HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/07/1957 I I .1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 537 MARCH 7 19~ ",. . om". ...,,,. '''''00'''. ....n.. "'.. .... City Council met in_~egular session at 7:30 P.M. arid was called to order by Acting Mayor Smith. RoH call of efficers sh~~d the following officers present: Councilmen Sandison, Matthieu and Welfe, ~lanager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seoopded by Council- man Matthieu ell d carried. Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish pipe, fittings and valvesror the water department were received as fo110\'/5: mHTED STATES PIPE AND FOUNDRY CO.: Item I, 20", C.I. Mechanical Joint Pipe @ Item 2, 10" C. I., M.J. Pipe @ Item 3, 8" C.oI." M. u. Pip:: @ Item 4.., 6" C.I., M. J. Pipe @ Item 5. 411 C.l., M. J. Pipe @ a:.teIll 6, 21~' C.l. r M. J. Pipe @ Item 7, Fif.tings $11.19, 3.92, 2.9<74,' 2.094. 1.41, , .775, $12,868.50 4,312.00 2,974.00 2,094.00 705.00 7,75).00 1',301.00 OLYMPIC FOUNDRY COMPANY, Item 7,. Fittings only, 1,268.85 ~HALLGREN OJ~IPANY: Item 7, Fittings, Item 8, Gate Valves Item 9, Hydrants, @ 116.19. 1,534.20 1,480.69 580.95 PACIFIC STATES CAST IRa.! PIPE CClIlPANY, Item I, 2011 C. I., M. J. Pipe @ Item 2, 10".C. I., M. J. Pipe @ Item 3, 8" C. I., M. J. Pipe @ Item 4, 6" C. I., M. J. Pipe @ Item 5, 4" C. I., M. J. Pipe @ Item 6, 2" C. I., ~!. J. @ It em 8, Fit tings Item 9, Hydrants, @ 10.761, 3.767, 2.859. 2.014, 1.36 .72 12,375.15 4,143.70 2,859.00 2.014.00 680.00 7,200.00 1~417.90 523.00 104.60 ' JOHNS-MANVILLE SALES CORPORATION: Item 2, 10" Transi te Asbestos l;;ement Pipe @ Item 2, Alternate Asbestos Cement Pipe @ Item 3, 8" Transite Asbestos Cement Pipe @ Item 4, 6" Transite Asbestos Cement Pipe @ , Item 5, 4" Transi te Asbestos Cement Pipe @ ! oIlll quotations F.e,B. Pod Angeles and 3 1/3% sales tax not it was moved byO::>uncilman Sandison that the offer by Olympic Foundry Co, for fittings be accepted. Second- -ed by Councilman Matthieu and carried.. 3.18, 3.02, 2.34, 1.65, 1.081 included. 3,498.00 3,322.00' 2,340.00 1,650.00 540.00 It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that offer by Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. to furnish Cast Iron Pipe, Hydrants and. Valves be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. The Engineer submitted data concerning proposed,Improvement Districts Nos. 174, Lincoln Heights Sewer, and 175, Alley in Blocks 33 and 34. From report ,it appears that both districts are financially feasible. Public hearing on proposed improvement for L.I.D. No. 174 was opened. One object~on was filed by M. F. Plumlee, W.~ of let 2, Block 248. $12(;.78; Lot 3, Block 248, $253.58. This being 7.59% of improvellEnt, and no other otj:ctions having been made Ot filed, it was moved by Councilman Matthieu that hearing be closed. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. Hearing on proposed improv~ment in L.I.D. No. 175 was opened. There having been no objections made or filed, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe t hat hearing be closed. Seconded by Councilman Mdtthieu m d carried. The second estimate (February) for work done and material furnished by Louis Elter1ch on pipe line reloc- ation, was filed for Council approval in amount of $14,165.62. It "as moved by Councilman \101fe that estimate be approved and warrant issued in payment .of same. Seconded by Co'uncilman Matthieu md carried. Seventh estimate ~February) for work done llld material furnished by The Harrison Brothers Company in L.I.D. No. 171, in amount of $16,000.00 was submitted for approval. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that est- imate be approved and warrant issued on L.I.D. No. 171 Construction Fund in payment of same, and the City Clerk authorized to issue warrants No. 61 to,65 inclusive for $2,000.00 and warrants No~. 66 to 71 inclus- ive for $1,000.00 on L.I.D. No. 171 Fund, bearing interest at the rate of 4 5/8% per annum, dated March 12, 1957, proceeds to be deposited in the L.I.D. No. 171 Construction Fund. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. One fixed estimate claim was approved as follows: L.I.D. No. 171, Tacoma-Port Angeles Auto Freight for freight on samples, $4.00. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that fixed estimate claim be approved and warrant issued in payment of same. Seconded by Councilman L'iolfe and carried. Mr. Vergeer informed of agreement with Albino Casilio for installation of footings for lighting system on Lincoln Street at $32.00 each, also construction of, sidewalks on East, 14th Street at substation. Council concurred in Manager's action. He also read communication from Pollution Control COI1U1"l..ission concerning surveys and bacterial count in the inner Harbort reports of same to be available in near future. Mr. Vergeer read communication from Carlton L. Nau .of Foster a1 d Marshall advising that it is desirable effect combination of the water and sewer departments, thereby enabling the City to sell bonds at more ractive interest rate. Advised that 10n!-teDll contract .4th Fibreboard P'!'er Products company should be agreed upon art if contribution will be mXde toward construction, thus reducing bond issue. AlSJ long- term contract \'oEh the County Sewer District. to att- , I )):m Morrison read report on Pollution Control and progress of same, compiled from data Snce 1948 accumulated I in his office. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that report be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. ...oilIIl ,.. 538 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 7 continued 19_5:L ""............,.,..."."...