HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/05/1951 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 103 " March I) & 19..5_L ,..". .,....'.".,.."..,,""~,. ..."'.....000. .... I The Corrmission met in regular session at 10:00 A.~l., and was called to order by Hayor Feeley. Officers present were: !';ayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, and Clerk La". i I ~ti?ut?S of the previous session "ere read and Commissioner Taylor requested that the following be included: : The b1d for 6" and 8" pipe by Johns-Hanville Sales Corporation was firm Bid "hile the bid by the H. D. . Fo:.ler Company included the Escalator clause making possible increase of 10% if prices advance. Also that ! the bid for fittings and hydrants was awarded to the E. N. Hallgren Company because stock is available 'and interchangeable with material now used. The minutes were othenuse approved. Under the head of ap~ications for building permits the following were granted: . 1'!, 1M - Ch:arles H. Guest Build Front Porch; Lot 1, E2 Lot 2, Elk. 11 P.S.C.C. . DelGuzzi Bros. Build 5-Room ]}.elling; Lot 5, Blk. 289, Tow:,site , De,lGuzzi Bros. Construct 6-Room Dwelling; Lot 18, Blk. 334, T'ownsite I Ni.ck Kovach Build Car.-Port & Storage Shed; Lot 4, Blk. 107, Townsite Owens Bros. Break-out 25' of Curb for Drive-in; W2 Lot 5, Blk. 1, Tidelands E. of Laurel H.. Austin Remodel Kitchen, Bedroom, Bath; Lots 1-2, Blk. 275, Townsite I Reid Priest GonstfuttcOffice & Shop; Lots 15-16-17, Blk. 36, Townsite I . I Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish 600 tons of Bituminous Cement patching material for the Street Department were submitted by the follo.dng Companies: Northwest Precote, Inc., $7.00 per ton or total $4,326.00, tax included, and no certified check enclosed. Western Asphalt Compal\l', $6.20 per ton, total $3,831.60, including tax, and certified check enclosed. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the I l~w ?id by lvestern Asphalt Company be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. I-lotion I carrled. l . 150.00 7,000.00 10,000.00 350.00 1,200.00 52,060.00 It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid by E. N. Hailgren Company to fUrnish a sluice gate vaive for the Morse Creek D~~ at $453.20 be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Ay.e. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor also moved that the bid by Big Larson to construct building to house the chlorination plant be rejected and certified check returned, as the bid is too high and the City can save , bi. altering plans and calling for bids according to modified specifications. ll,otion seconded by Mayor . Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I I Under the head of new business, John Walthrup appeared regarding purchase of second growth timber o.n City property. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the matter be referred to the Water Superintendent and City Engineer for inspection when weather conditions permit. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted A:/.e. }lotion carried. En\erson Lawrence, Co-ordinator of Civil Defense, reporte.d on .trip to Olympia and interview w.i th PhiliP. Bason, State Civil Defense Director, regarding bills in the Legislature, being enabling acts effecting I Civilian Defen?e, providing that all expenditures be approved by the State Co-Ordinator and the whole program being effected by the same. Also that printed matter will be furnished by the Federal Government tliereby saving expense to the City. Mr. Lawrence also informed that !'.rs. Devine will do stenographic work on hourly basis which was approved by the Commission. F. O. Fountain appeared on behalf of Downtown Parking Association, presenting a lease for approval by the Commission, which would cancel and terminate the lease dated January 2, 1946, now in effect. Hayor. Feeley s~ggested that any decision or approval be postponed until action by the Legislature upon bills now pending. Mr;. Fountain expressed the desire for final decision as soon as possible. It WaS moved liy'Commissioner Taylor that the matter be held in abeyance and any action postponed until there is definite decision regarding bills before the Legislature concerning off street parking. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. AU voted Aye. Motion carried. , Earl Davidson informed the Commission that acquisition of County mined lots are necessary for opening I W':shington street North to Caroline street, which may be available by the City paying taxes. 'against the same. Commissioner Taylor recommended and so moved that the County be requested to transfer the required < property to the City, taxes against the same to be paid by the City. Motion seconded by Commissioner I Robinson. All voted Aye. Hotion carried. I~. Davidson also informed that J. Lyle Bea~ requests information for the I.O.O.F. regardirig purchase and I assessments due on Lot 5, Blk. 34, Townsite. This .muld be for protection of their building. The Commission will further consider before definite decision. . I Als~ considered was City licenses and collecti~n. of the same. Po~ice Chi,:,f Ide ~eported that local fees for ta.x1 cabs average about 25% higher than some c1t1es, but most cit1es pel'm1t parking space for only one car. I Also. discussed was the Port Angeles Transit System and Occupational Tax past due. It .laS moved by I C~mrnissioner Robins?n that I'.r. . Ki:zak be notified and i~tructed ~o ma~e some definite agree~ent for payment 10f past due Occupat1onal Tax W1th1n twenty days, othel'W1se franch1se mll be cancelled. Mohon seconded by I Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to notify I'.r. Kiszak concerning the allove action before publication of the sante. It was then moved by Commissioner Taylor that the Clerk be instructed to notify Barber.and Beauty operators rsgarding licenses past due. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was placed on first and second readings. ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN ORDIMNCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for the improvement of East First Street in said City from the Easterly curb line of Race Street Easterly to the I'lesterly margin of Alder Street by the construc;' tion and installation of curbs and gutters on the Northerly and Southerly curb lines of East First Street " and driveways wherever such curb lines are intersected by platted public alleys, and doing such other work 1 I as may be necessary in connection w.ith such improvement, all in accordance with the resolution passed by tne Commission of the City of Port Angeles February 5, 1951; creating a Local Improvement District for such . improvement; and providing that the payment for said improvement be made by special asses~ments on the. I I property in said district specially benefited, payable by the mode of "payment by bonds", .all in accord with Jll!lps, plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and approved by the City Commission. . I It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed the first and second readings. I Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Hotion carried. I ..... 104 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington The Commission ,.examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: .2. ?c,/ .fr Puget Sound Navigation Co. City Shop Dept. Hazel's Cafe R. O. Ide lvoodie t s Harley Davidson Fitchard's Associated Service Taper Oil Burner Co. Bussing Office Supply Natural G"S Corp. of Wash. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Natlor Lumber Co. Chicago Mi1.St.Paul & Pac. R.R. Co. Howard-Cooper corg. Graybar Electric o. ;] '1 CITY STREET FUND: /0 I,if S- =- Dept. of Licenses, GasTax Refund Division Permit Luvaas Tire Retread Service Retreads, Section Wash. Saw Filing Filing Ci ty Shop Dept. Gas, Oil Repairs Pacific Tel. & Tel.. Co. Service 3540 Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Sewer P,:i,pe, etc. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Brick, Wire Nailor Lumber Co. Nails ' Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Brick, Cement, Concrete, Truck Time Puget Sound Express, Inc. Frt. Wash. MachineJ;Y& Storage Co. 15 H.P. Electric Motor, per bid Olympic Tribune Call for Bids, Owens Bros., Contractors rf.' First & Second Estimates, Ediz Hook Bulkhead CITY SHOP FUND: /~~ 1- _ Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Automtove Parts Service 7-'" ,... . ..,.... .....,. ~...,.... ........ ....0 .... WATER FUND: '1-(,3 _ !HOWard E. Yarbrough First National Bank City Light Dept. Pacific TeL & Tel. Co. Angeles llillwork & Lumber Co. James Hardware Co. H. E. Dodge Precision Radio Service lvestern Utilities Supply Co. Port Tie & Lumber "ull Nailor Lumber Co. Thrift Market Willson Hardware Co. 'Ie" LIGHT FUND: .3 cJ I .3 G 5' '_ ~~:[dN~h~~frg~~ Clallam County P.U.D. No.1 Bussing Office Supply Pacific Tel. & TeL Co. Luvaas Tire-Retread Service F & L Service City Water Dept. Coast Wide Supply Co. The Electric Co. Nailor Lumber Co. Automoti ve Parts Servic e General Electric Supply Corp. Willson Hardware Co. vlestinghouse Electric Supply Co. Line Material Co. , /.>1-., SANITATION FUND.: 10 '1_ Fruehauf Trailer Co. City Shop Dept. LIBRARY FUND: ..:<5 C, - Ci ty Treasurer Gaylord Bros. Olympic Stationers Taylor Heating & Plumbing Jerry Nelson Agency . Port Angeles Public Library Superior Publishing Co. Puget Sound N01<S Co. Personal Book Shop Doubleday & Co., Inc. A. C. McClurg & Co. American Library Assn. New Y or k Times King & Folk Co. /0 PARK FUND: .30,,/- ~~~rft~o~e~~P~'Tel. Co. ~geles Pittsburgh Paints Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Northern School Supply Co. PARKING ~\ETER & TRAFfIC CONTROL FUND: ~~n~~L~S~~eC~~PPly City Shop Dept. Railwa,y t:xpress Agency M. H. Rhodes, Inc. N. H. Rhodes, Inc. *Oo~e~og~~le~nEavidson FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: .3 3 Dr. J. C. Hay & Associates Clallam Co. I-~ed. Serve Corp. (,c ,,0 ~ M;lY"rn 5th.l ("""n..t~ nllt::II"~.1 Freight Gas, Oil, Re pai rs Meals for Prisoners Car Mileage for Feb. Front Brake Cable Car Repair Repai r Office Supplies Gas Phone Services . Rental of Polisher and Sander Frt. on Fire Truck 1,200' Fire Hose FUses Parts Parts State Examiner Income Tax l~i thheld Lights at Reservoirs Phone Service Lumber Wire & Powder Travel. llxp. and Car Expense Battery Set Screws Lumber Lumbe rand Nai Is Soap Bolts State Examiner Income Tax Withheld J an. Power Office Supplies Phone Servi ce . Tire and Tube Tire Repair and Washing 1,ater at Sub-stn., Meter Box Janitor Supplies Electri c Cord and Sockets Lumber Screws Meters Wrench, Rope, Solder Wire Fuse Links Parts Gas, Oil, 'Repairs Light, Water, Ilarbage Tape Supplies Repairs to Steam Pipe Bond Sprayer, Knife, Vinegar, Books Books Books Books Books Sub. to Bulletin Yearly Subscription Recoriis Scrub Brush, etc. Gas, Oil, Repai rs Services 3851, 5288 Enamel, Undercoater Sand, etc. One O..,c~an Wave M.erry-Go-Round ii' '! ,:.3 g~a~ep~~~plies Gas and Labor Express Keys Dolts Nuts New M~ters Keys, etc. March lored. Fees t1arch 11ed. Fees 19~1- 6.83 65.40 122.51 24.15 .82 13.91 4.12 6.82 3.60 78.01 8.19 684.00 1,738.19 4.94 .50 182.83 4.64 753.05 10.51 11,1. 89 15.91 2.63 65.29 208. 26 67t:g~ 8,124.13 54.40 70.48 267.30 4.20 5.43 65.00 1.81 27.02 25.41 2.58 .53 5~:H .93 .76 2fZJ6 29 ,257.5~ 52.94 7.47 18.40 3.09 11.50 36.05 2.06 12.47 . .65 3369.35 8.51 259.00 28.89 10.37 158.7!; 11. 41 17.00 2.52 10'86 h8 13.47 6~:8~ 13.62 72.53, 5.00'1 2~:1~j 18.h6! 16.22 1.80' 23.931 246. 69/ 3'll, 3. OJ 44. 2 15.11" 1.38., 22.70 371.25] 7.16 15.0) 18.00.1 I i I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 105 ' March 5th. continued, 19-5.L ,"",..".",,,,,~,..,,,~,,..,,",,.......~ LIBRARY ~ORIkL FUIVD: ~, :;>,/ / ~ Puget Sound -News Co. Books 7.21 dV I FIRE DEFT" -CilllULATIVE RESERVE FUND: if-fiJO- Port Angeles Motors Fire Truck, pcr bid 4,800.00 I There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. y t,:t~. ~ ~ 4 ~-fjr ',,"' j! City Clcrk I I ! I I i , l I I I i i i I ...olllI