HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/07/1934 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "'11II 191 Harch 7,1934 193_ I I I I I 'I""''""':~:''''~~'::~:'~'~:: met in Regular ses~ion at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Hayor Davit Roll call shovled the following officers present. I,layor Davis,Commissioners Lutz and 1Iaste:/os, A ttornElY Plummer and Clerk lIaY/kins. lIIinutes of the previous session were read and approved. App~ications for building permits and licenses were granted as fOllows,- Bert Aclams, Repairing residence, J,ot 5,Block 414, Townsi te U.S.Forest Service, Move and remodel house; Lots 16 & 17,Block 32',Townsite The Big Place, 1 Card table to June 30,1934 L.E.Stark, Dance at I.O.O.F.Rall March 3,1934 $100.00 50.00 1.67 5.00 PoHce Judge Thos.Geisness reported 23 cases tried and ::)132.50 collected in fines for month (If February 1934. Report ordered filed. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances the following ordinance was read by title and placed on its Third reading.- An Ordinance Prohi bi tine; the operation of a' motor vehicle by a person Vii thou t an operator's license; by a person who is intoxicated ,in a reckless manner; Providing certain trafic rules; Providing for the revocation of licenses under certain conditions and Declaring an Emergency. It was moved by !Jayor Davis that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of reports from City Officers the following was read,- OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER I,larch 7, 1934 To -the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Port Angeles. ;"1ash. Gentlemen,- I herewith submit the seconGr monthly estimate (Feb.l,of Mate'rial furnished by the Fort Angeles Concrete Products Co.,on Local Improvement District No.147. 1130 lin.ft. Bin.sewer pipe ~O - 8 x 6 ';lyes 1 Standard manhole ring and cover 825 brick 1 Cu. Yd. Sand 6 Sacks C emen t 3/5 Gu.Yd.Concrete @ .33~ per lin.ft.------------ @ 1.40 each -----------------_ @ 12.50 11 __________________ ~ 18.00 11 ---------_________ @ 8.50 -------___________ G .91~ ----------________ @ 7.95 per yd.----------------_ Less 15% retained $37,2.00 42.00 12.,50 14.85 2.50 5.46 4.77 ~ 68.85 386.73 225.50 161,23 Less previous estimate Amount due contractor Yours very truly, H.E.Dodge City Engineer. It vms moved by lIayor Davis that the Ci ty Engineer's 2nd. Estima te on L9cal Improvement Distric~ No.147 be accented and the City Clerk be instructed to draw a \"larrant on L.LD. No.147 for 1161.23 in favor of the Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. ,Contractors on said distric1; in accordance with the said estimate. Seconded by Commissioner Master. On roll call all members voted aye. The I'layor declated the motion carried. irhe Commission examined and allowed the follo.,ling claims and ordered 1"larrants dravm for. same; CURRENT EXPENSE City Treasurer .::ltamps 1.00 J. ):t. Mc,Donald Killing Dogs, etc. 25.00 City Treasurer Vlater ~"" 3.60 '7'1 ~- ,"ATER FUIffi C. N. Grover Labor 81.00 City ;t'l'easurer Postage I,j/ 1.41 Ida J, Morse Rent ;'7' :.- 10.00 LIGHT FUND C. N. Grover Labor 22.00 'E. R. .\llen 11 23.40 City Treasurer Hater 1.95 City Treasurer ' Express .35 0: E. Eddy Garage "{ental 3.00 Larry Judd ',Iood L f 1D 11.00 E. oj ':lhi tmore Painting 4.00 LIBRARY City Treasurer Light & Vlater I There being no further business the meeting then adjourned. ?; '/?uJJ,. ,,,-r"";;/J _ -~~ ~~ Alayor. 14.40 \' .olIIl