HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/03/1955 I I I I I ! ..-. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 3 1~.L ..,. . ...... ..,no. ....,...... ..,.........oo .... The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of officers showed the following present: Ma;yor Smith, Co~cilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell and Wolfe, City Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. It was moved by Miss Powell that minutes of the previo1ll' meeting be accepted as recei vedt Seconded by Councilman lvolfe and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, Police Chief Kochanek reported resul!-s of investigation regarding parking and sidewalk obstruction as follows: 6th SI;. east of Lincoln, par~el parking to conform witlt Ordinance t'lo. 1310. Did Not recollllIlend angle parking for 5th or 6tlt streets east of Lincoln. Notified Birney Luvaas at 3d and .Lincoln to discontinue obstructing sidewalk and repair damage._ Recommended that request. for load!i.ng zone. by Ardis Owen, florist, be approved, providing curb is installed. Request for traffic signal at 8th and Cherry Sts, referred to State Highway Dept. Manager Vergeer read replJ' from the Highway Dept. assuring investigation and traffic check by 11arch 15. t1r. Vergeer then read a letter from ,Department of Interior, B. P. A; approving reduction of City Light rate schedules. ' The date of }larch ;Ust was tentativelJ' set when members of Y.M.C.A. will assume positions of City Officials as Youth in Government Day. CounciJJnan Wolfe announced that at a meeting of March 2, Mr. and l1rs. Hugh }lacaulay were elected to serve as co-chairmen of permanent collllIlittee to promote affiliations between Rosenheim ai).d this City. . . ' . Under. the head of new business the following cla.iJm paid Feb. 18, 23 and March 2 were approved in total amount of $41,955.07. It wils moved by Councilman rloHe that claimS be' approved as paid, pursuant to verifi- cation of three items by the City Manager. Hoti?n se?onded by Miss Powell. All voted il<Te. l'Iotion carried.~ Bruc~ Cudd, pperator of Angeles Quality Cleaners at 214 E. 8tlt St., filed claim for dam~ges to motors and equipment in his business establishment caused by electric current reversal. j'lanager Vergeer recommended that claim be accept~d and referred to the insurance company. It. was moved by Councilman Brown that . recommendation be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. The monthlJ' report of the Police Department, als~ Police Judge, for the month of February, tqere filed for Council approval. It was moved by Councilman Pmqeu that reports be accepted and _placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Brmm. All voted il<Te. Hotion carried. Manager Vergeer informed, Council that transformers are necessary for installation of substation in the Northeast section of the City and requested authorization to publish call for bids to purchase required equipment. It was moved by Councilman l;Tolfe that the Manager be authorized to call for bids to furnish substation transformers. Seconded by Councilman Brmm and carried. Mr. Vergeer also advised that accord- ing to annual reports of the utilities, a street lighting program may be started next year which will in- clude high intensity lighting for arterials through the City and iJuproved lighting in residential areas, 'jthis to be without cost to property mmers. 'Mayor Smith advised that he had talked with Senator F.rancis Pearson while in Olympia and Mt. Pearson has jcontacted Congressman 11agnuson concerning the local Coast Guard StEition. lMr. Vergeer reported on attendance at City Managers Association meeting 'in Astoria, the next Association 'meeting being scheduled for Victoria, B.C. Also that }!r. Cecil Hyatt, CityJlanager for Victoria, was elected President of the Northwe~t City }lanagers Association. Junior Philips appeared before the Council and explained function of the School Traffic Court, noting six traffic cases and twenty-two citations. It was the opinion of Mr. Philips that the Court is assisting to- ward elimination of reckless dri Vlng by student operators. jThere being no further bus~ness, the meeting was ~djourned.' ~.e.L~ City Clerk +kd:ii~ , }'myor -I - -CA.LL FOR BIDS Bids wilt be l'ec~ived up to.5:00 p rn MarchI ~ 4=955 t..:the office lor th'c CUy Clerk., at the City Hnl~. 140 West Front St., Port Angeles, ~~~'24~~ V~l~~ ~~~~n~arnac~~i~ of 15 :Etv AR, new or ~QUQl condi. tlon. CIt.y Llgbt Dept. , ~~b: M~. ~; ~95J~~GEER . ~ ,",lOO,Olt 'tol /t9$jx.l8 . .a.I..! /to M.Ise 4.. ju'tGl.tni l)CIha, .0K ,a.I..! no 433