HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/03/1952 ,.. 234 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington I""rch 3 19,52 ,,,,,. .",.,' ..m., ','""~''', '"'".'"., ..... .... ..... I ,The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.H., and was called to 'order by J1ayor Feeley. Officers 'present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Ta;ylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. j i'-f.inutes of the previous session were read and approved. I lUndeI' the head of 'BUILDING PERMITS: :Doneld Cornell 'Austin Wyman Dlenn McCallister I Gerald Young IA. H. Lansing I . " 'LICENSES: I . "f" Rose's Place Amusement Hachine 6.00 :The 5treet Shqp . . " " 18.00 Brickies Place 6.00 r "" Music 12.00 ILaCa~tina Restaurant 12.00 Soft Drink 5.00 Court's Barber Shop Barber shop operator 2.00 *oyls Barber Shop 11 11 2.00 I arbor Barber Shop Y 2.00 Wallace Barber Shop " 4.00 ~loods Barber Shop 4.00 Morehead and Shay 4.00 LaBelle Beauty 5hop Beauty Oper.ator 3.00 Charm Beauty Shop "" 1. 00 Rayonie.r 11';'11 Cafe Restaurant 12.00 I :: " Music Machine. 12.00 Soft Drink 5.00 Wagner's Food Shop Restaurant 12.00 'I " " Soft Drink 5.00 I Howard Oliver Journeyman Plumber 1.00 I I J ~nder the head of unifinished business, bids for purchase of Lots 9 and 10, Elk. 316, Townsite were submitted as follows: Cliff Aden, $275.00. Astrid Fredriksen, $281.00. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the bid bf Vuss Fredriksen be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. i ~ngineer Ahlvers ,ion the Boulevard 1 Gerald E. Field, Architect for the police sta~ion, appeared before the Co~nission and filed a letter from j;ational rroduction Authority, advising that some steel is available for construction purposes. ~ir. Field ~ubmitted plans and specification for the building as previously approved with minor changes. Also informed ithat cert1L;": ,,;'~:l ~J &V~i:~tl€ from Canada and the City of Seattle has offered to sell steel jail cells ' at fair pric~. It was mcved by Mayor Feeley that the Commission contact the Seattle City Council and request that. consideration be given this City fOl' purchase of the steel jail cells. Seconded by Commission... !er Robinson. , All voted Aye. Hotion carried. It was further moved by Nayor Feeley that' calls for bids I be published lor construction of a city jail according to specificatbns set up by 10\1'. Field, hids to be opened ~~rch 24. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I John N. Cunningham and Associates, Consulting improvements, as authorized ~~ember 5, 1951. ace epted and filed. Seconded by COImnissioner I . Under the head of new business, John Selby complained about clouds of dust created by loggi.ng trucks on Lauridsen Blvd. east of Lincoln Street. It WciS moved by Commissioner Ta;ylor that the matter be referred to the Engineers Office to make investigation in regard to correcting. Seconded by Co~issioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I tws. Nailor also appeared regarding Motor Co. Also complained of cars Chief Ide to correct and post signs I Attorney Severyns and Henry Davies appeared in behalf of the Port of 'Port Angeles and filed request for vacation of Lauridsen Blvd. from the west margin of M Street, westerly to the intersect~on ~~th the West line of Section Six, Township 30, No., Range 6, W.W.M., ~his being within the Clallam County !AIrport and the area prohibited by the safety standards of the Civil Aeronautics Authority. It lias moved by Commissioner Taylor that the request be referred to the Planning Board and Engineer for recommendations. Seconded by Connnissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I ' LUso requested was a 25 year lease for property East of 11 Street to the power line. The Commission was in favor of co-operation for safety as required by the C.A.A., and the request was referred to the Engineer to check. J . The Commission received a letter from William 1>. Andersen, Secretary of the Ministerial Association, which quoted resolutions as adopted by that organization recommending and indorsing proposed route down ,Tum.ater Valley and that the same be pushed with all possible diflpatch. Also that street paving as recommended by the Planning Board be done as soon as possible. The Cornmi3sion ordered letter filed. I Commissioner Taylor moved that bids be publIshed for replacing the stairway at First and Laurel Streets, bids to be published when plans &~d specifications are completed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Commissioner Taylor informed that an employee of the l'iater Department will have reached retirement age in April, the question being whether or not to extend the time for retirement. The Commission decided that only employees holding key posions should have time extensinn and not regular employees. I ~ayor Feeley announced the appointment of Dana Harper to Serve as relief police judge. