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Port Angeles, Washington
March 2, 1993
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 6:02 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Hallett, Councilmen Braun, Nicholson, and
Ostrowski, Councilwoman Sargent, and Councilmen
Wight and Schueler.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, L. Glenn, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B. Titus,
D. Moroz, J. Abram, T. German, and M. Campbell.
Public Present: B. Hazelton, L. Beil, S. Allen, S. Taylor, and C.
Interview Applicants for Interview Applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board
Law Enforcement
Advisory Board The members of the City Council interviewed candidates for the Law Enforcement
Advisory Board, as follows: Dennis Wilcox, Leonard Beil, Margaret Lawrence,
Beverly Nagel, and Don Dundon.
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 7:11 p.m.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Pam Boroughs' and Debra Yount's
ALLEGIANCE: Camp Fire Group. Members present: Kelly Tmdeau, Jennifer Shouton, Jackie
Kane, Krystal McConnell, Kylie Hafer, Vanessa Black, Brittany Young, Tiffany
Boroughs, Katie Sanderson, Katie Shouton, Erin Kane, Amanda Morganroth, Kelsea
Young, Danielle Boroughs, Stephanie Holcomb, and Amanda Boyd.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Wight moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: February 16, 1993. Councilman Schueler seconded the motion. Councilwoman
Sargent referenced the bottom of Page 4, Rezone Request, and noted her reason "to
see this land used for high density residential purposes" was that there is adequate
light industrial zoning adjacent to the area in question. Mayor Hallett agreed this
was his reason as well. On Page 10, Serenity House, Councilwoman Sargent asked
that the phrase, "It was suggested" be changed to read "Councilwoman Sargent
suggested...". A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously.
CEREMONIAL 1. Presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whidden
PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Hallett explained that during the renovation of the Vern Burton Community
Center, Chuck and Marilyn Whidden offered to donate to the City a dishwasher, a
Presentation to Mr. & stainless steel counter with hand-washing sink, and a steam oven for the kitchen area
Mrs. Charles Whidden of the Community Center, resulting in substantial cost-savings to the City and adding
substantial value to the facility. He then read the Certificate of Appreciation and
presented it to Charles Whidden. The Mayor noted a plaque will be placed in the
kitchen so users of the facility will be made aware of the donation. Councilwoman
Sargent indicated that, as a result of this donation, the City will have the finest
kitchen in the City.
Presentation of 1926 Fire 2. Presentation of 1926 Fire Truck to City of Port Angeles from Dr. Harlan P.
Truck to City McNutt and presentation of appreciation to Dr. McNutt from the City
Mayor Hallett provided the Council and audience with the history of the 1926
March 2, 1993
CEREMONIAL American LaFrance Fire Track, acquired by Dr. McNutt a number of years ago
MATTERS/ when the truck was retired from service. Mayor Hallett then read the Certificate of
PROCLAMATIONS: Appreciation and introduced Dr. McNutt, Fire Chief Glenn, Assistant Chief
(Cont'd) Campbell and other members of the Fire Department. Fire Chief Glenn provided
further background on the engine, and Dr. McNutt shared some history of prior
Presentation of 1926 Fire motorized fire equipment in Port Angeles and the arrival of the 1926 Engine. With
Truck to City (Cont'd) funds borrowed from the Light Department, the City paid $1 per pound for the
Councilman Wight moved to graciously accept the gift from Dr. McNutt of the
antique fire truck, subject to the conditions set forth in the Conditional Gift
Agreement. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Following brief discussion,
the motion carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilwoman Sargent reported on her attendance at the AWC Legislative
COMMITTEE Conference, February 24 and 25. She noted this to be the most critical year in the
REPORTS: Legislature for several decades. Further, there are 42 new legislators and a new
Governor. Councilwoman Sargent then reported on the various bills and the major
priorities of the AWC. She distributed a summary sheet to the Council members on
these legislative issues and noted that those bills not out of Committee by tomorrow
will be considered dead.
