HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/03/1948 '426 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 5. 19~ t The Commission met in regular sessicn at 10:.00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call 'showed the follm'fing officers present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson and Clerk Law. II ,Minutes of the previous session were read'and approved. ',~nder the head of applications for building permits and licenses the following were granted.: Building Permits: ff.lJ!>O,oo John Belongia Move House and Add Kitchen & Bathroom; Lot 20, Blk. 128, Townsite Je'ck IlelOuzzi Build 6-Room Dwelling; E 28' Lt. 14, All Lot 15, Blk. 589, Townsite R.' H. Scanlan Move House and Remodel; W2 Lts. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; Blk. 1, Doyles' Add. 'J., R. Harrison Build Front Porch; Lot 12, Blk. 199, Townsite T 't M. B. Durkee Remodel, Build Bedroom & Porch to Present Dwelling; Lot 12, Blk,. o~9; e Mrs. Elsie Stetson Repair Porch, Roof, & Foundation; Lot 15, Blk. 296, Townsite G. G. Bland Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 16, Blk. 415, Townsite lIJohn Fitzgerald Re-side and Re-roof Present J},yelling; Lot 10, Blk. 292, Townsite 500.001 10,000.00 5,000.00 ' 75.00( 300.001 75.00 3,500.00 600 .00 , '10 Li'Cenees: /O~I, I,paoific Tel. & Tel. Co. Occupational Tax 1,001.90, i ,tinder the head of unfinished 1:usiness, another written request was received for a, house at 1020 West 4th St. ! to be moved and a tent to be eliminated. The Attorney was instructed to notify that time granted for ' ,removal has elapsed. IUnder the head of "nBw._ business, a petition 'wes presented for creation 'of a L.',I. D. for installation of a sewer in alley between 5th and 6th Streets from Evans Avenue to K street. The petition was ordered filed until the Engineer determines assessed valuation of property to be included. I ' II The annual report of Miss Norris for the Library department wes approved and ordered filed. Attorney Severyna presented a petition in behelf of Louise Taylor, requesting vacation of that portion of the alley in Block 52 of Norman R. Smith's Subdivision, lying between Lots 5 and 4 and 14 and 15. Mr. (Jeveryns also presented a resolution setting date of hearing for said vacation as follows: RESOLUTION l:.ouISE TAYlOR having filed herein her petition praying for the vacation of that portion of the alley in alock Thirty-two (32) of Norman R. Smith's Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles lying hetween Lots Three (5) and Four (4) and Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15) of said Block Thirty-two (52), said portion being 100 feet in length and extending from the Easterly line of Lote Three (5) and Fifteen (15) to the Westerly line of Lots Four (4) and Fourteen (14) in said Block Thirty-two (52), now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles that Wednesday, the 31st day of March, 1948, at the llour of 10:00 A.M. of said date, be, and the same is hereby, fixed for the date of the hearing on said petition, said hearing to be held in the Commissioners Room of the Fire Hall at Third and Lincoln Streets in the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resoJution be approved and adopted. Seco!XIed by "'''or Epllerson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. r . , NOTICE OF HEARING i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition has been filed to vacate the Thirty-two (32) of Norman R. Smith's Subdivision to the Townsite of I following part of the alley in Block Port Angeles, to wit: That portion of the alley lying between Lots Three (5) and Four (4) and Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15) in Block Thirty-two (52) of Norman R. Smith's Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles, said portion being 100 feet in length and extending from the Easterly lins of Lots Three (5) and Fifteen (15) to the Westerly line of Lots Four (4) and Fourteen (14) in said Block Thirty-two (52). NOTICE IS FURTHER HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a resolution of the City Commission of the City of Port I Angeles dated March 5, 1948, a hearing will be had on the 51st day of March, 1948, at the hour of 10100 A.M. bf said date, before said City Commission in the Commissioners Room located in the Fire Hall at Third and , Lincoln Streets in the City of Port Angeles, at which time all parties interested in said petition may appear before said Commission and enter their objections, if an,y there be, to said vacation. , . 