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Port Angeles, Washington
March 6, 1978
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck,
Duncan, Hordyk, wray.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Deputy Clerk Caso.
D. Flodstrom, D. Frizzell, P. Carr, R. Morgan, J. Hordyk,
R. Orton, J. Honnold.
Guests Present: D. Feeley, T. Weed, R. Wells, J. Rhoad, D. Peterson, S.
McLaughlin, J. & R. Deaton, R. Love, P. Downie, J. Hendricks,
E. Tinkham, N. pendley.
councilman Wray moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes
of the February 21 and 28, 1978 meetings. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Buck and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read the minutes of the Planning Commission's February 23,
1978 meeting with the following action being taken by the Council:
A. Annexation: Peterson ind Del Guzzi
'Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of
the Planning commission and authorize Mr. Peterson and Mr. Del Guzzi
to circulate a petition to annex approximately 120 acres southwest of
the Golf Course excluding the Melody Lane area and including the areas
as mutually amended, the area will assume the bonded indebtness of the
City and the area will be zoned RS-9. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Wray. During discussion on the motion" planner Carr, referring to
a map, pointed out the areas added and dropped in the proposed annexation
as recommended by Mr. Peterson at the Planning commission's annexation
hearing. On call for the question the motion was passed by the Council.
B. Final Plat: Seamount Estates: McWilliams
Mayor Haguewood read that portion of the Planning Commission minutes
recommending approval of the final plat of Seamount Estates III subject
to the Trust Agreement and the street name change to Seaview Lane.
During the February 21, 1978 Council meeting, the council tabled the
subject of changing the name of 7th Street to "Seaview Lane" until more
information was available. At this time Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum
from Attorney Walrath as to the City's point of authority for the naming
of streets. In his memorandum, Attorney Walrath pointed out the need for
a systematic and uniform naming policy when considering the needs of the
citizenry in general and, particularily, postal and merchant deliveries,
police, medical and fire emergencies.
The Council discussed at length with Planner Carr and Attorney Walrath
the location of "..seaview Lane" in relation to 7th Street and how the
surrounding areas, if developed, may affect the streets. The Council
also discussed the possible problems which may arise if the street name
is changed. The discussion concluded with Councilman Buck moving the
Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and
March 6, 1978
1. Con t.
approve the Final Plat of Seamount Estates III, with the exception that
the name change not be permitted and that the street be named 7th Street
for the health and welfare of our citizenty. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Wray and carried.
C. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the I
Planning commission minutes of February 22, 1978. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
Following the Planning Commission minutes, Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum
from Manager Whorton concerning the City's Annexation Policy which the Council
adopted in 1972. In his memorandum Manager Whorton pointed out the necessity
of strict adherence to the City's Annexation Policy and recommended five items
which can be used as guidelines for advising applicants about annexation and
in preparing staff reports and recommendations. These items would help
protect the City by insuring that all improvements are installed in accordance
with the City's specifications and that the improvements are totally adequate
to serve the area proposed for annexation.
Attorney Walrath then recommended the Council adopt the five points recom-
mended by Manager Whorton in his memorandum in the form of an appropriate
Resolution or Ordinance; this would formalize the statement made by the
Council and could be drawn up for Council action at the next regular meeting.
There was then a brief discussion between Councilman Hordyk, Manager Whorton
and Attorney Walrath concerning performance bonds to cover oversized facili-
ties. Following this discussion Mayor Haguewood directed the City Manager to
draw up an appropriate Resolution or Ordinance containing the five points
recommended by Manager Whorton in his memorandum for Council action at the
next regular meeting.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No 1962 entitled,
Ordinance No. 1962
AN ORDINANCE authorizing a transfer from the Municipal
Contingency Fund to the City Light Fund for reimburse-
ment of certain expenses.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by
title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and
carried unanimously. (CRP Dock electrical power service to serve the USCG
Cutter. )
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department recommending
approval of a request by the DNR for a new five year Shoreline Permit for
the continued use of two specific aquatic areas in the Strait of Juan De
Fuca as deep water disposal sites. Councilman Buck then moved the Council
concur with the recommendation of the Planning Department and approve a
five year Shoreline Permit to the DNR for continued use of two deep water
disposal sites off Ediz Hook. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson.
