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Port Angeles, Washington
March 2, 2004
CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
REGULAR MEETING: order at 6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Deputy Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Erickson, Munro,
Pittis, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent: Mayor Headrick.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Dickson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y.
Ziornkowski, and T. Pierce.
Public Present: R. Peterson, J. & A. Brewer, B. & J. Harbick, B. Frederick,
C. Smith, R. Gotham, and W. Barrett. All others present in
the audience failed to sign the roster.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Ann Brewer.
PUBLIC CEREMONIES, 1. Proclamation in Recognition of Jim Mattern, Metal Sculpture Artist's'
PRESENTATIONS AND Donations to the City of Port Angeles:
Deputy Mayor Braun read and presented a proclamation to Jim Mattem, recognizing
Recognition ofJimMattern his contributions of metal art sculptures to the City. Mr. Mattem expressed his
for Donation of Sculptures appreciation for the recognition, thanking the City for the opportunity to participate in
to City the Art on the Town project.
Recognition of March as 2. Proclamation in Recognition of March as Red Cross Month:
Red Cross Month
Deputy Mayor Braun read a proclamation declaring the month of March as Red Cross
Month. The proclamation was gratefully accepted by Phyllis Darling, Executive
Director, who then introduced Lloyd Eiseman, Red Cross Board member.
Chamber of Commerce 3. Quarterly Chamber of Commerce Report by Russ Veenema, Executive
Quarterly Report Director:
Russ Veenema, Chamber of Commerce ExecutiveDirector, submitted a status report
on tourism activities. He distributed copies of a spreadsheet comparing 2003 and 2004
year-to-date statistics concerning various facets of tourism. Mr. Veenema reported that
room tax revenues were down somewhat, sales tax had increased, occupancies for
January were poor due to bad weather, and February occupancies were close to 2003.
In addition, he advised the Council that web site visits had increased by 10,000 visits,
and the door count at the Visitor's Center was slightly reduced. Vacation Planners,
also distributed to the Council, are available at this time. Mr. Veenema also distributed
copies of approved fundingrequests for 2004 special projects, all of which were funded
by the City's contract with the Chamber of Commerce for tourism marketing. Mr.
Veenema indicated that $7 - $9 million is being spent in this area due to the special
March 2, 2004
Chamber of Commerce projects and events.
Quarterly Report (Cont'd)
Mr. Veenema introduced a draft copy of a Guest Comment Card, which will be made
available at as many sites as possible. Councilmember Rogers was pleased that the
guest card has been prepared, as the information gained will help in reaffirming the
investment in tourism marketing. Discussion followed, and Councilmember Williams
felt it would be helpful to discuss tourism marketing in view of increasing gasoline
prices. Councilmember Munro introduced the matter of needed improvements to the
City's entry corridors in order to improve first impressions of the City.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Councilmember Pittis requested discussed on the upcoming National League of Cities
PLACED ON THIS OR Conference; the discussion was added as Agenda Item 1.2.
Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, addressed the Council on the Peabody Street repaving
project, requesting that consideration be given to also paving the 5/6 alley east of
Lincoln Street. Mr. Lamoureux questioned the language used in a legal ad concerning
the "F" Street Substation, and he directed attention to various components of the Goals
/ Projects update, seeking specific information relative to a Vulnerability Plan for the
water utility, the Morse Creek Hydro Project, the Elwha Landing, a development
agreement for fluoridation, and GO Bonds. Manager Quinn provided an explanation
of the differences between GO Bonds and Councilmanic Bonds, offering to meet with
Mr. Lamonreux at another time to provide the information he sought.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember Pittis moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City
Council Minutes of February 17, 2004 regular meeting and February 24, 2004 Special
Meeting; 2.) Gateway Design Committee minutes of November 13, 2003; 3.)
