HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/05/1941 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington '""IIIll 255 !:lArch 5. 1941 19_ I I I I I The Comrni'ssion met in regular session at 10 A.J..:. ond waa calJed to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll Call showed the following officers pre Eent : !1ayor Beetle, COlllr.lissioners Beam and Lind, Attorney Conniff and Clerk HAWkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the'head of Jpplicp.tions for Buildin; Permits the followifiJ were gronted: Harold PElmer, Remodel Dwelling, Lot 10, Dlock 313, Tovmsite R. i'f. Ruffle, t.ddition to Tourist Court, Lot 6, Blocl: 24, :r. h, Smith Subd. Glen Hllrlong, Build House, S~ lots 10 & 11, Block 288, Townsite 400.00 2000.00 1500.00 I.:iss Jennilu Norris, the librarian, presented her ennual report which was read and ordered filed. Under the head of I~trcductian of Resolutions the ~ollowin& resolution WAS introduced: RESOlUTIOlJ 7ffiEREAS, the Ci t:l' 0 f Port Angeles is the Olffier of the following described real property, having acquired the same 0;,' Treasllrer's deed, dated !.:aroh 4, 1941, under ani by virtue of the authority of Section 9595 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 145 of the laTIs of 1929, page 365, to-'Qt: Lot Seven (7), 310ck Two Hundred 'I',venty-one (221), of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Via shington, and VffiEP.EAS, S. H. Winsb~r has offered +'0 purchase fro~ the City of Port Angeles the above describcd real prop- erty for the su~ of $125.00, payable as fellcTIs: 010.00 as a down payment and ~25.oo on or before the 1st day of April, 1941, and $25.00 on or before the 1st day of each and every month thereafter until paid in f~]J, together vnth interest en monthly balances at the rRte of 7% per Rn~u~) ~nd lVEERE!.S) the City Commissioners have vieVied the said property and is of the opinion that the of.fer is fair value and is in exsess or the amount paid qy the Ci~y for said property, plus all L.I.D. 2s~essments, in- cluding interest and other charees against the saffie~ I NaN, T3ERtFORE, S: :T R~SCLVED, that said offer be accepted and that Lh~ :ity of Port Angeles sell the said 'property at priva'e sale to th0 said S. H. Winsby for the S~T< hereinabove set fcrt~, subject to any othar valid liens against the same; that the City Atto~sy be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed ccnvcyi~g said prcperty to the purchaser, and that the Cicy Clerk of the 0ity of Port Angeles be and he is heroby instr~cted to execute said quit clain deed, and thet the ~~or of the City of Port Ancel~s be and he is hereby instructed to ccuntersign said ~..uj.t claim deed 'rhen the pur~hase price and all accrued int~rest thereon has been paid in full. The Cit.y CorrJ:ussion examined and allowed the follmdng claims and ordered WArrants dravm for sa:-r.e; CURR~NT EXPEiiSE fU2W H. H. Eee-:le Westinghouse Electric Supply Will s on Ha rdW9 re Co ~ Cit;y lir::t DepartJrent Cit~. Treasurer . " Expense tccount L3r:lpS lbrdv;.:;!.re Cf:ice 2e:.lt Street Lif,hi:,s Light and W"t3r ,V.P.P.. Office Court Costs Service 7.19 32.73 1.22 SO.OO 972.:03 21. 51 7.05 4.