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted ~e. Y~tion carried. I applications .1666.... 1-., for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: Build 6 room house, Lots 14 & 15, Blk. 277, Townsite Residence, Lot 19, Blk. 372, Townsite Add front porch, refinish ceiling in front room, Lots 14 & 15, Blk, 132, T. W. Carter Addition Finish an upstairs bedroom, Lot 3 & E. ~ of Lot 4, Blk. 323, Townsite ' Rebuild garage, Lot 6, Bik. 386, Townsite $ 10,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 300.00 200.00 . , reported that the Attorney has advised that the City is not authorized to sell timber at lvnites Creek, thereby eliminating calls for bids. Engineer, filed report on the water system, conditions and It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the report be Robinson. All voted Aye. Hotion carried. cars driving over curb and sidewalk on First Street east of Samuelson parking in alley back of Appleton Apartments. This w'as refer'red to accordingly. I I I I I I I I 235 ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 3 (continued) 19~ .... . "".... ...."...,-.. ."..... ..... ...... Earl Davidson informed that parties are interested in the purchase of Lots and recollllllended minimums set as follows: , Lots 11 to 18, Blk. 434, Townsite @ $125.00 Lots 1 to 10, Blk. 434, Townsite @ 60.00 Lot 10, Blk. 308, Townsite 75.00 Lot 7, Blk. 423, Townsite 55.00 Lot 10, Blk. 396, Townsite 77.60 It:was moved by Commissioner Robinson that recowftendation be accepted and property advertised accordi~~. IiI.Ho'l etHr Ied-. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following were placed on third and final reading. ORDINANCE NO. 1277 AN:ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles adjusting the wages of certain employees of the electrical distribution system of the City of Port Angeles and amending Ordinance No. 1271. ' It 'ws.s moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third a nd 'final readir.g and, adopted. Seconded by I!.ayor Feeley. Commissioner Ta,ylor voted opposed. 140tion carried. :1 I AN ORDINAi\lCE of the City of Port Angeles approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 159 of the City of Port Angeles created by Ordinance ~o. 1258; levying and assessing the amounts of such assessments against the several lots, tracts and parcels of iland and other property as shown on such assessment roll; ordering the oollection of such assessments, ! cre.ating and establishing a special local improvement fund for said district. ORDINANCE NO. 1278 It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed 'third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Ta;ylor. All voted Aye. J1otion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1279 i AN ORDINANCE amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 1258 of the City of Port Angeles relating to Local ,I Improvement District No. 159; pr'?ftding for the payment of the cost of such improvement by the issuance o~ warrants instead of bonds, and authorizing the investment of City funds. in such warrants. j'It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Ma;vor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IRoy M. Weed, President, and W. E. Wilcox, Secretary of Local No. 533, Barbers and Beauticians, filed Inotice that these licenses are paid under protest because Ordinance No. 904 as amended, provides ,un.constitutional provisions and unrequred regulations of state licensed and regulated profession. i It was moved by J"ayor Feeley that the notice be filed. Seconded by COllBllissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. I!J.otion carried. the f ollololi ng , The ColTlllission examined and approved/claims and ordered warrants issued i.n payment of same: CUR.'lENT EXPENSE FUND:J~"'?7' Pacific Tel. and Tel. Service 4494 treas.,police and fire !Jerry Nelson Agency Tress., Robbery Ins. policy lWheeler Hdwre. and Furniture Eng. brush,knife, etc.,alum, stepladder, , Natural Gas Corp. of IVash. nat. gas 2.40 police, fire 1.50 Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Car repair -police \Willie V. DeVine Fire-ink City Fuel Co. Fuel oil-fire ,Seattle Radio Supply Co. Radio Tube - fire lCITY STREET DEPARTMENT FUND: ~/<(.J2, iWestern Tractor and Equip. Postage and hub Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Pulley, belt and cover Howard Cooper Corp. Bearing, tube, shaft, etc. Luvaas Tire ~etread Service Tires and tubes The Texas ~o. Crystalete v~eeler Hdwre. and Furn. Shovels Pacific Tel. and TeL Svc. 3540 I'WATER FUND: .I') "'1 <I,fF City Light Dept. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph American Wholesale Grocery I Guy Watson I ~lillson Hardware Co. i,Western Utilities Supply Co. Sequim Lumber & Supply Co. Coast to Coast Stores Wheeler Hardware and Furniture Nailor Lumber Co. Johns Manville Corp. IIAngeles Millwork and Lumber Co. LIGHT FUND:.2 O:J. 0$7 Elk Drug Co. Pacific TeL and Tel. Quick Print American Gauge and !lag. Co. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Secty-Treas. N.W. Public Power Association Ci ty Water Dept. Willson l1ardware Co. ,L. H. Butcher Co. L. P. Ivilber Peninsula Trullk Lines, Inc. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. SANITATION FUND: Olympic Frintery rent 100.00, elec. service 26.22 Phone service Gleaner Refund water rent Nails, etc. Fitt.ings Lumber cOFper tubi ng Spikes Ripping timbers Pipe Cedar timbers 3 108.96 fl4.00 etc. fire 23.26 3.90 9.61 2.58 101.11 5.55 23.41 5.21 49.09 197.39 12.35 17.24 9.63 126~22 $7.54 4.94 2.15 15.95 362.16 157.30 24.72 9.73 .69 9,485.95 417.53 3.74 16.22 30.69 5.45 146.47 270.00 1.90 57.52 127.46 - 476.62 4.61 i 559.95 6.86 ~ Bandaids Phone service Pri nting Repairs Repair s 1952 dues Water rent Tools and rope t' reservati va Poles Freight charges ''\i'ire ,meters Bond ,..- 236 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ March 3 continued "" " ,,_W, ."~, ."",""., .,,"..., m.. ..... LIBRARY FUND :361. )of u. of ~I. Comptroller's Office Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. Syd TOider Insurance Agency J. B. "'athews Glass Co. City Treasurer Willson Hardware Cpo Johnson ani Bork Luxor Lighting Products Port Angeles Public Library Stur gis Printing Co. Olympic Stationers Bro-Dart Industri es DoubledSO' and Co. Harper & Brothers A. C. ~~Clurg and Co. Cambridge University Press Personal Book Snap, Inc. New York Times LIBRARY MEMORIAL FUND: A. C. McClurg and Co. PARK FUND: 5"<{" IWheeler Hardware and Furniture Co. racific Tel. and Tel. Angeles Millwork and Lumber Co. film rental 16mm souni reel Insurance premiums Repai~ door check Light and water, garbage 5 gals. wax Shellac Light bulbs Stamps and postcards Suppli es Supplies Plasti-kleer Books Books Books Books Books Subscription Books Tools and Hardware Phone service Gutter, drain pipe, etc. PARKING I1E'rER AND TRAFFIC CONTroL FUND: 3. f 1 lfueeler Hardware ani Furniture Co. dish, varnish, brusn At'l1\1 and Navy Store Meter apron kits C:1'IETERY FUND: II. 1 ~ (, lVheeler Hardware" am Furniture Co. Angeles Millwork and Lumber Co. L.1. D. REVOLVING FUND: City Treasurer FIR&'iEN I S PENSION FUND: Clallarn County Medical 2 spade heads,mower Putty,eedar Assessments on paid up c,mtracts There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Premium on 11 firemen Q;; XaL<r' (J CITY CLERK 'CI'I')('I-: ~II" I"'I'I"'I'IH'\ 1,'111' IlTn~ i :: ~~';:{?::."r.:::l~~{)5~; t/~::;;'f j;;.JI'~~!~' ;'::~I:~\f; ll~'i~~~~. ~;.~~i',-.(i',rl~,-:i~L f,:; ~iIL~.~'",;~/tl~!II'::~~: J~J;~'!~~"1~ttii~~ ~'('llU'Il'~1 :<1.n;1 J,f" ,-.nt."r"(] illto :111<1 III BOI"I t" ],,;J'f'Jrm 11,1.' \\.,W!t r\~l'lli:;h- ~ ~(:1::1:~~~:;':', ~l;::~f;::~;~~i;:~~':l::ill~ :::i:I;~ ;:~.t::;:li~)\i\ '~:li.1 coul!'t,,'L In :!r't'fotrlf,nn' with llL'j "lid alld l<'l rlll'lli~h ~I...h IHlIlll witilil: ,I ~:~:ii\Z:;)i)'~~:)\~:'j::i:;:{,Y~~i,~:{!,,~;~~:!~ . IC"1l:11,rlldinlll'l'i"1J11 ril.' "I lilt. "Hi,.., : cd : Il'~ . 'it \' c '](>~k ill tlw ('11\' ;][111] ;d i, :\'!~ ~ I: ~III<,~~ ~;I I;;].\'~\ j~~~\~l:!I;r.~~.~; :~: ,~~:~~ j I::':': I;~, i ,.j('I1C~' J:I.il<lilL~, ~r'lI.t:I"'. \\':u.dlinK:""., :r1~1;;j:~I;lj'E.\'i~ljt I::! 1;~~~~i~l:I~~ 1~In~r'~)il(~;~' i,~;}iZi;;;{f>N~0,~~:~:i::~~:0~~'~:; 'r'.~lil':-l.'I'I~:('''' ill ~rl.....ld~1 ol'.lli ll'lo(' b!li- dinf'. < .1. E. I,A\\", CII~' I,:l.'r], or 111(' CII.)I or PllI"l .\Il~('lps, "'<1:-11_ 'irll,:l{IlI. f'uhlblu'd: :'trall'h 7. 14, ::1. l!l~:? r.... & h~;,~~ ./Y MAYOR 71.34 5.10 9.09 2.58 10.51 13.67 4.25 17.16 4.90 22.08 11. 51 31.261 2.90 2.50 21.33 4.40 51.16 23.50 3.83 48.49 17.19 20.78 2.88 1.01 I , 162.91: 5.05 582.1J I ",001 I I I I