HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/05/1953 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Karch.,p 19~ 311 ., '"0' . .,om, ."mo, ""~o". ""''' ..... .... IThe City Council met in regular session at. 7:30 P.M., and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of officers showed the following present: M.a.ror, Smi.th, CounciJ.Jnen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, Wolf'e, McFadden, Manager Vergeer, and Clerk Law, [ . '- It was moved by Councilman Wolf'e that minutes of the meeting of FebruaI7 19, and special meeting of Feb. 26 ~e approved as received. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All. voted Aye. Motion carried. I . __ !It was moved by Councilman Bro,rn that reports for the month of January be approved and placed on file. ~econded by Councilman McFadden and carried. I .Under the head of unfinished business, one bid w'tlt received for purchase of Lots 17, 18, Block 244, Townsite from John E. ~Ialdron in amount of $300.00. It was lllC7.'ed by Councilman Brown that the bid be accepted. :Seconded by Councilman Powell. All. voted Aye. Motion carried. I . . " Olllb bid was received from Audrie F. Schultz in amount of $210.00 for purchase of Ld. 1:3, Block 120, Town- Isite. It was moved by.Councilman Wo~e that the offer be accepted and lot sold. Seconded. by Councilman ~rown. All voted Aye. 110tion carried. I Manager Vergeer reported on investigation as requested, regarding condition of sidewalk on ..lest First, :East of the Port Angeles Motors. It appears that replacement of the sidewalk would be of great expense due jt.o the necessity of filling. That.the wood sidewalk was in good condition. Also that condition of the building does not justify expense required for sidewalk replacement. Mr. Vergeer advised that recOllllllending legal action would not be justified as essential but did recommend that the Council look OVer the situation. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the matter be tabled. Seconded by Councilman Neer and carried. ! Urner the head of new business, Lester Miller and Robert Mulligan appeared regarding the board fence around Civic Field, the repair and painting of the same. Mr. Miller cited numerous accidents caused by the hazard ,as now exists and re=i.uested that the Council consider removal of the fence and replace the same ~th shrubbeI7 or wire hurricane fencing. It was moved by C.ouncilman Wolte that the request be referred ~o the I'la.nager for further consideration with the Park Board and report at the next meeting. Motion aeconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I . Philo Tyler and othet' appeued before the'Council requesting the extension of water lines up Peabod,y Street 'rom Park Avenue to Minnie Avenue, thereby serving existing homes and others conteJllplated. There would be about twenty consumers at, pt'esent, ,lith others to be added. Mayor Smith informed that the problem at present fat' the water department is replacement of old mat ns on arterials to be improved, and thereby avoid holding up contractors. The request was referred to the l1anager for further consideration. I . Also requested was installation of water booster pump at Park Avenue and Laurel, which would improve water ~ervic~ to fifteen customers. Manager Vergeer cited proposal whereby the City will furnish booster pump and consumers furnish water pipe. Also advised that the installation can be made at a cost of $800, the same to be on repayment basis and completed by summer. Mr. Vergeer so recommended. It was moved by Councilman I~Fadden that the reconnnendation be approved and installation made as requested. