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Port Angeles, Washington
March 3, 1998
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:30
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S.
Bredhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, L. Haehnlen,
J. Doyle, L. Doyle, T. Reid, K. Ridout, and Y. Ziomkowski.
Public Present: L. Lee, P. Tietz, L. McHone, J. Hempton, M. E. Winborn, and
G. Holman.
Interviews for Vacancies The following were interviewed to fill vacancies on various Boards and Commissions:
on Boards & Commissions David Johnson, Leanne Jenkins, Holly Kaas, Paul Howe, and Mark Lenz.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Queen of Angeles Girl Scout Troop//796,
ALLEGIANCE: I. Murphy I4_aggerty and K. Godbey, leaders. Those participating included: K. Caruthers,
K. Godbey, T. Haggerty, K. Hills, K. Joyce, M. Mainzer, B. Minshall, J. Treadwell, and C.
Uhn. Following the Pledge, the Girl Scouts presented Manager Pomeranz with Gift Scout
cookies and thanked him for a job well done.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Wiggins moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: February 17, 1998, and the special meeting of February 18, 1998. Councilman
Doyle seconded the motion, which carried by a majority vote, with Councilman
Campbell abstaining due to his absence from the February 17, 1998 meeting.
FINANCE: Suspended.
CONSENT AGENDA: Following discussion and clarification, Councilman Campbell moved to accept the
Consent Agenda, including: 1) Revisions for contractor progress payments; 2) Payroll -
" February 22, 1998 - $359,539.57; 3) Check list -February 27, 1998 - $538,173.39 and
Payment//4 - Downtown Watermains and Sidewalks. Councilman Hulett seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilmembers Campbell and Hulett had no report.
REPORTS: Councilmember McKeown asked that recommendations one and two of item 4. D. be
deferred to the next meeting. She, as member of the Human Resources allocation
committee, was not prepared to discuss this issue this evening.
March 3, 1998
CITY COUNCIL Couneilmembers Doyle, Wiggins, and Williams had no report.
REPORTS: Mayor Braun referred to a police situation over the weekend and asked Chief Ilk for a brief
(Cont'd) report. Chief Ilk indicated thirty residents were evacuated. The Salvation Army and Red
Cross provided food and beverages for the police officers and others who were on the
scene. Fortunately, no one was injured, and the individual was taken into custody. Chief
Ilk listed the agencies who assisted in the capture and thanked them for their aid.
woRK SESSIONS: Suspended.
ITEMS FROM THE Manager Pomeranz advised the Council there would be need of an Executive Session at the
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ end of the meeting, after which there would be a real estate item for consideration in open
STAFF TO BE session.
LEGISLATION: 1. Ordinances Not Requiring. Public Hearings
Economic Development Establishing Economic Development Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Ordinance 2982 Mayor Braun reviewed thc information provided by thc City Attorney's office. Attorney
Knutson stated thc seed money for this endeavor is the $300,000 donation received from
Councilman Wiggins suggested that the Committee Chair be a Council representative.
Manager Pomeranz agreed and suggested that thc Committee function in a fashion similar
to that of thc Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, with recommendations forwarded to the
City Council for fmal approval. Discussion followed regarding the membership of the
Committee, and Attorney Knutson and Manager Pomeranz provided clarification.
Councilman Campbell stated there was need for broader community involvement in
economic development. Community and business representatives to this committee will
allow for better communications with the citizens regarding economic development
activities and proposals. Manager Pomeranz stated that there were no resources in the past
to allow for this type of venture. Thanks to the Rayonier grant, the City has the opportunity
to do more than it ever has, and it is important to have citizen input to ensure these dollars
are used properly.
Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing
the Economic Development Steering Committee, defining its
membership, duties and organization, and adding a new Chapter
2.66 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, with the
addition made that the Committee Chair be one of the Council representatives.
Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
March 3, 1998
LEGISLATION: 2. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
A. Resolution Setting a Public Hearing for Vacation ora Portion of the 8/9 Alley
Street Vacation - Northwest Between Lincoln and Laurel Streets - STV 98-01 - NORTHWEST PERMIT
Mayor Braun stated this item was to be deferred to the March 17, 1998 meeting, pending
receipt of further information.
and Third Streets: Request to rezone two lots located in the RttD, Residential
Rezone Application - High Density zone, to CO, Commercial Office (Continued from February 17,
Skerbeck 1998)
Ordinance No. 2983
Councilmembers Doyle, Hulett and McKeown asked to be excused due to appearance of
fairness, and they departed from the meeting. Mayor Braun reviewed the information
provided by the Planning Department and asked Director Collins for further input.
Director Collins described the contents of the packet as regards this item, and Mayor
Braun opened the public hearing at 7:10 p.m.
Larry McHone, Coldwell Banker Uptown Realty, 330 E. First Street, was present to
represent Janet Norris, owner of the land under discussion. Mr. McHone stated the
proposed rezone is consistent with existing land use on both sides of Laurel Street north
of Fifth Street. Permitted uses in Commercial Office (CO) zones are compatible with
multi-family residential (RHD). Mr. McHone spoke in support of the rezone and felt it was
an opportunity to clean up the area and provide a buffer between commercial and multi-
family zones.
Councilman Campbell asked Mr. McHone why this site should be rezoned when there are
other CO sites readily available. Mr. McHone stated that most CO property is more
expensive. He felt that this property was a good location and made an excellent buffer.
Councilman Campbell stated that CO property would always be more expensive and asked
how a line could be drawn on encroachments on RHD property. Mr. MeHone felt there
should be consistency with other properties, and he then described all the commercial uses
in the area under discussion.
Julie Hempton, 608 S. Francis Street, also representing the property owner, spoke in
support of the rezone. Ms. Hempton stated it was her professional opinion that a dental
office would be the highest and best use of the land.
There was no further testimony and Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 7:17 p.m.
and read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
rezoning property located in Block 53 of the
Townsite of Port Angeles and amending
Ordinance 2801, as amended.
Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings
I - 17 and Conclusions A - F as set forth in Exhibit "A', which is attached to and
becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously. Councilmembers Doyle, Hulett, and McKeown then returned to
the meeting.
March 3, 1998
(Cont'd) Northwest corner of 8th and LincoIn Street: Request to allow rezone of ?roperty
currently designated as RttD, Residential High Density, to CN, Commercial
Rezone Application - Neighborhood
Family Medical Clinic
Ordinance No. 2984 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and asked
Director Collins for further input. Director Collins stated that, in many ways, this property
has operated as flit were zoned CN. When the medical clinic was built, it was thought the
zoning was Commercial Neighborhood (CN), and when the applicant sought to expand,
the zoning map error was discovered. Director Collins noted that the area along Eighth and
Cherry Streets is primarily zoned CN; therefore, this rezone is appropriate. It is also
supported by the Comprehensive Plan.
Councilman Williams offered to excuse himself due to an appearance of fairness, as he
fives in the area under discussion. Attorney Knutson explained that Councilman Williams
only had to step down if the applicant or a member of the audience requested him to do so.
Otherwise, he may participate. There was no opposition, and Councilman Williams
participated in the action.
Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m.
Mary Ellen Winbom, 1211 E. Fourth Street, architect for the project, offered to respond
to any questions'the Council may have regarding this issue.
Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
rezoning property located in Block 234 of the
Townsite of Port Angeles and amending
Ordinance 2801, as amended.
Councilman Doyle noted that the agenda erroneously located this property at 8th and
Lincoln Streets and inquired ff the public notices had contained the correct information.
Director Collins affirmed that the notices contained the correct information. There was no
further testimony, and Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 7:20 p.m.
Councilman Boyle moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings
I - 9 and Conclusions A - E as set forth in Exhibit "B", which is attached to and
becomes a part of these minutes. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion.
Councilman Campbell asked fl?the building expansion wOuld comply with all requirements
of the new zone, and Director Collins assured him it would. A vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously..
RETURN TO 2. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings (Continued)
B. Resolution Recognizing the City Manager
Resolution Recognizing the
City Manager Mayor Braun asked Manager Pomeranz to step forward, at which time he read aloud a
Resolution No. 5-98 resolution of appreciation for Manager Pomeranz.
Erl Hansen, Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, 121 E. Railroad Street, read aloud from
a statement of appreciation for Manager Pomeranz and presented him with a hand made
desk set.
