HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/04/1936 ~ 366 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 4, 1936 193_ r."""M";::~~::::':~:'~n met in regular session at 10 A.M. and \'as caned to order by Bayor ':Davis, Roll call showed the following office:rs present: Mayor Davis, Commis,doners !Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read a rd approved. Under the head of Applications for licenses the following were granted: Merchants Hotel, Hotel (25 rooms) ($25.00 Thos. Geisness, Police Judge, reported 16 cases kied and ~lOO.OO colleted in fines for the month of February, 1936. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Reports from City Of::'icers the follillwing was read: II March 5, 1936 ~TO the Honorable Mayor and Jity Commissi on, Port Angeles, Washington. I . IGentlemen: I hereb~ submi t the th i rd monthly es tima te (February) of work done and ma ter ial furni shed Hby the ~ngeles Gravel & Supply Company, Contractors, on the Eighth Street Bridges, P.Vl.A. !!ProJect Docket No. '[lash. 1245R. 'Item 1. 650 Cu. yds. footing exc. ~ $3.00 per cu. ~d. " 2. 313 " " abutment exc. t' $6;00 n " 3. 377 " channel change exc. @ $1.50 per cu, yd. 4. 1,485 lin. ft. removal old pipe @ 409' per lin. ft. 5. 1,585 II " 3' trench E" 501!' per lin. ft. 10. 246 cu. yds. Class B. conc, footings r:' ,~23.00 per cu. yd. 11. Zl " " Class B. conc. abutments @ ,~26.50 pel' yd. cu, 12. 60 !.l.B.!.!. ere c ti on creo. ti mber /[ ';;37.50 per M 25. Removing Existing structures ~ ~8,000.00 lump sum $ 1,950.00 1,878.00 565.50 ,594.00 792.50 5,658.00 556.50 <:,250.00 8,000.00 $22,21,4.50 3,336.68 lli18,907.82 12, 6:j 6.10 ~ 6,271.72 To tal Less 15%. retained Previous Estimates: December 1935, none January 1936 $12,636.10 Less previous estimates Amount due "ontractor Very truly yours, H. E. Dodge, Ci 1iY Engineer It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the City. Engineer's 3rd estimate on the 8tl St. Bridges; P.','i.~. Project, Docket No. nash. lZ45R, be approved and tm City Clerk be instructed to issue a warrant for the sum of ~6,271.72 in payment of same, on the 8th St. Bridge Construction Fund. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all mElllbers voted ~ye. The M~or.~eclared the motion carried. li-gM~~~;~' C~~~~1~ i;::js~~~t~::":~\~e:R\~a~; :Yl~~~~~B:~' :J3~~~:i1 e~~Rl:;:e::~ tla 'l7fr-M-and th ceit:. (101'][ be ilWtpustsrl. to ]3pe]3ElF8 a ,SB.SRel' fel? the eetiffiate ana fOI''''Ell''R ~ ~he--&t[)te DeIlSl'iimcnt of Publio '::olfoP8, ]i':ioion of Finanoo e..na "seeu.nte feF ~~ ,~lit of "tato CP6!l-t in Aia, Pl'sjoet No. C B 1 pre'.iaed fEll' BElI\lC. l\e4;4&n--free-ernl-ell----b ~iss-1i'l 1elH'I' ie-a.. ! The Commission examined and allovled the following claims and orlfered warrants drawn for same: j ,CURRENT EXPENSE FUND ~atherine C. Cropper ,J. R. McDonald ~Ci tY, Tfjeasurer 11:1. J!.. odge 'R. D. Kilmer jHugo Olson I~ire Department ICi ty Treasurer I'dtrect Department ~ort Angeles Iron "orks ,iP. A. Concrete Produots Co. ~avis the ~elder I~rank Maodonald & ;Jons ,Schwaba oher Hardware Co. ~n. Monteli~s Price Co. Nettleton Lumber Co. !IATER FtJND I' ,Electrio Light Departmen t ~avis th e Welder IFrank Macdonald & Sons !Richfield Oil Co. Refund on dog license Services as dog catcher Cash for stamp s Expens e account Extra Fireman " 1.50 <:5.00 1.37 14.00 2.00 10.00 204.00 420..PO l.iz;OO 8.50 22.76 7.50 11.49 :.3.25 44.40 210.11 Pay Roll Water Pay ROll Repair Grader Pipe, etc. Shop Work " " ell ~~7 - Lumber leads Rent of Tools Lumber Gas & Oil ShOp ;-rork Sharpen Pioks Gas & Kerosene 13.27 23.50 8.90 1. 70 .31 ".1- ll... I' I I I I March 4, 1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ 367 " I I 'I 1 .1 LIGHT FUND Ci ty Treasurer Pine Hill Shop Servioe Zellerbach Paper Co. Richfield Oil Co. LIBRARY FUND Misc. Payments Truck Repai rs Supplie s Gasolin e Dorothy Gagnon J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. Cal Johnson Extra Help Insuran ce \/ood LIGHT INVESTMENT FUND City Treasurer \/arrants Purchased There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. nf/~~ City Clerk l-y {' <0 ' / \" "--'-->--<, M8yor ,I qg - 2.57 8.98 11.38 75.18 2.50 :51 14.81 (,,10 - 49.00 1578.29 ~