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion curled. I ' 'l.'he Council considered a petf.tion signed by 21 property.. .owners, requesting extension of water main on West loth Street from L Street to the West end of loth Street. Manager Vergeer advised that such extension "woUld cost neu $20,000.00 and recommended that the existing 3" main be extended from L Street to Evans Street, a distance of about 1,200 ft. at approximate cost of $3,000.00. It was moved by Councilman ',Wolf'e that the reconnnendation be approved and extension made accordingq.. Seconded by Councilman Powell, land carried. ,Fr~ Hambley reque~ted in writing that the City advertise for' sal~, th. timber on City property described ,as the So., of the N.E.; of Sec. 6, Township 29 No., Range 5 W.W.M. Manager Vergeer informed that he and 'Supt. Dodge have inspected the timber, and removal of the same will not adversely effect the water shed. !Also that they recolllllend sale .of the timber. It was moved by Councilman vlolfe that the request be :t,ab~ed until the next meeting, after Council members will have had opportlWity to look over the situation, YiOtion seconded by Councilman Brown. All members voted iqe. .Motion curled.' I __ .Representatives of Priest.Logging Co. spoke before the Council requesting that eherry Street be opened 'for outlet to State Highway 101, citing advantages of having the street op3ned. Manager Vergeer pointed ,'out factors to ,bear on said opening., Damage to private propertYl street surfacing, an:! the area being ,'in the 1st residence district were cited. Also that the proposition. should first be considered by the Planning Commission. J.'.ayor Smith refet'red j;he matter to the Planning Commission to repott findiligs. Oren Priest, r~s:i,d:i,ng at, 14th and Chet'ry streets, informed that his curbing is about two feet lower tnan the street, and if the City makes outlet to Highway 101, he would appreciate having the street lowered . 'at that time to proper level. " ' I, . Fred Strange, Chairman of the Planning Board, presented proposal by the Planning Commission for the next 'step in arterial street improve,ments. Also exhibited maps deW. gnating fpur items as follCllfs: 1 A. Tumwater Road, - from Marine Drive up Tumwatet' Valley, 'Connecting with Lauridsen Boulevat'd B. Marine Drive, - draining, filling, grac:Li.ng, paving, from "A" street on the east to butt of Ediz Hook \'1est , . ~ C. Filling and opening Frpnt Street from Oak Street, l;est to Valley Street, South to First Street, and north to Milwaukee Railroad . I D,' ....,..Installing c~Vert - 5th street in vicinity of Albert Street to eventual.lJ' open 5th street, east from Albert Street. . I Mr. Strange advised that cost of improvements would be paid by abutting properby, industries, and blanket City assessments.. Also cited approval of the projects with modifications, by Attorney Thorgrimson. . I . ' Jack Reiners, Planning l}oard membet', emphasized the need,fot' l4arine Drive improvement, citing use of the ~ame by industrial employees and others. Also read statistics shO\'ling number of individuals making two or more trips daily over this route. I Mr. Strange informed that improvements would be Slterial width or forty feet. It was his opinion that blanket aseessments to property owner:l' would be from $25.00 to $30.00 per lot an:! over a period of ten tears. . He then read proposal of the Planning Commission as foll<><s: i ~~~ I During the' past several years, YOW' Planning COIIWlission has made an extensive stud,y of the , . t...... ...... ,... 312 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March S' continued 19~ ..,,,.""