During discussion on the motion, Ms. Polly Ball addressed the Council and I
voiced her concerns in regard to the effect the disposal sites may have on
the areas where they are located. Ms. Ball suggested the Council study . __
this request from the DNR further with Attorney walrath before approval,
and prehaps authorize the permit with certain conditions.
The Council discussed this matter at length with Ms. Ball, Manager whorton
and Mr. J. Hendricks, representing the Port of Port Angeles. Mr. Hendricks
explained to the Council the Port's present use of both the Airport disposal
site and M & R's fill for their dredging materials, and pointed out the im-
portance of these two deep water disposal sites off Ediz Hook to the local
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industry. The discussion concluded with Councilman Bu~k ~tati;g-he felt
that the DNR had addressed Ms. Ball's concerns very well in their application
and had handled the entire application with throughness and sensitivity.
On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilman Boardman
voting "NO."
March 6, 1978
Councilman Buck moved the Council take this agenda item from the table.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson 'and carried.
During the February 21, 1978 meeting, Councilman Buck left the Council
Chambers and did not participate in the Council action on this subject
because of a possible conflict of interest. However, at tonights meeting
Councilman Buck remained, stating that there was no conflict of interest,
and then moved the Council authorize the expenditure of $3,000 in support
of the Adult Action Center until more premanent funding can be obtained.
The motion died for lack of a second.
Councilman Duncan then thanked Parks Director Frizzell for his memorandum
on the extent of City involvement and/or support to the Action Center,
and stated she was in agreement with Mr. Frizzell's recommendation to work
closely with the Adult Action Center to identify and incorporate those in-
dividuals who can be cared for without providing special requirements, and
have the Senior Citizen Center Board of Directors review the situation for
consideration as a new budget item in 1979.
The Council then discussed Mr. Frizzell's recommendation at length with
Manager Whorton, Mr. Frizzell, and Mrs. Wells, Director of the Adult Action
Center. Subjects discussed included using Revenue Sharing Funds for support
of this service, state guidelines which the Center must meet, and funding
which may be obtained by the Center in 1979. Councilman Duncan then moved
the Council provide the emergency interium funding of $3,000 for the Adult
Action Center. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion
on the motion, Councilman Hordyk discussed with Mrs. Wells the reason why
the funding for the Center was cut off. Also during the discussion, Senior
Citizen Center Director Jean Hordyk informed the Council that the Senior
citizen Center Board of Directors will be meeting Monday, March 13, 1978
to consider supporting the Adult Action Center.
Councilman Boardman then stated she felt there were many unanswered questions
in regard to the needs of the Action Center, and volunteered to be on a
committee to work with both the Senior Citizen Center and the Adult Action
Center in order to obtain more information. Councilman Duncan then withdrew
her motion and Councilman Buck withdrew his second. The discussion con-
cluded with Mayor Haguewood appointing a committee of Councilmen Anderson,
Boardman and Buck to work with both groups and report their findings at the
next regular meeting.
Manager Whorton reported on the progress of the proposed downtown LID, noting
that out of 183 lots eligible to participate in the L.I.D. 128.5 or 70.2%
have signed the L.I.D. petition which leaves 54 lots unsigned or uncommited.
Mr. Whorton also stated that the project is now at the point where the council
can authorize the preliminary engineering.
Councilman Duncan then reported on the Downtown Redevelopment Committee meeting
of Thursday, March 2, 1978, in which two consulting firms were interviewed
for the preliminary engineering on the downtown redevelopment project.
