended the
EDC Board meeting, and they voted to combine with the VCB. She was guest
speaker at the Daishowa awards and attended a Council on Aging meeting. Mayor
Sargent also attended Jerry Hendricks' retirement reception.
FINANCE: 1. Close-out of Showerhead Installation Contract
Showerhead Installation Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the City Light Department.
Councilmember McKeown moved to declare the Showerhead Contract with
Pacific Energy Systems complete and authorize the return of the performance
bond in the amount of $18,818.85 when the City has received the releases from
the State Departments of Revenue and Labor and Industries. Councilman
Hulett seconded the motion. Director Titus informed the Council that there was
a 92 % penetration rate for this program. The program was very successful and will
go a long way in saving money for the City and its citizens. A vote was taken on
the motion, which carried unanimously.
Second and Peabody 2. Final Acceptance of Second Street Bridge Replacement Project
Bridge Project
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Schueler moved to accept the project and authorize the final
payment of $10,367.50 to General Construction, $545.66 to retainage and release
of $6,910.75 from retainage upon receipt of clearances from the Department of
Revenue and Labor and Industries. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the
motion, A discussion followed, after which a vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: It was the general consensus of the Council that item g2, the City Pier Float, should
be a separate item.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: (1)
Request to call for bids for labor and materials to upgrade Peninsula College
electrical system; (3) payroll for February 13, 1994, of $346,539.04; and Voucher
list for February 25, 1994, of $734,208.71. Councilman Braun seconded the
motion. Councilman Doyle asked what the City was gaining by taking over for the ·
State on Item #1. City Light Director Titus explained that currently the college is
billed as a primary meter customer, which is the cheapest rate. With the system
upgrade, each building will be metered and the City will collect additional revenues
because they will be on a different rate, which is higher. After limited discussion,
a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Bid Award for Pier Item 2: Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Parks and
Float Replacement Recreation Department. City Attorney Knutson informed the Council of one
modification to staff's recommendation. There may be a potential problem with the
specifications contained in Section #5, the gangways from the pier to the floats, in
'2 '
March 1, 1994
CONSENT AGENDA: that the specifications may not adhere to the Building Code requirements. The
(Cont'd) Council was requested to allow staff to rehid the gangways if, in fact, it is
determined tl~o ~.a~problem meeting the Building Code requirements.
Councilman Ostrowsld moved to accept the bid from American Construction for
the Pier Float Replacement Project in the amount of $206,437, which includes
Washington State sales tax, and authorize the Mayor to execUte the construction
contract, with the proviso that, if necessary, staff is authorized to rebid
gangways in order for them to he built according to the Building Code.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion. After limited discussion, a vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
ITEMS FROM THE Ralph Brockett, 1773 O'Brien Road, asked for an amendment to the bicycle helmet
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ law to allow for a provision for medical exemption. Attorney Knutson stated that
STAFF TO BE there is proposed legislation before the State Legislature which has incorporated such
CONSIDERED OR a provision. The Council can opt to amend the current ordinance if so desired. If
PLACED ON A the State law passes, it may supersede the City ordinance. Therefore, it was the
FUTURE AGENDA: general consensus of the Council that if the law does not pass, the Council would be
willing to consider an amendment as proposed by Mr. Brockett.
Councilman Ostrowski requested that a Real Estate Committee meeting be held on
March 11, at 4:00 p.m.
Councilman Braun requested that a proposal for a law enforcement firearms range
be added to the agenda as Item E.7.
LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings
Umbrella Community CUP 94(01)02
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department, and
opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. Councilman Hulett noted that Mr. Warner
Balch, Jr., the appellant, was not present in the audience. Planning Director Collins
informed the Council that there was an irregularity in the posting of the public
notice, as the original posting was stolen. It was reposted; however, the date of the
public hearing was inadvertently changed to March 15, 1994, which may explain Mr.
Balch's absence. According to the City Attorney, the public hearing can be opened
and then continued.
Director Collins then gave a brief presentation on transitional versus safehomes and
the public hearing held by the Planning Commission on this issue.
Laurie Hansen-Carl, 2755 Towne Road, Sequim, Director of Umbrella Community
Services, requested that testimony be held until the next meeting as a courtesy to the
petitioners and as a more productive use of the Council's time.
Councilmember McKeown moved to continue the public hearing to March 15,
1994. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Zoning Code Amendment B. Ordinances Not Requiring a Public Hearing
_ Single-Family Districts, City-wide: Request to amend the Planned
Residential (PRD) Chapter of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and
Ordinance No. 1709, Zoning, as amended. (Continued from February 15,
Mayor Sargent stated that the Council has received word from the Planning
Department that there has been discussion of this issue between the applicant and the
Planning Department, and it has been agreed that a modification of the application
could clarify a point of disagreement. Accordingly, it has been suggested the matter
be referred back to the March 9, 1994, Planning Commission meeting to attempt to
accomplish the intent of the applicant. It is recommended that a new public hearing
be scheduled on this issue for March 15, 1994.
