HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/04/1980 I I I 'J ')3 \) (, c.. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 4, 1980 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Caso. R. Rego, M. Cleland, K. Rodocker, A. Rose, D. Frizzell, R. Orton, P. Carr. Guests Present: J. Sobieck, D. Rudolph, D. Chaussee, B. sage, G. Smith, K. Berryman, J. Smedes, J. Creighton, A. Moore, P. Downie, R. Levin, C. stroup, J. & D. Jones. III MINUTES Prior to Council action on the minutes of February 19th and 20, 1980, Councilman Quast questioned the spelling of Mr. Thomson's name in the minutes of February 19th, page number 329, Legislation 8(A), and suggested that a correction be made in the second paragraph of Legislation #9, page number 330 of the February 19th minutes as follows: ". . . in which the City states its support of Northern Tier's pro- posal to discuss with the City and other local governments and interests the proposed pipeline." Councilman Buck then moved the Council accept and place on file as corrected the minutes of the February 19 and 20, 1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. IV ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA A. NORTHERN TIER NEGOTIATIONS ttt. Bill Sage, of Northern Tier Pipeline Company, addressed the Council in regard to negotiations with the City for mitigating measures. Referring to a letter to the Council from Mr. Jim Hodge, dated March 3, 1980, Mr. Sage submitted a pro- posed three-tiered organizational chart for the negotiations, consisting of a Negotiating Tssues Team, a Negotiating Committee, and a Mitigating Measures Management Committee. At the top of the chart was the Northern Tier Board of Directors. Mr. Sage also pointed out that Mr. James Creighton, a public involve- ment consultant, has been retained by Northern Tier to critique their past ne- gotiating efforts and help establish an effective negotiating process. possible issues which can be discussed included a coordination and review plan, housing, taxes/economic assistance, traffic impacts, water supply, building codes, fire and police protection, population, etc. Following Mr. Sage's presentation, the Council discussed at length the City's negotiating committee, which should, Mayor Haguewood suggested, consist of the Council as an entire body. In response to this suggestion, Councilman Quast pointed out that many of the Council members cannot be available for all of the meetings with Northern Tier, and read a proposal for the Council's consideration which proposed a negotiating committee consisting, of Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman and Duncan, Manager Flodstrom, and Attorney Miller (or ,their representa- tives). This committee would enter into negotiations with Northern Tier's ne- gotiating committee; the City Council would then be designated as the'decision making committee to review the proposals made by the committees, with these sessions open to the public. Councilman Quast's proposal also included several "ground rules" for the negotiations. Councilman Buck then moved the Council as a whole be identified as the negotiating committee with Northern Tier for further discussions on mitigating measures. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, there were several pro and con comments from various Council members. subjects dis- cussed include attendance of Council members at the negotiations and the re- 334 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 4, 1980 IV ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA A. Cont. quirement of a quorum present before negotiations could take place; a two tiered committee approach by the City to match Northern Tier's three tiered committee organization; the decision making powers of Northern Tier's manage- ment and negotiating committees; and a proposed meeting format with staff and Council both preparing and reviewing issues to be discussed. On voice I vote, Mayor Haguewood declared the motion carried. During further discussion on this matter, Mr. Sage stressed the importance of staff-on-staff discussions, and reaching agreements on all the issues so they can become part of the EFSEC hearings record. Also during the discussion, Councilman Quast objected to a Council quorum being able to make decisions during the negotiations and stated that the City should match Northern Tier's three tiered approach with a negotiating committee to discuss the issues and a management committee to make the final decisions. Following the discussion, Councilman Duncan requested a vote on the above-mentioned motion by a show of hands. Councilmen Buck, Hordyk and Polhamus voted "AYE" with Councilmen Boardman, Duncan and Quast voting "NO." Mayor Haguewood, voting to break the tie, voted "AYE." The discussion on this matter continued with the Council, Attorney Miller, and Mr. Sage discussing