HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/04/1954
Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington
March L.
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IThe City CoUncil met in regular session at.7:30 P.M., and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll
of officers revealed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell,
,llolfe and JicFadden, Hanager Vergeer, Attorn".r Severyns' and Clerk Law.
I. It wss moved by Councilman Nesr that minutes of the previous mee~ing be approved. Seconded by Councilman
rSandison. All voted Aye. Mot;ion carried.
Under the head of unfinished' business, the hearing on Local Improvement District No. 165 as continued
I from the previous meeting was opened. John Nicholson, thanked the Council for extending hearing as request-
led, and after contacting owners of property included in the District, hears no adverse comment. Ted Brown
'questioned as to whether or not protests could be filed after bids are published and opened. Attorney
ISeveryns adVised that it is a matter of Council policy but according to Statutes governing, protests should
Ibe filed before hearing is closed and if bids are not more than 10% above Engineer's estimate, the Council
can accept or reject as they see fit. Councilmen NcFadden and l'Iolf e emphasized the fact that the Council
idoes not want to award bids if property owners do not approve. tr"mager Vergeer also pointed out that if
'bids are out of reason to the Council and property o.rners, the same may be rejected. Al Lamoureux stated
,lthat he owns property on Sth Street, West of C Street, and in his opinion, opposition is not as intimated.
IAlso he is in favor of the improvement. Ifr. Nicholson estimated about 90% favored improvement from A
Street to C Street. After further discussion, it was moved by Counoilman McFadden that the hearing be
iclosed with no written protests filed and bids published and opened April 1. Seconded by Councilman
tBrown am unanimously carried.
]~nager Vergeer reported on preliminary survey of the 5th and Penn Streets area for installation of sewers.
'Engineer's estimate shows from $285.00 to $300.00 per lot, this being above statutory limitation according
ito property valuation.
'.The Council discussed appointment of a member to serll'e on the Library Board. Councilman Brown recommende:--p-'-" .
:appointment of Helen Tradewell and moved that the SGlIle be confirmed. }lotion seconded by Councilman !/'/C- :.
Fadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried. '
.The follo;dng claims vTere filed for approval by the Council: Fixed Estimate Expense:
I L.I.D. No. 164 Construction Fund, Peninsula Herald, publication $13.50
1953 Street Construction Fund, Peninsula Herald, publication 6.15
It was moved by Councilman PO>lell that the claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All
~oted Aye. Motion carried.
,Under the head of new business, the Council approved claims psid February le, 24, Earch 2 and 4, in total
amount of $22,866.30. It "as moved by Councilman Po"ell that claima be approved as paid. Seconded by
Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried.
School District No. 17 filed ptition requesting that the City consider vacati~n of that portion of Bth St.
abutted by Lots 11 to 16, in Block 249. L street from 7th Street to 8th Street and the alley in Block 250
abutted by Lots 5 to 10 inclusive. The alley through Block 249 except that portion abutting Lots 9 and 10.
Also the alley in Block 24e where said alley abutts Lots 7 to 10 inclusive. It "as moved by Councilman
Brovrn that the request be referred to the Planning Commission as recommended by !/'~nager Vergeer. Seconded
by Councilm'll Powell. All voted Aye. Hotion carried.
Lpt. Glann of School Dist-;ict No. 17 appeared before the Council concerning improvement of 12th St., from
~incoln Street East to Chase. It was the dlpinion of J.lr. Glann that if the City cut the street d01'iIl to grade"
,the school [9.Ild pr~perty owners on the North side of 12th Street "ould improve by Construction of side"alks
Ourbs and gutters. l1anager Vergeer suggested the City could 10Vier the street to grade and use the dirt fal'
,fill, thereby assisting with expense of the imp:rova'1lent. It was moved by Councilman i.Jolfe that the City
assist with the project as suggested. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried.
aeport of the Police Department for the month of February was subrritted for approval. It was moved by
I CounciJJnan ~:cFadden that the report be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All
voted Aye. ilotion carried.
,Council considered a petition signed ~.r property ow~ers requesting Local Improva'1lent District be established
Ifor construction of sidewaH;s, curbs and gutters on East Georgiana Street from Race Stl'eet to Ennis Street.
lIt was moved by Councibnan LcFadden that the Attorney be insturcted to prepare a Resolution fixing date of
:hearing as requested. Seconded by Councilm&"1 Brown. ill members voted Aye. I-lotion carried.
Purchase of a fire trUCk, also the joint purchase of truck by Fire Distri ct and the City ~lere discussed.