Councilman Duncan informed the Council that the Committee had selected the
firm of Kramer, Chin and Mayo, on the condition that attangements be made
with this firm to also hire Mr. Braman, who spoke at the February 28, 1978
special meeting in regard to a search for funds for the public pier, and
that part of the $20,000 allocated by the City for the preliminary engineering
be used for Mr. Braman's fee.
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In response to a question from Councilman Buck regarding Mr. Bramai1'sfee;- ~
Manager Whorton eXplained that Mr. Braman has indicated a fee of approximately
$4,500 for one project which would be split between the public pier and the
downtown redevelopment project. Mayor Haguewood then questioned Attorney
Walrath regarding the legality of using bonded money for a funding search.
It was Attorney Walrath's findings that a funding search could be an ad- I
ministrative expense and could be capitalized into the project. The
Council then discussed this matter further with Manager Whorton and Finance
Director Orton. The discussion concluded with Councilman Duncan moving
the Council accept the recommendation of the Downtown Redevelopment Committee
of the selection of the firm of Kramer, Chin and Mayo and Mr. Braman, and
authorize the allocation of funds up to $20,000 for the preliminary engineering
on the Downtown Redevelopment project. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Hordyk and carried.
Manager Whorton explained to the Council that a public hearing on Revenue
Sharing funds for the Civic Field Renovation Project would not be possible
at tonights meeting; the Revenue Sharing regulations require two public
hearings prior to any changes made in the allocation of Revenue Sharing
Funds, with at least ten days notice prior to the hearings. However, Mr.
Whorton continued, the Council still needs to notify EDA that the City's
share of the funds will be committed, thus the proposed Resolution. Mr.
Whorton also pointed out that this Resolution does not state where the
funds for the Civic Field Renovation project will be coming from.
Mayor Hagueood then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 10-78 entitled,
Resolution No. 10-78
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles stating its intention to allocate the necessary
funds to complete Civic Field.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as
read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Manager Whorton and Councilman
Buck discussed other possible sources of funds for Civic Field other than
Revenue Sharing. The motion was then passed by the Council.
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from the Port of Port Angeles requesting
negotiations on a staff level for a short-term lease of the facility at the
foot of Oak Street for the purpose of processing and handling seafood pro-
ducts, and requesting the Council grant the Port a right of first refusal
to sublease an area in the vicinity of Block 2~ Tidelands, east of Laurel
Street, approximately 150 feet in width and 300-400 feet in depth lying in
front of Lots 1, 2 and 3.
The Council then spoke with Mr. Jerry Hendricks, representing the Port of
Port Angeles, regarding the Port's short and long term plans for this area.
Mr. Hendricks explained that the Port has no short-term plans for the area
but may need the area in the future for small boa~ moorage and other marine I
facilities, thus their request for a right of first refusal. Other sub-
jects discussed with Mr. Hendricks included the condition of the facilities L
on the dock and the City's possible liability, the type of zone the area
is in, which is commercial and not industrial, the Port's future plans for
the area, and the City's plans for returning the use of the waterfront back
to the public.
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Following this discussion, Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize the
staff to enter into negotiations with the Port concerning the OaK Street
property for a term of a one year lease of that property and that the Council
go on record as having recognized the Port's interest in those lots just
east of the proposed Municipal pier and that the City would provide the
Port first refusal in the event the City decides to make those properties
available to the general public. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Wray. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk questioned Manager
Whorton and planner Carr regarding the type of permit the Port must have
because of the commercial zone, and Mr. Hendricks regarding the area the
Port will be needing at present and in the future for their marine facilities.
Also during this discussion, Mrs. J. Fairchild, of the Downtown Redevelopment
Committee, stated her opposition to any permanent industrial use of the
waterfront area. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the
Council with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO."
&..rch 6, 1978
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council take this agenda item from the table.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council reappoint Mr. Lindberg to the
Board of Adjustment for a four year term to expire March 1, 1982, and
reappoint Mr. Downie to the Planning Commission to a six year term to
expire March 1, 1984. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson
and carried.