Councilwoman Sargent reported on attending the State Council Committee on Aging,
the main focus of which is directed toward long-term care and attempting to
eliminate some of the nursing home beds.
Councilman Schueler reported on attending the Health Advisory Committee which
is identifying the area's health problems on which emphasis should be placed in the
Councilman Wight reported on the special meeting of the Real Estate Committee and
asked to report in detail at the end of the scheduled agenda.
Councilman Ostrowski announced he has been appointed by the RTPO Committee
to the Highway 101 Coastal Corridor Steering Committee. Federal funds have been
obtained for the planning process to determine goals and objectives - how to preserve
the scenic, historic, natural, and economic resources. There will be a large meeting
in Port Angeles early this fall for the Tri-State Coastal Corridor Commission.
Councilman Braun reported on his attendance at the Real Estate Committee meeting
and the CFP Committee meeting.
Mayor Hallett reported on several groups with which he has visited.
FINANCE: Bids for 8th Street Bridge repair
8th Street Bridge Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public Works
Repair on the bids received for the 8th Street Bridge repair. Councilman Ostrowsld moved
to accept the low bid of General Construction Co. in the amount of $14,957.25
and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. Councilwoman Sargent seconded
the motion. Following brief discussion, the vote was taken and the motion
carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Nicholson moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: (1)
Authorization request for schooling costs exceeding $750 for meterman to attend
Relay School at Washington State University; (2) Disposal of surplus self-contained
breathing apparatus units and surplus scoreboard; (3) Call for bids on water and
street material; (4) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board;
(5) Voucher list of February 26, 1993, of $940,465.52; and (6) Payroll of February
14, 1993, of $324,012.93. Councilman Schueler seconded the motion. Following
brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
ITEMS FROM THE Lorraine Ross inquired as to whether the City Council will conduct a public heating
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ on the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Director Collins responded the action taken
STAFF TO BE by the Planning Commission on the Comprehensive Plan will be reflected in the
CONSIDERED OR minutes of February 24; he anticipates the matter coming before the Council in the
PLACED ON A form of a public hearing on April 6.
March 2, 1993
ITEMS FROM THE Public Works Director Pittis requested that the matter of the purchase of a 10-yard
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ dump track off the State bid be added to the agenda.
CONSIDERED OR Manager Pomeranz announced that Robert Linkletter and Robert Nixon were present
PLACED ON A this evening to present a model of the new Fire Station.
(Cont'd) Planning Director Collins reported the County Boundary Review Board met last
evening and approved the Andrew/Rockford annexation. If the Council is allowed
to act on the minutes of that meeting, that item will be brought forward in ordinance
form at the March 16th meeting.
Councilwoman Sargent asked to add an item to the agenda to review the County's
proposal for the Urban Growth Area.
Councilman Wight asked to add real estate issues to the agenda, as well as a brief
discussion on the letter from Mr. Alexander on youth involvement.
Rob Linkletter addressed the Council and presented to the City a model of the Fire
Station which will go out for bid about the end of April. He then introduced Bob
Nixon and Mary Ellen Winboume of Mathune Associates. The model was donated
to the City for display at City Hall.
LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings
B. Ordinances not Requiring Public Hearings
C. Resolutions Requiring Public Comment
Setting Public Heating D. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
for Street Vacation -
Resolution No. 11-93 1. Resolution setting public hearingfor consideration of vacation of City right-
of-way - RICHMOND - 13/14 alley west of Pine Street
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and
read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a hearing date for a petition to
vacate a portion of the 13/14 alley west
of Pine Street, Port Angeles, Washington.
Planning Director Collins corrected the location of the alley proposed for vacation
as being east of Pine Street, not west.
Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution, as amended. Councilman
Nicholson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman Braun moved to forward the matter to the Planning Commission for
consideration at its April 14th meeting. Councilman Wight seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Personnel Policies 2. Amendment to Policies and Procedures Manual revising vehicle allowance
and Procedures -
Resolution No. 12-93 Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney concerning
the need to update the vehicle allowance. He then read the Resolution by title,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
March 2, 1993
LEGISLATION: City of Port Angeles, Washington,
(Cont'd) amending the City Personnel Policy and
Procedure Manual for City Employees.
