HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/02/1961
ProGee~ings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
19 -.2L
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The City Councll met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield; Councilmen I
Richardson, Thome, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law.,
, It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that minutes of February 2nd and 16th be approved and placed on file. I'
I Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. ,1,1
I Under the head of unfinished business, bids for the purchase of property were received as folloWs: K. D. II
Bruseau, Lots 1,2,3, and 4, Block 357, $136.10 per lot. Glen Peters, Lots 1,2;3 and 4, Block 357, $135.00
per lot. Lots 11,12,13,14 and 15, Block 314, $130.00 per lot. It was movedW Councilman Caldwell that th~
offer by K. D. Bruseau of $136.10 each for Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 357, and the offer by Glen Peters of II
$130.00 each for Lot s 11, 12 , 13 i 14 and 15, Block 314, be. accepted. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and ca~ied.
Correspondence from Wm. C. Adams, Superintendent of Parks, advised that funds are provided in the 1961 I
Budgetof the Park Department for operating of the Recreation program and $500.00 is not available for use by ,
the Junior Badminton Club. Councilman Randall suggested that the City Attorney state opinion regarding the I
matter as he has consulted the State Auditor. Attaney Moffett repl1ed that he has InveStigated the Statutes
as to the question of rights of a Publ1c Utility to advertise, also consulted the Office of the Attorney General!
in charge of Municipal Corporations. Apparently It is not possible to cite any case from this state as there I'
Is none on this particular subject. It was the opinion of the Attorney General that such an expenditure would
amount to an outright grant and this is prohibited by State "Constitution. Referring to the Light Department
sponsoring the Babe Ruth baseball league, Mr. Moffett expressed the opinion that it is within the power of the
Council to make the decision and another person W) uld have to show where It is wrong. As a straight donatiqn
is not encompassed in advertising, his opinion Is, if the City wants to help the Badminton Club, It must be Ii
included in the budget and It does not appear in the current budget. '"
Discussion was resumed on location of a site for Municipal Swimming Pool. It was moved by Councilman
Richardson that the Manager be authorized to proceed with investigation of proposed sites and tests for soil I
structure. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried.
The Council receIVed request for transfer assignment of contract sub-lease on Trac,t No.3, Ediz Hook Light-I
house Reserve, from Standard Shingle Company to the purchaser, Standard Forrest Products, Ine. It was
moved by Councilman Thorne that the sub~ lease transfer be approved subject to approval by the United States
Government. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. . ~" I
Under the head of new busines s, request was received from the Llqht Department for wage adjustment for five
classifications. The Council not having had time for proper study, due consideration will be given the reque~t
and action taken prior to April 1 st. , '~
Minutes of the February 21st Ii1eetln~ of the Planning Commission were read in which were discussed request by
McDonald Funeral Home for rezoning their property from second class residence to first class business. II
Violet Hurlong for vacation of the alley between 3rd and 4th, Peabody and Vine, and Vine Street from alley Ii
3rd and 4th to alley 4th and 5th. Also look over area East of Race and South of Eighth Streets for possible I'
rezoning. Nothing definite having been submitted, it was moved by Councilman Randall that the Council I
; postpone any action until the Planning Commission makes recommendations on the items. Seconded by Coundil-
man Richardson and carried. I]
i The Council discus sed the pos sibili:ty of creating an off-street parking lot on property west of the Pollee I,
Station. No action w111 be taken until further study. lJ
Walter Akeley Post No. 29, American Legion, requested inwriting, permission to use Block 3, Tidelands Wesf
of Laurel Street, May 1st throuqhr May 6th, 1961, for location of the Annual Carnival as sponsored by them.;
I It was moved by Councilman Richardson that permission be granted. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood
and carrletl.
Departmental reports were approved as follows: City Treasurer's Financial report. Budget reports of Receipts.
It was moved by Councilman Thorne that reports be apprOved and placed on file. Seconded by Counciiman '1
Richardson and carried.
Claims for payment were approved in amounts of: General Punds, $11,732.51. Water Fund, $6,130.54.
Pipeline Fund, $2B.99. Light Fund, $64,203.07. It was moved by Councilman Randall that all claims be
allowed and paid. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that Payrolls in total amount of $55,B56.63 be approved for February. ,
Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. i
II Other claims were lrl Atkinson, $200.00 and Mark and Mabel Washburn, $225.00, for pipellne easements. I
II It was moved by Councilman Randall that charges for easements be paid 0 Seconded by Councilman Haguewooti
I' and carried. [,
~ It was moved by counc, ilman RiChardSO,n that the purcha, s,e price of $5,500.00 be paid to Agatha Mac Fayden ['
II for an area adjacent to the Morse Creek gravel pit. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Randall that the Manager be authorized to p\lblish call for bids to furnish the Str et
Department oretruck chasis and cab 0 Seconded by Councilman ThOrne and carried. I
The Council received correspondence from Attorney G. B. Chamberltri referring to an Ordinance granting a
franchise to McMahan Fuel, Inc. as being an exact duplicate of an Ordinance granting a franchise to Natural I'
Gas Transml13sion Company. Council acknowledged receipt of the same and action will be taken after further
I study. r Ii
~ '.
Procee~ings of t~e Gity Gornrnission of t~e Gity of Port Angeles, Was~ington
Attorney Moffett informed that he has received a letter from Attorney General John J. O'Connell stating that
his explanation of Council's awarding bid to the next to lowest bidder for transformer sub-stations is satis-
factory and the account is considered closed.
