HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/08/1939 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington __~la.r:clLll~.939 .19_ 33 ~ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed'the following officers present: lI.ayor .D~vis, Connnissioners Henson kid Masters, Attorney Conniff and Cl~rk Hawkins. The mi~utes oithe previous session vrere read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted. Harry Lane, Additions to home, Lot 10, Block 274, Townsite Donald)rodle, Addition to house, Lot 13, Block 246, 'lownsite O. F. Austin, Addition to house, Lot 18, Block 232, Townsite C. R. Harbison, Rcrr.odel Dlmlling, Lot 3, Block 18:)., rownsite O. L. Archibald, Remodel Home, Lot 16, Block 35, N. Ri SmithSub. A, L. Lcokhart, Construct House, Lot 15, Block 270, townsite Wm. Gor-segnor, Remodel Building, Lot 7, Block 31, N. R. Smith Sub. II . II ,Construct Service Station, Lot 1, Block 31, N. R. Smith Sub. Fred Dompier, Restaurant 100.00 300.00 250.00 150.00 100 .00 2000.00 500.00 6000 . 00 15.00 Under ~he head of Unfinished Business,- The E"gineer having completed checking the bids for furnishing the Oity.with a road oiler equipped on II truck, ,reported that qualified bids complying with the specifications were as follows. P. T. Poulson, model AC 504 G II. C Truck, equipped with Gerlinger Oil Distributor V. ~. Samuelson & Co. 1bdel E F 5 Speed h:ack Truck, equipped with Gerlinger Oil Distributor Paris Motor Co., Model D-40 International Truck, equipped with Gerlinger Oil Distributor H. T. Swanson Motor Co., Model K-25 Studebaker Truck, equipped with Gerlinger Oil Distributor Port Angeles Motors, Model 708 White Truck, equipped with Gerlinger Oil Distributor $6,511.88 6,424.00 6,130.00 6,830.00 7,388.00 The City Engineer reconnnendEid that the bid of P. 1. Poulson be accepted. After due consideration it was moved 1:lY Commissioner Masters that the bid of P. T. Poulsor, be accepted and the City purchase a model A.C. 504 G.!LC. TrUCk, equipped with Gerlinge.r Oil Distributor, at $5,511.88. Seconded by Commissioner. Henson; On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under ~he head of New Business,- The Ci ~y Clerk was instructed to issue a call for bids for the sale of existing houses on Lots 36} 37} 38 and .40, Block 3, Doyle's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 20, of the Townsite of Port Angeles. Bids to be received at the eity Clerk's office up to 10 A.M., March 22, 1939, and not later. The COllJl1lissioner examined and allowed the fcllowing claims and ordered warrants dra,m for same. CURREIIT EXPENSE FU ND The National Cash Register Co. n fI " It 11 Cash Register Supplies Supplies Evening News Press Ol:impic Printery The Po:r:t ,1ngeles EVening News Mook Electric Service City Treasurer Geo. Priebe J ohnso'; & Be rk McLell,!n Hdwe & Fur. Co. Harris & Schuller Antone .Smi th Grocery Olympic Laundry Willson Hardware Co. V. A. ~amuelson & Co. Frank Macdonald The Pacific Emblem & Mfg. Co. Shell Oil (;0. Mook ~lectric Service Walk ling Motor Co. Western Union Harold Hibbs Plumbir~ & Heating Co. City Treasurer Willson Hardware Co. Shell Oil (;0. Johnson & Bork Sanderson Safety Supply Yo. Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Co. The B. Ji. Goodrich Co. Willson. Hardware Co. . II Paris Motor Co. Family Shoe Sto re Lannoye's Auto Re-build J. C. Penny Co. Epperson &. Sons Howard-Cooper Corp. City Treasurer Publi cations Repairs Street Lights Repairs Red Lead, etc. yattresses Acid Vinegar Laundry Supplies Repairs 11 Badges Gas Recharge Battery Repairs Services Materials Light & Water Suppllies Gas Enamel Canisters) etc. Mate rial s- Fire Hose Supplie G 11 Repairs Boots Repairs Blankets, etc. Lumber, etc. Parts Light & Water at City Barn ':j/3Y CrTY STREET FUND Howard-Cooper Corp. . ~ Hardware Chas. R. Watts Co. The Texas Company V. 11.Samuelson & 00. Shell Oil Go. Olympic Printery Port Angeles Iron Worls Union Oil Company Blasting MachineJ etc. Oil Tires Kerosene & Gasoline Warra nts Material & Repairs Grease 0-- 1000.00 . 24.10 24.50 30.65 10.92 7.00 925.45 7.55 8.26 40.00 1.50 .40 5.35 3.36 17.50 8.00 5.10 78.12 1.75 2.60 4.74 5.64 30.55 2.67 31.78 1.11 77.99 5.31 490jOO 5.94 2.62 2.90 42.00 21.35 61. 42 28.85 110.18 4.85 65.34 355.15 51.00 133.32 25.00 33.55 290 . 62 161. 89 ?2.25 37.37 .88 ~ r- 34 March 8, 1939 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ Hoare & Headrick Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Johnson Tug & Barge Co. Angeles Gravel & ~pply Co. Johnson & Ilork Willson Hardware Co. Olympia Peninsula Mctor Freight Co. Western Tractor & Equipment co. nil" Repairs Pipe, etc. Coal Cement, Sand, e tc. Paint Hardware Freight Parts " VIA TER . FUND D & B .Battery Station Qui ck Print E. 10, Thomas Epperson & "ons Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Evenine News Press James Hardware Co. Port Angeles Conctete Products Co. Shell Oil Lo. J ames !\~ Kilgore City Light Dept. Getchell & Gagnon V. A .Samuelson & Co. Truck Repair Printing Repairs L=ber Pipe & Fittings Printing Oil Service Boxes Gasoline R~pairs Lights at Reservoir Tire s Tru ck R~pair s LIGHT FUND Standard Oil "0. Line MaterialCo. S. H. White Hoare & Headrick Puget Sound Navigation Co. Willson Harg-"are co. Johnson & B rk Evening News Press Evening News, Inc. Harris & Schuller Montgomery Ward 00. Olympic Printery Ci ty Water Dept. Shell Oil Co. James Hardware Co. V. A. Samuelson & vo. Oil . Materials Expens e Truck Repairs Freight Charges SUP9lies Paint Printing Advertising Remodel Meter Box Supplies Printing Water at Store Gasoline 3taples Truck Repairs LIBRARY FUND City -Treasurer Jennilu Norris Union Library Ass'n Hertzberg Bindery, Inc. The T,reasure Nook Blue ~ibbon Books, Inc. Wash~ngton Bindery J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. Johnson Tug & Barge Lo. United Janitor Supply Co. Olympic Sta tioners The Puget Sound News "0. Light & Water Petty Cash Books Binding Insurance Coal Mopping Compound Supplies Books PARK ,FUND City Treasurer C. L _ Sarff C M & ST P RY Light & Water at Parks Filing Sawa Freight LIGHT INVESTMENT FUND Ci ty Treasurer Warrants Purchased There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 7? /n{J~~ City Clerk .... 3J- }i}rz1 51.35 128)81 1.50 42.63 5.90 13.68 .60 2.66 33.:<; 31.58 I 4.23 12.75 8.44 .92 409.96 18.21 .51 13.46 20.l5 "1' 1.50 /' 6.91 r{l 20.21 ;; . 34.48 27.54 288.51 5.53 1;63 .55 1.76 4.72 18.m 12.00 2.50 2.99 66.15 oj... 2.01 k,1 31.00 1.63 5.19 9.03 5.25 9.52 54.00 2.63 q;. 1.60 90.78 "?'ft 13.59 84.38 7.50 3.50 65.21 I I ...,0 15.55 y) V 4.25 3.90 4893.38 I ~~ /X;~ Mayor I