Mr. Neil pendley, representing the Clallam County Housing Authority, requested
a Cooperation Agreement from the City for 115 new housing units, 60 of which
will be for the elderly. The Council discussed this matter at length with Mr.
Pendley, Manager Whorton, and Attorney Walrath. During the discussion, Mr.
Pendley pointed out that the City will only be renewing a previous agreement with
the Housing Authority. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council authorize the
Cooperation Agreement with the Clallam County Housing Authority on the condition
that the Agreement is the same as the previous agreement. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Buck and carried.
Resolution No. 11-78
A RESOLUTION approving the form of cooperation agreement
between the City of Port Angeles, Washington and the
Housing Authority of Clallam County, and authorizing
its execution.
Resolution No. 12-78
A RESOLUTION approving application for preliminary loan
for low-rent public housing.
Councilman Duncan moved the Council approve the items under the Consent Agenda
including payroll of $141,414.38. The moiton was seconded by Councilman Wray
and carried. Items approved under the Consent Agenda are as follows:
(1) Authorize payment of $758.61 to CH2M/Hill for engineering services on the
City's sewer facility plan from December 25, 1977 through January 24, 1978.
(2) Authorize payment of $42,674.50 to BJSS for professional services on the
~ Civic Fie]n rnnstruction Proj~ct.
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March 6, 1978
(3) Authorize the Light Department to call for bids on three distribution
transformers, aluminum U.R.D. cable, and copper substation cable and
(4) Noted notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of a
liquor license renewal for Safeway stores, Inc., 115 East Fourth Street,
Port Angeles.
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. Ed Fuller, Vice-President of Northern
Tier Pipeline Company, requesting an opportunity to meet with the Council
to discuss the Northern Tier pipeline Company's project. The Council briefly
discussed Mr. Fuller's request and then Mayor Haguewood directed Manager
Whorton to invite Northern Tier to the next scheduled Council meeting, or
the following scheduled meeting to discuss this matter.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Manager whorton concerning the
Bureau of Land Management's informal pubIc hearing on the oilport which
is scheduled for Wednesday, March 8, 1978. Mr. Whorton stated in nis memo-
randum that he and Attorney walrath will be attending that meeting to state
the City's concerns over the possible impacts of an oilport in this area.
Mr. Whorton also outlined several areas of concern to be addressed in their
statement and requested suggestions and comments from the Council.
Several Council members then commented on Mr. Whorton's concerns and suggested
several other areas which an oilport may have an impact on. Some of these
areas included a sewer line on Ediz Hook, housing for the construction I
workers, and the need for firm zoning regulations. Councilman Duncan then
stated the importance of this meeting and moved the City Manager and City
Attorney be accompanied at the BLM meeting by other City staff members who
can make available their expertise in the following areas: Planning, police
protection, fire protection, electrical power, water, and sewer, and that
they would report back their impressions to the Council. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
Following Council action on Councilman Duncan's motion, Councilmen Boardman
and Duncan suggested the City Manager investigate the matter of federal im-
pact funds for the City; where they will come from, what agency will be in
charge of making sure they will be provided, and if the City is excluded
from impact funds on the local level.
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. D. Gough, Director of the Northwest
Service Office, u.s. Department of Commerce, concerning the City's invitation
letter to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to locate
their proposed Western Regional Center at Port Angeles. Mr. Gough thanked
the Council and the citizens of Port Angeles for their support but stated,
for reasons outlined in his letter, that it is very difficult to speculate
that NOAA may, in the future, consider Port Angeles as a site for NOAA's
Western Regional Center.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept Phase I, Demolition, of the
Civic Field Renovation Project as complete. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Anderson and carried.
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March 6, 1978
1. Councilman Hordyk: Asked Director of Public works Flodstrom if it was
necessary to talk about the gravel pit. Mr. Flodstrom replied that the
City Manager is working on the problem.
