HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/05/1947 ,. 322 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 5, 19~ 'Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I I 5,000 .00 I, 4,000.001 250.00 300.001 300.00 4,200.00 6,000.001, The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.". and was called to order by Eayor Epperson. Roll call revealed the fol101oving officers present: Mayor Epperson, GoIt1l7l.issioners Steele and Jolmson, Attorney Wilson ',and Clerk Law. 'Under the head of applications I {I ,,0 fui1ding Permits, c:?~ t/SO - Jack DelGuzzi Standard Oil Co. of California I. R. ,Hathaway Wallace B. Smith Birney H. Higgerson Anthony L. Sanford 'Stanley A. Johnson Licenses: "//..?~ ,6?' i/Wy Bishell Pacific Telephone & Tel. Co. J. 11. Caven Plbg. & Heating Co. ,Hotel Olympus 'The Ha bit Cleaners City Barber Shop-Wm. Viallace for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: Construct 4-Rocm Dvfelling; Lot 1, Blk. 223, Townsite Construct V~rine Service Station; Blk. 8, Tidelands West Laurel fuild Workshop onto Garage; Lot 1, Blk. 333, Townsite Remodel 3-Room Living ~uarters; Lot 13, Blk. 22, Smith Subd. Break out CUrbing, Put in Sidewalk; Lots 1-2, Blk. 26, N .F..Smith Build 4-Room Dwelling; N2.Lots 8-9; Blk. 331, Townsite Build 6-Room Dvlelling; Lot 11, Blk. 387, Townsite Peddler, :5 Days Occupa tional Tax License l~ster Plumber, 2 Years Hotel, 50 Rooms 'Cleaning & Pressing Barber Shop, 2. Chairs 30.00, 989.58" 50.001 SO.OO' 5.001 2.00 Under the head Df unfinished business, and pursuant to call for bids to furnish truck for Street Department, Iltwo bids were submitted as follows: Janish ll.otor Co. Sl,S05.83 for Dodge t Ton Pick-up; H. T. Swanson I Eotor Co., One Ton Capacity Pick-up Truck, $1,596.50. After due consideration, it Vfas moved by Commissioner' Johnson that the bid of Janish t.1otor Co. be accepted. Seconded by IJayor E:pperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, Police Chief Ide recommended the installation of parking meters as follows: I seven one hour meters on west side of Lincoln Street between oecond and Third Streets, six one hour meters on south side of Front Street immediately west of Lincoln Street, nine one hour meters on west side of Oak I Street between Front and First Streets, ten one hour meters on South side of First Street between Oak Street, and AII'.erican Legion Hall, two meters at parking spaces by Larry's Service Station, and to remove meters in front of City Office Building. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the Chief's recom~endation be 'approved. Secorded by Commissioner Steele. All members voted Aye. The motion carried. I I A letter by Mrs. E. Stuermer protesting the parking of Port Angeles Transit Busses on parking strip in front' ,pf her property was read to the Commission, and the Police Chief was instruced to notify Lou Kiszak to keep his busses in the street and nDt on parking strips. ;?'ire Chief Wolverton Vias instructed to use his equipment to pump out water accumulated at Seventh and Chase I Iptreets, the Street Department I s furnishing the gasoline for operation. Attornej" Severyns appeared before the Commission regarding moving in buildings for housing Veterans, and requested indorsement of the lJommission for the same. II'ayor Epperson informed that if project was approved ,by the F. H. A. the Commission would also approve. A delegation from the Chamber of Conunerce spoke before the Commission regarding approach to Tunrllater Bridge. l;r'hey suggested that approach be made wider to accommodate traffic. l.'r. Dodge informed that if ease:nent could be obtained from private property mvner, a broader flange approach could be built. 1'he project of changing the name of Front Street was also discussed, and it was decided to take under advisement and wait for further developments. The Chamber representatives also express much disapproval of the Taxi stand next 'to 1,ee Hotel, but as this is on private property, the Commission is not responsible. Ynder the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: RESOWTION ~IHEREAS, Clallam County is the ovmer of the following described property in Port Angeles, Washington, to wi t:' .Lots Thirteen (13) to Sixteen (16), inclusive, in Block Dne Hundred Ten (110) of E. C. Baker's Sub- division of Suburban Lot Nineteen (19), Port Angeles, as per plat thereof recorded in Vol. 1 of pla ts, page 7, and Lots Eight (8) to Fourteen (14), inclusive, illock One (1) of Doyle's Subdivision of Suborban Lot Twenty (20), Original 1'01'ffisite of Port Angeles, as per plat thereof recorded in Vol. 3 of plats, page 50, records of Cla11am County, Washington, AND VnJEREAS, the CountJ' has offered to sen said proparty to the City of Port Angeles for municipal for the sum of Four Hundred ($400.00) Dollars in cash, and purposes I vmEREAS, the City Com~ission has considered said offer and deems it fair and reasonable; and has determined that said lots are necessary to the City of Port Angeles for municipal porposes ~, reason of their location ~dja cent to the property now used by the City for playground porposes. P:(J,v, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED BY THE cI'TY COJ.llITSSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGElES: That the offer of ClaHam County be accepted and that the City purphase said propert;r upon the terms and conditions herein expressed. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by to~~issioner Johnson. On roll call, all members voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the followirg two Were introduced: Donald J. and Ivor Swith Lot 7, Blk. 125, D.ff.Morse's Subd. of Sub. Lt. 8, Port Angeles Frank and Leona Ridgway Lot 20, Elk. 1m, 'fownsite It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing two resolutions be approved and the property sold. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 125.00 200.00 .... I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March S. contjnup.d, 19~ 323 ., ~.""_'._'~R'~ .~"m-' 'The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of sa,me: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Ii!?~ ~ 0 City Light ,Dept. Tige Water Associated Oil Co. General Petroleum Corp. of Calif. J,incoln 'lfelding Ha~el's Cafe Charles R. Watts e. Co. City Treasurer Ilrs. Joe Vane R. O. Ide Dept. of Labor & Industries Schreine r Chevrolet Co. HOYfard-Cooper Corp. Fire Appliance Co. The Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. G & W Fire Service , CITY STREET FUlID: /67/ -! rf , Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. : Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries City Treasurer t.lclJahan FUel Co. Unit Crane & Shovel Corp. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. WATER FUND: ..z 7;7 ,72- Dept. of Labor & Industries Samuelson Motor Co. City Light Dept. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. . Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. I Automoti 1,'"8 Parts Service LIGHT FUND: ~ f'f' ,-< .. Northwest Public Povrer Assn. . lJ;yTon Vlint.er ' Associated Oil Co. Loop-Auto Wrecking Co. I Automotive Parts Service , Samuelson Motor Co. Nels H. Sutherland Olympic Stationers Robt. F. Fish l;c1~ahan FUel CO. II Larry Winters I' City Water Dept. : Graybar Electric Co. I General Electric Supply Corp. I Line N~terial Co. ! Dept. of Labor & Industries : Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. J. VI. Caven I SANITATION FUND: //:<. ,71 Tide Vlater Associated Oil Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries jRoy Pike ,Al LSlwureux , LIBRARY. FUND: ;Of!~ I Betty L. Avallone Catherine Richard City Treasurer 'Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Demco Library Supplies Angeles Electric Co. Gaylord Bros., Inc. United Janitor Supply Go. A. A. Young A. C; McClurg & Co. Mamie lake Smith NeVI Method Book Bindery, Inc. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Chilton Company Miller Freeman Publications LIBRARY MEMORIAL FUND: /o.f~ Paget Sound News Co. PARK FUND: ,;..0.3 ,ti7 Lionel J. & Opal McLaughlin 'I Dept. of Labor & Industries IClallam County School Dist. No.7 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. i PAHKIIlG l~TER & TRAFFIC illNTROL FUND: IDept. of Labor & Industries Felix Gallacci II.!. H. RhOdes, Inc. I II I I Rent Gasoline, Oil Gasoline Truck Ilepair, 24" Angle Meals for City Prisoners Parking Sign Postage Sevling Tape, and Tabs on 6 J,~attresses Car h1eage for February Ind. Ins. & Il.ed. Aid Truck Parts Seagrave Red Paint Dept. Supplies Gas Pyrene Refills SeVie r Pi pe & Su pplie s Gasoline, Oil, etc. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Express Charges 2 Sacks Smithing Coal Equi p. Parts Special Gravel Acct.. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Par ts Rent and Lights Fittings S. Pipe Parts 1947 Dues Expense Gasoline Parts Tire & Tube Parts Bond Premiwr.s Supplies Expens e Diesel Oil Gleaning Solvent Via ter a t Store Line Material Line ~aterial, Connectors Guy Wire Ind. Ins. & J.~ed. Aid ~eter Socket Rings Fittings Oil, Grease, Grease Gun Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Car llile2ge for February One 8arrel Pump Extra La bo r Extra Labor Light, Water & Garbage Disposal Service 467 Office Supplies Lamps & Bulbs L. L. Accession Sheets Janitor Supplies Pruning Shrubbery 300ks Book Books Book Periodical Magazine Books Lots 9 & 10, Blk. 91, Govt. T01'msite Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Recreation Program Payroll' Service 1051 to fl.'?l Ind. Ins. & Eed. Aid Car Mileage for February CO.'5 Share of February Collections SO.OO 155.211 174.32 ' 36,16 101. 77 2.16 6.00 4.40 ,28.35 28.99 12.02 5.15 61.03 6.00 I 4.64 57.61 ! 420.86 20.47 2.90 4.12 236.13 829.15 , 18.661 160.00 ' 31. 75 38.05 I 17.30 11.96 31.00 65.30 39.33 1.29 18.17 3.79 10.00 21.69 17.18 49.18 1.34 1.90 156.95 44.54 128.76, 26.331 29.56 2.95 67.79 10.59 28.2111 6.20 :1 9.00 28.50 10.76 4.25 1.60 7.36 3.60 2.78 20.00 131. 36 I 2.50 7.90 1.75 1.00 2.00 10.95 2,475.001 3.47 120.00 I; 5.00 I 1.37 '. 17.29 679.21 I I I: ..... ,..- 324 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington rt'jarch 5, conti.nued~ 19~ ... GUARAhTTY FUlm: ...<.07, 'IV> city Treasurer Taxes and Assessments IiI. I. D. REVOLVING FUND: 11'1:7 City Treasurer Assessments Paid 3" U. s. INCOl.lE TAX WITHHOLDING FuND: ';>.:1. 'f'l ' City Treasurer Income Tax ~\'/ithholding for February There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. 207.46 [ 1l'l.17 I , 2,247.30 ! ().G~ (j Clerk ~:u. u ~~ l!ayor I I I I I