HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/06/1950 634 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington IIarch 6. 19/ifL jThe Commission met in regular session at 10 A. M., and was called to order by lIlayor Feeley. Officers present. were I lIlayor 1Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorner Trumbull, snd Clerk Law. I . Minutes of the previoue ssssion were read and approved. Undsr the head ot applications EUIIJlING PERMITS I 0 .~ Del lluzzi Bros. 5 <) 1. 0 'I Del Guzzi Bros. I 'Don Smith . W. C. Gellor Clinton E. Swingle II. C. Adolphson ,[Olympic Builders, Inc., ,Leo Gsulocker ;iFred T. Morley IIatt Rauch' C. S. Baket Leo F. Beutler IP, G. Yaple LICENSES I The Pacific Tel. & Tsl, Co., tor building permits and licenses, the following were grantedl Build 5 room dwelling, Lots 55,54,55, Perkins ldd., Build 5 room dwelling, Lot 11, Blk. 148, Townsite Build 5 room dwelling, Lot 14, Blk. 195, Townsite Reroof existing dwslling, Lots 54,55,56, Blk 58; P.S.C.C. Construct garage, Lot 4, Blk. 206, Townsite Add porch, repair foundation, Lot 12, Elk. 161, Townstie Construct 6 room dwelling, Lot 20, Blk 527, Townstie Construct 5 room dwelling, Lot 15, Blk 421 Build 6 room house, Lot 6, Elk. 585, Townsite Remodel esixting dwelling, Lot 6, Blk. 5, Dykes Addition to existing dwelling, Lot 17, ~. 24, Smith Sub. Construct 5 room dwelling, Lot 4, Blk. 10, P. S. C. C. Add Bathroom, Lots 8, 9, Block 446, Townsite Occupational Tax License 8000 .00 '1000 .00 7500.000 1000.00 500.00 500 .00 10,000.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 500 .00 600.00 6,000.00 600.00 1,555.62 , Under the head of unfinished business, bids for construction ot sewers and laterale on Suuth Pine Hill were sul:mitted as followsl Hugh Goven, t9141.25; J. M. Bruch, $9,486.15; Port Construction Co., tl5,604.90. lilt ....as moved by COl!llllissioner Taylor that the contract be awarded to Hugh Govan. Seconded by COJ!ll\issioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I, 'Lewis A. Bell end R. B. Holt of Meter Advertising Corporation appeared regarding Ordinance pending, permittibg "use of meter stendards for advertising purposes. PossibUity of another propoeel being submitted, the I,) matter was referred to the next session. Under the head of new business, Captain Eastman from the Cosst Guard Cutter Winona requested that the Commission consider reserving parking space for the Winona personnel near dock where boat is moored. ! Commissioner Taylor and Chief Ide will meet with Captain Eastman to determine a satisfactory 10Q'stion. IThe report of Police Judge Phillips for the month of February, showing fines of 1/1241.00 collected'wss approved and ordered filed. 'Pursuant to February 27 authorization of calls for bids to furnish for the water department, 2000 ft. of 2fl ' ;,cast iron pipe, and 800 ft. of l2u cast iron or transite pipe, the Commission fixed date for opening bids 'March 20. . Mayor Feeley announced appointment of R. O. Ide as head of Civilian Defense and Air Raid Alarm, for re-organization of the same. Commissioner Taylor reported results of a recent meeting in Seattle with the Army Engineers, also George Kruilla, ....ho spent three months with the Erosion Board, and is famUiar with contact procedure. Before repair is undertaken, a survey would be necessary and the City would be required to pay halt the cost of I survey. It wae the opinion of Conmissioner Taylor that according to reports received, Government participa- 'tion in cost of project is ~ery doubtful. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on third and finsl reading: ORDINANCE DO. 1225 AN ORDINANCE stating the facts of an emergency a:Cfecting the publio health, peace and safety of the City bf Port Angeles; requiring the unforeseen expenditure of jJ1.lnds; providing for the issuance of emergency " warrants and declaring an emergency. It was moved by COllllllissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded!lY Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I . I'The 'Commission examined and approved the follmdng claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of tha ICURRENT EXPENSE FUND: d)... 6! P.A:Evening NeWS- I' p- Subscription, 2 Mo. 2.00 Olympic Stationers Office Supplies 127.00 Olympic Printery Office Supplies 55.42 City Treasurer Lights, . Water, Garllage 279.47 Headrick,Repair Service Car rapair 110.51 The Texas Co. Gas 102.82 Hazel's Cafe I Meals for prisoners 159.26 ft. O. Ide Car lIileage, Feb. 25.41 P. S. Navigation Co. Freight' 2.91 Wheeler Hdwe. & ~rniture CD. Coffee cups 5.09 IV. H. Haller Hd"e. Co. Tools & Hdwe. 15.29 Howard Cooper Corp. Fire Hose 489.25 Pacific I'el..