HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/07/1968 1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 7, 1968 The City Council met in regular session at 7: 30 P. M. Officers present were Mayor Wolfe, Councilmen Maxfield, Thorne, Bettger, Schroeder,;;Basom & Ranta; Manager Herrman, Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to accept and place on file the minutes of February 15, 1968. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unan- imously carried to accept the low bid of $3,667.95 by Ruddell Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Tnc. for the 1968 2/3 cu. yd. Dump Truck for the Park Dept., subject to its meeting the specifications. A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unani- mously carried, to accept the low bid of $3,699.30 by Ruddell Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Tnc. " for the 1968 12' Stake Model Truck for the Light Department. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unan- imously carried, to accept the low bid of $6,753.00 plus tax (lata 1 $7, 056.89) by Ted Butcher, Inc. of Arlington, Washington for 46 poles as recommended by the Light Supt. and to authorize purchase of one additional 70ft. Class 2 pole at $158.00 plus tax (total $165.11) . A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unani- mously carried, to accept the low bid of $2,490.00 plus tax (total $2,602.05) for ten 25KVA Transformers, and $ 3,990.00 plus tax (total $4,169.55) for ten 50KVA Trans- formers by RT & E Corporation as recommended by the Light Supt. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unan- imously carried to reject all bids on the 225KVA Pad-Mount Transformers. A motion was made by Councilman Basbm, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unani- mously carried, to accept the low bids of $1,530.00 plus tax (total $1,598.85) by Westinghouse Electric for 15,000 feet Triplex Wire; $4,650.00'plus tax (total $4,859.25) by General Electric for 15,000 Ibs. "Dahlia" Highline Conductor, and $1,698.30 plus tax (total $1,774.72) for 5,100 Ibs. "Oxlip" Highline Conductor as recommended by the Light Superintendent. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield, and unani- mously carri-ed, to refer the bids for lubricating oil to the City Manager for study and recommendation. A motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unani- mously carried, to accept the low bid of $10,380.54 by Ci;lldwell Machinery Co. for the Street Sweeper (an Elgin Sweeper) . A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and unani- mously carried to accept the bid of Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. for the 16th and "F'~ Substation at $107,682.03 (40 weeks delivery time). A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unani- mously carried, to authorize the City Manager to call for bids for Sprinkler System in the City Hall basement, and to grant permission to install ceiling in the basement. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by -Councilman Basom and unani- mously carried, to authorize call for bids for a Cash Register for the Recreation Dept. A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unani- mously carried, to authorize call for bids on 10,000 feet of 2-inch cast iron pipe for the Water Dept. (The Proposed Installation of Water Lines - 1968 showed totals of 10,250' of 2-inch and 4,600' of 6-inch "to be installed in 1968.") 1:' 2 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 7, 1968 (contd.) The 20-year Capital Tmprovem~nt Programs - Storm Drainage, Sanitary Sewers and Water - was read and discus sed, and the following resolution was read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 4-68 A RESOLUTI<;m adopting a 20-year capital improvement pro- gram for storm drainage, sanitary sewers and water line ex- tensions. A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by C;:::oul1cilman Maxfield and. unani- mously carried, to adopt the foregoing resolution as read. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thome and unani- mousely carried, to authorize the City Manager and the Director of Public Works to retain Mr. James Ellis as bonding attorney for the East Lincoln Heights 1. I. D. project. A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Ranta and carried, to table for a work session (March 14, 1968 at 7: 00 P. M.J. the question to what extent the Arterial Street Fund will participate in the East Lincoln Heights L. I. D. project. , . A motion was made by CO\lncilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Ranta and unani- mously carried, to approve for payment Pay Estimate No.3 to Harold Kaeser Company in the amount of $116,798.72 for work accomplished on the Interceptor Sewer Schedule S, from January 2~,' 1968 (through February 28, 1968. . > ... ~ ~ . . .' A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unani- mously carried, to hold up payment of Voucher No. 6800 to Enger Construction Co. in the amount of $637.60 for installation of light standard bases with conduit on East Front a!'ld First Streets until inspection can be made to determine whether the job is satisfactory. A motion ~as made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman JI1axfield and unani- mously carried, to approve for payment Claims Vouchers in the amount of $256,879 .l3 (less the $637.60); Payroil Transfers $43,369.57; Interdepartmental Transfers $25,855.19 and Bud'get Transfers $31,788.16. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Ranta and unani- mously carried, to approve the transfer of City Bus License No. 529 from George 1. Gallant to Jack M. Schroeder who purchased the business March I, 1968. A motion was made by Councilman Ranta, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to table the request of the Chamber of Commerce for financial aid for the 1968 Salmon Derb>: Days until the City Attorn~y c:an determine whether the City call legally participate. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Ranta and carried, to table action on involvement in the Community Action programs for a work session. The request of Kermit qoodman to purchase two and one-half acres of land from the City (West 300' of Lot 5, Railway Addition" Section 8, Township 30 North, Range 5W, W. M.) was referred to the City Manager and Director of Public Works for recommendation. (Mayor Wolfe suggested a lease may be more feasible.) ." A motion was made by Councilman S'chroeder, seconded by councilma~ Bettger and unan-. imously carried, that the City relinquish their underground easement rights through the East half of the alley J;letween First and Front Streets, Block 2, vacated Virginia Park and Terrace Subdivision of Suburban Lot 12. A motion was made by 'Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thome and unani- mousely carried, to accept the recommendation of the City Manager a~d reappoint Don Judd for a 6-year term on the Civil Service Commission; Dorothy Wagner for a ,5- year term on the Library Board and Rennie Anderson to a 6-year term on the Planning Commission. (A Park Board member is yet to be appointed.) ,... :1-; '~. ' I ,I ... 3 r:.roceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington , March 7, 1968 (contd.) A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Ranta and unani- mously carried, to refer the request of 1. B. E. W. for increase in wages to the City Manager for negotiation. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to accept and place on file the Library Board Minutes of February 29, 1968. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Basom and carried, to accept and place on file the report on the meeting of the City and County Library Boards of February IS, 1968. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, to accept and place on fHe the Park Board Minutes of February 29, 1968. A motion was made by Councilman Ranta, seconded by Councilman'Thorne and carried, to grant the variance to John S. Key to allow construction of a Single family residence 12 feet from the rear property line instead of the 25 feet required, as recommended by the Planning Commis sion. A motion was made by Councilman Ranta, seconded by Councilman Schroeder to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and allow Mr. Willis McClure (on West Boulevard across from Lincoln Parkl' City water service on the basis of an out- of-city customer. After a lengthy discussion, on called vote, Councilmen Ranta, Basom and Schroeder voted" Aye, " CouncilmE!n Thorne, 'Maxfield and Bettger voted "No." Mayor Wolfe voted "Yes," Motion passed. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Ranta and carried, to accept and place on file Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of February 20,1968. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to table for a study session the recommendation of the Planning Commission that East Street be deleted from the Mapped Street Ordinance as requested by Mr. Robert Hurford. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to approve recommendation of Planning Commission and grant to Mrs. Eva Miller: 1. Conditional Use Permit, 2. Variance from 25 foot set back requirement on Valley Street to allow construction to IS feet from east Margin of Vatley Street, 3. Variance from side yard requirement to allow construction to 5 feet from east property line. (This is a change of location of variance granted February IS, 1968 from Tumwater Street to Valley StreeL) A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Ranta and carried, to approve the request of Mr. H. B. Stepp for a variance to permit him to enlarge an existing garage that is now a non-conforming building under the revised Zoning Ordinance, as recommended by the Planning Commission. "A.. motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Ranta and carried, to grant the request of Del Guzzi Realty Co. f0r a variance from the alley setback to allow construction of a single family residence