HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/05/1959 1~"'~ . "U""'V, '<An,",. ",.,.~~t"e. ""'NT"",. 20D~D ~ IThe City Council met in reguh[k session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor I Richar?son. Ro~l cali re~eaf'ed the following officers present: Mayor Richardson, Council~ men Smlth, Sandlson, Maxfleld, Thorne, Randall and CaldWell, Manager Slankard; Attorney iMoffett and Clerk La~. I :It was moved by Councilman Thorne that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and I IPlaced on file. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. ,Under the head of 'unfinished business, bids to furnis~, pipe ana fittings for the'~ater !Department were received as follows: U. S. Pipe & Foundry, C. I. Pipe $ 40,072.93 Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. C. I. Pipe' 40,739.11 Olympic Foundry, fittings ' 1,209.90 Hallgren Company, fittings 1,981.42 Atlas Foundry & Machine Co., fittings 826.17 Alternate 891.91 Grinnell Co. of the Pacific, fittings '2,221.48 Western Utilities Supply Co., fittings 1,319.88 H. D. Fowles Co., Inc.,' Asbe~tos Pipe, fittings 29,7~2.51 Johns-Manville Sales Corp., Asbestos pipe 29,399.73 Pacific Water .;Works Supply Co. Asbestos pipe & fittings 2~,358.69 ;The manager informed that bids were published as required, reports submitted, and recom- Imended'award as follows: ror pipe, Johns-Manville Sales Corp.; fittings to Atlas Foundry.' jCOUplings to Western Utilities Supply Co. Hydrants to Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that bids be award~ as recommended. Seconded by Icouncilman Sandison and carried. ' One bid was 'received from National Cash Register Company to furnish for the Utilities one IIBilling Machine at $8,466.50 net. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the offer be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell. arid carried. !Pursuant to petition previously submitted, requesting removal of trees and shrubs at !fifteenth ahd Cherry Streets intersection, the Manager reported on investigation, stating lthat somewhat of a hazard exists and as growth continues, the hazard could be increased. Chief Kochanek confirmed existence of hazard as caused by the end tree obstTucting view. iCouncilman Randall cited both- streets as dead end, which 'should eliminate too much hazard I land no accidents h~ve been reported. Councilman Caldwell considered the corner a definite hazard as vehicle operators ignore precamtion. Mr. Priest, property owner, cited location' of curbs, also fence located outside of property line, thereby reducing width of street. After due consideration, it was moved by Councilman Maxfield that a stop sign be installed, and the Manager instructed to ascertain if the fence is in street right-of-way. Seconded I by ~ouncilman Randall and carried. IThe'Manager read report as submitted to the Council showing estimated cost of Municipal water improvement arid ~rppos~~ charge to be collected and accumulated in a Construction Fund. Estimated costs were: Replace reservoir outlet to Park Avenue, $50,000.00. Con- ,necting line from outlet to 'proposed new reservoir, #383,250.00. Connect new reservoir to l'existing reservoir, 11th & E, $195,096.00. Construct seven million gallon capacity reser-I voir, $446,750.00; Replace Morse Creek main line $800,000.00. The Manager also stated 'I: I'proposed charges to be made as compared to present rate schedules and cited three alter- natives, by Construction'Fund, by Tax Levy or let it go. It was moved by'Councilman IMaXfield that the Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance based on recommendations.1 Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. ' The Manager also stated that Consultants have loffered their sprvices at 4% of cost. . : 1SYd Tozier, Insurance Broker,' appeared as representative of Insurance Ag,ents Association; and explained why a policy he is offering the City is at a lower rate tnan the policy offered by Northwest Mutual for Comprehensive Liability coverage, the same by a~proval of the I Association. It was moved by Cbuncilman Caldwell that Councilcaction of February 19th on p~licy submitted by Art Smith for Nortnwest Mutual be rescinded. Seconde~ by Councilman Maxfield and carried.' IMr. and Mrs. Scherneck of Fairmont DiS:rict asked the Council to consider serving all of the area or r~linquish the few being served, thereby enabling the P.U.D.to establish a , IDistrict. The Manager told Council that some have installed their own water system,thereby ,complicating the situation. The Council instructed the Manager to investigate the feasi- ' Ibili ty of expanding the area when the City will be capable of furninshing adequate service'. [Under head of new business, the Council a~tPhorized that call for bids be pUbl~shed for : Ithe todificaiton of City Ordinances. '! :The Manager read a communication from Electrical Worker's Union requesting a meeting with I Ithe Council concerning Linemen's wage negotiations. It was moved by Councilman Randall ' that the Mayor appoint a Committee to meet with Union Represestatives. Seconded by Council~ man Thorne and carried. The Mayor then appointed Councilman Randall as Chairman, and ~ Councilman Maxfield and Thorne to meet'with the City Manager and representatives of the City Electrical Department to consider the requested salaries increases. Claims payable were approved in amounts as 'follows: General Funds $ 4,952.06 Water Fund $ 1,306.06 Light Fund : 34,229.45 It was moved by Councilman Smith t~ claims be approved and paid. Sedonded by Councilman "Sandison and carried. I It was moved by eouncilmanMaxfield that payrolls be confirmed in total amount of $50,755.66. I iSecondeu by Councilman Caldwell and carried. I I I 'Departmental reports were approved as follows: Budget, Fire, Light and Waeer work, Light' land Water operating. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that reports be accepted and placed Ion file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. I a~ ,Councilman Thorne reminded of traffic tie-up at First and ~ Streets caused by damaged iligh~ wires, citi~g hazard in case o~ fire and suggested a~alternate route be investigated IThe Manager was requested to ascertaln what has or will be done regarding alternate route'l 622 Proceedings of the City Commi~sio~ of the City of Port Angeles, Washington /IilARCH 5, 19~ ~ It ./ I I ,I '. I I I. I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Niarch 5, 19~ ,.<'" "0"'"'. e"M. ""_..u"'"""',..... ....... Allen Clayton appeared on behalf of the Community Players and urged all possible to I support that Organization. Also presented the Mayor and Manager with complimentary tickets. Mrs. Newberry informed that the unsightly Radio Antenna on West 11th St. has blown and questioned if the operator would be permitted to rebuild. The Manager assured when a permit to erect is applied for, strict regulations will be enforced. ]There being no further I ,I 1 Q. {/ ~;;t CALL FOR ;BIDS Scnlerl olds will be reeeh'ed In the office of City Clerk of Port Angelell, Ci ()' ,Hall, Port Angclfils, \Vasilington, at the hour of 5:I)U p,M., on the 31st da~' of March, 1l)5~, for- the furnish- Ins of e<liloriul anti rose~lrcn !:Iervic- 1:::'1, printing and bInding. Innucrs and indeJt tab fllwets, 'for the cOdifJ~:ltlon of the g(.ncral orcllr,ances at the City of Port Angelo!>, .Washlngton. Dctulls and generi~1 lnformatloll will he furnliched by the office 01: City 1I1nnagel', I The Cound] of the City of Port ,Angdcn 1',,' 01'\-(1 We right to f('jeet :'lilY nnd all bfds. _ M. ''i'. :'iLAXIL-' nD, CHy .Manager. ~PUh1l6hed: :\larch 5 and 12,~ ,I business, the meeting was adjourn~d' ,_ /)JA/ ~~ City Clerk layor down that g~ . 623