& Tel. Ca. Service 47.22 AIl8e1es lUlwM>g Center 0 S' Imnllel', Screws 7.15 CITY STREET FUND: ~ 'Iv - The Texas Co~ Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. G. & W. Fire Service City Treasurer !<ntone Smith I s Grocery Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Miller's Dept. St~re Gas, Kerosene, etc. Cement Extinguisher & recharges Light & Water Salt Sewer Pipe, etc. 4 Yds. Linen J same: 465.47 4.74 10.09 79.79 57.80 44.91 5.25 I 'I I 1 I' I I I I '1 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington , r ~WATER FUNDI '31>7- I Pacific Tel & Tel CO. I' The Duck Inn I H. E. Dodge iSamuelson Motc~ Co. (City Street Dept. I Frank Kaemmle j,Willson Hdwe. Co. 'IJames Hdwe. Co. 21 BIGHT FUND: (. /3 Qlympic Stationers City Treasurer Pacific Tel & Te1. Co. Lunt I s Battery Service Schreiner Chevrolet Co. ~Samuelson Motor Co. I Eugene E. Williams . !, The Texas Company City Street Dept. ,peninsula 'fuel "!Co. ,Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Willson Hardware Co. I General Electric Supply Corp. I' Graybar Electric Co. i Port T:e & Lumber Co. "I I SANITATION FUND I / 'f 3 ~ ; City ,Street Dept. City Treasurer 0" LIBRARY FUNDI 'f J i: I City Treasurer I Peninsula, Fuel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. i Gaylord Bros. Inc. lOoss Stationery United Janitor Supply Co. Olympic Electric Co. 'The Personal Book Shop, Inc. Doubleday & Co.,. Inc., Dover pUblicati~na Puget Sound N~s Co. - I The New York Times PAllKING METER & TRAFnC CONTROL FUND: 'I'm;;;ey;; Hdwe. &" ~o:--- - City Treasurer ,City Street Dept. Grandview Garage ANIMAL ~ Ellml J <f"J-- Clallam County Humane Society o' i Civic Advertisinll Fund: /::- 'I Jerry Nelson Agency i OV , FIREMEN'S PENSION WND I 3 :; Clsllam Co. lied. Ser. Corp. , 7~ ,b. h Y.:. Revolvinlt FUNDI :> c. - "City .Treasurer d' llarch 6, --.C;gntinued 19..f&.. Phone Service 96.96 lIeals 8.14 Car Exp. 18.15 Tire repairs 4.12 Gas & Oil 87.05 Road repair 22.00 Tools & etc. 66.96 Fittings 4.64 Supplies 6.85 Postage 50.00 Phone Servics 11.15 Battery 14.65 Repairs 81. '12 Service 5.19 Car Expense 25.52 Oil 11.74 Gas & Oil 86.71 Fuel 44.51 Meters 215.59 Tools, etc. 22.85 Tools, etc. 25.45 Tape 18.66 Timbers 16.94 Gas & Oil 142.01 Water 1.60 Light, Water, Garbage 9.81 FUel Oil 205.05 Phone Service 9.01 Carda 25.69 Office Supplies 8.59 Supplies 12.41 Parts & Repairs 14.99 Books 91. 75 Bo oks 2.90 Books 5.77 Books 52.11 Subscription 21;00 if 10 Bolts & Nuts 12.57 Motor Reg. & Postage 1.05 Gas 5.64 Parts & Labor 70.76 Animal Control by Ord. 1221 542.00 Bond Premium 15.00 Fee for March 55.00 TaXBe on Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 425 56.76 : There being 110 further business, the session was declared adjourned. 0, t Xcvif. (j City Clerk .z~/? 4 (~llll For TIld:-t :l :"iot1~(''' Of ~llle "Plh:'~' I::" In.'l"ell:-" J.;"iVCll tllfll :icrol.cdl l".otlel: ili" h<'1'1.)1))" given tllat Lho tl~~;I: \\~~1 t:~g {1~1{:-~I~Vlp~~t ~~l;g~lir r~}k)\~rnJO~tC$'~~W;~~Ctl Il~'~~c;t~~!,1 \I~~ I "allhhl~.tlint mltll :\'h.rcll :;:0, 1~,,0, wit: fit lQ:lIU a,m. ~11r;l l~ot luter, }it Ult. Lots" und S, Uloe]{ 423, To'\',nsitc offle~ o[ tl\(. Cltl' (.If'rk of the C\I~' (If Port Anl{cl('ll, "\nHlllngloll at 'I of Pot't Angeli'S, :' [I~hln~IOIl. (01'11 PI'I\',ulC ~nlc to llH.' highcHl and he:,:t the IH]r('lu~!'I'" tJf \_Rlit II'un ~~'flter' biulloer for ca!'!h ani'! that :;ealed hills pip!' HlHI (lItlllli:<l, .rhe nplll'O;o;mmlc nccompanlcd wilh lcn percelll of till: I1UUl1titlCM lll"C: 1 amount of tha bit! Will be lJccepted lllQ lineal f.,('t.l,:l" Cla!!~.l;;O I;ni- <1t Ill!! uUlce 01' the Cily Clerk of H,~"~t\\t;;~~\ ~~'O~\~I>];';I?U 1;ll~~~l :/6~J- :ll~l~ C~~~e~C ~~~il 11.J1~d~~c~J~kto ;.~;~ IlltCHl (('('I 2" ,ehu,,, 11>0 Callt IrOll )farch 20th l~;;O, tt\~~~~.:TX::t ~~ ~;~~n's?~q:;.~r1'!}'~]i~Clt ~j:~~i:~\~i~~c~:;~~!:i~~j ~11S~f~':.~ the i IIU;, :; HVllc', I 1'1l1n!)!"f COl1l1tletlull I)[ltcd ul POl'l ~'lIgelc", 1,\'as111ng. Flr'-, H~:dl'allls: )lIgcollaneou~ .Flt. lUll till!; 7th du)' of March, 1950. tlllgq" 1 1!: LA'!V Cltv Cl(!l'k All 11]"!~e~,1f11it, F-;0.]1;" ]'ort 1~n. l~'jtY'Of por"t AilS-elm;. 'Vashillj::;t011. g"pl"H, \\ a",llllL~toll. City Comml:;1!lOn j~u1)IIl>lled: ~J1UTh Itl. 11, Uf,!), n':iI'r,\'('~ Ihe l"Ight to reject any or ull bnll:j, .T, 1':. I~.\W, City ('lcl'\t. l'uhli~hl'd: ~fureh 10, 1.7, llJ"ll. 635 ~