Personnel Policies
and Procedures- Councilman Ostrowski moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Resolution No. 12-93 Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion. Brief discussion followed, and Mayor
(Cont'd) Hallett asked the City Manager, during the budget process, to review such issues as
mileage, vehicle use and personal vehicle use. A vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Planning Commission E. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Minutes/Action Items
1. Planning Commission minutes of January 27, 1993
Councilman Nichoison moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the
Planning Commission meeting of January 27, 1993. Councilwoman Sargent
seconded the motion. Councilman Wight asked for further information concerning
the Planning Commission's consideration of the use of a heatings officer. Planning
Director Collins indicated the Commission did not wish to eliminate the most current
planning issues from its docket and, therefore, concluded not to pursue the concept.
Director Collins reviewed the staff input to the process, which included the concern
that Planning Commissioners are being lost because so much time and effort is
required of Commission members. Councilman Wight indicated the possibility of
a heatings officer is one which has been considered periodically in the past; he
indicated the matter should be revisited on a regular basis as, in his opinion, the day
will come when the City will be forced to utilize a hearings officer. Further,
Councilman Nicholson pointed out that the Planning Commission has three new
members, and he suggested to Director Collins that it may be worthwhile to
reintroduce the subject for consideration in approximately six months. A vote was
then taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
2. Planning Commission minutes of Special Meeting of February 17, 1993
Councilman Nicholson moved to accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of the special meeting of February 17, 1993. Councilman
Braun seconded the motion. Councilman Schueler suggested that future Planning
Commission minutes reflect the public present at the meeting, to which Director
Collins agreed. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Bicycle Helmet F. Other Considerations
1. Bicycle Helmet Legislation
Councilman Schueler noted he introduced this subject to the City Council for
consideration a few months ago. Although there is proposed legislation at the State
level to mandate bicycle helmets, other municipalities have instituted their own
ordinances. He invited Dr. Clancy and Susan Allen to address the Council at this
time, as well as other interested parties in the audience. Councilwoman Sargent
distributed a summary of the pending State bill regarding bicycle helmets.
Dr. Mike Clancy, 507 Vashon Street, addressed the Council as a family physician
interested in seeing an ordinance adopted to require anyone riding a bicycle to wear
a helmet. He cited various statistics on unhelmeted bicycle riders, and indicated
there are a great number of youth deaths and head injuries because helmets are not -
worn. Dr. Clancy noted that, in Clallam County over the past ten years, there have
been at least twenty-two hospitalizations and four deaths attributed to bicycle
accidents. During 1990 and 1991, Port Angeles had the highest bicycle/car collision
accident rate in the State of Washington. Dr. Clancy reviewed cost factors in
delivering health care due to bicycle accidents. He urged the Council to adopt an
ordinance requiting the use of bicycle helmets.
Discussion followed and Councilwoman Sargent inquired as to whether Dr. Clancy
felt a local requirement would still be needed in the event the State legislation passes.
Dr. Clancy felt a local regulation would not be needed if there is State regulation
and, in his opinion, State regulations would be even better. The Council then gave
consideration as to how such an ordinance could be enforced. Mayor Hallett raised
a question as to whether passage of a local regulation would be pre-empted by State
legislation. Attorney Knutson suggested it may be preferable to draft language
similar to that in the State legislation in order to avoid pre-emption.