~0 ~.70 2.75 1.22 .77 100.00 10.34 31 ~49 144.00 10.55 22.90 .20 S.36 .S9 4.50 5.50 <pO .98 ./ 2.20 \ ~ ~ 0 47.55 20C .00 1.54 9.90 38.76 37.65 2~ .51 y\' 8.17 / 21.66 ~ylo 63.17 178.50 53.66 10.74 88.62 40.00 767.82 10.82 3.76 ..... Pacific Tel & Tel Co. " 11 Willson Hardwa::-e Co. Evening ~ews Press lJr~. Sena IL Pasco Art Burnside & Co. City Treasurer Fire DepartMent Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Angeles Evening News Middleton 1:0 tor Parts Co. Willson Hardware Co ~ Harris & Schuller Ci ty Treasnrer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. A~geles Cravel & Supply Co. Westir~house Eleotric SuP?ly Co. t,!rs. Sena E ~ Pasco era' ions Binding License hIes Publio Address ~stem Photo Board Light & Water Volunteer Firemen Pay Roll Service Publica tions stove Bolts Hardware Channel Iron Light and Water City Barn SE>nQce Freight Lumber &: Nails Pole Steps, etc. Stationary Sound System CITY STREET FUII'D Port Angeles Evening News Angeles Gravel & Supply CD. H~ T. Swanson Uotor Co. Central ~otor Parts & Mch Works Middleton Motor Parts Publications Lumber, Cement, etc. Parts Labor /;. Parts Parts, etc. " Port Angeles Concrete Products ~o. Angeles foundry Go. R. M. 1!organ Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Pipe, etc. Curb Inlets Lumber Diesel ~otor Fuel WATER FUN1 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Purmai d Dai ry Marckrnann & ~llliams Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. 1~ddleton Uotor Parts Ce. Pipe and Bands Store Rent Pipe '" Fittings lieUs Truok Parts ,..... 256 lla rch 5, 1941 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington lStandard Oil Co. I C. LeRoy Sarff James Hardware Co. I Olympi c Printery Dan Hurley City light Department City Treasurer Cup Grease Gummbg Grease Supplies Printed F 0::11lS Car Expense Rent & Lights Filing FeEs LIGHT FUND United States Pencil Co. Pioneer Inc. Line ~ateri"l Co. Royal ~JPewriter Co. Willson Hardware Co. Rudys Radio Electric Evenir.g News, Ine. 101,~pic Printery I James Ha,.dware Co. I R. l~. Morgan Chas. E. Beam City Water Dept. : LIBRARY FmID I I City Treasurer ~ (,.T ennilu Norris I ~vening News Ihe Electric Co. Demco Library Suppli es Webb 300k Publishing Co. The !ta cmilla n Co. The H. R. Huntting Co. . " Pencils Report For:r.s Connectors & D Ends Typewriter Lamps Wiring Materials Pdv. Printed Forms Hardware Lumber Car Expense Water at Ster.s li"ht &. ',Iater Petty Cash Su bs cription noor Heater Supplies Books The Puget Sound News Co. PARK ?U;m \ , Harris & Schuller Willson Hardv:are Co. The Grange Warehouse Peterson Wholesale Hard"'are Co. Ci t~.~ Treasurer " " Labor & J.:aterial i-:ardwa re Wheat, etc. Car~va::: &- Twine Light &. Water n .. II 'If.iddleton Itotor Parts Fire Pump & Oil Ca n L.I.D. GU~~^NTY FUND Ci tJo~ Tre.8surcr Taxes Lot 7, Block 221 CI?YWIDE' SIDEWALK CONSTRUCT LX FUND Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. n 11 II n Lumber J Cement, ete. Concrete, SandJ Gravel) etc. I There being no furtl:er business t.he Cormnission then adjourned. ~~ 19_ .29 2.80 1.63 .\'~ 11.12 16.45 ...."1 52.36 .. 1.80 6.94 59.09 77.34 105.66 19.01 2.77 2.00 46.15 .-.1 .61 10 ' 6.12 :5'1' 17,95 1.90 9.56 '7.25 7.80 9.13 7.50 .78 17.65 fO 17.58 16.13 )?/"I ,/ 44.42 15.80 2.27 18.97 I.~ 7.45 ?:'.28 1 t .- 29.70 2,17 20.25 ,<1 .- 100.86 ci q1 393.13 I I I Cit~; Clerk 7~/f;O~ !.:ayor ... I I