Councilman Braun moved to remand this issue back to the Planning Commission
for discussion at the March 9, 1994, meeting, and return it for public hearing
at the City Council meeting scheduled for March 15, 1994. Councilman
Schueler seconded the motion. After a brief discussion, a vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
March 1, 1994
LEGISLATION: 2. Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2758 to Correct a Minor Error
(Cont'd) (Columbia/Caroline)
Columbia/Caroline Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department, and
Alley Vacation - read the Ordinance by title, entitled
Ordinance No. 2799
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, amending Ordinance 2758, by
correcting a minor error.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Cemetery Fees - 3. Revised Cemetery Fees Schedule
Ordinance No. 2800
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Parks and Recreation
Department, and read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles revising
and establishing fees for certain services at
Ocean View Cemetery and amending Ordinance
2789 Section 15 and Section 3.70.020 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Doyle moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Councilman Braun stated that
he is not in favor of making it more expensive to die. Councilman Doyle inquired
into cemetery revenue. Director Brodhun stated that typically the Department is 60 %
- 70% subsidized from cemetery revenues and about 30% general fund subsidized.
He also noted that he and the City Manager were visited by the owner/operator of
Mount Angeles who suggested that the City needed to keep pace with current rates
and requested the City to do so as his competitor. A vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
C. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
Planning Commission D. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Minutes/Action Items
1. Planning Commission Minutes of February 16, 1994
Councilman Braun moved to accept the Planning Commission minutes of
February 16, 1994. Councilman Schueler seconded the motion, which carried
Director Collins stated that following the March 9 Planning Commission meeting,
a public hearing will be scheduled for March 15 on the Draft Comprehensive Plan.
1993 Year End Report E. Other Considerations
1. 1993 Year End Report
Using the overheard projector, Finance Director Godbey gave a presentation
explaining the different funds and the background of fund accounting. Each fund is
considered a separate entity, and the revenues and expenditures are not co-mingled.
She then explained how transactions are accounted for in the different funds. The
General Fund is unique because it has eight departments vying for shares of the
resources, and because it is reliant on taxes as a major source of revenue.
Councilman Schueler departed the meeting at approximately 8:30 p.m.
Director Godbey continued by reporting that the City stayed within budget for 1993
by .6 %. More revenues were collected than budgeted as sales, property and utility
taxes were all higher. Personnel and benefits account for approximately 70 % of the
general fund budget. Director Godbey stressed that this is a preliminary report, as
there are still adjustments to be made.
March 1, 1994
LEGISLATION: Compensated absences were explained, and a special fund will be set up to help
(Cont'd) defray the upcoming expenses of five City employees retiring.
1993 Year End Report Much of the Convention Center's tax base is encumbered in the form of debt. There
(Cont'd) are reduced funds available and it was suggested that capital improvement spending
be delayed to mid-year when hotel/motel tax revenues are higher.
Director Godbey reviewed special revenue 'funds, which include Real Estate Excise
Taxes. She noted that 100% of the revenue generated by the Real Estate Excise Tax
is encumbered for debt.
Funding for the Growth Management Act ends in July, unless the Legislature acts
to extend funding, which is not expected. Unfortunately, the Growth Management
Act will be in effect ad infinitum, and the City will sustain increased expenses in that
.. regard.
Director Godbey gave a brief overview of utilities, which are called proprietary
funds because they are self-supporting, and the accounting treatment is similar to that
found in businesses. The solid waste fund is self-supporting, generating enough
funds to be able to put away $400,000 per year to finance the $2 million needed in
1998 for the closure of the landfill.
Accounting Manager Ziomkowski then gave a presentation on the Investment
Review. The primary objectives of the investment policy are safety, liquidity and
rate of return. The.January portfolio is $8 million less than it was in June of 1993,
due to the cash flow requirements of the secondary treatment plant. After the bond
is issued, the fund should return to normal, which is approximately $20 million.
The economy is strengthening, bond yields will be rising, and the difference between
short and long term investments will decrease. Changes are monitored on a daily
basis, and changes in the portfolio are made accordingly.
The Council commended the staff for the wonderful job they are doing.
Break The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 9:02 p.m. At this time, the Council
viewed a video of Public Works infrastructure repairs. The meeting reconvened at
9:25 p.m.
Planning Grant for 2. Acceptance of Planning Grant for Multi-modal Transportation Center in
Multi-modal Downtown Area from Department of Community Development
Transportation Center
Mayor Sargent reviewed the'information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to authorize the City Manager to execute the
agreement with the Department of Community Development to accept
Community Economic Strategies Fund grant support towards implementation of
an Action Plan for the Port Angeles Multi-modal Transportation Center.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Multi-Modal 3. Port Angeles Multi-modal Transportation Center - Action Plan; Consultant
Transportation Center Section
Consultant Selection
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to authorize the Public Works Deparhnent to
negotiate an agreement with the firm of E. P. Hamilton and Associates, Inc. to
implement the Port Angeles Multi-modal Transportation Center - Action Plan.
Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. Tim Smith, the grant coordinator for this
project, explained the correlation to the Action Plan, and stated that the City is
matching the $24,000 with staff time of the three agencies involved,, i.e. Clallam
Transit, the Port and the City, as well as $10,000 in cash for the consultant.
City Manager Pomeranz explained the importance of this project to the community,
and he indicated his desire to meet with the Port Commissioners and the Executive
Director to assure their ongoing support of this project. This is a tremendous
opportunity to revitalize the downtown area. After limited discussion, a vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
March 1, 1994
LEGISLATION: 4. Agreement with Ranney Method Western Corporation to Flow Test the
(Cont'd) Ranney Well
Agreement with Ranney Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Method Western Corp. Councilman Braun asked how long it would take to complete the testing and if testing
would interfere with water pumping capabilities. Deputy Director Ridout responded
that there should be no interference, and the test should be complete in approximately
four weeks.
Councilman Doyle asked if the decline in production was a problem. Deputy
Director Ridout answered that it was only a problem during low flow time. After
further discussion, Councilman Braun moved to approve the agreement and
authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. Councilman Doyle seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Representative from City 5. Selection of Representative from City to Olympic Peninsula International
to Olympic Peninsula committee (Hyogo Friendship Day)
International Committee
Mayor Sargent provided the background information on this item. Friendship Day
is Saturday, March 12, 1994. Councilman Ostrowski volunteered to serve on this
Questionnaire for Clallam 6. Questionnaire for Clallam County Charter Review Commission
County Charter Review
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the City Manager, and
Manager Pomeranz urged the Council to vote in support of the request; he provided
further information on the content of the questionnaire and expense.
Councilmember McKeown moved to assist the Commission by placing the
questionnaire in the monthly utility bill, on the condition that any incurred
expense is billed to the Clallam County Charter Review Commission.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Residential Plumbing/ 7. Report on Test Project Combining Residential Plumbing/Sprinkler
Sprinkler Test Project
Councilman Braun reported that Chief Glenn has been working on a residential
sprinkler system which is being installed in a Port Angeles home. He requested that
Chief Glenn speak to the combination residential fire sprinkler itself, and the
residential plumbing project.
Chief Glenn reminded the Council that, in 1986, a residential sprinkler ordinance
was passed. Sprinklers are mandatory in apartments, but in single-family residences
they are used as an alternative.' The International City Manager's Association is
quite concerned about the cost of fire protection. They visited Port Angeles and
were quite impressed with the City's residential sprinkler program. Port Angeles
was chosen to try this new combination system where the plumbing system in a home
is incorporated with the sprinkler system, all one system installed by one contractor.
Thursday afternoon the system is going to be flowed. If Council can find the time
to view this, it is a very good way to reduce the cost of fire protection in the City.
The National Association of Home Builders is so impressed that they have requested
that a presentation be made by the City in Riverside, California as to the nature of
this program.
Firearms Range 8. Proposed Law Enforcement Firearms Range
Councilman Braun was 'contacted by Police Chief Ilk and Commander Tom Riepe
regarding the possibility of a law enforcement firearms range being built near the
landfill. Commander Riepe informed the Council that three years ago, the Police
Department learned of a program through the Corps of Engineers whereby the Corps
would build a modern firearms range at no cost to the local law enforcement entity
except for materials. In October, the City was contacted again and told the Corps
of Engineers was very interested in the area. The Police Department found an area
on the west side of the landfill that is isolated, logged, cleared and owned by the
Last week, the Corps of Engineers called and indicated they were ready to build the
range for the City. The Corps will do all the work, materials costs would be
minimal, and Customs and National Parks Service offered tentative commitments of
$4,000 each. The area is contiguous to the City, so the Police Department would
request that the Council annex the land to give Port Angeles jurisdiction over the
area. Having a range close to the City would eliminate problems officers have in
March 1, 1994
LEGISLATION: getting in enough practice to qualify. Discussion followed.
It was the general.Consensus of the Council that this was an excellent idea and should
Firearms Range be pursued.
Proposed Workshop on 9. Proposed Workshop on Growth Management.
Growth Management
Planning Director Collins reminded the Council that there had been a discussion of
a Growth Management Workshop prior to the March 15, 1994, public heating,
however, being that Council will not be taking any action on March 15, but will
primarily be listening to public opinion, he felt it would be helpful to hold the
workshop after March 15. There are five Tuesdays in March, which gives the
Council the choice of March 22 or March 29 to hold a work session. Mayor Sargent
suggested the date of March 29 for this purpose.
City Manager Pomeranz called the Council's attention to the new City Goals and
Objectives contained in the packet.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:08 p.m.