......,,,,.,,,,,,,,"'...........,, .... problem of improving certain streets in our City, which,]:fe, deemed to be of vital importance to everyone in our COIllllIjIIlity. I;>ur desire to accomplish these impolltant steps has always been tempered by the problem of finance. It was this latter problem, therefore, that has caused, us to suggest certain procedures, so to speak, in order that the most important items could be completed in due course. . The first of, these projects w~ proposed, as Wll all know, was the paving of cert;rl.n of our arterial streets. They involved a more or less complicated method of financing, but with diligent work on the part 0+ everyone connected with the project and the fine support of our citizens at the polls, this major I project is now an accomplished fact. I I ~e We now come to/second and probabl,y the last major undertaking as we see it at this time and that is the iJpprovement of certain ,other arterials .which we deem to be of I'qu,.:I. importance to our first project I and was onlJ' considered secondary in order th"t proper financi;ll methods could.b e arranged. We refer namel,y to (A) a arterial highwaor known locall,y as the Tumwater Road, connecting )larine Drive, in the vicinity of Cedlir Street, with J;.auridsen Boulevard, in the.vicidt;r of "A" Street. Pt'oposed road to be graded according 1;0 the standat'ds, of our arterials, namel,y forty feet wide.. (B) The improvement of Marine Drive, also an arterial, by grading, filling and paving with Portland Cement Concrete from "A" Street ;;esterly past the Fibreboat'd Products, Inc. and the Crown Zellerbach Corporation to a terminus on Ediz Hook at the easterl,y end of. the Crown. Zellet'bach log dump and oil storage tank fal'lllo (c) The City's portion of the ~e~e to make a hydraulic fill in the area bounded by Valley Street on the west am Oak Street on ~e east, First Street on.~e south and the Milwaukee Bailroad on the north, thereby 'allowing Front Street to be extended which will go a long waor tOl<ard relieving the conjestion of traffic in our business ,area. (D) The installation of a culvert in Peabod,y Guldh, i~ the vicinity of Fifth and Albert St;eets, in order that sometime .in the future, Fifth Street ~ be produced t,hrough from Peabod,y Street east. . . !' We have given the financial problem involv,ed in this projec;t exhaustive st~ and we propose that the City Council initiate by resolution an enlarged improvement district, covering practimlJ;y the entire area of ourCity, extending roughly from I'M" street on the west to the eastern City limits and from the Iwater front to Laurj,dson Boulevard. The .method of assessment we propose is, si milar to an enlarged district ct'eated in our City in 1924, that is to say, a certain portion of the cost be assessed against 'the abutting property, a portion against business property, a portion against industrial property am 'a general blanket assessment over the entire t'esiderrtial area. B;y further stud,y, we are sure you will find jthe above is the onlJ' financial solution to our problem which will not become a burden on anyone. Our proposal, we feel; will spread the cost to such anextent that .no one individual will be und~ penalized 'and we further feel that these proposed improvements are of equal benefit to eveI70ne in our collllllUnity. I . ,It mis moved by Councilman Wolf'e that a resolution tixing date of hearing fro the improvements be prepared 'and introduced as soon 'as possible. Motion seconded by Councilman McFadden. On roll call, all members voted Aye. The 'Mayor declared the motion carried. . I Alex M. Peabody, Preeident, Puget Sound Navigation.Co., requested in Wt'iting that the City modify previous agreement by furnishing sewer pipe_for extenSion of sewer under dock extension the Compel\!' is constructing. It was moved by Councilman Neerthat the proposal be denied, the sewer extended as pen agreement and according to State and Local Health Depu;tment requirements. Motion seconded by Councilman B rown and un- ammousl,y carri ed. _ .' I ' Claims paid February 26, in amount of $13,627.88, were filed for approval by the Council. It was moved by i Councilman McFadden that the,payment of,claims be approved. Seconded by Councilman 'r1olf'e. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Requests for minimums fixed on lots for sale by the City were as follows: I Lots 17 and 18, Block 417, Townsite. It was moved by Councilman Bl'91ffi that minimum be :fixed at $125.00 Seconded by Councilman McFadden., All voted.Aye. .Motion carried. . I Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Bleak 4D4, To>ms~te. It was moved by Councilman Powe11 that the lots be advert- ised for sale, no minimum set. Motion seconded, by, Councilman vlolfe. All vct~d ~e. Motion carried. I . " _ _. The Council considered sale of $400,000.00 G. O. Bonds and $300,000.00 L.I..D. Bonds, the same to be used to pay cost of arterial street construction. It was, moved by Councilman Brown .that notice of sale be published for ~400,~00.00 G. O. BOnds, bids to be opened. April 2. Seconded by Councilman Neer and unanimously camed. It was moved by Councilman Mcfadden t1;lat call for bids for sale of $300,000.00 L.I.D. Bonds for L.I.D.. No. 163 be PUb~ed, bids to be opened April 2. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison. All 1llembers voted Aye. Motion unanimouel,y carried. Manager Vergeer informed that it is not necessary to call Ifor bids for the ~.I.~. BOnds, as the City may s.ell the same by negotiation. '1 IPolice Judge Reynolds filed reports for the months of JannaI)', showing $1,952.00 fines collected and I tebruary, showing $1,627.50 fines collected. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the reports be ap'proved , ,and filed. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. - ., I f~ager Vergeer ~~ormed that the 19J1J Pl,ymoutb. Coppe us~d by the Water Dept. should be replaced, dUe" to ldilapidated condihon. It was moved by, Councilman I-Iolf'e that bids be published for purcmse of car to ,replace Pl3mouth, bids to be .opened March 19. , Motion seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted Aye' Motion carried. . I Mr. Vergeer also. informed that he has received an offer of $375 for the fuel oil tank owned by the Light Dept. and 10cateCi at 2d and tralley Streets. As pUl'hcase price of the tank was over $800 Mr.' Vergeer recOllDJlo ..endedthat the tank should not be soid for price effered. It was moved by Councilman. BI'OlITD that the offer ,be denied at present. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All. voted Aye. Motion carried. I , .I'Jayor Smith read letter from Leon Myers, gener~ secret~ry of the -local YMCA reouesting that the Mayor ,issue a proclamation designating April 17 as "Y" Youth in Governmant Daor",_s1s~ urging the City Council and all City offici~s to coopera~e in helping to tt'ain youth for citizenship. It was moved by Councilman' i{olf'e that the Counc~l approve the proposal, and cooPerate Inth the same. Seconded by Councilman Brown. An voted Aye. Motion carried. ,. _'~- R. p. I-Iheeler, owner and operatot' of tYl1eeler Hd'>Te. Co. informed in writing that he plans to pUl'chase the building in which his business is ,operating, and as facilities are not adequate, Hr. Wheeler requested Ithe follOWing property exchange: Trade the north~ 150' of the southerly 160.' of Lot 6, Block 1, west of Laurel St. Tidelands for City owned Lot 4, Block, 1, We3t of Laurel Street.. Tidelands., ~ I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington M::I~h S*~nnt.inuBd 1933_ '""' . """" ."", "..,~'"' ..,..... ,...., .... lIt .res moved by Counic1man Neer that the matter be tabled for further investigated. lcouncilman Powell and carried. INO further business lppeat'ing, the meeting was declared adjourned. Seconded by 1,.... I (} ~ ;;[ a..