Northern Tier's decision making body, and the issues to be discussed in the first meeting. Mayor Haguewood then suggested that this meeting be continued to Thursday, March 6, 1980 at 6:00 P.M. in order to give staff suf- ficient time to prepare a list of priorities to be considered by the Council before meeting with Northern Tier. A meeting with Northern Tier was then scheduled for Thursday, March 20, 1980. B. DERBY DAYS POOL TOURNAMENT Mr. Jim Jones, Co-Chairman of Derby Days, addressed the Council concerning use I of the Roosevelt gymnasium for the 1980 Derby Days Pool Tournament. Mayor Haguewood then read a letter from Mr. Jones in which the following was re- quested: (1) use of the Roosevelt Gymnasium for the Pool Tournament from 10 AM wednesday, August 27 through midnight Sunday, August 31, 1980, both dates in- clusive, with the City of Port Angles participating in the event by waiving any rental fee; (2) to permit the retail sale of "fast foods" by a caterer, through competitive bid; (3) to permit the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for on premises consumption, by a properly licensed caterer through competitive bid; (4) Derby Days, Inc. will pay up to $50.00 per day for cleanup of the facility by City crews for each day of use requested; and (5) Derby Days, Inc. will be responsible for security, crowd control and parking assistance at all times. During discussion on Mr. Jones' letter, the Council discussed rental fees and clean-up/damage deposits for the gymnasium with Parks Director Frizzell. Council- man Buck then moved the Council accommodate the Derby Days Pool Tournament, but in compliance with the City's program schedule and established rates. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus. During discussion on the motion, Mr. Frizzell pointed out that the park use Ordinance will need to be amended to allow liquor in the gym facility, and Councilman Quast noted that this matter should be referred to the Park and Beautification Board for a recommendation. The Council and Mr. Frizzell also discussed certain physical problems with the gym, such as lighting and electrical service, and who will be responsible for bearing the expense for modifications to the gym to accommodate the pool tournament. Councilman Buck then withdrew his motion, with Councilman Polhamus withdrawing his second, and moved the Council refer the letter from Derby Days to the Park and Beautifica-' I" tion Board for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council authorize the City Attorney to draw up a proposed ordinance for the allowable use of liquor at the present Roosevelt gym site, on a concession basis. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus. During discussion on the motion, Attorney Miller advised that a hold-harmless agreement and insurance clause should also be included in the proposed ordinance. The Council then agreed that the proposed ordinance will be considered at the March 6, 1980 continuation of this meeting. CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 4, 1980 "".) ;:::. dt..)t.J IV ITEMS EROM'THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA C. POST OFFICE SIDEWALK I Mr. Charles Stroup requested that Mayor Haguewood read a letter to the Council addressed to Mr. Stroup from Senator Jackson concerning the need for a sidewalk behind the Post Office on Second Street. The letter stated that Senator Jackson has initiated an inquiry to the Postal Service to see if funds can be provided for construction of an appropriate sidewalk on Second Street. Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that the City' had also written to Senator Jackson regarding this matter and had received a similar reply. D. NORTHERN TIER NEGOTIATIONS Mike Doherty, Oilport Task Force Coordinator, addressed the Council to express his concerns regarding the Council's previous action at this meeting on the negotiations with Northern Tier. Mr. Doherty requested that the action to negotiate be reconsidered when public comment is allowed, noting that (a) the gain to Northern Tier in regard to public relations (i.e. pending legislation) will be tremendous; (b) Northern Tier should be responsible for funding the extra City staff time which will result from the decision to negotiate; and (c) the Council should be much more familar with the Northern Tier project before negotiating for mitigating measures. The Council took no action on Mr. Doherty's request. V LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARING: HUD HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM I Mayor Haguewood opened the joint CityjClallam County public hearing for the purpose of submitting a final application to HUD in the amount of $415,000 for a second year of funding for the Housing Rehabilitation Program of Clallam and Jefferson Counties, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. During the discussion which followed, several Council members questioned Ms. Judy Armstrong, of the Housing Rehabilita- tion Program, in regard to the proposed target area (neighborhood "C") and the procedures for allocating the funds. There were no further com- ments'and the public hearing was closed. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 7-80 entitled, Resolution No. 7-80 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the filing of the final application between the City Council and other municipalities on the North Olympic Peninsula for the purpose of obtaining Community Development Block Grant funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Following this action, County Commissioner Dick Lotzgesell informed the Council that the Commissioners will be considering the same Resolution as their continued regular meeting on March 5th. 2. LITTER CONTROL ORDINANCE I ~ayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2067 entitled, Ordinance No; 2067 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles adding a new Section to Chapter 8.l2 of the Port Angeles Mun~cipal Code, regulating the placement of garbage and refuse in approved containers, defining offenses and providing penalties. 336 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 4, 1980 V LEGISLATION 2. Cont. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, Mr. G. Edress addressed the Council to complain about dogs tipping over garbage cans and enforcement of the animal control ordinance. The Council and Manager Flodstrom discussed this matter, as well as the problems with condition, placement, etc., of garbage cans, and the possibility of requiring vehicles in transit to cover their garbage. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council with Council- man Quast voting "NO." I 3. ORDINANCE: BELLEWOOD STREET VACATION During the February 19, 1980 regular Council meeting, the Council approved the Bellewood street vacation request, but did not act on the vacation ordi- nance until a compensation amount was set by the Real Estate Committee. At this meeting, Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2068 entitled, Ordinance No. 2068 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating the south five feet of the East Sixth Street right- of-way between Lincoln and Laurel Streets. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, with the stipulation that Bellewood Corporation pay the compensation amount of $1,264.00 and with the following findings of fact: (1) past practices have allowed property owners to build up to the side- walks in the area in which the subject property is located; (2) traffic pat- terns 'will not be affected by the vacation because the street is already I developed and the vacated portion occurs outside of the developed portion; utility patterns in the area will not be affected because the area is cur- rently fully developed; (4) utility services will not be affected by such vacation; (5) vacation would create a better living environment for the elderly apartment building tenants; and (6) there would be benefit to the general public to place that portion of the right-of-way on the tax rolls. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried unanimously. 4. AGREEMENT WITH NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY SYSTEM Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom outlining the major contract amendments to the original North Olympic Library System agreement. One amendment which was discussed at length at the January 16, 1980 special Council meeting was the matter of the City's financial contributions for the operation of the System; the amended agreement now calls for a base City contribution of $215,000. In addition, the Library Board may seek an addi- tional contribution which the City mayor may not agree to appropriate. During discussion on the proposed agreement, Attorney Miller and Councilman Hordyk discussed the interpretation of Section 10, which states that the City is responsible for major structural or mechanical repairs or alterations. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement with the North Olympic Library System. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. During the May 1, 1979 regular Council meeting, the Council approved, under certain conditions, a request from the DNR for an easement across property in the Morse Creek watershed area. This is the same piece of property over which an easement had been previously granted by the Council to Burrowes and Fox. At this meeting, Attorney Miller submitted a proposed easement agreement and recommended the Council approve execution of the easement as presently written. The proposed agreement contains the conditions re- commended by Attorney Miller in 1979, plus a hold-harmless clause ( the language of which was requested by the DNR). Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council approve the easement agreement with DNR for an easement across property in the Morse Creek watershed area. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. I 5. DNR MORSE CREEK EASEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 4, 1980 337 V LEGISLATION 6. RENTAL AGREEMENT: C. DIVEN I Mayor Haguewood referred to a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom informing the Council that Mr. C. Diven, a local commercial fisherman, has approached the City regarding renting a portion of the Oak Street Dock area. Manager Flodstrom suggested a proposed Rental Agreement which is essentially the same agreement that the City currently has with High Tide Seafoods and Certified Insulation except for: tal Mr. Diven agrees to make the building secure and weather-proof at his own cost; and (bl Mr. Diven feels that a rental rate of seven and one-half cents per square foot per month would be acceptable as compared to five cents per square foot per month for High Tide and ten cents per square foot per month for Certified. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council approve the rental agreement with Mr. Chuck Diven for space on the Oak Steeet dock. The motion was seconded by Council- man Polhamus and carried. 7. SUMMARY OF CITY'S NEEDS AND SOLUTIONS The Council scheduled a special meeting on Tuesday, March 25, 1980 to prioritize the City's needs and solutions as submitted by Councilmembers at the February 20, 1980 special Council meeting. 8. PROCLAMATION Mayor Haguewood read a PROCLAMATION proclaiming March 16-23, 1980 as International DeMo lay week, and presented signed copies of the Procla- mation to members of the DeMolay which were present at this meeting. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. I VII FINANCE l. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS A. Light Department Transformers Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the low bid of North Coast Electric Co., Portland, oregon, with a bid of $75,494.88 for 42 single phase pole type transformers. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. Councilman Hordyk moved the council reject the low bid of North Coast Electric Supply because of unacceptable delivery dates, and award the bid for l33 single phase dual voltage type transformers to the second low bidder, Graybar Electric, Tacoma, with a bid of $204,009.76. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for 22 single phase pad- mount type transformers to the low bidder, Graybar Electric, with a bid of $40,325.99. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for two three-phase dual voltage padmount type transformers to the low bidder, Graybar Electric, I with a bid of $47,649.62, Elnd carried. The motion was secondil_~y",Councilman NOTICE OF LL FOR 8105 City of Porf Angeles, Parks -8 Rec:reotlon NOTICE is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk, City 01 Port Angeles, 140 West Fronl Street. P.O. Box 1150. Port Angeles, Washington 9~362. un.til 2:00 p.m. Fnday, February 29th 1980. and that t~e City will reje-ct 011 bids rec~ived after the scheduled closing time and date. The bids will be opened publidy at that time for furnishlng tne following equipment and/or material: 1, Approximate 78-1500 Watt Metal Halide 4BOV Flo.odlights; includin,9 lamps, mounting assemblies and aiming chcr!s. ''? moin1E.in specified lighting levels on :2 \ combinalion soccer/softball fields at 5hooe Par\<. , 2 Instellotio," of f,eold ligh'ting 'or two combinoti,on softball/~occ-er fields In" eluding undergrovnd tren- ctling. wiring, ponel$ and . ent, Poles ond Hordyk B. Shane Park Lighting Councilman Buck moved the Council a lighting equipment for Shane Park t Port Angeles, with a bid of $34,222 Councilman Polhamus and carried. C award the bid for 78 light fixtures bidder, Graybar Electric, Tacoma, w was seconded by Councilman Quast an allation of pic Electric, seconded by oved the Council Park to the low 22. The motion 2.. Ins tal Ie lion ot tie Id lighting for two combinotion softbanl socce r f ieids in. eluding underground iren- ching~ wirin9~ panels and related equipmenl. Poles and light f ixtu res supplied by owner.. Bid specifications may be obtained from the light Department office at 240 West Front Street, Port Angeles, Wasl1ington; 98362. A certified check or bid bond for 5 percent of the amount of the bid sholl accompany each bid. AI' bids a re to inc'ude detivery F.O.B. Port AngelesJ Washington.. Bids will be opened and tabulated for tne Citv Counci' for consideration .by said Council in session Tuesdayt March 4thf" 1980. The Council reserves the right to consider delivery ,ime and to accept or to reject any or all b~ds or any port thereof. The un.t price shall prevail and tne City reserves the right to correct any ex- tensions or improper sales 