It was moved by Councilman Richardson that a communication from the Woodlawn Investment Company regardi, g
rezoning of Grandview Heights Subdivision be referred to the Planning Commission. Seconded by Councilman I
I Caldwell and carried.
I Larry Winters, operator of Fireproof Parking Garage, appeared before the Council and filed protest against the
I City creating a parking area West of the Pollee Station. which in his opinion will interfere with private
I enterprise.
I' No other business appearing. the meeting was declared adJourned.
9rOR ·
N~<<?r~c:f ~~F~~~\t~~v~~~111l~_1
'~:llE'd hids will toe received by the I
Clt}. :\Iannger o[ t.he City of Pon j
.\n~~le"', "T~!'hjngton. ImtJl 7:0(} P.M. :
April 6, 19tH, at which tIme they I
will be opened and pul)ll('ly re~d
~~~~~ ~hcthi~sl~]~a3g~n~i' ~~~g ~~~.
KY A owner furnlshcd unIt $ubstnr
",," ': (i...molitlol1 of one exlstin~ re-
Inforced concrete building: aemoll
lion or Olle concrete block building
""11 [,f'flaln Tlo1e line work relating
to the f;ub-statlon Insla1!:llloll!;.
BidS may be mailed or (leUvered
.0CI.... of POrt Angeles, offlc8 of
the City Manager, Port Angele!;,
'Ya"hir'J!ton, to arrh"e not later than
7'00 o'e1oct. P. ).L, PST, April 6,
~~~l;,]tIJTblt'LAhTlb~C d}a~~Om~~~Q
INVITATION No.- 837.02".
Plans and speclfk.ations may be f
exa.mined at the office of the City'
Manager. Pm't Angelcf;,. 'Ya.~blngton.
NO'r.lCE OF CALL FOR BIDS or !LL thfl office of the Consulting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ~~~~]~~: A~~l~:;~~S J~!..t~l~altll''v~~rl~'
~~~edM~~;g~n~f bih~QCC:~~d ~tp' p~~i ingtOTl. Plans nnd f.lpecjflca.t1~ms may"
Angeles, Washington, until 7 00 pm. be purchas.cd at $5,00 per set. No'
AprH 6, 11l61, a.t which time they ~;~~r;lct\.'r;~lnsl)C made for plans and
will be opene~ and publicly reM Bidr> must' be aceompn.nI(jd b~' a
~~~~~ ~I;e t~~ll~~rn~o~~~~. e~~s~i:;lll I f;J~I~~e~n cJ\e;~tr~o:t ~~e t~~mpr~~~l~
l-New .;9Gl, 'l"ruc:k - Cab n.ud Ob&s~ pa.ya.lJle to lhe City Trerumrer of the
~D~~~ ~~~. H~V~.ra.~~~hee~ CI~leOr. 6~;t ~~~~~~7' reserves the
::i~~ 2- a~8tl r;::a O~l:'~ ~~:: ~~~l~tnnt~) t;'~~j~c~I~~1/~;0~IT1~:~~. in
tha.n 15,000 lbs. Tlre.g 6 . 8.25XOO . 'M. W. SLANKARD
lrJ ply - o.ne spa.re wheel. Hea.vy City Manll~er
~~~u~8.~~'Zte~ ~~~u:~~~e 1 .pub~~'.l~
ULnk. Dual Swipe,; - Windshield
Wll4lhCT8. l"rll"sh Air Hoo.ter 6nd :Do-
frostflr. Dire-ct1onaJ Signals. Cab to
be Bed hi. Color. .
Bidder shall sta.te date of dc:llvery
FOB Port Angeles. Onp. 19.62 L-160
.llllc'rll:i.lilJnal C.lh ,mil Cha~sl~ t.o be
r'llh'(1 in on the new Cfl.b an[l Cl1aFJ-
s1s. Bids may be mailed to' the City
J.lannger, 146 \Vest Front Street, Port
Angoll:'s, 'Vfishlngton, to firMvo not
JUt(H' tlwn "i ,00 ()'clocl( P. 1\1., Apl'1l
Hidr mUt;1 be accOmpanied by a
"id ho~d or ~crtiflcd ehcel{ for tho
sum of not less than 5% of the
Tlrop()Olfll, llaynblc: to the City of P()rt
An~elel3. \Vaf<hill~ton.
The City Council of the City of
Purl Ang-cle~, rel>en'es the right to
~e[~t'p1. or nlject HIl~' bid and is lIot
bmmd to aocept the low hlrl
City Manager
P{lblishedL~I~ch 2 and J~~l~(il~_
, NOTJ~ 01' OALL 1'011. BIDS
( :.xO'l'ICB lS HEHEBY GIVEN that
!'~e:ded bids will bo received by the
City of Port Angeles, \VMhington
n.t the office of the City :M~cr.
111[1 West Front Street, until 7:3(1
o'clock P. M., March IG, 19G1. for
the confltrucUOTl of a rest room
{ac!Ht" at Lincoln Park
J~lalit< and sJJt'I~ifkll.tllln8 RT8 on
Ill.. which ma~r 11l~ secured trom the
Park Superintend(:nt upon request.
AJl bids w!1l he opened In regula.r
~sslon held in the Council Cham-
bers of the PoI1ce D('partment a.t
the lime and on the date noted
The-elt)' C()uncll rcscn'es the ri~ht
to accept or reject any or a.ll bids
and Is not bound to accept the low
bid if in thell- opinion a higher bid
II> best suited for the City.
CIty Manager
Puulished: Man:-:h 2 and !t, 1961.
, Ii