HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/04/1942 I"'" 384 !.larch 4. 1942 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington 19_ ll... The COr.l,r.i.ssion met in rel;Ular session at 10:00 Pol:.. and. was caned to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: I~ayor Beetle, Connnissioners Beam and Lind, attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of th~ previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following were granted: C. Bombardier, Build garage, Lot ll, Block 27, N. R. Smith Subd. W. G. BrUder, Build House, Lot 2, Block 540, Towl"lsite Chet Gagnon, Repair Building, lot 7, Block 3€, N. R. timi th Subd. Nichob & Trumbull, Replace floor, Lot 16, Block 16, N. R. Sn,ith Subd. CURREnT EV,?E"SE FUND The Cor.utission examined and allowed t!le following claims and ordered warr,nts dravm for s.;ne: Ol;ympic Printery Por~ Angeles Evening News R. 1. Polk Co. Ci t~. Light Dept. Pacifio Tel & Tel Co. City Trea surer n Supplies Publications City Directory Office Kent Service Light & Water Street Lights Cash paid for Thu.'1lb Tacks, etc. Service The Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. II Middleton IJotar Parts Epperson & Sons) Inc. Glass Specialty Co. City Treasurer The Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Fire Depa rtmen t n Autolite Plug Door, etc. Front Window Glass, etc. Li~ht & Water Service Extra llen Volunteer Firemen Light and Water at City Barn Service Supplies City Trea 5urer The .Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Olympic Printery CITY STREET FUND Willson Hardware Co. Aneeles Foundry Co. W~8hingtcn S2W Filing Works Angeles Tire & Reoap Service Antone Smith's Grocery Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. II 11 11 11 Hard"\".f2re Curb Inlets, Filing Saws Tires Salt, etc. Lumber etc. Middleton Motor Parts H. T ~ Swenson Co. North West Taro Co. Parts, etc. " Sharpen & Check Park Special Cutting Unit WA TEll FUND City Light Dept. 11 Street 11 ~1!cClellan llil.rdware Co. Wills on Hardwa re Co. Port Jngeles .~vening ~Jews Olympic Printery ~iddleton Motor Parts Co. Tookers Motor Freight Angels s Gravel & Supply Co. Fede~al Pi.pe & Tank Co. Hugh .:;. Puroell CD. Peterson Wholesale Hardware Co. Rent & Lights Ges & Oil Tools lI.a rckmann & Williams Call for Bids, Publication Supplies Auto Fuses Freight Lumber, Sand, etc. Pipe & Accessories Hj"dr'o Rin~s Wrenches Tools Fence Pc~ts Fittings LIGHT FUND Homer Black City Ws ter Dept. Port Anbelc s Evening News Glass Specialty Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Cc. Willson Hardware Co. Peninsula Plywood Corp. Filion Lumber Co. Olympic Printery Middleton l'otor Parts Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. General Electric Supply Co. Seattle Radio Supply Co. Garage Rent Light at Substatio.< Adv. Truck Repair Service . Lamps Wood Lumber Permits T,..~ck Parts Wire Towels 1.~etBr Cases Radio Parts LIBRARY FuND City Treasurer Mildred Eo ton JO~illson Tug & B~rge .Co. J ennilu Norris Gaylord Bros. The M~~illan Co. Light & Wa tor Emerg"encJr Help Coal. Pett~l Cash Supplies Books r 3 ~ /l1., l, J;;: 4 4 39 , b1 ./ 5" ~~ 200 .00 2000 . 00 1200.00 1500.00 29.66 18.56 12.88 50.CO 4.40 9.35 1015.42 .38 2.92 4.35 2.97 17.10 6.65 44.98 7.90 119.0C lS6.00 13.98 4.90 1.6C 4.21 41.20 1.5S 584.15 14.94 161. 98 61.51 253.21 34.74 30.90 7.73 l D ,/ 32.90 26.10 4.0<: 9.40 4.62 4.33 1.40 1.71 189. ro 71. 23 9.64 3.58 3.82 lC.76 19.09 3.00 1.90 2.00 1.55 26.33 32.15 14.42 '9.26 8.50 .88 446.45 5.34 6.18 .71 10.27 3;50 298.53 1./,7 4.80 18.04 j.."P I I I I I '\ Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington "'lIl 385 JtBrch 4. 1942 19_ Books I I I I I _ ,....'.".."...".......'....'.'''.... ...00 Edwin ~llen Co~pany The Puget Sound News Co. Charles Scribner's Sons State College of Washington 61.24 46.97 43.20 2.50 of10 3").- " PARK FUND Cit;y" Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Willson Hardware Co. City Treasurer Naval Lodge ~353, B.p.a.E. ~iddleton Motor Parts Co. Willson Hardware Co. Tooker IS l!otor Fre:.ght Epperson & Sons Light &. 7/ater at Parks Servi ce Hardware Light & ;rater at Play field nags j'jir Gun Hardware Frs igh t He rdwa re cfJ 16 j 25.59 2.65 20.86 38.91 8.96 .20 4.69 .75 6.['6 L. I. ];). GUARAlJTY FDlJD City Treasui'er 37.75 .Taxes Ur,der the head of New Busi"ess: The fcllowing proposal for Public Jtility Service was presented for approval: !'ROPOSJU FOR PUill.IC UTILITY SERVICE The City of Port Angeles, Washington, hereby proposes to f"rn~sh electricity for the star.!. warning display lanterns Oli the steel tmrer on WeRther Bureau lot in Port Angelp.s, W;:Jshington, in consideration for per- missicn tc r.nunt a siren to be used for air raid wJrnings as well as for fire alarms. The Cit;,- of Port Angeles agrees (1) to maintain the siren Bnd other e,.uipment necessary to its operation, in condition such that they win not interfere with the efficient operation of Weather fureau equipment; (2) that shy danage resulting from the installation and operation of said siren will be repaired or replaoed ~, the City of Port ~ngeles; (3) that the equipment vrill be removed if the needs of the Weat!ler Bureau req~ire such act~on, after due notice, end the City cf Port ~ngeles vrill leave thE tpwer in good condi ticn. It is ur.derstaod by both parties to this agreewEnt that at the p~esnet time due ~o the war emergency that the Weather Bureau does not require current for the lanterns as they are not being used for night display~, but after this restriction is no longer imposed, the Weather BUreau will require electricity when sto~ warnings are crdered displayed. This agreement vrill expire by limitation on Ju.ne 30, 1947, and may be terminated othe rwise by either party thereto upon ten days' written notice to tho other party. It was moved by Commissioner Bea'1l that the foregoi,.g proposal for utility ser...ice be approved and ttc 1~yor be authorized to exec~te the same on beh~l~ of the City. Seconded by COQ~is~ioner Lind. On roll call all :T.e:nbers voted 8Jte. The ~.!;:!JPor d",,~l;:!red the n:otion carried. Police J~dgeJ W. t. Phillips, reported 86 CAses tried and ~890.00 collected in fines ~or the ;nonth of Febr~arr, 1942. Rcport ordered filed. There being :10 further rosiness the Co::mission the:J. a:l~ourned. ?17n1~~ 7h'/~ Si ty Gle ct 1.h..yor ) ~