~: tt: ' Clerk 7/Jv+-'d::iL Mayor ~O'I'I('r.: 01" Jlf)~~ SAM.;. n'T'Y.Of<' SO'I'I("I':fW '.....,UIU,".I'!'i A ~.I,~l! J,EGAL PUBLICATJON lEGAL I~UBOC\TION .' ~~~~A.;(~t:~~(:~lt~l~1t:f!~'~!~.1' FU~'~i~~': ~\~~~~::Z{.~:.;,l~:::~.~~;/~~~~ ,i X()ti,.~f:~':l{~I;?e;~~~) ~:~':?I:llti~~l~ ~~;llt'll I' . '..,-:V1'I'J;J(,I'~'OF (:.:L~' 1.:(Ht IUn~";'.' ~tltl(lC- l~'Jt*lI:>}1.iCJ1Yen that [he'! 11(1,1)~-~.t1l(J.f)jJ11. , IlbldM will III' rt'l't-'i\'('Ll by tll!' elL.I' :'\utl{'1' ,,, Jwrdl\" ,C:-IV~l tlmt f<c(.kd (,..ity oi POJ't .Ah,l{l']e~, ~\'a~hJllJo:Lrlll'j :'\otiC'(' I" ]-kn_'by lid."lI lhat tho,- ',('T{.,.].; 'If 1I1l' C:ly 01' ]-'{Jrl AI]~'el\'lI, bh'H. will be H'c;"ive,d hy Ih(' l~lly PrOI?,}!,,'fj.t? I,!I~U","!'I of ri~ltl' fJf, l.'1~y l'f I'VI'l "lIJ.;Tlc:~, \y";p<hill/{tlJll, W,,>;Linio;tOtl, 11:111] ;':00 o'chwl, 11,111., C1L"rk uf tilC ('l1~'\ol, !'"n AllS','le:!, A~)rll.l, 1\1,,3, II'" Uellcnd Obllgaliun) I'I'ullo>;n' III if:l1m' {IU.,.iUj; tl1e j,:n.dod :\I;utll 1:>.1:\;':1. <lIIUlIOL latl'l-, at 1]1B .":a:<hinglllll, at l!lU.Cit~ J-hH (.1' I->uid ~:-~~fp:N~~,~;\~r$(,~o~~~;::lg~irl'bu'~~l~' ~~~~l?nL~~.:;tjf~p[;'~~.l~.~~~~~;ih~r;:~~~l;;,' ;;I\\l- ',~.;1N '\;t' 1-1~111'~~~;11 "?:~dn~'~'~IT~i~~ I~i:.~~: l~~1 ~I:~~' (1'~~I~:~~,l;/}ut~~fth r~ll: ",hall 'IJB In denornlnatlulIs of $I,OOO! Jlll(1 lloll{llt OJ1 Lo{'al ]mPMl\...,mt'lltJ l'pac! ill 7;:lJL ,,'durk ,p.III. (11.1 tl,at th,~ "':ltt~). 'J"~J"[m,ht'~, Olle 1!!;':l ,>ac]l, l'\ha}~ bl!~llU1nb('rl~<J .frolll I lO;'fl!~tri{'t ,,<n. .1r.:I, ill ;lll flmllunt lIDt d,l[l', tli tlie (:itS l.'Ollll,dl-Ch:unhet. f(llu-uUOI" Mell"lll::,(',llldl?p('d \\'ltll f~~~1i:li~lDi~.~::t,~~i{~,~:~~ t~~,::t~';~~li~:;~~}~S~;:~;~;~f;f:ii, ~~~~~:~~~:;i\::.:;:~~l;;:;;,:;!;',:::;;;;:~~~~ ~t1~;~{~~.?t,~1~;~~~g~')::t~;i ])11111.'1]1;1,],. <filii, ~lt","e,",',(, ',',' ,,',IW (!tllcC 'J allll Horowitz of ,1:>l'f>T.tl" i.i::!UOI11}lg~ O,'lliS and (':,:t,.nsion U'ipod, Till" ill_, :ll..')~', ,"ad :,<l];li~ ","OW :l1ll(jUllt ~~lt~~;'\\~i~~~; In~~\!d\~~~~~; ~1~al~(',I;ltll (~~)~, lO~\'lrldez' to 11I1Yfu? :~~~;rfn~~g.~lr . ~;,~:u~~~~~~\ll~',,::t :~,l~I(~~'I'll l\lHl Sllltnble ~~.j~\d\'~flJ!" o:.d;':~,~~Il:~. /~~.I~:, ll~~l ~;~~ in ~)~,\I;I't\~~~I! nUlllh('I' aH~~'~I~~)~'I:: >~Il\~lldlol()mll'!, ; ..1, "'. Hldd~rs ar,: rl'liUl'l;ted tll ;1(.1'.01111'- ~~:l'el~. 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"t:. ~~:ljgg I i,~~ ~~~~\~::1~~;~~~1 C::'~~~C:~I;~ ::)~:, Il,:~l_' I'H1..: )i~;.dl~'l1~.li:' J ~3~ ~ ~I \ . _\]I):il l. 1;'10 .. - -"-~-'1"''''''~' ~1,IJI.IO l'U~llt thnt 0( thD state ,IJ/ Washing I :'tiOTICE '1'0 llInn~- .\}l),!l J, 1;17!, ..._:,..........._~~.{I1111 ,lUll. !'\ha~1 lie :1('colllJ)~nl('d by a 11('. ;';otlcO\ l'l t"'I~I)y glvoll th!lt IIP1l1f'11 ~~{;:.:l :: ~!:-~j '_._n_...',". r ~6~:::~ I) l:j~i~l~rO~l:' ~R~'I~ ~~.; tym~:~~f~;dtl~l~d~: ~11~~k.... ~}I t~~ ~if}ry~~d P~~t If:;g~l~:' Tilt" elty hit:!; r<o:O','rn.u jlle ri!-\-lll tv ~\'illell SIHll1 he n.r,tll'fl~d, II Ihe hid \V k..'i h lng to II, ~untll 6;01) p,m.. IT'dl"f'nl nllY 'Ir all (Jf Url> nuurt:UHlillg' Ii< I1IJt al:n:pUH1_ Jr thl' ~'~Icce~sfu] ::\lan:J),19 11133, ana not later, itt the lH'nd~ ,,,r t/,il< i;;~Il" at 1"-'1' jll hH"'l'~I."ldd,l~r..haW.['i\!il OJ' Iw.gl.N'( ,to com:, CitJ" Had 'of l'ill.hJ (~JtY.,"'OLJce. il'\ llUmt"l'll'al ord('r "Il ,lIl,l l,l!I/'!l/)st I'";V- Illctf" Ow lJul'l'llast' of !<~Id '-\arrants further giyen that tile eltr o-j' Port ~.'~~::It d~~I~:,e(Jn~s~:,I,d i~ft~1 1(:11 ruars ~rlllhl~.~~ i1~,~~;~:'~~/rlh~~,ll~i~rO(:lltlg31 :~t;;~i~r:~ ;~du~~~~1'b1dJ~~ ~~[<; \0 t~hej TI)~ City of PUll. Al1l{,'1l-~.IJ....__pnllll.' ~hal1 lit' t9rrdtp,] to l'lw 1.i1,'. .' dnclusive, in JJlo-r.;,kAO~, 'Town:;ite 0 a'l(:".