1 bATED this 5rd day of March, 1948. I J. E. Law, Clerk of the City of Port Angeles I AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION OF that portion of the alley lying between Eots Three (3) and Four (4) and Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15) in Block Thirty-two (32) of Norman R. Smith's Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles, said portion being 100 feet in length and extending from the Easterly line of Lots Three (3) and Fifteen (15) to the Westerly line of Lots Four (4) and Fourteen (14),in eaid Block Thirty-two (32). i' -Ii II: U II Jlllll-*iHHHHHHHHHH~ STATE OF WASHINGTON) , ) ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) ...., E. E. Dodge, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he was at the times herein mentioned of full age, a resident of Port Angeles, Clallam County, state of Washington, and a citizen of the United States and of the State of Washington; That on the 4th day of March, 1948, he posted true and complete copies of the .1 original notice of hearing on petition to vacate certain portion of alley described in the notice of hearing hereto attached. I . One copy wae posted at the front door of the Court House in Clallam County, Washington; one at the front doorl of the City Hall at 140 West Front Street, Port Angeles; one in a conspicuous place on the portion of alley , Which is sought to be vacated in the petition in the above entitled matter. i H. E. Dodge ! Subscribed and sworn to before me 'this 4th day of March, 1948. Bett~ M. IGhurch Notary Public in and for 1 the ftate of W!!~ingtoll", te~i~ at Port E~t-~~'N~~~tt,.,'1'"~~; 19'50 0 ss on I I I I I I I I I, I 427~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 5rd, continued, 19~ . '_",""~fi'_N""' ...,,~- 'I Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was passed third and final reading and I adopted: ORDINANCE NO. ll94 .1 AN ORDINANCE VACATING Thirteenth Street from the easterly margin of Lincoln Street to the westerly margin of Chase Street, in the City of Port Angeles. 1 It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third reading and finally , acjopted. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the, sa"",; I 7P. if fO :1 cURRENT EXPENSE liUND: KI:oll Map "Co. , IGity Light Dept. Jas. W. Caven Ivan W. Lee P.azel's Cafe , Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories , Peninsula FUel Co. Fit chard's Ass. Service Down's Auto Electric R. O. Ide I' lJi,ddleton Motor Parts The Ele ctri c Co. CITY STREET FUND: 6(,0 ~'f Port Angeles iConcrete Products Co. H. G. Horstman City Treasurer Western Tractor & Equipment Co. J. J. Dailey Middleton Motor Parts Angeles Machine & Welding Works G.M.C. Truck & Coach Diidsion 1 WATER FUND: 5f!f. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. , Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Willson Hardware Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Pa cific Tel. & Tel. Co. Little-Holm Tire Co. City Light Dept. r ,2 '~' LIGHT liUND, / / 'f Co - , Pa.cific Tel. & Tel. Co. , Samuelson Motor Co. 1 Little-Holm Tire <Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Electrical West 'Ci~y Water Dept. McMahan FUel (Co. Ze'llerbach Paper Co. J. W. Qlven : We,stinghouse Ele ctric Supply Co. I Willson Hardware Co. 1 McCle llan I S Hardware reo. Downs Auto Ele ctri c 1 General Ele ctric Supply ,Corp. International & Domestic Travel Ser. I Forre st Hansen of sAimATIoN FUND; 35, LeRoy Jagger Middleton Motor Parts I Samuelson Motor Co. , LIBRARY FUND; 57'- ! Z McMahan rue! CO. 'I City Treasurer Demeo Library Supplies Olympic Sta t1.oners Gaylord Bre s " Inc. Reinin&ton Rand~ Inc. Olymp1.C Ele ctr1.C Co. A., C. MC'Clurg & Co. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Pacific 1'Iorthwest Quarterly NeW Method Book Bindery, Inc. Seattle Post-Intelligencer Pacific Northwest Liorary Assn. PARK FUND: :p"ff Samuelson Motor Co. I Downs Auto Electric Angeles Gravel and Supply :co. CHy Treasurer PARKING !JETER & TRAFFIC roNI'ROL FUND: M. H. Rhodes, Inc. Middleton M01;or Parts ~~hl~~~i~t~~ Penitentiary LIBRARY ME1!ORIAL FUND; I 3 07 hlget tiound News Co. '\ There being no further business, the session wes declared adjourned. 3 Maps Office Rent Refund Plumbing Permit, Duplicate Payment Made One Chapel Tent Meals for Prisoners Finger Printing Supplies fuel Oil Auto Parts and Repairs \Check Generator and Regulator Car Mileage for J an. and Feb. fuses, Weatherheed, fuel Pump, Plug Gas 23.181; 50.00 . 1.00" 214.14 I 120.51 12.05 194.31 26.99 1.54 55.72 24.26 1.40 Sewer Pipe Rent 0 f Lots for Stock Piling Cash for Recording Agreement 16 Blades, 1 Front Axle Tires and Tubes Parts and Material Labor and Mat.erial Gear, Pin, Hub 15.91 50.00 .60 164.181 256.50 I' 19.13 19.78: 56 .591 16.071 2.06 1.47: 1.44 1.25 5.06 28.811 64.51 Ii 75.29 20.29' 10.05 4.00' 76.111 44.06, 5.5S' 28.77 557.5C .95 6.18'1 1.111 295.25 i 115.251 43.GB ~ 25.52,1 .47 ll.05 Pipe Parts Tools Gasket Phone Tire Repair Rent and Lights Phone Services Repairs Tire and Tube Tools, Etc. Subscription Water at Sub. Station Oil Towels Labor and Supplies Heater, Meter Sockets Screws Ledder Lamps Hardware Transportation TTjlck Hire & Parts Car Mileage for February Nuts, Locks, Caps Labor and Matenal FUel Oil Light, Water, Garbage Borrowers Register Sheets Office Supphes Pockets Office Supplies Fluo. Lamps, Ligh 1;' Bulbs Books Books Subscription Re binding of Magazines and Books Subscription 1948 Institutional Dues 103.83 9.76 4.15 2.32 5.601 11.25 IJ:~I 6.60" 4.00 261.9'5! 14.90, 5.001 4.451 5.371 24.70'1 .54 652.46', 2.59 32.401 556.E4: 13.071 1 i I ~oi~~ ~l~~o~e~~~: 2 Yds. Concrete Cash for Parcel Post I ~ tf3,'i'f !GO~'s Share of Feb. Collections Sheets, Duco, Thinner Signs Traffic Control System Books (J.. e - taw' o !City CJs rk ',~~/L/{ 1 ~ ~..A1~ Mayor I ~