March 2, 1993
LEGISLATION: Susan Allen, ~i~l:', 1205 S~th Cedar, indicated many citizens are in favor of
(Cont'd) requiring the use of bicycle helmets. She felt the possibility of the proposed State
legislation coming out of committee as being slim. Because there is concern as to
Bicycle Helmet the cost of helmets, she cited coupons for discounted helmets being made available
Legislation by Harborview Medical Center. In addition, Ms. Allen felt it important to have a
(Cont'd) grace period in the legislation in order to provide an opportunity for education in the
schools and the public arena. She expressed support for requiring the use of
Chuck Whidden, a member of various biking clubs, indicated the majority of bikers
wear helmets at this time. There are various biking programs which have set out to
educate the public on the need to wear helmets. Many of these same programs also
contribute money to assist low income citizens in purchasing helmets. He felt an
ordinance would be positive, but noted the need for lead time in order to conduct
u~timl and to establish a fqn. diog meqhanism,to ~sist the l/9.w' income~,^ _.
which supports the passage of such an ordinance. He read specific endorsements
given to him.~ Councilman Schueler moved to direct staff to prepare an
ordinance for consideration. Councilman Wight seconded the motion. In the
ensuing discussion, Councilman Nicholson expressed the need to address a means by
which citizens can be assisted financially in the acquisition of helmets. Further,
Councilman Braun asked that a grace period be included for purposes of education.
Councilwoman Sargent expressed concern about enforcement. Councilman Wight
suggested the County be contacted to see if it would be willing to institute similar
legislation at the same time. Additionally, he felt that if the passage of such
legislation serves as a deterrent, then the net result would be positive. Mayor Hallett
summarized the discussion by indicating the Council could review a proposed
ordinance, make adjustments, and then set a date for a public hearing. A vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Hallett recessed the meeting for a break at 9:05 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 9:19 p.m.
1993 Special Agency 2. 1993 Special Agency Contracts
Councilman Nicholson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the special agency
contracts as listed in the memo from the City Clerk. Councilman Ostrowski
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Amend Excise Tax 3. Amend Excise Tax Return - Moss-Adams Contract
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Finance Director.
Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the contract to
amend the excise tax returns for 1989 through 1992 with the firm of Moss-
Adams. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion. City Manager Pomeranz
learned of the possibility of obtaining a refund on overpaid utility excise taxes at an
AWC meeting. Manager Pomeranz indicated Moss-Adams would be of assistance
in assuring the City's future compliance. A vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
County Proposal 4. County Proposal for UG~I
for UGA
- Councilwoman Sargent indicated this item was added to the agenda as a result of a
letter from the County. A counter-proposal, if desired, is due within a week.
Planning Director Collins exhibited a new map setting forth the County's
recommendations and noted the recommmadations as not being substantially different
from the City's position or reasoning. Director Collins reviewed the details of the
recommendations. Councilman Wight moved to submit to the County the
following recommendations: (1) A line 1000 feet east of Dry Creek between
Edgewood Dr. and Highway 101, using the physical boundary of the Dry Creek
stream corridor and ensuring that there is not a divided jurisdiction for this
critical area; (2) Per County proposal in the Melton Road area south of Highway
101 and east of Reddick Road; (3) Per County proposal along the southern UGA
line between Mt. Angeles Road and Mt. Pleasant Road; and (4) A line along the
west rim of Morse Creek Canyon south of the BPA transmission lines and then
east along the southern boundary of the Four Seasons Park subdivision to the
east rim of Morse Creek Canyon and then north along the east rim of Morse
Creek Canyon to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, along the old railroad right-of-way
March 2, 1993
LEGISLATION: north of Highway 101. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion. During the
(Cont'd) discussion that followed, Public Works Director Pittis requested the western
boundary be extended beyond the Landfill area to incorporate property recently
County Proposal acquired, some of which falls outside the City limits. He indicated this would be
for UGA (Cont'd) important to landfill planning. Therefore, Councilman Wight amended his motion
to include a line at the east rim of Dry Creek Ravine from the Strait of Juan de
Fuca south to the City limits in the northwest corner of the UGA. Councilman
Nicholson concurred with the amendment. Councilman Braun expressed concern
with the boundary being extended in the Morse Creek area due in a large part to
poor road conditions. He expressed a preference for the line to remain as originally
proposed. The vote was taken and the motion carried 6 - 1, with Councilman
Braun voting in opposition.