Manager Pomeranz thanked the City Council, citizens, and City employees for seven and
March 3, 1998
RETURN TO one-half great years. From the beginning, he was impressed with the beauty of the area and
LEGISLATION: enthusiasm of the people. He stated Port Angeles has been a wonderful place to raise a
(Cont'd) family, and he will miss it. He said no City Manager Can accomplish things without the
support of the entire community, as well as the employees and City Council. He was proud
Resolution Recognizing the of the City's succesSes and accomplishments and proud to have been a member of this
City Manager team.
Resolution No. 5-9
(Cont'd) Mayor Braun read the resolution by title, entitled
A Resolution of the City of Port Angeles in
Appreciation of Tenure of Jeff Pomeranz
Councilman Wiggins moved to pass the Resolution as read. Councilman Campbell
seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
3. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Planning Commission Minutes of February 25, 1998
Councilman Hulett moved to accept the minutes of the February 25, 1998, Planning
Commission meeting. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried
Attorney Knutson suggested that Ceremonial Matters be moved up on the agenda.
CEREMONIAL 1. Good Citizen Award Presentation to Jerry Doyle by State Farm Insurance
MATTERS/ Company
Kathy Northrup, 611 East Front Street, was present to recognize Captain Jerry Doyle. Ms.
Good Citizen Award Northrup explained how Captain Doyle noted smoke coming from a house during the
regular course of his duties. Thanks to his quick action, the fire was quickly contained,
thereby limiting the scope of damage. Ms. Northrup thanked Captain Doyle for his efforts
and presented him with the State Farm "Good Neighbor Spirit" Award.
Nominations to Community 2. Nominations to Communi~y Memorial Wall - Werner Quast and K. O. Erickson
Memorial Wall
Elisabeth Johnson, 312 East 12th Street, representing a class Dr. Quast taught at the Senior
Center, spoke in support of placing Dr. Quast's name on the Community Memorial Wall.
Ms. Johnson enumerated the good works performed by Dr. Quast and described his many
Clay Rennie, 401 E. Vista View Drive, also supported the placement of Dr. Quast's name
on the Memorial Wall and echoed the comments of Ms. Johnson.
.... Councilman Campbell moved to approve the nomination of Dr. Werner Quast.
Councilman Wiggins seCOnded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Manager Pomeranz, representing Father David Storm, Administrator of K. O. Erickson
Trust, spoke in support of placing the name ofK. O. Erickson on the Community Memorial
Wall. Manager Pomeranz described the life and works of Mr. Erickson, his dedication to
helping children, and the many legacies he left behind.
Jon Didrickson, 731 East 1 lth Street, spoke in support of Mr. Erickson's name being
March 3, 1998
CEREMONIAL placed on the Memorial Wall and felt it appropriate and fitting that Mr. Erickson's name
MATTERS/ be added to the list. He recommended reading the biography of Mr. Erickson, which is part
PROCLAMATIONS: of the archives of the National Park.
Councilmember McKeown moved to approve the nomination of K. O. Erickson.
Nominations to Community Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Memorial Wall (Cont'd)
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 8:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
8:20 p.m.
RETURN TO 4. Other Considerations
Peninsula International A. Contract with Peninsula International Relations Association
Relations Association
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attomey's Office and asked
Tad Price, President of Peninsula Intemational Relations Association (PIRA), to step
forward. Tad Price advised the Council that PIRA was a local, non-profit group promoting
international relations between the cities of the Olympic Peninsula and other countries. He
introduced Kathy Northrup, Secretary of PIRA, who presented Manager Pomeranz with an
award, recognizing his extraordinary contributions to the mission of PIRA.
Councilman Wiggins asked about the history of this relationship particularly as regards to
the City's funding of PILL&, to which Kathy Northrup responded. Ms. Northrup also
explained what other institutions supply funding to PIRA.
Manager Pomeranz explained that when the City was pursuing becoming a sister city to
Mutsu City, Japan, his secretary was doing much of the work involved. This was a time
intensive project. When PIRA became involved, it relieved City staff of a tremendous
amount of work. Manager Pomeranz felt the City has certainly received $2,000 worth of
services from PIRA.