~ .,lftPI' tIH_' I'\'lluilnj(' VIII" l1f Ill(' 1"11" C~ly ~, P?i.t .\lIgt'l.,s fPsel'.'(''' ']~ort An~'i>ll'~:. Each bid .-must be ~~.~~:,~l~1)1;~II;~ll~:r~("(llf it~~fr t~I~~"ln;~i~ ,~~~.~rt~, t~'-'r~l'{'.l Iw~'_..or ,all ~J)dS r~~~~~~~e~f hl~.id~o~('t~~~\~n~~~' ]:1~ ~l~I~~~\~I;' 'Cl~;~~~t"~f" lll~:i;hl',:JO'~J]~II,tVt~: I I C}~':tM~!l~irClJ;-/};f~~gl:~: Ht~1~:r,g~ ~~:;('~..~;.'~oi~~d~r:~t ~~IO r~l:{t 7.~~~~~ wHhrJlll: IlmillldrJ11 i<~ '0 nICe u.rL ,~. ,r. K T.-A\Y. S:iL}' Cieri;:. ~ ia,ll'bh'ls:_ <I, . : ~~:~~'II~;~(,j~lI,ji\llll'iIII;~Y'l~~~/q:~~i~).~~'tl (Lll;, J>u~.; "[aITh 11, H 1!i'J,,: N i. rUb.:' ~{!rc~\tn:\~I;E~;F'Crk. 4Jd lJOlldll ilf'- t 1,..- >'aull' ~h,lll Hn;I'U" Sot!('f' 11' l"UI'IIIc-~' iJ i \"t'1I ; IU1. t 1S1'.t.l- (.,11 l,jell-! It)'. tllP IfUITIIHi-'(' of ~-,tid l'tln/1s win )1(' '.~('\;'h'('d nl tht: OUkl' \. of tile Cny' j,.;lt'ril al lIlt" {,it:>-, Huil III Port ~'ng'l.!lt"~, \\'Uf<hlll"ton, unUI ~\I:~:[{O~~,,:~:,I:~~~)I1M\~~C h1~1~ \~!f,~. 1% i ~il:ll~~{'~\;3;;'I~;~~dtJ:JpV R~~~(: ~;:I\~: CLlUIl- :I1dtk~ ,~:n;~;~'~b~~",'gi:(!~Ir; OUlt till' ThE' hlfl" <.:UhIHitte<T tJhalf .91)('(:ih"1 ("It). of P;ll't Ang~les will se-ll the' (a) 'lie JIlWe-~t I'ate- (>1' I':\ks of i;l- following- 11('IH,'l'lhetl 1J'''l.lll~rt)'. to.wlt: lf~l'l~lil. :"III,Ill'I'illlUl1l, If allY, ai,(,vI!_ Lot".li ,nnd U" HI/Jt"J{ 417. TowlI- !\<tr ill wll.lC'11 th(' uldll('l' \\'111 IiUZ'-, !li!.e or,fh,wl ~\Il8"(']f'S,~'Vllglllng-ltlll, ~~FI~ 6,1~ ~:I ,~~ ~tI: II ~{~::(;!i} l: :i'; ~{ I ~~\~~-;Ii 11 r{~\~ II ~T~~'~~~~~~~~:])~;~ :d~i~L~~: ~~f:~i~!} ~ .,!-llJaI, . . wit], ten IWI'l'Y_'!lt ,lJr.....h-e'lllll\?Unt 01' A,.11 hlll~ I'hal] 11(' l-<{'al<JI1 :~lld, "X-,I the, bid wlll h~accep.tep ""'~,,lle:-Qffice, rgfr~'. ;:1\'11)\ ';;e I::~~~'f~\~)~;'lll'~~ \~:1;;:1111,7.= l' ~~fn~I~7e~i~~; ~~;~u ~)0~111~t~,t.rl;l~~/~~J'~ , P?lSl1. ,or ;j%.. of llw amllllllt t.f lhq '/I,lT'. il1:arch l:1th. 19!!3, ::. I , 11'lll, 1'1l!H'~ HI, 0( 'lIsll or h," C'Cl,'.l.lfl"(l/ ',']1(' City, CO'u ncq n""e-t,Y, ~,g tll~,rl~'h' ,;tj.l~I~, ~:~'i 1~~(,~li..t:.~j_ll~fl'l(~~I~~~?('{I'~IfV:l': to I ::~'i~3.L ~111f.;~I~d..,~~~~~r ,V':~;hjllg-- I i;I.~1~:.rtJ~~~a,]:'m~~.I']la'~:: l:~'rll~il~'lto I'(~~l~~; tOil th~~ W"L~~? t>\\t~.a~~~tJ:;;,~. wlllllJl (hlrty d,IYS rol]r>wing 11)(' . Cit,. "f'P"t.ttit+~el"H, _Y\-'1:l.5h. ~j~lF}~1~c~fL'~;:;1 l]li~tl,Ii~;'I~ ~:~'I t:~~~]Q;~Il\~~ :u h'~;I~~'~':';~ 1~,~ ~J:-I~~:~~~~ Thc' "i'y or, I'orl AII~{'](,l! n'I<'-'\'\'{'S;1 :\"Itk(l 1[1: here-by ~iv(}n tll:lt l'C:[IIt.=d ~~~I~itl~l.~l. to "",h:l"t Iln)' ur ~,II lilrls i r.~~~'k \~;P tl~l~ g:i;l~;idp~i-.t ~~~g5~t: 1ll"~~~IQ~I\~f ~1~ll;~;;lJ;:e [~"M (,r thl' :'ii;:~~;.h::~~t~ll~lte~t t~:~~n C~t~,:i~~:{ o~.s~i~ i S"tid h"ndlf:oll~ll I,., 1'..111 will) tht:jll~\lIrll ~. lfl~3. fOI' till' 8~le of :;ta)Hl~ 11 7r,~:,~~iJ ~~f P:tl~Jli~~l;.I' .~lll:U.\-~'ll~~,'Jl .~r;I!':::~1:1l~~\;~~t JII i ~~I~e~IS~\~~~l;JUl~~r g{~~ ~,~::\i::~:~~~}.!~~<lt;;;'~;~;;~;I;~i~t~f~~;;:~~~:~:;~;i~~~~~i~~~i;~;;E~ SO'I'Il'N ()I-' 111>:\111:\"1; oV' J. E, J~A\\'. CI.l,' Cieri" ,\~~I':S!'Oll':."'l' IIUI,)' <.t."ub.: ::'\fm'ch ~6, 31, 1!):J3, N '.\"oti.,l' b lH'I'ell.'" gh'l~1l llial _ (he City Cnuncil of the {:It,- ",or Po!"t .\ng:ele-ll will hold 1'1 ht;arittw:' :tJpon ~l:; C~~~~.I':1111~~~.C~()i]~ fh'd:S~n~i~.I~\,I~: T~';I).~t ~<:i~~\~-~, :-:~;'II~~\~~rll~1t:9~IY l(;~ }'elll 1111 Thlll.",(lay, t~' 16 day of i ~t~l~l.J;I?;Lll~[~i1ti\Ylllj~~~1,b~r~~110<,: l;~r~; Coull('i] ('C tl}(~ Cit) of l'v'rt Ang(-l"li at 1241 ~(" Ouk l':tl'P{'t. '['ort .-\ng('l('l', \\'!:l",hillp'1IlJl, .\t !1u~h tim" Hurl ,1.la('t' nnrl >It I'uell (lth,'" tlnlt'~ fl.!' :"luth llPa]"illl.;"" nJny lw continue,l 1n, "aid Vi I). ~ '0 n'Wi] Hilt Ill,,' it... I~o" I'd of l';(1uall:!.:ltion will ("(>1ll<ill,-.j' <>hj{'('llollf< lfll>'ltin ,'!1_~['I>'!'m'>Ilt Roll lllHl will "'J'.