The time being past 10:00 p.m., Councilman Nicholson moved to continue the _
agenda. Councilman Braun seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Grant Contract 5. Grant Contract with IAC for Pier Float replacement
with IAC
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Department of Parks and
Recreation. Councilman Nicholson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the
grant agreement with the IAC for Pier Float replacement. Councilwoman
Sargent seconded the motion. Director Brodhun was commended for his efforts in
obtaining this grant funding. The vote was taken and the motion carried
CDBG Housing 6. CDBG Housing Rehabilitation program
Program Manager Pomeranz provided information regarding the recent application for
funding. He was pleased to announce the DCD's approval of the City's request for
a $500,000 grant. The grant has three major elements: (I) home rehabilitation for
individuals who own rental properties rented to individuals of low or moderate
income, to a total of 18 units; (2) home rehabilitation for 12 units for structures
owned and occupied by individuals of low and moderate income; and (3) assistance
for 250 or more people for emergency repairs in the form of a grant; while the first
two elements are for low-interest loans. Manager Pomeranz noted it will be
necessary to arrange for someone to administer this grant.
County-wide Solid 7. County-wide solid waste plan
Waste Plan
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public
Works. There was some discussion about the proposed meeting on Monday, March
8th, between 3 and 5 p.m., conflicting with the scheduled UAC meeting. It was
agreed to proceed with the UAC meeting at 4:30 p.m. with the hope those attending
the County meeting can join the UAC in short order. Further, because there will be
a quorum of Council members present at the UAC meeting, a special meeting notice
will be published. It was agreed that Councilmen Wight, Schueler and Braun would
attend the County meeting.
2020 Vision 8. 2020 Vision corporate visit to Japan
Corporate Visit to
Japan Mayor Hallett reviewed the information concerning the proposed corporate visit to
Japan. It has been requested that the Mayor represent the City on this visit. -
Councilwoman Sargent urged caution in expenditures outside the approved budget.
The Council spent time and money in addressing its economic future when the 2020
Vision program was developed. The Council recognized strategies and designated
responsibility to the EDC, along with an approved increase in funding. Therefore,
Councilwoman Sargent moved to support the EDC's President, Bill Hermann,
as the City's representative on the trip to Japan. Councilman Ostrowski
seconded the motion. Considerable discussion followed, and Councilman Schueler
suggested there was a need for more information from the Port. He noted the results
of such a trip would be intangible. He agreed the City needs to look at the Pacific
Rim in relation to the City's economic future. He urged the Council to look at this
issue further before endorsing the EDC as the City's representative. Further, he felt
there is sufficient time available so the City does not have to make an immediate
decision, u
Councilman Ostrowski noted this is an unbudgeted expense and it should be
~ Councilman Schueler noted that the
presence of elected officials, and
~- p. articularly the Mayor of the visit-
lng community, is important to the
to the Japanese and adds credibility to the contact.
March 2, 1993
LEGISLATION: considered a major item. He felt the Council is also charged with the responsibility
(Cont'd) of appropriately budgeting for expenses. Councilman Wight had hoped someone
from the Port would attend this meeting in order to provide much needed
2020 Vision information. He noted the individuals who would likely take the trip, with the main
Corporate Visit to thrust being industrial contacts. Perhaps the City's strategy for an export industry
Japan (Cont'd) should be tourism, and he doesn't view this group as doing anything which would
garner tourism to the area. It may, however, serve to have contacts made which
may be of assistance in the future. He noted the lack of a State sanction for the trip.
Additionally, Councilman Wight inquired as to whether the EDC would be willing
to help finance a City representative to participate, with City funds designated for the
EDC. He expressed his desire to not vote on this issue at this time, pending the
gathering of needed information.
Councilman Nicholson expressed concern that to not send a City representative may
be perceived by the Japanese people as an insult. Therefore, Councilman Nicholson
moved to table this matter to the March 16th meeting in order to obtain
additional information as to what will be gained, why the City needs to spend
$6,000-$7,000 to send the Mayor rather than have the EDC represent the City.