1QXe~. Jf;~ Pub~. Feb.., 17 ,,~, 1980 . CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 4, 1980 337 V LEGISLATION 6. RENTAL AGREEMENT: C. DIVEN I Mayor Haguewood referred to a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom informing the Council that Mr. C. Diven, a local commercial fisherman, has approached the City regarding renting a portion of the Oak Street Dock area. Manager Flodstrom suggested a proposed Rental Agreement wnich is essentially the same agreement that the City currently has with High Tide Seafoods and Certified Insulation except for: (a) Mr. Diven agrees to make the building secure and weather-proof at his own cost; and (b) Mr. Diven feels that a rental rate of seven and one-half cents per square foot per month would be acceptable as compared to five cents per square foot per month for High Tide and ten cents per square foot per month for Certified. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council approve the rental agreement with Mr. Chuck Diven for space on the Oak Steeet dock. The motion was seconded by Council- man Polhamus and carried. 7. SUMMARY OF CITY'S NEEDS AND SOLUTIONS The Council scheduled a special meeting on Tuesday, March 25, 1980 to prioritize the City's needs and solutions as submitted by Councilmembers at the February 20, 1980 special Council meeting. r VI ----;-"1 18 ~lt IQNOWHJUI NOU Mayor Haguewood read a PROCLAMATION proclaim~ ras International DeMolay Week, and presented si " )cla- mation to members of the DeMolay which were f16Lgg~9 __- r'~ g. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA ~~ None. FINANCE ,'IU, EUOtu .I0:j_ I rn WO~Snj Jno #0 aUO 1, CONS:rDERATION OF BIDS ?! JO awoy alaldwo ,Is aJO#aq JaqwH Jnd (SUO:> aWoy-501 0 5u 10Y 501 ~I'nq. , Councilman Hordyk moved the Council ac/ . WO~sn~orth Coast Electric Co., Portland, Oregon, with )r 42 single phase pole type transformers. The mo ouncilman Boardman and carried. 8. PROCLAMATION I VII A. Light Department TransfoXffiers I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council r Electric Supply because of unacceptab bid for 133 single phase dual voltage low, bidder, Graybar Electric, TaCOl1\a'r-,. motion was seconded by Councilman DUL Councilman Buck moved the Council aw _ mount type transformers to the low b of $40,325.99. The motion was ngle phase pad- -ric, with a bid I dyk and carried. Councilman Buck moved the Council aw voltage padmount ~ype transformers w~th a bid of $47,649.62, The moti and carried, three-phase dual aybar Electric, uncilman Hordyk B, Shane Park Lighting Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for installation of lighting equipment for Shane Park to the low bidder, Olympic Electric, Port Angeles, with a bid of $34,222.50. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. Councilman Buck then moved the Council award the bid for 78 light fixtures and lamps for Shane Park to the low bidder, Graybar Electric, Tacoma, with a bid of $18,521.22. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. j3R CITY COUNCIL MEETING ,. March 4, 1980 VII FINANCE 2. L.I.D. NO. 204 Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize payment of $25,781.06 to J.D. Shotwell Company as the fourth, January payment of work done and materials furnished by said contractor on L. I. D. No. 204, 14th and "K" Street, as certified by City Engineer Andrew Rose in his Certification letter dated February 28, 1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. I VIII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers payable of $287,842.77, LID's of $25,842.19 and Pay- roll of $167,425.71. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows: 1. Authorize payment of $64,452.73 to General Construction Company as progress payment No. 10 on the Municipal pier Project. 2. Authorize payment of $5,550.37 to ABAM Engineers for Plan Review, Shop Drawing Review and Project Inspection on the Municipal pier for the period of July through October, 1979. 3. Authorize payment of $385.19 to John Keegan for legal fees on the Northern Tier Pipeline Company Oilport Project Application. 4. Authorize payment of $55,163.08 to DelGuzzi Construction for retained per- centage for construction work on the Elwha River water project. 5. Authorize payment of $33,812.45 to Henkles & MCCoy for 4 KV conversion to 12.5 KV of three areas and 69 KV conversion of the Laurel Substation. 6. Authorize the Public Works Department to call for bids for the extension I of the sanitary sewer line in Ahlvers Road from Galaxy Place to Old Mill Rd. 7. Authorize the Light Department to call for bids for the sale of 320 surplus distribution transformers at a total of 10,683 KVA; a 12/16/20 MVA sub- station transformer at 16th and "F" Street; and three 69 KV loadbreak switches. 