Discussion followed, and Councilmember McKeown felt this item should have been part
ofthe regular budget process for the allocation of hotel/motel taxes. Councilman Williams
asked for an estimate of visitors fi'om Mutsu City. Mr. Price stated it had been estimated
that, at the end of 1996, more than $300,000 had been spent in Port Angeles by Japanese
visitors. Because of lower prices in the United States, the Japanese visitors frequently
purchase items, such as musical instruments. Following further discussion and
clarification, Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract
with PIRA for the purpose of providing services that will improve and promote
interaction between the Port Angeles area and other countries for 1998 only, and
that this be taken up again during the next budget process. Councilmember
McKeown seconded the motion. Following clarification of the motion, a vote was taken
on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Hill Street House B. Recommendations re: Hill Street House
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Parks & Recreation Department
and asked Director Brodhun if he wished to provide any further information. Director
Brodhun stated staffbecame concerned that the cost of line drops for phone and cable may
have been underestimated. The Council may wish to make these the responsibility of the
other party, or give staffmore time to investigate these costs. Public Works Director Pittis
explained why there was concern over the phone and cable lines.
Discussion followed, and Director Brodhun responded to questions directed by the Council.
March 3, 1998
LEGISLATION: Councilmember McKeown stated she supported historic preservation; however, she was
(Cont'd) adamantly opposed to moving the house to Lincoln Park while waiting for volunteers to
renovate the structure. Councilman Doyle reminded the Council that in May, 1997,
Hill Street House Monroe buildingmovors~did not feel it was feasible to move the building as a whole, and
(Cont'd) he asked what had changed to make moving the building feasible at this time. Ken Ridout,
Deputy Director of Public Works and Utilities, responded that Monroe movers felt
dropping the lines would be cost prohibitive, and no one would spend that amount of
money to move the building. Councilman Campbell felt that moving this building would
be a sink hole for City resources with little benefit in the end, and he spoke in opposition
to moving this building to Lincoln Park. Councilman Campbell felt this building should
be removed and disposed of as quickly and efficiently as possible. Councilmembers Hulett
and Wiggins concurred.
Councilman Doyle noted that the expense projections total to more than $9,000 at this
point. Councilman Doyle moved to bulldoze the Hill Street structure down and haul
it to the landfill Councilman Campbell seconded the motion Discussion followed.'
Councilman Hulett suggested the motion should be amended to state that the manner of
removal of the building be deferred to the Public Works Department. Councilman
Campbell felt the City should move quickly and not waste any more time on this structure.
Councilman Doyle amended his motion to state that the Public Works Department
be directed to remove the building at the least possible cost to the City. Councilman
Campbell agreed as seconder. Director Piths asked for clarification of the motion and
a timeline for removal of the house. Councilman Doyle stated he would like to see the
structure removed as soon as possible. Councilman Williams pointed out that originally
the Council gave Mr. Didrickson until the end of March to remove and relocate the
building. Discussion followed pertinent to the need to honor the previous decision on the
timeline. Therefore, Councilman Wiggins moved to amend the motion to state
demolition would not occur until after March 31, 1998. Councilmember McKeown
seconded the motion. Further discussion ensued, and Councilman Doyle asked Attorney
Knulson if the Council was obliged to wait until March 31, 1998, based on the action taken
at the previous meeting. Attorney Knutson explained that the Council had the choice of
rescinding the previous motion of extending the timeline to March 31, 1998, or abiding by
it. Deputy Director Ridout stated that it would take at least two weeks to put a plan of
action together, therefore, March 31, 1998, was a reasonable date. A vote was taken on
the amended motion, which carried unanimously. A vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Councilman Williams asked if there was an entity taking inventory of historic buildings so
there was preparedness in advance. Director Pittis explained that a review of historical
buildings was part of the International Gateway Project. It will not cover the entire City,
but will cover the areas where the bulk of the historical buildings are located. Councilman
Williams proposed to discuss, at a future date, the need for a program that recognized these
buildings city-wide.
Mural Project C. Nor'Wester Rotary Mural Project Funding Request
Mayor Braun reviewed the memo from the Nor'Wester Rotary Club regarding a City
donation to the downtown mural project. Jim Hess, Rotary member, 606 South Alder
.... Street, spoke in support of the City fimding the mural project, and he explained the
intended utilization of the funding. Discussion followed, and Mr. Hess responded to
questions posed by the Council.