Councilman Schueler seconded the motion. The vote on the motion to table was
taken and resulted in a 3 - 3 vote, with Councilman Braun abstaining. Mayor
Hallett asked for clarification as to the status of an abstention in determining the
outcome of the vote. During the ensuing discussion, Councilman Nicholson
changed his "aye" vote to a "nay"; therefore, the motion to table failed.
With regard to the original motion, Councilwoman Sargent clarified that it was her
intention to have the EDC represent the City Council. In the ensuing discussion, it
was noted that someone from the Port had been invited to attend this meeting but had
declined. Manager Pomeranz indicated he felt he could get Jerry Hendricks to attend
the next meeting if that was the Council's wish. Councilman Braun noted that it is
important to the Japanese for the Mayor to represent the City. The bottom line is
to send the appropriate representative who, in his opinion, would be the Mayor. On
call for the question on the motion to support the EDC as the City's
representative, a vote was taken and the motion failed for lack of a majority
Councilman Wight moved to place the issue on the agenda for the next meeting.
Councilman Schueler seconded. Councilman Wight said he wanted someone from
the Port to talk to the Council about the issue and would appreciate a staff
recommendation on the issue. Manager Pomeranz emphasized that, when he invited
someone from the Port to attend this meeting, the Port expressed the opinion that this
is a City decision. The trip is not sponsored by the Port, but rather is a joint effort.
Following additional discussion, the vote was taken and the motion carried, with
Councilman Nicholson voting "no".
Purchase 10-yard 9. Purchase lO-yard dump truck from State Bid
dump truck
Public Works Director Pittis explained the need for action tonight on this matter, as
the price is good for only two weeks. Action on this matter will result in a savings
of $20,000 over the estimated cost for the unit. The request is to use the State bid
for the 10-yard dump truck and bid out the dump body to fit on the truck and
chassis. This is a budgeted item. Councilman Ostrowski moved to authorize the
Public Works Department to proceed with the bid for the dump body and to
purchase the cab and chassis via the State bid. Councilman Braun seconded the
motion which carried unanimously.
Letter from Mr. I0. Letter from Mr. Alexander
There was some discussion about a letter received from Carl Alexander regarding
youth involvement in some of the boards, etc. It was agreed to have this matter
placed on an April agenda.
Real Estate Issues I1. Real Estate Issues
Councilman Wight reported that the Real Estate Committee, in association with the
Assistant City Attorney and Ken Ridout, Property Manager, had a meeting with Jerry
Austin and Jack Glaubert regarding the property east of the Red Lion Inn. The
property owners have offered to sell the property to the City for $200,000. The
meeting resulted in veiled threats about lack of access to the property by one of the
property owners. Councilman Wight asked if efforts to acquire the property should
March 2, 1993
LEGISLATION: be pursued further by the Real Estate Committee. Following additional discussion,
(Cont'd) it was determined that this matter should be discussed in executive session at the
meeting of March 16th.
Real Estate Issues
(Cont'd) Councilman Wight was approached by members of the Kiwanis Club about the
possibility of purchasing some City-owned lots. For the past number of years, the
Kiwanis Club, in conjunction with School District//121, has purchased residential
lots with the students in the High School constructing a residence on the lot; the
Kiwanis Club markets the house and spends the money for community good works.
The Club is having increasing difficulties in acquiring such properties, as there do
not seem to be any available, affordable, RS-7 or RS-9 lots. He would like to
explore this further with the Property Manager; the Council agreed.
Councilwoman Sargent asked if anyone from the City would be attending the _
Enhanced 9-1-1 meeting in Poulsbo on March 19th at the Poulsbo Headquarters Fire
Station. She offered the letter to Police Chief Ilk.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. The meeting was reopened at 10:55 p.m. to
adjourn to an executive session to discuss a matter of potential litigation for
approximately 10 minutes. The meeting returned to open session at 11:05 p.m., at
which time the regular meeting was adjourned.