HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/06/1980
Port Angeles, Washington
March 6, 1980
The continued meeting of March 4, 1980 was called to order by Mayor Haguewood
at 6:00 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk,
Polhamus, Quast.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller Deputy Clerk Caso.
M. Cleland, P. Carr, R. Rego, R. Orton, D. Frizzell.
Guests Present: L. Sunny, E. Tinkham, V. Ells, J. Ells, B. Hunt, A. Rud,
J. Burnett, R. Gesellchen, F. Cummings, D. Lunn, P. Fischer,
C. Rennie, M. watson, O. Watons, J. Ward, S. Baker, B. Matte,
D. Rudolph, K. Pultz, L. Latvala,' P. Bredl, H. Hodgen, J.
Swingle, H, Pollard.
Durin~ the March 4, 1980 regular Council meeting, representatives from the
Northern Tier Pipeline Company addressed the Council in regard to further
communication with the City for the purpose of identifying mitigating measures
for as many local impacts as possible. At this meeting, Manager Flodstrom
read in full a memorandum from the Manager and staff containing: (a) the
City's policy towards the proposed pipeline project; (bl general guidelines
for the negotiations; (cl a meeting format: (d) topics of discussion; and
(el suggested topics for the first meeting.
During discussion on the memo, several comments were made concerning the action
taken by the Council at the' March 4th meeting on the Northern Tier negotiations.
Subjects discussed included the Council's letter to Northern Tier, signed by each
Councilmember and expressing the City's willingness to negotiate; a telegram from
Representative Andrew Nesbit requesting the Council table any further action on
negotiations with Northern Tier until after the current legislative session; and
attendance at the negotiations by oilport attorney John Keegan. Councilman Buck
then thanked staff for the work presented at this meeting and moved the Council
accept and place on file the memorandum from Manager Flodstrom and staff con-
taining the general guidelines, meeting format, generalized list of topics to be
discussed and the tentative suggested topics for the first meeting, as reflecting
the Council's intent for the proposed discussions with Northern Tier. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Quast. During discussion on the motion, Councilman
Duncan suggested that negotiations be done by City staff, with the Council as
the decision making body only. This suggestion was discussed at length by the
Council and Manager Flodstrom, and then rejected. Also during the discussion,
Councilman Hordyk stressed the importance of the Council being totally unified
in its representation Of all citizens of Port Angeles in this matter; the
Council must go.into,these negotiations as a one-unit body.. The Council also
heard suggestions from Dr. Philip Overmeyer, a retired professor of labor ne-
gotiations, on procedures which will make the negotiations prOductive and still
protect the interests of the citizens of Port Angeles. Councilman Quast then
moved to amend the motion as follows: separate the six suggested topics for the
first meeting and have the first item (recovery of all City funds expended for
application review and EFSEC participation) plus the establishment of ground
rules as the first subjects to be discussed, and then proceed to the subsequent
items. The amendment to the motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus. On call
for the question, the amendment to the motion was passed by the Council. The
original motion as amended was then voted on and passed unanimously.
Mayor Haguewood then declared a ten-minute recess.
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March 6, 1980
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The City Council, at its March 4th meeting, reestablis hed its position that
the City of Port Angeles supports additional communication between the City and the
Northern Tier Pipeline Company.
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It is my understanding that this communiGation is intended to be in the form
of open discussions and/or negotiations for the following purposes:
1. To obtain additional detailed information from NTPipeline Co. for the
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purpose of better assessing and mitigating the impacts on the City as
a result of the Northern Tier Project.
2. To identify and achieve mitigating measures for as many local impacts
as possible.
3. To assure the citizens of Port Angeles that if EFSEC sites the Northern
Tier facility in Port Angeles, the siting order will contain locally-
established mitigating measures.'
, It is not the purpose of these discussions or negotiations to in any way com-
promise the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Zoning ordinance, jojnt City-County
agreements for legal services or the formation of the Task Force or any previously
stated policy regarding this proj ect. The City's policy is and will continue to be:
1. There is no demonstrated need for an oilport at any pOjnt within the
State of Washington.
