HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/02/1967 320 Proceeoings of the City Commission of tne City of Port Angeles, Wasnington March 2, 19-.R L. III H PRINTlI'IQ 01;0. P'Z4i"" ~ Willson, counCil-I Acting Clerk ,A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried that the Council II",' , inutes of February 16, 1967 be accepted as received and placed on file. . I ! i The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor , en Maxfield, Thorne, Cornell, Wolfe, Bettger and Schroeder, Manager Herrman, and Thompson. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried to accept the bid of Anderson Ford in the amount of $1,580.00 net to the City for a service truck for the Water Department, if it meets with the approval of the City Manager and the department purchasing it. ~ motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and carried, to approve ipeabody Heights Pump Station Pay Estimate No.4 to Del Guzzi Construction, Inc. in the amount of $553.08. j A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carrie~ that claims in the amount of $119,308.03; payroll transfers in the amount of $39,113.45; Interdepartmental trans- Ifers in the amount of $6,388.32; and Budget Transfers in the amount of $25,324.44 be approved for payment as submitted. 'A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried to authorize the signing of the Power Sales Contract #14-03-5758, between the Department of Interior, acting by and through the Bonneville Power Administrator and the City of Port Angeles, Washington. This contract revision was proposed because additional power was being sold by the City of Port Angeles and Bon- neville Power Administration to Crown Zellerbach and Rayonier, Inc. A motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to refund $11.00 for Dance License #354 and Registration Certificate #488 purchased January 24, 1967 by Chris Leighton for "The Pudget Sound" group,who were forced to cancel their dance. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to approve the transfer of liquor license from Julia Rose Masters-Silver Dollar Tavern- to Jack Dean Laub. A letter from the Citizens Advisory Committee regarding a senior center was discussed with no ac- Ition taken. ,A petition from church leaders and a letter from the Chief of Police requesting that Sunday teenage' ~ances not be allowed was introduced. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, sesonded by Council- man Cornell and carried, that the request for Sunday dancing be denied. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, that the Li- Ibrary Board minutes of February 23, 1967 be,accepted as read and placed on file. IA motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to accept and place on file the petition from the church groups and refer the recommendation by them to change Sec. 9.14, Regulation D of Ordinance 1510, to read "No dancing at any teenage dance shall be per- Imitted after the hour of 12:00 midnight or on Sunday" to the City Attorney for advisement. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to approve and place on file the Park Board Minutes of February 23, 1967. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carrie~ to concur with th recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the request for a variance asking for partial relief from off-street parking requirements, Audett Block, by Del Guzzi Construction, Inc. 'A motion was made by Councilamn Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to not concurl with the Planning Commission and deny the variance for the operation of a real estate office be- tween 4th and 5th Streets on the east side of Race Street by Gerald Staudenraus. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, to approve and ',Place on file the Planning Commission minutes of February 21, 1967. I' IThe Fire District and City Communications Network Report and Recreation out-of-town report were read and discussed. Ilunder other business, the incinerator problem on East 1st Street was discussed and the Fire Chief, I IAttorney and City Manager were asked to report suggestions for control at the next Council meeting; lithe Clallam County Art League will be allo>led to use the City Center Park for an art show; and the City Manager reported the remodeling of office space at Civic Field for Operation Grass Roots is completed. A motion was made by Councilman Maxficld, seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried, to call for bids for cable with the understanding that the bids be available sometime in April and with the provision for a second choice in cable. ,Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. NOTICE or OALL FOR BIDS :NOTJCIi: IS HEnEBY GIV:r::X that ,bio!; will I)~ rCC~I\'l'll by the City, 'Mnnag~r. City of Port Ang:f']pl<, U1:tll (;;001',)'1., Mftr('ll:l. 1(1(,;. ~llUl will iJ. puhllcl)' oplCned llll,l rl.':l.d ll.)' t!le ell,r COUll('i1 fit 7:30 1'.1\t. the s:-e.mc cJaL[' for tlw lltltC'llfll'lc of: Un!.' ncw 1~)67 Van-trl\.de.tn HIe:: ChC\Tolet: Pflnt'1. BWd(>l" l'o.h:lll huomlt with hid the rellUII'l'd df'llver}[ time, [, 6';. Did del'o~il, certlflell check or bond. nnd a ~'I;(!L....t1 e~~nlfl{':ll,' !ltatlng thilt the !_bidUI"l', if flu(!('('ssflll, wHI met:l ~Pl> ci1'!c:ltlolll' wlthall! t'xceptklll. I sJ)(:dnC:ltillll~ mllY be! obtain~(l j:lt rthc- uffl!'!' of the ell)' :\-[iumgcr. t Tht.' COllncli l'('lIL'I""'l:>l lhl: rl~ht,to l,aCCC)lt ot' reject !lny 01' all 1.m1" ISUI,mlth'~O:-;AJ~D n. lIETITIi\L\:-; City :\lnllflj;:t'l' 'rubllshc!l.: "Feb. lC _and ~~ 1_%,~ cl~:~:toThrlf:i~~~J"G~~~~ ,I sepFlrato hids wHI be rec('ivc(1 up to '!i:OO p.m, April 6. HIli'; l.Jy the City ManagET of the (''it)" of Port Ang{'l. es HO "'m;t Front Street, on the' foilowin/r l!lw~tril:al conductors: PREFE:B.1t.En 1-6,000 feO't o-f 3 con.. dlurtor direct buria.l cn.ble, GOO i, volt, slllta.ble for multiple street lighting. 2-'No, 6 (lU, a.ud 1- No. 10 Neutta.l or 3--%io, G cU, i 'With 1 phase (londucto-r and neu- tl'al marked. Cable C<'.::l be jack- <'tell, h1.plexetl or rl'bboD type.' ALTERNATE saDIe as above but a.1tun:int:m. No. 4 BiddE'r .!'hn11 f.;.ubmlt -wllh bid till' required delivery tiIlle, :L 1i% bid dCP08it or 1Wlld, and a s'~nr-d certl- flea.te Strt.t\I1g that the bll1rlcl', if fJ'J.('ce;;sftll, will mept. the sper:if1cu- tlo-ns and fJt.ntc dcln-.cry time with- out exc<,ptlol1. The Port Angc!('!'I City Conncll wlll r('\'iew l,jd;l In r(:gu!~r sessIon ;It 7;::0 p,rn" .'\prll 6, ]9li7. D:'lte of lie- liv;:.!"')' be[l'Ift v{'r',l 1mllOrtant to tlle Clty. the COllnri! may .('lW!lrd the ~(]II. I trrU'j to t1le blcldcr with tl"lo (,~l"desq I j~'li~~1~i;i~.\t.O,%lJr~~.I(~C~lot~~Rtp~~)6e hi,~ ~ lowest llrlce hiddcr, Tho Connell fllrthpl' n'~cn'es th.! right tG acc('pt. or Tf'Jcct 111\\' or all hid>: pubmitteCt. no>iAT.D D, Hgnp.~IA" Clt\' )1:!nngcr Pllbll:o;hc[l, :\I:t.rC"h [t and lli, 1%7. I I I I II \