-,.,..,..,...,...,.. IJOhn w. Robi.nson infjrmed in writing that he is inspecting e.le.ctron:ic equipment in Texas, which if proven practical, lit may be of advant~e to use in this area; during survey of undergroWld wate.r resources. IUnder the head of unfini!h ed business, Peninsula Plywood Corporation requested permission to install radio pole at 11th and E. Stree.ts. After due consideration, it was moved by Councilman lioHe that permission be ;granted with agreement containing certain provisions, term of five years subjec.t to renewal and revoc- ation clause. Motion seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. iThe A:-merican Legion requested in writing, permission to conduct carnival on Port prop.erty where the same was set up last year. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that request; .be 'Pproved and that the recommend.. lations by t:e p:olice Chief be tranSmitte:d t; them. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu .an~ c,~rri~d.: I Claims paid February 26, March I, 4, 5, 6, and 7 were approved in total ;m ount of $l..8,5.68.,1ll.. It was moved I ibYC ouncilm:an M:atthieu that claims be appr~ved as paid. Seconded by CouncilmanS andJ.sol1 ~ ~arrie: ,Del"'rtmenta'r reports were approved as f,o'l1o!"s: Budget r~ports of receipts and expen,iJit)1re;;. b:y City pepts.. IFire Department', Light and \,ater Departments. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that reports be apprpved land filed. . Sec'onded by Councilmal Sandison and carried. lJ. ~I. Alstott complained of annoyance to his tenant on East 8th Street adjacent to ~a,ins Playfield c,aused :by baseballs breaking windows a:Ii falling in garden. He suggested that the City install protective fencing ito eliminate. It was moved b;' Councilman Wolfe that the Matter be referred to the Park Board for recommend- jations. Se~ond~d btcouncilman Matthieu and carried. I IThe County Engiheer requested inwriting that the City consider vacating the alley in Block, 455. It l'as 'moved by Councilman Wolfe that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendations. 'Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. I \ ~ \ " 1 . \ Report of the Police judge for January sho.l~ng $1,758.50 fines collected was filed for. apProval. It, was 'moved by CoUncilman Sandison that report be accepted and filed. Seconded by Councilman ~atthieu anl1 ;car:cied. ~ : : . 1 . i.. \ L. G. Knights filed claim for damages to hi~ car caused by metal curb' .strip near First. anl1. Laurel Streets. 'Amount of claim~ $41.97. It was moved by CouncilmEn Wolfe that claim be referred. to the City Attorn~y rand insurance cOmpany. Set;onded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. I . . . 'Council recei ved reports that railroad crossings are rough and in need of l'epair. This being responsibility tof railroad company, crossings will be checked and proper notification given. I " : : Under the head bf introduction of Ordinanoes, the folloling were introduced and read in full: I ., , . ORDINANCE NO. 1385 ,AN ORDINANC~ of'the City of Port Angeles; W~hington, providing for the improvemEnt of a certain are;>. within 'Ithe city by the construction and instaflation of trunk, lateral and su!>-se"lers therein, including allliyes, man holes and by doing all "ork necessary in connection therewith and incidental thereto pursuant to Improvement Resolution No. 174 of the City of Port Angeles; creating a local improvement ,district therefor, and providing that the payment of the cost of said improvement be made by special assessments upon the prop- erty of said district. payable by the mode of "payment by bonds." , It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that the foregoing OrdinEnce be allproved and adopted. Seconded by, Councilman Sandison and'carried. 1 . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port llngeles providing for the improvement of a certain a rea >Othin the Gity of Port Angeles by the construction and installation of sanitary a:I d storm sewers therein and the installation 'of the necessary manholes, catch basins and appurtenances which may be necessary 00 d suitable to compl ete '~aid 'improvement and fo; thturpose of :gr,,:ding ~nd suriaci~g the '!lhy in B,locks 33 "'ld 34 of tho Tqwnsite _and pav~ng with a 3tt thJ.ck type uF" asphaltic pavement ane} the doing of all necessary work in connection therewith", d incidentll thereto pursuant to Improvement l\esolution No. 175 passed and approved on the 17th ',day of February, 1957; creating a local improvement district therefor, and providing that the payment for ,said improvement be made by special assessment~ on the property in ,s~i<l district, payable by the mode of rpayment by bonds.tt 1 ;It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing erdi nance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council_ lnan Matthieu 3l d carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1386 i There being no further business, the meeting ~';as.' adjo'urned. " Q G. ;;[ cuY 1I City Clerk :412)#j~ MayOr - , - I I I I I .. l .. ... I , , . LEGAL PUBLICATION " I CA.LL FOR BIDS . Sealed bids Will be received _ by the City Clerk of the .City of,'Port Angeles, WashIngton, "untll 5:00 g~se AJi~i~ie8, J;~' A~~ ~~) p~~ da~aC1ty Krane ten or e'UBl. :ma~iS t::8~rj~~.,I:~O nflJ~8' d~~lJ Qt1d . B: 25 x 20 .!lingle Ures under ~;~e~~~~ e~i~l _ be ret,tacta1Jle r~?r ree~r.ht.een:.~U3') feet tonlne ~nclosed oa)) wIth heater and windshield swipes, '. One hundred eighty (l$G-) de. grxe ~:;lfhed .check 'or- b~d: bond. for 5% of the amount ,b1d mU$t accompany each bid. ; to: . - -,' The City Councll reserVes the right to reject .any -Or ".a:JI'rb1d.s. . J. E. LAW.. CIty Clerk. ", '. ~p_r. ~_~2, lSS'iT. 'I I I I