2. There are signifiqant and numerous economic and environmentallmpacts,
both beneficial and detrimental, and Significant and numerous risks of
economic and environmental problems associated with the construction
and operation of an ollport regardless of location.
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\~, ,,':fied in Paragraph 3 are not acceptable to the City of Port Angeles.
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. L 'and .operation of an oilport in Port Angeles. Among t~ose are t~e
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loss of harbot area for timber rafting, the possible loss of pulp and
Paper mills due to electrical shortages and increased air pollution,
,'~Until such time as it is clear that- there is a need 'for the f~cHilY I
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~based upon either economic or national interest demands, the City of
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.',in the city and its environs.
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5. :.rn the processing of an application for site certification for an energy
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facility pursuant to RCW Ch. 80.50, the City is required by law and
by its duty to its citizens to provide information" criticism, and sug-
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gestions for improvement on the proposed facility to the Energy Facility.
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Site Evaluation Council. This information and criticism should be directed
.-toward assuring that there is a full disclosure and discussi,on of all
impacts and risks Of the proposal ( both negative and positive, particu-
larly in light of the problems identified in Paragraph 3 above.
6. The City of Port Angeles should participate to the fullest extent in
assuring that all information is presented to the licensing authorities
and to the people of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washirtgt.on
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,,:regarding 'the proposed Northern Tier Pipeline Company project. ,The
Oilport Task Force created by joint action of the City of Port Angeles
and Clallam County is the most economical and efficient means of
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providing this information,. and participation in this project by City
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employees and the public is encouraged. ': .'.;:~.~;~:
As stated above, this is and will continue to be the City' 5 policy; however, ".~~','
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since the possibility exists that local opposition and policy could be overriden by the' ...
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State or Fede'ral Government, we must be prepared to mitigate the impacts of this pro-
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ject and to protect our City and those aspects of life which we now enjoy.
In order for this to occur and in order for these negotiations to be productive,
there must be some general guidelines to follow and a procedural format for consider-
Ing issues. Therefore I the following attachments detaU some suggested ground rules,
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meeting format and discussion topics.
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1. No formal discussions' or negotiations ,:",i11 occur without at least four members
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of the City Council b~ing present.
2. All meetings between the Council and Northern Tier shall be open to the public
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with appropriate pu~lic notice.
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3. All discussion
or negotiation'meetings shall be recorded.
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Ne.9o~i~tions will be directed toward mitigati~g project impacts and not 'toward
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ame'nd.ing ~xisting policy positions. !'
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All negotiating sessions will be held at mutually agreed upon times and places.
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Each party to these discussions must commit to good-faith negotiating and the
timely'resolution of the discussion items.
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7. Items of agreement 'and agreed upon mitigating measures ~ha;ll become part of the
EFSEC hearings record.
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Prior to Negotiation Meeting
a. Review and formal acceptance of agreements of previous meetings.
b. Council/Staff prepare is sues to be discus sed at next meeting (NTPipe-
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line Co. notified.)
c. Staff prepares City1 s analysis (position paper) of each issue as to:
1. Impact
2. Mitigation
d. Council/Staff review positIon papers.
e. City /NTPipeline Co. exchange position papers on each is sue.
f. Both parties review position papers for errors/deficiencies and needed
g. Staff prepares final position paper for Council with back-up data.
h. Council/Staff (in executive session) review and determine parameters
of the City's negotiating position.
Negotiation Meeting:
a. Establish issues for next negotiating meeting.
b. Opening presentations of City's position paper by Council or Staff.
c. Presentation of position by NTPipeline Co.
d. Open discussion - negotiation
e. Caucus (both parties I if necessary) to consider acceptance, rejl?ction
and/or compromise issues.
f. Settlement or addition discussion of issue at hand.
g. Preliminary approval of is sue subject to final agreement at subsequent
III Post Meeting Activities:
a. Transcription of minutes of tentative agreements from meeting tapes.
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III '; Post Meeting Activities (contd.)
Note: These agreements would then be formally approved by the
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City Council before the next negotiating session.