'Eanager Vergeer recommended that bids be rublished for the City truck only, until suc~ time as legality is
:est~blished for the joint purchase. Attorney Severyns advised that joint bids will re~uire authorization
.,by both the City and Fire Distl-ict ,lith proper publications for the sa'1le. Also there is nothing in Statutes
saying the City c"-n enter into agreonent ',lith the District, but the District is permitted to purchase
Ijointly by agrecnent 1'lith the City. It was L10ved ~.f Councilman Holfe that the 11ana::;er be m:thorized to
'publish call for bids to fl:rnish the City one fire truck. Seconded by Councilman Grown. All voted kye.
Hotion car:-ied.
,It Vias then mcved by Councilman Neer that the Hanager be authorized to publish calls for bids for parchase
,by the Street Dept. of one street sweeper, a trailer and tractor. Motion seconded by Councilman ~lcFadden
land unanimously carried.
,Councilman Sandison informed of mlmerous complaints received concerning the condition of Francis Street
~here sewer cain has been installed. The Engineer' reported several requests made to the contractor whose
duty it is to repair the Street. lfunager Vergeer volunteered to contact the contractor and assured immed-
;Late action.
I ~o~owi?l' suggestion by. CouncilmanPO>Tell, the ?o,:",~il recogniz7d and expressed appreciation of letter and
" J.nntahon from RosenheJ.m. Also dJ.Scussed possJ.bJ.lity of, CouncJ.l members and others to accept invitation
!Iar return visitation. ~
I Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the follo.ling 11as introduced and read in full for
consideration by the Council:
ORllII~AM::E NO. 1324
An Ordinance of the Oity of Port Angeles, providing for the improvement of certain streets in the City of
Port Angeles by the construction of curbs, gutters and such storm sewers and catch basins as may be
required and incidental thereto, all in accordance 11ith Improvement Resolution No. 165 of the City of Port
Angeles; creating a local improvement district for such improvement; and providing that payment for said
.... I
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
MCl'sa J,.
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limprovement shall be by special assesSllents on the property of said district specially benefited,
,payable by mode 'of "payment by bonds", all in accordance "with the maps, plans and specifications prepared
IbY the City Engineer and approved by the City Council.
It wa" moved by Councilman Mc?adden that ths forego~ng ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
(ouncilman Sandison and unarlimously carried.-
The re being no further busines s, the meeting was adjourned.
c,. Lo....r.
City Clerk
. Notlce hl hereby giVCll that scale
;bldH wUl be reech'ed - by' the Clt.)'
'Clerk of the' Cily at P<lrt AnF:eles,
'\\":u:lllngton, until fi:OIl o'clock P.M.
April 1st, 1(l54, an(1 not later, at the
'cl1y H.'l,ll at 140 \V€!-lt I<~rllJlt Street,
. Port Angelos, \\'ashlngton, nml :dll
be opened and publlcly l'elttl at r:30
. o'clock P.M. on that dalC!, at thei
CI1)' Council Cham berg at 120 :-;'ortl1
Oak Street, for the following Im-;
]Jl'oyell'lcl~l, Eighth 8tr('-Ot, from the
Westerly.... End of Tumwate~ Creekj
Bridge to "E" Street alld "e' Street!
(rom ]~Ighth Street too Nhlth Street'l
lly tl16 eonstrucUoll of curbs ttnd,
~utters and storm. water sewers, the
approximate l]LUmtitles are as fol.'
low@: ~ - I
'i~~..~'n, Ft.. ,.t..,,' eu<b 3.d I'
183 SQ. o-Yil, ',' co ricre,'" ,f:ltdeW!llk.
SOO LIT1.'F'1. 6". Storm 19cwer pipe
8~~ ..f..\~eFt.fi;:' s~rm' l'lcwer prpe
in place. '~ -..-
wJt"h tho excavatIon Bond all other:
,. ~~~~~W~:lSo.{cth~lrg~oJ~nct. the. con. l
All bld9 I'lhall be accompanied by:
(\ eCrlUle.<! check'.fIr bid bond in tl1.::
L'luM or not less than FIVe (I)) pcr:
ccnt of the . amount hid and made
payable to the City Trclllo'urcr uf 111 i
Clly of Port Angelcr;, WAshlng1ul1,'
or thc bl(i w!ll not M COm:ll<1fJre<1., A I'
pt.rfol'mance bona .of One Hun<1ren
(00) per cent or the nmQunt of the
contract price must be fUrt'lIShOO b>'
the euccesaruI bldder.
plans and specifications mn~.. bej
l(lbt.aJne~ trom the City Cleric upon
oepO!'lltlIllf $5.00 tor each set, which
will I)e rerunded only In ca.5e a. bona:
fide blo h1 made and the documents
returne". t
The City Council reserves the:
I"liht to reject any or nll bids. pre:!
qua.IlfIC!l.t10n of bloder'1l l!'l required.
J. E. LAW,
. City Clerk
Ptlblh:hcll: March 11 a.nd 18, 19:'4.