Manager Pomeranz stated the City has put about $1,000 into repair and maintenance of
the mural on the south side of the Waterfront Art Gallery. He asked if the Rotary Club
would be interested in adopting this mural to assure its longevity. Mr. Hess felt the Club
would be happy to provide this service.
March 3, 1998
LEGISLATION: Councilman Wiggins pointed out that again the City is being asked to obligate non-
(Cont'd) budgeted City funds for a project. This places the Council in an awkward position, at a
time when the City is promoting downtown development and revitalization. He suggested
Mural Project (Cont'd) the possibility of the City providing a reduced amount of money, and the Rotary Club
providing a match with some endeavor on its part.
Mac Ruddell, 1134 East 8th Street, supported Councilman Wiggins' suggestion, and he
stated the Rotary Club is in the process of attempting to raise money to move the mural
project forward. He felt that, if the City could meet the Club halfway, funding would be
accepted in the spirit with which it is given. Mr. Ruddell stated that getting on with the
planning of the fourth mural was critical. This involves choosing a location and an artist.
Any money the Council would dedicate to this cause would be of help in keeping the
project alive.
Councilmember McKeown fela[ this would be a wonderful addition to the City, but again,
~ ~ ~ ~ the Rotary Club should,appl~t-:: 5~tzL..~-n:.tc.! rtz; dz!Ic..-o,in the fall. Councilmember
MeKeown moved that the lights and $8~500 be granted to the Nor'Western Rotary
~ .~O-'l.0,~a.,a~ Club for the downtown mural project. Councilman Hulett asked for a figure on
O_/q installation of the mural lights. Director Pittis stated he could have this information ready
for the next Council meeting. Couneilmember MeKeown, therefore, rescinded her
motion and moved to table this item pending further information. Discussion
followed regarding hghting for the murals. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Housing Authority Request D. Housing Authority Request for Reduced Refuse Rate
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
asked Councilman Doyle, Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) Chair, to speak to this issue.
Councilman Doyle stated that, while the UAC voted against a 50% rate reduction, the
motion contained a caveat that the City Council consider seeking other sources of funds to
start up a Boys and Girls Club on the Housing Authority property. The UAC did
recommend the Housing Authority receive a 50% reduction in its self-haul fees.
Councilman Doyle reminded the Council that the Salvation Army and St. Vincent DePaul
ahead), receive this reduction. This reduction would amount to just under $900 based on
1997 charges.
Pam Tietz, 10 Melton Rd., spoke in support of the reduction in self-haul f~es. She stated
that residents move out of the housing un/ts and leave their junk behind, which must in mm
be hauled to the dump. Councilman Williams spoke in support of the reduction and, having
seen the residue left after a move out, he suggested the possibility of a 100% reduction in
self-haul. Councilman Campbell stated that a precedent has been set giving a 50%
reduction to charitable organizations~ and he felt the Council must remain consistent.
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize a 50% reduction in solid waste rates for
the Housing Authority self-haul to the landfill and directed staff to draft the
ordinance for Council consideration. Councilman Williams seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
EDC Contract E. EDC Contract
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk. Councilmember
McKeown moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with
the EDC for 1998. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. Following brief
discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
March 3, 1998
LEGISLATION: F. North Olympic Peninsula Visitor and Convention Bureau (NOPVCB) Request
(Cont'd) City Council Letter of Support Asking County Commissioners to Study and
Review Proposed 2% Room Tax Issue
Letter of Support for ~ '-..~ ,
Proposed 2% Room Tax Mayor Braun reviewed the letter from the NOPVCB. Councilman Doyle felt such a letter
Increase of support to another government entity must be carefully worded. Discussion followed
regarding the wording of a letter so as not to cause any adversarial feelings.
Rick Hert, Executive Director of the NOPVCB, stated he has had many conversations with
the County regarding this issue. The County would like to embrace this issue, but would
like letters of support from other cities, accommodations, chambers of commerce, etc., so
this can be placed on an agenda. Mr. Hert did not believe a letter from the City of Port
Angeles would cause an adversarial relationship. Mr. Hert explained that the letter is not
to support the tax increase, but to engage in a review process as that instituted by the City
of Port Angeles.
