HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/03/1943 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 495"'1ll March 3, 1913 19_ u.e.-.i-"u";..., ...;.T,u.:,--.U........P~. P'~'''''', ~g40" I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.~. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call s~owed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, ~ttorney Johnston and "'lerk HawkLns. Police Judge, N. F. Phillips, reported 76 cases tried and $822.50 collected in fines for the month of February, 1943. Report ordered filed. Undel' the head of Applications for Building Permits and licenses the following were granted: Smith Ice and Bottling Works, Ad:i tion to Building, Lot 11, Bl( ck 200, Townsite Vialso 'Aggergaard, Addition to residence, Lot 10, Block 3, Cain's t'tubd. Lot 17 Robert Peyton, Peddler's License, 1 day 200.00 100.00 10.00 Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the ~ollovnng resolution was introduced: RESOLUTI 011 WHERE~S, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following descrited real property, having acquired the same by Treasurer's deed dated November 18, 1942, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: Lot Seven (7) and Eight (8), Block Three Hundred Nineteen (319) of the Towi>si te of Port Angel~s) Washington" and W.SEREAS, Thompson R. Mallory and Mary M. Mallory, husband and wife, have offered to purchase the above described real property frcro the City of Port Angeles for the sum of ~213.76, payable as follows: ~23.76 as a down payment and 410.00 on cr before the 1st dey of Ppril, 1943, amd $10.00 on or before the 1st day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full, together with interest at the rate of 7% per a~~UQ on monthly balances and paid with the monthly installment, and WhERE~S, The City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value and that at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Thompson R. Mallory and Mary M. M~llory, husband and wife, for the s~~ hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying SRid property to the purchaser, ar.ri that the City Clerk of the City of Port fngeles be and he is hercby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit clBim deed when the purchase price and All accrued interest thereon has been paid in full. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by C9~~issioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the fcllowing claims and ordered w-arrants drawn for sarr,e: CURRENT EI),i;;NSE FUND Street Department Irene Eyre Marguerite Vane J. R. McDonald Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Olympic Printery II II Pay Roll Salar.f n 154.60 48.80 48.80 25.00 4.53 1.44 7.34 5.';0 50.00 945.68 4.64 2.42 24.44 9.05 6.63 22.56 18.49 15.65 165.00 70.00 12.96 36.22 6.17 4.05 1t/ 21.84 3.14 ~31 3.60 I 114.78 4.75 1027.32 22.05 :n 49.00 .J / 6.07 i[l 9.93 32.57 ? \ 23.40 , 'A / 13.34 c' ... Services as dog catcher Service Agreement Supplies . Trick &, Murray City Light Dept. City Trea sure r Thos. H. Guptill The Olympic Printery Willson Hardware Co. Pa cine Tel & Te] Co. . Registration Forxs Office Rent Light & Water Signs Supplie s Globes Batteries, etc. Seryice . Servicees and Supplies Shells & Holster Cha ins Volunteer Firemen I s Pay Roll Pay Roll Extra Men Service Light & Water Metylene Light & "ater Seryice Rope Refund on Telephone Bill Light & Wate r Service John H. J.hatcher The Marina Automotive Parts Service Fire Department 11 fl Pacific Tel & Tel Co. City Treasurer Tower 5uper Service City Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Willson Hardware Co. William S. Johnson City Trea sure r Pacific Tel & Tel Co. CITY STREET FUND Street Department D. A. Masters, Sr. Willson Hardwarevo. Hoare & Headrick Automotive Parts Service Pay Roll Feb. Car l!ileage Bolt s Shop Work Parts WATER Fm1l ----- City Light Dept. Street Dept. Montgomery Ward & Co. Rent and Ligh ts Gasoline & Oil Sink ,.... 496 March 3, 1913 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washingion 19_ ll... LIGHT FUND Frank H. J!orris City Water Dept. P.A. Evening News, Inc. P.A. Thrift Market Honrer Bla ck A. VI. Ward Pacifc Tel & Tel Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Olympic Print ery Willson Eardware Co. Line Mai'erial Co. Burro'J.ghs Adeing Machine Co. Services Water at Store Adv. Cleaner Feb. Garage Rent Ca r Expens e Servic 8 Concret_e Printing, etc. Lamps, etc. Glove Protectors Service Agreement LIBR.~RY FUND City Treasurer Jennilu Norris Pacific Tel & Tel Go. Mrs. H. M. Fisher Johnson & Bcrk Zelle rba ch Paper Co. The A. ~. Marquis Co. Pacific Pulp & Paper .Co. American Library tss1n Wilcox & Follett Go. Edwin Allen Co. Light & Water Petty Cash Service Subscription Va rnish, ete. T01vels Bock Subscription Bo oks PARK FUNI Park Department City Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Cla llam Gra in Co. Willson Hardware Co. City Treasurer Johnsotl & Bark C. t. Black Pay Roll Light & Wa ter Service Corn & Scratch Lamp ulobes, ete. Light & Water Enamel La bor L.I.D. GUARANTY FUND City Trea surer Assessments L.I.D. REVOLv~NG FUND City Treasurer . n As ses SIT.ents LIGHT INVESTVENT FU~ID 159.35 3.80 2.00 1.30 3.00 11.80 29.30 6.99 1~ 41.36 3.27 0/6" 9.21 p.33 10.23 7.47 4.25 4.50 3.71 5.18 9.00 4.00 ,q 6.50 /' 5<1 . 39 1\~ 3.96 102.35 25.04 ($'l 2.75 /' 4.70 )t ~ 4.22 35.48 1.09 14.25 99.64 1i>::- \~ ') 96.52 86.56 3401. 46 I I I City Troasurer Water fund Warrants Purchased There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. f?~~ City Clerk ~!U(~ Mayor I I