HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/02/1938 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 57~ " Maroh 2, 1938 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Rollcall fnowed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney Conniff and olerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved; Under the head of npplioations for B~ilding Permits the following were granted: I Kieth Neer, Remodel Home, Lot 5, Blk. 417, Townsite John C. Fey, Build Garage, Lots 19 & 20, Blk. 143, Townsite Fred Owens, Build Warehouse, Harbor area north of Lot 1, Blk. Fred Owens, Build House, Lot 4, Blk. 88, Townsite Victor Jones, Build Back Poroh, Lot I, Blk. 331, Townsite 500.00 100.00 1, Tidelands East 2500.00 4000.00 50.00 I Under the head of Reading and passage of Ordinances, the following Ordinanoe was read by title and placed on its second and third readings; AN ORDINANCE relating to, regulating and licensing the business of distributing and ex- hibiting for use and play oertain machine amusement devices and automatio musio playing machines; fixing lioense tees and prescribing penalties. It was moved by Commissioner tlenson that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of New Business,- Frances Dent having reported in writing that he had transferred his interest in the taxicab business of Franoes Dent and John Dent to J. W. Dent and requested that his interest in Lioense No. 4414 be transferred to the sald J..-W. Dent. There being no obJeotions the Commission instructed the City Clerk to make said transfer as requested. George ,i. Nobles having reported in writing that he had transferred his business, ~he Gate City Seoond Hand Store, to Sadie G. Rapp and requested that his Second hand Dealer's lioense No. 4280 be transferred to the said Sadie G. Rapp. There being no objections the Commission instructed the City Clerk to make said transfer as requested. Police Judge, Thos. Geisness, reported 74 cases tried and ~387.50 collected in fines for the month of ]'ebruary, 1938. Report ordered filed. I The Commission examined and allowed the follow~ng olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE r~D D. A. Masters_ Expense account 27.02 City Treasurer Stamped Envelppea 11.31 II II II II 7.44 . Engineer's Depar~ment Pay Roll 15.75 Pac Tel & Tel ~o. Service 5.54 R. L. Jones Special 1'olice 16.00 H. L. Banderob n II 112.00 1. \i. Groves Meals for Prisoners 20.30 Fire Department Pay Roll 78.00 Paris Motor "0. Repairs 4.72 Olympic Laundry Service 2.00 Pac Tel & Tel "0. 7.65 Packer-Scott Co. Suppli es 43.38 Port Angeles Evening News Advertising ~J 6.00 w. D. Morrissey Special Police '37' 16.00 Port Angeles Motors Repairs 4.25 CITY STREET FUND Harold Hibbs Plumbing & ~eating 1,;0. Materials 2.34 I Howard-Cooper Corp. Repair tarts 21.60 Harry Johnson Truck Hental 100.00 P. ll.. Concrete l'roduots IJo. Pipe 26.10 Howard-Cooper Corp. Grader Blades 58.00 H. ~. Swanson Co. Parts -,..1 102.50 Hoare & Headriok Repairs 39 t ...- 35.80 Charles R. Watts & Co. Signs 47.90 I \'IA TER FUN D Hooker Electroohemical 1,;0. Chlorine )& 3 ~;.- 14.89 Seattle Plumbing Supply "0. Pipe & Fi ttings 75.90 Paris Motor IJo. Truck Repairs 88.40 Pac Tel & Tel HO. Service 4,25 LIGHT FIJ1IlD City Treasurer Misc. Cash Payments 5.93 Automotive Parts Service llronps 17.95 Pac Tel & Tel Co. Service 43.60 Graham 'i/. Ralston Insurance 34.40 Thos. Guptill Signs 15.00 Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Materials 2.52 J. IJ. Breitlauch Drinking ~'ountain 54.77 S. H. White Expense Account 14.83 P. , Concrete 1'roducts Co. Light standard 40.80 .... ..oiIl r 574 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 2. 1938 193_ ..... l,.uick .t'rint James Hardware Co. Middleton Motor Parts co. Angeles Cooperative Creamery ~ity ~lectrio Co. General Electrio Supply ~orp. Byron W,l,nter Office ~orms Tools " Cups Repairs La!DPS & Clook Materials ,""" 33.(' ,.- LIBRARY FUND Pacific Tel! Tel ~o. Washington Bindery Wheeler PubUshlng (10. Paoker-Soott (;0. Seattle Area Counoil Universal Book Go. Union Library Ase'n Ppget Sound News Co. Servioe Binding Bcboks Janitor ~uppliee Book Books " "II, ,,;3 '7 :-- L.I.D. GENERAL FUND Ruth ;,;. ....eam La bor There being no fUrther business the Oommission then adjourned. ~~ 7?~ City Iilerk Mayor 29,07 7.39 7.75 :0.65 13.20 39.29 5.87 4.25 110.08 16.50 22.25 3.00 8.75 15.82 57.31 I I 12.50 I I I