with attacred~double carport twenty feet from the alley Margin instead of the required 25 feet. (Lot 3, Block 35, N. R. Smith S ubdi vi sian.) A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of March 5, 1968. ' A motion wa s made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Ranta and unanimously carried, to accept and place on file the two reports on progress of construct ion - Sewer Project; Light Dept. Revenue and Expenses for January; Light and Power Work Report for February; Water Dept. Revenue & Expenses for January Water Dept. Work Report for February; Equipment Rental Operating Statements for December, 1967 and January 1968; Fire Dept. Report for February 1968; Sanitation / 4 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington , March 7, 1968 (contd.) Dept. Revenues - Comparison Report; Street Dept. Cost Reporting Reports for December 1967 and January 1968; Sanitation Dept. Revenue and Expenses for January 1968; Police Dept. Report; Publi c Library Annual Report for 1967; Recrea- tion for February; and Municipal Judge's Report for February. Other subjects discussed were approval of a Bus Franchise Ordinance; Memo from Finance Director regarding cash balances in City Hall at end of the mo nth; a letter from Mrs. Dubigk regarding renaming Front Street; a letter from Mr. Bialik concerning the proposed Ambulance Ordinance (the City Attorney to have ordinance for next meeting); reconductering of lines - cause of trouble with lights in Pea- body Street area; the City Engineer to furnish cost, advisability, etc. of opening Penn Street from 1st to Front Street; Unsanitary conditions and "drop outs" causing trouble with the studen1Sat the former Hi-Way Market No.2 at 2618 South Peabody; A "no host" dinner meeting of County and City officials at Harrington's March 11, 1968 at 6 P. M.; the Governor's Prayer Breakfast March 16, 1968 at Tyee Motor Inn, Olympia; Open-house at Merrill & Ring March 9, 1968 and lighting demonstra- tion by Graybar Electric Co. March 12, 1968 at City Hall at 7 P. M. The meeting adjourned at 10: 55 P. M. ~ ~ ~ 17o.~pJ City Clerk to' -, CALL FOR l1Il1S :r-;OTICB Is hcr~b~' gi\'En "that scal- ed hIdR .wlll be received by the CilY Ma.nager of the City of Port Angeles, .140 Wcst Front Street, unlil {i:OO ~p.nL. MJlJ'ch 18, ] 9(i8 tor furnishing .the following tor the Light Depart- .m~nt; .. TRANSFORMERS end ELECTRICAL MATERIAL r}b.~Th:?IsOt;l,~~fY ~?~EWD~)'al1 scall'd bids wHl be recejved al the l~~(~te Ol1i~~~e~H~' \'~~~~~~~:;on Cit~n~~ NOTICE OF CA'LL I'OB BmS _March 21 19u.}l at 5:00 P.M. to sup- XOTrCf~ i~ hrnlb}" glyen that scal~ .p-ly und install n wet pipe sprinkler ed bld~ will be n!ccln~d by the Cit~. ~s.r5lem in the -iiGiiO f;qunre foot basl?- 1\1anagcf, Cay or POl't Angcl<lfll,' 140: ~ment nr('l~ of City Hall. Bjds ,\'ill "~est Fl'Olll Street, until 5:0-0 P.:'!!.. be opener} by the City Louncll in April ..t, I[l()~ fer: ~"f~i~~c1~~Cfn~~nCi~eI\i~~~~~~~~e a.t the l'egular 8~s~it)11 to be heW nt 7:30 HI~OO IIr: :f~j 2" e,i. W:HC1~ E~pe t the I All bids ~l1all be open n.od tabu- 'P.M. on the &'\Il1C ~llC. t1 offi~~Co~C~\H2IClt~I'~1~\~~\~:r. e a :latcd for the eft;}" Couucil with n ittJ~I~~ toCi~~(,{H,\~o~;CI~Cj('~tes::~~e~r .'l\~ BiiCdt:-l" t>h~H. ,submit :\"ith ~~d t~e recommendation for consideratron by 'lJids ~nd purchruic the above mRtcrfnl ,ret'Iulred dell\cry time. i\.-;J.-() b.d ,the Council :Ml1rcl1 21, 1968. on the open ml1rket, "dlichcvcr in ,deposIt or .bond. and a. ~llZnell ecrtl. .... A certified (';h-eck ~r bld.l)ond fot' the opinion of the. City Council is to 'rflC:llG stnlm~ that tho lJidde~'. If ~% of the <1ffiOUlll IHd shall nccom- tl beQ;[ Interests of the City Com- ,Sl1(>CC~sflll. w~ll meet the l"il.tCC1ficlL.- p~ny ~::l(:n bid to Lnc.lude uelln~ry 11)lk~t(~ ~pcci.fi~:1.tl()n5 nre on fil~ with ltions witho~t fl~XCl@p~tion. , .r, 2 B Port ~Ilgelei=l. \\ ARhing,to-n, the POI"t Allf:el.c-s Ffr13 Departll1!!nt T]le Cit;'i Cl.'un~ll reS{lr\(~g th(' t I he CounCil resef; es. the fl~~t to [and m.1l'o ht.' hod upon l'eQuest of rl~ht l.;) accept Of reject any or all reee])l 0.. "<JeN nn, 01 "11 bId. , pros J.cth'> bMd<r' bH]S, DONALD D HEItRMA:-." I DON\LD j) HERR~lAN DONAl.n D HERRMAN Cit)' Manogcr. r CHv l\1.lnol.ge-r ~ Cily MEln~~el" PuhH~h~~: MClrch 7 & 14: 196,8, jlll'UblH.;hlJd: ,;\fnrc11 14 & 21. ~ ~bl1shed: March 14 & 21, 19.s~ -~G'l'tc:~l' C:AL:L TO; u:;J NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN lhat Malcd bids will Ile reech'ed h.)' the . ?l~Y \~~:'~3 g~~'o~; t}S t~.~~or~nt'irg~] :O~'~ P.M, April F. Hl6S, for suppl)'ing nod in~t~~~liffca~iol~~li~~e C~~;Ji~bl(} At the I office of the City :\tallagtw. r0~I~f;~~~r 5~~1,~e;;lb~~e~d~h 1~~ ~~~. de:poslt or 11oml, un<] a ~jli;'nc:d cC:ttlfi. Crlte f'ltntin~ thnl the bidder, ,if SUC~1 ('essfut, will meet the s])CclfH:utlons "'i~~~ut C~~TCPt~~l.n('i1 re~rn~s th.-: rl~ht to accept or rcjecl em)' or aH~ bicls. nOXAL!> D HERRMAN 1 Cit't' IHamlgcf . Publlf'hed: Mft,l'ch 21 &. :2~, 1968 . I 1- l j