HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/02/1999 3920 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 2, 1999 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 5:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Ibarra, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B. Coons, C. Bruneau, Rick Crabb, S. Dryke, L. Haehnlen, C. Hagar, K. Haugstad, T. McCabe, G. McLain, B. Oliver, T. O'Neill, K. Ridout, and T. Smith. Public Present: L. Lee. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Camp Fire Group Kipiniit. L. ALLEGIANCE: McFadden and H. Hiimaliiinen, leaders. Those participating included J. Adams, K. Newgard, K. Barnes, and S. McFadden. CEREMONIAL 1. Recognition of City Employees with "0-1 "Day Sick Leave Usage in 1998 MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: Manager Ibarra stated that 18 employees had used one day or less of sick leave in 1998; he praised their dependability. Manager Ibarra read off their names and each received 1998 Sick Leave Incentive a Superior Performance Award check for $100 from his Department Head. Awards Proclamation Recognizing 2. Proclamation Recognizing March 1999, as Port Angeles Business & Industry Business & Industry Appreciation Month Appreciation Month Mayor Braun read a proclamation proclaiming March 1999 as Port Angeles Business and Industry appreciation month. WORK SESSION: Interview Applicants for Civil Service Commission Interview Applicants - The Council interviewed Carl Gay and Jim MacDonald for the vacancy on the Port Civil Service Commission Angeles Civil Service Commission. LATE ITEMS TO BE None. PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: FINANCE: None. -1- 392~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 2, 1999 CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Campbell moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) City Council minutes - February 16 and 20, 1999; 2) Out-of-State travel request - Deputy Director of Utility Services. Couneilmember MeKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL Councilman Campbell stated the Lower Elwha Tribe and the City have reached COMMITTEE agreement on the retention of Triangle Associates to serve as coordinator and facilitator REPORTS: for the Elwha/Morse Creek Watershed Planning Outreach Program. The estimated cost of the Program is $25,000, which the City and Tribe will share equally. These funds Elwha/Morse Creek will come from the WRIA 18 grant program. Councilman Campbell asked Director Watershed Planning Collins for detail on the Outreach Program, which he provided. Brief discussion Outreach Program followed, and Director Collins responded to'questions. County - Y2K Planning Councilman Williams attended a Y2K meeting at the County. A lot of preparation is taking place, and the word is getting out. Councilman Williams asked Chief Becket to report on the Y2K meeting which was held at City Hall on the same day. Chief Becket gave a brief review of the City's meeting, which he felt went very well. Manager Ibarra stated that, as soon as the City's emergency preparedness contingency plan is better developed, a presentation will be made to the Council. Councilman Williams pointed out that the City has published brochures on emergency preparedness, which include a Y2K checklist. These are available at the City Hall front counter, and Manager Ibarra explained they would be mailed out in the utility bills. Councilman Campbell stated these brochures generated a lot of interest at the Home Show as well. Public Health Meeting Councilman Wiggins attended a Public Health meeting where the problem of teen pregnancies was discussed. A suggestion will be advanced to the Board of Health to enlist the services of a male educator to discuss this issue with younger boys. Article Re. Death Rates Also discussed was the article in the Pelfimula Daily News and the Wall Street Journal in Port Angeles regarding the death rates in Port Angeles. The Committee discussed this issue with Dr. Tom Locke, the Clallam County Public Health Officer, and felt there was no validity to the report, as the statistics were misrepresented. Dr. Locke will attempt to have a commentary printed in the newspaper which will explain this point; however, the damage is probably already done. Councilman Wiggins suggested Economic Development Director Smith draft a letter to the newspaper on this issue. Mayor's Attendance at Mayor Braun attended the reception for members of City Boards and Commissions, the Various Functions & School District's Multi-Ethnic Committee meeting, and a School District meeting on Meetings the proposed bond issue. Mayor Braun, along with Councilman Campbell, Manager Ibarra and EDC Director Smith, had a working lunch with Mr. VanOgle, Manager of K-Ply. Mayor Braun, along with several other Council members, spent time manning the City's Home Show booth. Status of Eighth Street At Mayor Braun's request, Director Pittis gave an update on the paving of Eighth Street. Paving Project Director Pittis stated approval from the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (DCTED) has been received. The City has a loan to design Eighth Street, and this will occur in 1999. Staffwill then apply for any grants or loans available for construction. The earliest construction will begin is the year 2000. Director Pittis explained what actions the City will take to keep traffic flowing on 8th Street until reconstruction Occurs. Madrona Tree Mayor Braun asked Councilman Doyle for an update on the large madrona located on Eighth Street. Councilman Doyle stated the Real Estate Committee has not reached a conclusion as yet, but will keep the Council informed. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. -2- 3922 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 2, 1999 Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. Other Considerations 1999 Contract with PADA 1. 1999 Contract with Port Angeles Downtown Association Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Economic Development Director and asked Director Smith for additional input. Director Smith stated 1998 was a banner year for community and downtown revitalization efforts, and he reviewed the projects that had been undertaken. As a result of the community's efforts, private sector involvement and interest has come to the downtown project. The Downtown Forward Executive Committee, under the guidance of Councilmember McKeown, and the City's partnership with the Downtown Association has caused the momentum to occur. Mr. Smith reviewed the history of Downtown Forward and introduced Arla Holzschuh, Main Street Director, and Eileen Knight, President of the Downtown Association. Mr. Smith stated the Downtown Association worked with Manager Ibarra and himself to develop a contract scenario, which Mr. Smith reviewed and explained. Discussion followed, and Mr. Smith responded to questions and provided additional clarification. Mr. Smith noted that what's happening in downtown Port Angeles is not going unnoticed around the State. Other Main Street programs have noted the progress being made in the face of a difficult local economy. Port Angeles is extremely competitive, and the hard work being done in the living room of the community shows and is being recognized. Ada Holzschuh, Executive Director, Port Angeles Downtown Association, 105 1/2 East First Street, provided brief background information on the Main Street Program and explained why it works well for Port Angeles. Eileen Knight, 672 Strait View Drive, added her support and felt her most recent term with the Board of the Downtown Association has been very fruitful and exciting. She stated the partnering process has been very effective for the downtown, City and Port. Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with the Port Angeles Downtown Association. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Braun noted there were several Rotarians present; therefore, he moved Item I. 4 up on the agenda. License Agreement with 4. License Agreement with Rotary for Mural Project at Fountain Rotary Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Parks and Recreation Department and asked Director Brodhun for additional input, which he provided. Wayne Roedell, 3356 East Hwy. 101, Port Angeles, told of how a town in Canada had no tourists in 1980, but in 1997 they had 450,000 tourists because of 33 murals that had been painted since 1982. Murals can become a vehicle that attracts the tour companies. Mr. Roedell went on to describe how many tour buses visit that particular area on the average. Discussion followed, and Mr. Roedell responded to questions directed by the Council. At Council's request, Mr. Roedell displayed a sketch of the proposed mural. Jim Hess, 606 South Alder Street, spoke in support of the mural project and stated copies of the mural are being prepared to sell in order to raise capital for future murals. -3- 3923 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 2, 1999 License Agreement with Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the License Rotary (Cont'd) Agreement with Nor'Wester Rotary allowing for installation of a mural. Couneilmember MeKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 1999 Contract with 2. 1999 Contract with Chamber of Commerce~North Olympic Peninsula Visitor Chamber and VCB and Convention Bureau Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Economic Development Director. Director Smith provided additional information and responded to questions directed by the Council. Councilman Doyle moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and North Olympic Peninsula Visitors and Convention Bureau. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Appointment to Civil Mayor Braun stated Carl Gay and Jim MacDonald had been interviewed earlier for this Service Commission position. He asked Clerk Upton to conduct a roll call vote, and Councilmembers Wiggins, McKeown and Campbell cast votes for Carl Gay-and Mayor Braun and Councilmembers Williams, Hulett, and Doyle cast votes for Jim MacDonald. Therefore, Jim MacDonald was appointed to fill the vacancy on the Civil Service Commission for the period, March 1, 1999 - March 1, 2003. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. OTHER: INFORMATION: Manager Ibarra gave an update on a grant program in which the City hopes to participate to help fund a pipeline from Big Boy Pond to a storm drainage area. At Big Boy Pond Manager Ibarra's request, Director Brodhun gave a report on the Little League Baseball program. Director Brodhun stated the Little League skills testing will be held in other locations due to the flooding at Lincoln Park. Little League volunteers have been working hard to create a drainage way from Big Boy Pond to the logged area at Steven's Play Field. From there it will be pumped to a storm drainage system. Staff believes the fields can be ready by the beginning of the play season. Deer Park Scenic Gateway Manager Ibarra reminded the Council of its discussion of this issue during the budget Grant process. The grant received from this project was less than hoped for; therefore, an additional $70,000 is needed to complete the project. The City is being asked for an