Expenditure Approval List - February 20, 2004 - $541,331.80; and 4.) Travel
Exceeding $1,500 - HTE National User Conference. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Erickson and carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL CouncilmemberRogers submitted a report concerning ongoing economic development
COMMITTEE activities; the Economic Development Council is ready to release a new community
REPORTS & portal with the ability for an on-line community forum. She reported on the successes
CALENDAR: of the clusters that have been working, as well as the business incubator funding. She
indicated there is tremendous interest in the community, and growth has been
experienced as of late, with 18 new companies and 36 new employees. She has been
working to keep the Federal and State legislators up to date on Port Angeles issues.
Councilmember Williams provided an update from the Port Angeles Forward group,
indicating a letter will be written in support of expansion of sewer services to the
eastern UGA, as well as a revision to the eastern and western UGA.
Councilmember Pittis reported on recent public meetings held on updating the
Comprehensive Plan. A meeting scheduled for March 11, 2004, at 4:00 p.m., in the
Vern Burton Center, will prove to be very important in terms of identifying solutions
for the community.
Councilmember Munro, having attended meetings of the Olympic Region Clean Air
Authority, was quite impressed with the quality and positive attitude of the staff, as they
are clearly committed to providing assistance to the public.
Councilmember Erickson had no report, and Deputy Mayor Braun reported on
attendance at the Gateway Review Committee, as well as the sports facility meeting
which involved a review of the consultant's report. This matter will be forwarded to
March 2, 2004
CITY COUNCIL the Council at a future date. Deputy Mayor Braun also attended a forum of the
COMMITTEE Women's Division of Buddhism conducted at Highland Commons. He suggested that
REPORTS & a letter of recognition be sent to Peninsula College, as the basketball team placed third
CALENDAR: (Cont'd) in the Northwest Athletics Association Tournament.
Councilmember Munro asked for discussion later in the meeting on the matter of a joint
meeting with the Port of Port Angeles Commissioners.
The calendar was reviewed, and it was agreed to change the Real Estate Committee
meeting to Tuesday, March 16, 2004, at 3:30 p.m.
OTHER 1. Clallam County Board of Health Request for Recommendation of Member
CONSIDERATIONS: Appointment to the Board:
Clallam County Board of Manager Quinn reviewed the changes in composition to the Clallam County Board of
Health Request for Health whereby the membership has increased to seven members. One of the members
Representative to be appointed must represent the incorporated cities and, to that end, the
recommendation has been forwarded that Sequim City Councilmember John Beitzel
be appointed as that representative. Manager Quinn spoke in support of Mr. Beitzel's
appointment and, after brief discussion, Councilmember Williams moved to send a
letter of support to the Clallam County Board of Health indicating Port Angeles'
recommendation of John Beitzel, Sequim City Councilmember, as representative
to the Board of Health. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Rogers and
carried unanimously. Manager Quinn offered to send the letter of recommendation.
National League of Cities 2. National League of Cities Conference:
Councilmember Pittis felt it would be helpful to discuss the issues being taken for
discussion with the Federal legislators in Washington, D.C. Issues that have been
identified thus far relate to homeland security, transportation funding, stormwater
funding, internet taxes, and the Elwha Dams. After meeting with Councilmember
Rogers, he was comfortable that the issues to be discussed are important to the City,
and he emphasized the need for assistance to this area, such as for unfunded mandates.
Discussion followed, and Councilmember Rogers indicated her willingness to seek as
much funding for Port Angeles as possible.
INFORMATION: Manager Quinn presented thc Goals / Projects update, and discussion was generated
about completion of the I-Net, as well as the acquisition of a new radar trailer.
Councilmember Pittis mentioned the possibility of scheduling a Council Retreat, and
Manager Quinn supported such a retreat in late spring, as it would be timely in view of
the upcoming CFP efforts, as well as the preliminary budget process.
Councilmember Munro related that newly elected Port Commissioner Calhoun had
suggested a joint meeting between the Port Commission and the City Council.
Manager Quinn offered to contact the Port to schedule a meeting date.
March 2, 2004
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
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