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,b. Transmittal of conclusions to EFSEC for inclusion in EFSEC's records,~
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, '.~" Coordination and Review Pro~edure
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, Housing needs and impacts
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Water Supply requirements
.... .~~.I' olice protection
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,~:}tl) Fire protection
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~, ':~L ,rand use impacts
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Mitigating processs for unanticipated construction impacts
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'Fiscal impacts (past, present, future)
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Electrical demands - curtailment plans
Sewer and Solid Waste requirements
Traffic impacts - roadway repair and maintenance
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Construction materials availability, delivery, storage
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~.~. Man power needs (local manpower usage)
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.ctual Site Location commitment
.il spill contigency plan
Relocation and/or compensation for loss of harbor area for timber rafting,
boat launching and moor9ge facilities, USCG, etc.
Taxes/economic as sistance
Air quality
Popula tion and Schools
Emergency Services
Environmental impacts
"l1arch 6, 1980
During the March 4, 1980 regular Council meeting, Derby Days Co-Chairman Jim
Jones submitted a request for use of the Roosevelt gymnasium for the 1980 Derby
Days Pool Tournament. Following the discussion on this request, Attorney Miller
was directed to draft an ordinance for the allowable use of liquor at the present
Roosevelt gym site, on a concession" basis. At this meeting, Mayor Haguewood read
the proposed ordinance by title. Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt
the ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, with Councilman Hordyk seconding
the motion. During the discussion which followed, Mr. Sy McLaughlin, Chairman of
the Park and Beautification Board, informed the Council that three out of the four
requests made by Derby Days are in conflict with either City ordinances or Park
Board policy, and for that reason the Park Board has flatly rejected their letter.
The Board disagreed with Derby Days request for the sale of liquor at the gym
facility, their offer of $50.00 per day for clean-up of the facility, and their
request for waiver of the rental fee. Mr. McLaughlin also pointed out that there
is no smoking allowed on the premises and to "relax" that rule would be in vio-
lation of the State Fire Code. Following Mr. McLaughlin's statement that the
Park Board is opposed to allowing liquor in the Roosevelt facility, Councilman
Suck withdrew his motion, with Councilman Hordyk withdrawing his second.
Councilman Hordyk then stated that the issue of allowing liquor in the Roosevelt
facility should not be delayed any longer, and moved the Council adopt the ordi-
nance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Polhamus. During discussion on Councilman Hordyk's motion, Mr. McLaughlin pointed
out that the Park and Beautification Board has not yet had an opportunity to re-
view the proposed ordinance and could not make a recommendation at this time.
Councilman Quast then moved the Council table the proposed ordinance in order to
give the Park Board sufficient time to review the ordinance and make a recommenda-
tion. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
In AUgust, 1979, the Council authorized a cost-of-service study to be completed
on the City water rates following their action to decrease the minimum water rate
base from $7.00 for the first 1,099 cubic feet to $7.00 for the first 2,099 cubic
feet. The study, which was done jointly by Finance Director Orton and a consul-
tant from Economic and Engineering Services of Bellevue, is almost completed,
and the results thus far were presented to the Council at this meeting by Mr.
Orton and Mr. Lynn Hanus of EES.
Finance Director Orton and Mr. Hanus both spoke at length to the Council in re-
gard to the technical aspects of the study. Subjects discussed included the low
rate of return on investment (2%); residential consumption forecast for 1979 as
compared to actual consumption in 1979; comparison of average consumption by
senior citizen households versus residential household users; rates of return
for various water customers; basic theory and mathmatics of the study; water
consumption by Industrial users; allocation figures for Fire Proection; a pro-
posed base rate of $10.57 for 2,099 cubic feet of water; and the possiblity of
"Lifeline" 'rates for senior citizens. The presentation concluded with several
comments and questions from the Council and audience regarding conservation of
water during peak load months; the factors used in determining the $10.57 rate;
the advantages and disadvantages of special rates for senior citizens; and the
possibility of selling Morse Creek to the PUD but retaining the water rights.
There was no Council action taken on this agenda item.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
City Clerk
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--Mayor ' '- tI .