additional $10,000. Discussion followed. Councilman Campbell felt this project had cOme a long way, and he supported the contribution of additional funds. Councilman Doyle agreed with Councilman Campbell and asked if other agencies are also being asked to contribute proportionately. Director Smith reviewed which agencies were being asked for additional contributions and described what this project is attempting to accomplish. Mayor Braun agreed with Counciimembers Campbell and Doyle and felt this project would be an enhancement to the City. Further discussion followed, and Mr. Smith responded to questions and provided additional clarification. Councilman Williams suggested a mailing to the Peninsula Trails Coalition for funds. Mr. Smith agreed that this was a good idea which he would pursue. Councilman Wiggins stressed the importance of this project; however, he agreed with a comment made by Councilman Hulett that the City should not be responsible for maintenance of the Gateway. Councilman Wiggins moved to approve funding an -4- 3924 Clnr~ COUNCIL ~O March 2, 1999 Deer Park Scenic Gateway additional $10,000 to .the Deer Park Scenic Gateway Project. Councilman Grant (Cont'd) Campbell secOnded the'motion. Following further limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Purchase of Supplies Manager Ibarra reviewed the information provided, and Council agreed that staff should proceed as normal. Storm Damage Manager Ibarra reviewed the process to be declared eligible for State emergency funding. Cherry Street has been repaired by City crews and was opened today. At Manager Ibarra's request, Director Pittis gave an update on the repair to the industrial waterline. Nuisance Ordinance Manager Ibarra noted and explained several changes made to the ordinance based on comments received during and after the last Council meeting. If Council has no further changes it wishes to make, this item will be placed on the next agenda. Councilman Doyle noted an error in the packet in that the weed height should be changed from 8" to 12". Search for New Public Manager Ibarra reviewed the information provided and stated he and Bob Coons, Works & Utility Director Human Resources Manager, would be meeting with Fred Pabst of the Waldron Co. to review his report on the candidates. Life Insurance Costs Manager Ibarra reviewed the information on the City's life insurance plan for employees. The average cost is $108 per year. National League of Cities Manager Ibarra, along with Councilmembers, Campbell, Doyle and Wiggins, will attend Conference the National League of Cities Conference in Washington, D.C. from March 5 through March 9, 1999. He proposed that Craig Knutson be placed in responsible charge during his absence. Retirement Manager Ibarra annotmced that Ken Woods, Communications Officer/Dispatcher, will retire as of March 7, 1999. Street Program Manager Ibarra stated a committee meeting was held earlier this evening. This is an ad hoc committee comprised of Councilmembers, Doyle, Hulett, and Williams. Director Pittis and staff presented a map and assessments of the streets. At this time, attention is being focused on "C" Street from Eighth to Boulevard and Race Street from Front to Boulevard Streets. These streets will be resurfaced, and chip sealing will be done on 16th and 18~ Streets. Staff recommends proceeding with preparing bid specifications and present bids to Council. A presentation of the five-year program will take place in the future. The Committee also discussed the publicity of this program. Articles will be prepared for the City Report regarding Eighth Street and the annual street maintenance program. Manager Ibarra briefly discussed revenues for the street program. He felt this had been a very good meeting, and staffhad done an excellent job in preparing the information. Discussion followed, and Councilman Wiggins and Mayor Braun expressed concern over local alleys, as there are many in poor repair due to the track traffic on them. Manager Ibarra stated he couldn't recall if alleys were discussed by Council during the goal setting session, but he would check on this and report back. Councilman Wiggins stressed roads and alleys should be examined together. Mayor Braun suggested prioritizing. Director Pittis stated the alleys sometimes have more problems than the roadways. Alley surveys have begun, and staff can do an analysis of them. This information can be brought to Council in the future. Further discussion ensued, and Councilman Doyle reminded staff that in the past, alleys were paid for through LIDs. -5- 3925 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 2, 1999 Joint Meeting with Port Manager Ibarra reminded the Council there is a joint meeting with the Port Commissioners Commissioners on March 15, 1999, at 4:30 p.m. in the Vern Burton Center. He asked Council to inform him of anything it wished to add to that agenda. Mayor Braun stated he would be unavailable to attend the meeting with the Port, but would be at the regular Council meeting of March 16, 1999. Mayor Braun reminded the Council it had been invited to the opening of the Port's new multi-tenant industrial building on Monday, March 8, 1999, at 2:00 p.m. Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m. ADJOURN TO Mayor Braun adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 7:55 p.m. for EXECUTIVE SESSION: approximately ten minutes to discuss labor negotiations. RETURN TO The meeting returned to Open Session at 8:05 p.m. OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. B~liX t.xtJ, lit~n, City Clerk ~ Oary Biaun, I~; - Carol h. Hagar, Deputy -6-