2. Councilman Wray: Mentioned the need for housing for the elderly. Asked
Manager Whorton who authorized the closure of 13th street. Objected to
the news media taping their microphones to the side of the Chamber seats.
3. Councilman Anderson: Asked Manager Whorton about starting work on the
Comprehensive Park Plan. Discussed with Manager Whorton if the City has
received any updated information from Northern Tier, and requested Mr.
Whorton's opinion about where Northern Tier is receiving their authority
regarding locating an oilport in Port Angeles.
4. Light superintendent Honnold: Gave the Council a brief update concerning
Northern Tier's energy needs.
~ 4/kftU/~
JObtained from the C.t
,Manager's 011 ice, City Hall ;~~
~west Front. '
A cerfilied check Or bid bond
I for 5 percent Of the amount Of
i the bId shall accompany each
I Bids will be opened and
,tabulated for the City Counc.J '
for c.O~Sjderation by sar~
I Councl! In ses~jon April 3, 1918.
. The Coun!=1I reserves the
I rlghf to consider deHvery 1ime
and t.o accept or to reiect any or
all bIds or any part thereof
I The unit price shan pre~ail
and the City reserves the right
!o correct al'\Y extensions or'
Improper sales faxes.
Vend~r and purchaser
recogn',ze that in. actual
econo~ Ie practice overcharges
r~SUI~1n9 from antitrust
vIolations are in fa<:t usually
borne by the PurChase
Th~reforer. vendor here;y
asslgn~ to purchaser any and I
all clarms for such overcharges
as to goods and malerials
purchaSed in connection with
:his order or contracL except as l
o ov.erc"arges resulting from
anhtrLJst viOlatlons i
comm~ncing after the dcde of I
the bid... qlJotation, or ather
event establishing the price
Und?~ this order or contract. In I
addJtfOJ1, vendor warrants and
repre~ents tha' each of his
SUpplIers and subcontractors ~
Sha.'i assign any and all such I
claIms to purchaser. SUbject to .
the ~forementionEW exception ,
Publish: March ~29, 1978 . I
. 1
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M.'
r 326
, NOTICE is hereby given that
., sealed bids will be received by
, the City Clerk, City Of Port
! Angeles. 14G W, Front Street
P.O, Box 711, Port Angeles We'
98362, until 2:00 P,M,. AP~il 3;
1978, and the City wili reject all
bids received after the
scheduled closing time and
date~ and will be opened
PUbl!Cly at that time for
fur~IShlng the following
equipment and.or material
bulil~~;:-2~' x 30' mefa I
Specific Specification:
A, To be an all steel
b (J i I din 9 - , j k e o-r
comparable to Western
Fa,r,!"er Association
ce~te~~usses~ to be "on 15'
c:e~te~~rlins to be on 4'
Wif.; l~~O:a~~s~e ~,12 pitch
E, Ooor-l split Sliding 11
doo~ 12'Xl0' with 2 6'
sections on west end 1
entrY-3" x 80" . on
-I southwest corner.
, F. Windows-4 2~
\2'0"X4'0" on the north side
:;;;-~:O""~'O" on Ihe soufh
G, Vents-2 louvered, one
on each end 14"x24"
H. Concrete Slab' floor
no square feet, 4" Ihitk
With 6" mesh reinforcing
I: T~ be erected on revel
bUlldtn~ site in a
completion time of 30 days
~b~t~a:te signing of a
L..-s.peCiticatjOns m~~ '
The Adm,nis1rative Services
Department of the City of porI
Angeles, Washington plans to
remode-i a portion Of the
basement in the City Hall
building with' its own work
forces.. .The work invo'ved.
consists of rebuilding a
stairway and c-onstructIng It
raised~floor enclosure on the I
basement concrete floor, with ~
the necessary wiring a1 1-40
West FrQnt, SIr eel,
The totaJ estimated cost for
the structure is 53.900.
Robert e, Orion
Director of F;nance
and Administrative Sendee!.
Pub,: March ~1, ,1.918,