Discussion then centered around the need to emphasize the City's focus on regional
marketing, with increased tourism on the North Olympic Peninsula. The validity of
sending such a letter was considered at length, and Councilman Campbell moved to
have stMgdraft a letter outlining the intent of the Council with respect to collective
support for the County considering the additional 2% tax. Councilman Williams
seconded the motion. Brief discussion followed, and Councilman Hulett asked
Councilman Campbell to remove the word "considering" from the motion, and perhaps
replace it with "study and review", to which Councilman Campbell agreed. A vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Pool Project Steering G. Approval of Pool Project Steering Committee
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Parks & Recreation Department.
Councilmember McKeown moved to approve the recommendation of the Parks
Department for the Pool Project Steering Committee. Councilman Campbell
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Clallam Conservation H. Petition to Join Clallam Conservation District
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office and asked
Attorney Knutson for further input. Attorney Knutson explained that the City is being
asked to join the Conservation District in order to allow all citizens to vote in Conservation
District elections. He stated that the Conservation District has no regulatory authority, but
that it provides public education and property owner assistance in soil and watershed
conservation endeavors. Attorney Knutson further stated that Dan Moriarty, Chairman of
the Board for the Conservation DiStrict, was present in the audience to answer any
questions the Council might have on this issue.
Dan Mofiarty, 1231 Port Williams Rd.i gequim, and Attorney Knutson then responded to
questions posed by the Council.
Councilman Hulett moved to authorize the petition for including within the Clallam
Conservation District that portion of the City that was incorporated as of 1959.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Senior Center Board ;. Appointment to Senior Center Board
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Parks and Recreation Department.
March 3, 1998
LEGISLATION: Councilman Doyle moved to approve the reappointments of Bob Fangen, Jeanne
(Cont'd) Rolley, Marjorie Mcl)onald and Eleanor Tschimperie and appointments of Marvyn
B. Stolley, Madeline Lang, and Virginia Kanters all for three year terms.
Senior Center Board Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Preliminary 1997 d. Preliminary 1997 Year-End Report
Year-End Report
Finance Director Godbey explained that this was a preliminary report, as the books for
1997 have not yet been closed. Some revenues come in on a qUarterly basis, and won't
arrive until March. However, these funds will still be considered as 1997 revenue. Also,
some year end accounting adjustments must be made due to coding errors, etc. Director
Godbey stated that this evening's presentation would serve as a close estimate of the City's
year-end standing. A final report will be brought back to the Council at a future meeting.
Director Godbey then gave a power point presentation which demonstrated the year-end
standing, and Yvonne Ziomkowski, Accounting Manager, gave a report on the City's
ADJOURN TO Mayor Braun adjoun~d the meeting to Executive Session at 10:35 p.m. to discuss a matter
EXECUTIVE SESSION: of real estate for approximately fifteen minutes.
RETURN TO The meeting returned to open session at 10:50 p.m.
de Chantal Property Purchase Agreement for de Chantal Property
Purchase Agreement
Councilman Hulett moved to authorize the Mayor to enter into a written purchase
agreement for the de Chantal property, subject to the review and approval of the
City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m.
C:~ar~&~ ~i~ ~l~ty Gary//lraun, lV~yor '
Exhibit "A"
Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff
report, comments made received during the public comment period, and the Planning
Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds:
1. The proposal is to rezone two lots (Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles),
approximately 14,000 square feet of property, from RHD, Residential High Density, to
CO, Commercial Office (Attachment A of staff report).
2. The subject property falls within the undesignated area between the Commercial
designation to the east of Laurel Street and the High Density Residential designation to
the west of Laurel Street.
3. In 1980, the City approved two similar rezones in the area, REZ 80(5)2-Chance and REZ
4. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses:
To the north: motel;
To the south: dentist office;
To the east: mixed office and commercial uses; and
To the west: single-family residences.
5. Other uses along the west side of Laurel Street include a church, a power substation,
dental office, motel, a mortuary, apartments, and single family homes.