- 1"0'('1. 1'1'>\'il>'l.', )':11.".,. JOW"I" I'h'Ullf" p,. llllldir.\- l>'ll('ll !toll "I' Hn,' )'al't ~,';;i~';." [h :~{ I ~':'~I ;:\~i~~~~i:l1;::~;t J1;~1;1l~~ :l;~ dr. llOVO. ..If; lu Hu.h 1:0(1)' ...11,,11 :J1'IWll.f ju"t ;lll,l "lJlliWI,I". Iuul wlll t111'1I IH'IIC'('tod IIJ (."l'firlll s;li,1 Rnll iI,\ (InliIlAIl\'I'. All 1'\'I'~on:-; W]IO 1Il!l~" d,'- flip!' (" Ilhjc"t I{> .'t;lid Itoll :l1'C herl'- \,,' nQtirl,'d 10 make sUl..'h oJlkcli(lIl.~ !t~'i:~.~;Y~'~r~{ ~f:t~ :l~~t J\::~:~t:,~\~f:m;., wil'l ~~ ,I, I,:. J,:\,\\r, Glt,\' C'lc,rk, ~',!}:0.)1f!:I'~h,2~_Jj,~._~ ~ I 313 -, ~ ,.. 314 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 19 1!P2-_ ,." . """", ''''= """"", '"""..,..... .... I . ,The City Council of the City of Port Angeles met in regular session at 7:30 P.~., and was called to order ,by Mayor Smith. Roll call of officers revealed the following present: l'lB,Yor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, :Sandison, Powell, and ~Iolf'e, ~lanager VergeeJ;, Attorney SeveI7llS and Clerk Law. ,It was moved by Councilman Neer that minutes of the preVious session be approved as received. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. i Under the head of unfinished business, and pursuant to calle for bids published, For Surveyor's Transit: American Ranken CoPY Co., 1 Berget' Surveyor's Transit No.6; R. Buzka, with tripod, $700.00 less $150.00 trade-in. " Lowman and Hanford Co., l-K and E Paragon /Il'5085C with tripod $700,63. Alternate bid, l-K and E #1'5130 with tripod, $570.50. ,Trade-in" $150.0P. "_ _ ,. ' I.. Kuker-Renken, Inc., . 1 Gurley #132RF-20 Transit ldth tripod; $577.80. I-Gurley #lJ2llF-20 I Transit with tripod, $595.80. Trade-in allowance, $100.00. I I I ; the following were received! I I Charles Bruning Compal\V, I~c., l-Bruning #4885 Brunson MOdel 50 ldth extension leg tripod, $585.0<1 .less tt'ade-in, $150.00 I l "~"'-. .It was moved by Councilman 110lfe that bids be referred to the Engineering Department fot' stud,y of equipment 'offered and report findings ,at the next meeting. Motion seconded by Councilman Brow and carried. I Bid on Lots 17 and 18, Block 417, Albin Surd, $130.00. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the bid be 'accepted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IBidS on Lots 1 to 4, inclUSive, Block 404: BObert Cahill, $300.00. Owens Bros. Engineeri.ng and ConstructioJ 'Co., $20.00 per lot. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the bid by Robert Cahill of $300,00 be accepted. I jSecomed by Councilman,Wolf'e. All voted ltJre. Motion carried. ' I Bids, ledger sheets and 'post cards: I The O~pic Printery, Ledger.,sheets, $95,15. P~stCardS $312.45. Evening News Press, Ledger sheets, 120.00 postcards ,270.00 Remington Rand, Inc. Ledger sheets, 162.00 Postcards 431.40 I Quick Print, Ledger sheets, 110.40 Postcards 295.80 Lowman and Hanford, Ledger sheets, 187.65 Postcards 318.25 BusineSB Service Co., Ledger sheets o~, $lll.24 Moore Business Forms, Inc. Ledger sheets 18.08 per l~., postcards, $3.06 per M Pioneer, Inc., Ledger sheets, 140.00 Postcards 325.00 It was moved by Councilman Brown that the bid by the Evening News Press be accepted. Seconded by Council- man l'olf'e and Carried, I Bids- Car for Water Department: Samuelson MotorCo., Ford mainline 6-cylinder Fordot', $1.694.35, Trade-in, 1940 Plymouth, $50.00. Net, $1,644.35 ,,' Port Angeles Motors: 1-1953 l'ontiac 6 cylinder Chieftain sedan, ~2,.374.80, less Trade-in, 1940 P~outh $300.00. Net, $2,074.-84. ' ' Schreiner Chevrolet Co.: . 