8. Notification has been received from the washington State Liquor Control Board of a class E, F license renewal for Safeway store No. 439, 115 East Fourth Street; and a transfer of license from Charles w. Carpenter dba La Casita, to Steven L. Quaintance. VIX LATE ITEMS None. X STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Boar9man: Questioned Mayor Haguewood in regard to a recent news- paper article wnich quoted the Mayor as again saying that the oilport was "inevitable," Duirng discussion on the matter, Councilman Duncan suggested that some type of policy is needed as to what authority the Council has, as committee members, to do and speak on behalf of the Council, as well as re- ports which need to be made, etc. Councilman Quast concurred. I 2. Councilman Hordyk: Disagreed with Councilman Duncan's suggestion, stating that the committees may as well be abolished if a written policy is needed on every action of every Councilmember when he is representing the City. Requested a status report on the Municipal pier at the next Council meeting. Encouraged all citizens of Port Angeles to attend their caucuses on Tuesday, March 11th regardless of their political party. 3. Councilman Quast: Stated for the record that (al he took exception as to the manner in which this meeting was conducted, pointing out that the Clallam County Commissioners were not recognized or even requested to comment during the joint public hearing on the Hun application, and (bl he highly disagreed with the action taken by the Council at this meeting on the Northern Tier negotiations and the manner in which the matter was handled. CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 4, 1980 'i'). 9 , ) ,,--) X STAFF REPORTS I 4. Councilman Duncan: Pointed out that when the council unanimously reaffirms a written policy, it is the responsibility of every Councilmember when speaking in public to show that that policy is the official policy of the council even if one or more of the Council members disagree; the Council is bound by the majority decisions of the Council and there should be no double standard. Informed the Council that former secretary of the' ,Interior, Stewart Udall, will be in Port Angeles on Friday, March 7th to view the pro- posed oilport facility site, with a political fund raising luncheon for Kennedy proponents following at Harrington'S~Restaurant 5. Councilman Polhamus: Stated that he could not see the end difference between the way the Council handled the Northern Tier matter and the way it would have been handled if the Council had agreed with Councilman Quast's proposal. I 6. Manager Flodstrom: Informed the Council that Fire Chief Cameron retired ef- fective March 1, 1980 and the Civil Service Commission is currently in the process of selecting a new Chief. In the meantime, he has appointed Dick Camporini as Acting Fire Chief, with Gary Braun as Assistant Fire Chief. Councilman Quast then moved the Council write and express its appreciation to Ken Cameron for his exceptional service to the City of Port Angeles. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Reported on the ap- plications for 'City Light Director. Requested he be given authorization to recruit applicants for the position of public Works Director. In response to a question from Councilman Buck, Manager Flodstrom agreed to check with compliance as an equal opportunity employer in regard to his recruitment. Reminded the Council of the special meeting on Thursday, March 6th to discuss the water rate analysis. Informed the Council that Mr. Clark Neeley, Director of community Development for Portland, Maine, will be in Washington State in the near future and requested authorization to invite Mr. Neeley to Port Angeles to speak to the Council and staff in regard to portland'soilport facility. Councilman Quast then moved the Council authorize the expenses for Mr. Neeley to come to Port Angeles from Seattle and back to speak to the Council and staff. The motion was seconded by councilman Buck and carried. Requested direction from the Council on how they want to proceed with late items and items from the audience not on the agenda. The Council agreed to continue using the same procedure as before for these matters. 7. Attorney Miller: Informed the Council that he did not put Northern Tier on the agenda for this meeting - but he did tell them that there were opportuni- ties during the meeting to approach the Council. Advised the Council that the state Auditor and Attorney General will take no action in regard to the sale by the City of certain property to Mr. Fraoili in the Morse Creek water- shed area approximately five years ago and the lifting of the restrictions on that property by the City Council approximately two years ago. XI ADJOURNMENT At 10:30 P.M. Councilman Quast moved the Council continue this meeting to Thursday, March 6, 1980 at 6:00 P.M. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. I ;t~ e. ~ City Clerk ~'if~h-( /f1ayor