6. The existing neighborhood was originally developed with single-family homes but has
been zoned for high density residential since 1971. Over the years, several properties
have been developed with multi-family units, this has resulted in the neighborhood's
current mixture of primarily single-family homes and scattered multi-family units.
7. The site is level and is currently developed with two single family homes.
8. Neither Laurel Street or Third Street is designated as an arterial street.
9. The City adopted a revised Comprehensive Plan in 1994 which established the district
and neighborhood concept.
10. The City revised its Zoning Map in 1995 for the purpose of bringing it into compliance
with the Comprehensive Plan and its Land Use Map.
11. The SEPA Responsible Official adopted a Determination of Non-Significance on January
30, 1998 (attached as Attachment B).
12. The north half of Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles is owned by Lara
13. The south half of Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles is owned by Janet
14. Dr. Ben Skerbeck has an option to buy on the south half of Lots 19 and 20, Block 53,
Townsite of Port Angeles is owned by Janet Norris.
Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff
report, comments made received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's
deliberation, and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby
A. Continued conversion of RHD zoned property to CO zoned property, two or three
lots deep along the west side of Laurel Street would result in a strip commercial
development pattern.
B. Considering the neighborhood's close proximity to the Lincoln Street commercial
corridor there seems to be little for additional commercial property to serve the
needs of the immediate neighborhood, particularly where the subject site is
C. As an office oriented zone, it is unlikely the CO zoning would result in a
development that has the adjacent neighborhood as its primary service area.
D. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal
including Land Use Policies A1 and 2, C1, D1, E2, 5, 7, and 8.
E. The rezone is not consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies C1, D1, E2, E5,
E7 and E8.
F. Circumstances have changed since the approval of REZ 80(5)2-Chance and REZ
80(7)7-Taylor with the adoption of the City's revised Comprehensive Plan in
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of March 3, 1998.
Gary ~raut~, I~I~yor
Be~ky Z Ut~~y ~l~rl~
Exhibit "B"
Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the
staff report, comments made received during the public comment period, and the
Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port 3mgeles Planning Commission
hereby finds:
1. The proposal is to rezone three lots (Lots 18, 19 and 20, Block 234, Townsite of
Port Angeles), approximately 21,000 square feet of property, from RHD,
Residential High Density, to CN, Commercial Neighborhood ( Attachment A to
staff's report for REZ 98-02).
2. The subject property falls within the undesignated area between the Commercial
designation to the east of Cherry Street and the Open Space designation to the
west in the area of Valley Creek ravine.
3. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows:
To the north: RHD;
To the south: CN;
To the east: CN; and
To the west: RHD.
4. The site is level and is currently developed with an existing medical office
facility. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses:
To the north: single family residences;
To the south: mixed office and commercial uses;
To the east: mixed office and commercial uses; and
To the west: mixed commercial and residential uses.
5. All other property along 8th Street from Race Street to Cedar Street is designated
as Commercial by the Comprehensive Plan and zoned either CN or CSD except
the areas of Valley Creek and Peabody Creek. The area between Cherry Street
and the Valley Creek ravine is zoned RHD.
6. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Eighth Street and Cherry Street as
arterial streets.
7. No written public comments on the proposed rezone were received prior to the
'-' end of the cormnent period which ended on February 12, 1998. Other written
and oral public testimony can be received at the public hearing on the proposed
rezone scheduled before the City Council on March 3, 1998.
8. The City revised its Zoning Map in 1995 for the purpose of bringing it into
compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and its Land Use Map.
9. The SEPA Responsible Official adopted a Determination of Non-Significance on
February 18, 1998 (Attachment B to staff's report for REZ 98-02).
Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the
staff report, comments made received during the public comment period, the Planning
Commission's deliberation, and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby concludes:
A. The existing businesses are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's commercial
designation of 8th Street between Race Street and Cedar Street.
B. The proposed rezone recognizes the existing commercial land use and will not
result in the promotion of new strip patterned development.
C. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal,
Land Use Policies A1 and A2, C1, D1, E5, and E7.
D. The rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies A1 and A2, C1, D1,
E5, and E7.
F. The rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding
zoning and land uses.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of March 3, 1998.
Gary ~ra~n, l~la~o'~
B;Tk-y-i C e;k r