1-1953 Model #1503 Chevrolet 4-<1001' Sedan, $1,973.07, less trade-in J.940 P~outh, $255.00. Net, $1,718.07. I ' , ~ger Vergeer reconunended the bid by Samuelson I~tor Co. for 6-cylinder Ford Hainline at $1,644.35 ~ il.s the best offer. It was moved by Councilman vl011' e that the recOllllllcndation be accepted and Ford car purchased. Seconded, by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried. I City Engineer AliUet's filed notice in writing that the thirty day period has elapsed since completion and acceptance of the ~lOrk done aoo material furnished by Burrows, Nilone and Tucci on LID No 161. Also reconunended that the 15% retained, or $6,051.32 be paid the contractor, as, no incomplete or defective work' has been discovered for which the City makes claim. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the Council approve recommendation by the Engineer and a warrant be issued in payment of the 8IOOunt retinaed. Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe. On roll call, all voted ~e. The ~ot' declared the motion carried. J - I The Council reconsidered req1,lest previously filed for removal of board fence at Civic Field, the same to I be replaced by wire or shrubbery. Manager Vergeer infonned that he has investigated and finis no exceptional hazard or excuse for accidents except at Fourth and ~Iashington Street.ll mere vision might be considered I slightly obstructed. Mr. Vergeer' s o~ reconnDendation was that a caution sign be installed at this corner. , The Council instructed 111'. Vergeer to order sign installed on the :East side of Washington, Soutlh of 4th, I' ,fencing to remain intact. Amended April 2 to read North West corner of 4th and Washington. tquest b.Y' Frank Hambley that the City sell timber on property in the Morse Creek vlatershed was reconsidet'ed. The area having been inspected and"timber in question being below the dam site, it was moved by Councilman Volfe that the Council approve sale of the same. Motion secoooed by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried. I The Planning Commission filed report of finding as follcws: I CHERRY STREET O~G: After considerable discussion, it was pointed out that, CherI7 Street, in this area, is in a first class residential district; the type of pavement on the street does not lend itself to heavy traffic; that the l:-oadw~s not an arterial, having a width of only thirty feet; and, in the opinion of your Planning Commission, if this wequest were pursued, it would ,only have a tendency to invitetraffice w!1ich would be a jmistake; furthennore, the proposed entrance on Highway 101 would be a hazard. It was therefore the opinion of the Planning Commission that we recoImneoo the request be denied, I WHEELER HARD'....ARE ~UEST FOR LOT TRADE: On the mole, the Planning Commission was not opposed.to this exchange.. Certain things were pointed out, however, which we feel should be examined further befot'e a decision is reached. They are as follows: (A) Consider relative costs of propesed improvement of Oak, Railroad and Laurel ,.treets. It was felt assessments on Lot 6 would be greater than Lot 4. (B) The value of the location ft'om a business standpoint that is to say, the distance of these respective lots ft'am Front & Laurel Streets which, in this case, should be considered developed. (C) Drainage. It was pointed out. Lot 4 is drained while Lot 6 is not. (D) It was pointed out, the 11'heeler people now use Lot 6 as a parking lot whi-ch is 150 feet removed. If they were to acquire Lot 4, their parking lot would be adjacent to the present building, thua adding a.dditional value to them. (E) Value of the presllIlt building would be enhanced with ownership of adjacent iot. It was felt, by the members of the Planning Commission, that the above and other matters should be studied further before a decision is reached. , i ...... ,I I I ~ I