HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/02/1949 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 525 ., March 2, 19~ "~. '._'..,,~n__,~...no __ l The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order bY' :Mayor Feeley. Roll call of ,Iof.ficers showed the following present I Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull I, land Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: . .d ,I Bunding Permits: :<'1, 100 - 1 Jack IlelCUzzi Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 5, 6lk. 266, Townsite I'Jack DelCUZzi Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 3, Blk. 338, Townsite Jack DelGuzzi Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 12, Blk. 3, Sub. of Lot 17 ,IF. C. Waldron Remodel & Add 2 Rooms to Present Dwelling; tot 18, Blk. 552, Townsite I Leo F. Williams Build Porch Onto Home; N2 Lots 9 and 10; Blk. 151, Townsite Raymond E. Conklin Remodel Present 3-Room House; Lot 19, Blk. 35, Townsite Raymond E. Conklin Remodel and Bathroom to Present; Lot 20, Blk. 55, Townsite , 33 I Licenses I /'f'fr- Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Occupational Tax License I 6,000.00 ' 6,000.00 II 6,000.00 1,000.00 600 .00 1,000.00 500.00 [, 1,449.55 ,Under the head of new business, a petition signed u.r Arthur Tobias and John Alder was presented, requesting vacation of that portion of Pine Street running from the Northerly boundary of Third Street, North to the I, ,Southerly boundary of Second Street. Mr. Tobias informed that pnked cars during early hours and discarding,; 'of bottles, etc., create a nuisance. The Commission was not in favor of a barricade, depriving the public 'I la parking place for scenic view. It was IOOved by Commissioner Taylor that the street be proP3rty posted ' 'and that the Police Department co-operate to enforce restrictions. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All f !voted Aye. Motion carried. I , I I,A recommendation by the Planning Commission was read before the Commission requesting that the Commission , I consider construction of a Police Station on North Laurel Street at the approximate cost of &80,000.00. The' , communication was filed for furthsr consideration until the next session. II " Larry Winters rsquested lease of City property on North Laurel Street, if not used for proposed Police Station. The property, if leased, would be used for U-Drive Car Service and Office for Scenic Tours. Mr. Winters was instructed tO'submit proposal for lease at the next session. I The report of Police Judge Phillips for February, showing $879.00 fines collected, was approved and ordered I' fiJ.ed. ,ICO:missioner Robinson moved that the Commission accept the oral resignation of B. W. Lean, and that J. J. ~MCLean assume the duties as Light Superintendent. Motion seconded by Mayer Feeley. All members voted Aye. I 'IMoUon carried. ' 'Ma~or Feeley announced the re-appointment of John Reiners to the Planning Commission. Also the appointment 'I 10f 17m. C. Adams to the Civil Service Commis sian to serve until November 1953. It wss moved by Commissioner I' I Robinson that the appointments be confirllEd. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. , " The Commission considered a petition by the Port of Port Angeles, re'luesting vacation of portions of Cherry ,I I' and Valley Streets from the North line of Front Street to the inner harbor line. On motion by Commissioner IRobinson, seconded by Mayor Feeley, legal steps will be taken for vacation of portions of streets as petitioned. I The report of a survey made by Fire Chie f Wolverton and Don Morrison of the Health Department was read I before the Connnission. The survey revealed the need for improvement to certain wildings end removal of I" others in the recently flooded area. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the report be accepted end I the Commission concur with recommendations, and order property vacated according to Ordinances governing. [, II C. E. Shields spoke before the Commission and suggested that Local Improvement Districts be established fori construction of permanent streets. Also cited cost of water healller controls and diesel plant which, in his, ') opinion, was unnscessary. COlllJ:lended Commissioner Robinson for change made in Light Department personnel I ( and suggested that Cumulative Reserve Fun:l be used for street improvement. Mayor Feeley informed that the I "Commission is considering Local Improvement Districts where advisable, and the Light Superintendent .1 explained how the water heater controls had saved both power and revenue. ,I I,' The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same I .3'133 7" '- ,CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: t Da vis Agency 'ICity Light Dept. Statewide Ci~ Emp. Retirement Fund ,City Street Dept. ICity Water Dept; Ci ~ Treasurer 'R. O. Ide Hazel's Cafe Peter J. Naughton, Sheriff Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Waitkus Supply Co. Port Tie and Lumber Co. Fitchard's Associated Service .4~ 'CITY STREET FlllID: /90 ..... ,'IFederal Pipe & Tank Co. City Water Dept. Antone Smith Grocery ,Wash. Co-op. Farmers Assn. '\Port Tie and Lumber Co. Automoti ve Parts Service 'WATER FUND: 119;7::FS Epperson & Sons Wesley Smith First National Bank City Street Dept. Bond Premium Rent Ba1. Due on 1949 Advance, Operating Expell3 e Gas and Oil Labor; One Mobile !ladio Unit St.Litas, Fire Hyd., Sts & Sew., L.W.G. Car Mileage for Fe b. Meals for Prisoners of Jefferson County Meals for Prisoner Parts and Repair Tubes Lumber Parts and Repairs SO.OO SO.OO ' 730.50 6.60 I, 554.90 'I 1,758.59 I 17.22 180.77 15.20 7.10 6.97 5.48 : 54.63 ; Pipe Pipe Bands, Valve, and Labor Salt 62 Burlap Sacks (Flood Control) Lumber Parts 112.27 27.50 19.47 7.15 20.40 5.69 Lumb er State Examiner's Sa.Lary & Expense Income Tax Withholding Gas and Oil 9.58, 455.40 , 57.80 1 73.99 , Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 2, continued, 19~ School Dist. No.7 Re-imbursement-Feb. Gas and Oil Eight, Water, Garbage Servic e 5288 ;;J,G'ffF'i Bepairs Stop Signs Gas and Oil IWATERWND. CONl'INUED: CitY' Light Dept. Hooks r Electrochemical Co. Willson Hardware Co. l'Little-Holm Tire Co. C.M.St.P. & P. Railroad Co. 1"- LIGHT FUND: :l, 3~ 'f - 'McMahan Fuel 11:0. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Truck & Equipment Co. ISchreiner Chevrolet Co. Richfield Oil Corp. ICity Street Dept. 'City Water Dept. Owens Bros. "Ferris Instrument Co. IGeneral Electric Co. SAlUTATION FUND: iYO ~r.. City Treasurer City Street Dept. Remington Rand, Inc. IIAutomotive Parts Service ,Earl Davidson i'i/!.f LIBRARY FUND: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. IFuller Brush Co. Librarian of Congress Olympic Stationers Lee Hodson Peninsula Electric CO. A.F. Regal i'Beckley-Cardy Co. I,The Caxton Printers, Ltd. 'Dou bleday & Co., Inc. J. K. Gill Co. of Wash., Inc. Imps rial Book Co. Jean Karr and Co. The Roemer House of Children's Books The New York Time s American Library Assn. I ,/1 'PARK FUND: if?- Recreation Revolving FUnd, City Street Dept. City Treasurer Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. IPARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL~"'UNDI 101 Garage Washington state Penitentiary City Street Dept. LIBRARY MEMORIAL FUND: ,:Puget Sound Jlews Co. 17 to 00 I'FIREMEJlIS PENSION FUNDI33 '- Clallam County Medical Service Corp. Rent and Lights Chlor ine l3a t teries Tire Repairs Frt. on Pips fuel Phone s Repairs Repairs, ate. Gasoline Lubrication Water Clamps Microvolter Deposit on Oil Barrels Water Gas and Oil Kardex Cards Gasket Car Mileage for f'ebruary Servic e 7244 Brush Printed Catalog Cards Office Supplies Postage Repairs Repairs on Clock Books Books Books Be oks Books Books Books Subscription Institutional Membership Books March Medical Fees--Firemen There beill8 no further wsiness, the session was then adjourned. ~~L.r (J Ci ty Clerk ..... Payro 11 ~4f/! d /'7- 28.03'1 33.93 I 17.29 6.231 557.30 ' , 55.171 54.461 3.49 13.261 ll1. 24 7.50, 92.051 6.18 431.37 1,530.00 1.601 115.72' 33.37 1.851 28.42 7.21' 4.27, 2.33 : 28.34' 3.00 5.411 8.76 6.33 7.76 7.85 30.161 37.35 14.20' 4.71 18.50 5.00: 88.00 10.45, 82.09 7.57 134.37 121. 92 8.30' I 17.40 35.00 Mayor I I I I I