HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/09/1932 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Maroh 9th. 193L 19'" I I I I I TRIC_ . uu"uv_ '~A",-". 'Tn'o~~... ""~n". 8..,. The Commission met in Regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by l Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following offioers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioner Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the Head of applioations for Permits and Licenses the following were granted. E.Olsen Small dwelling Franois O'Conner Garage E.E.Fisher Harold A.Jensen (Billiard Lunch) Lloyd Snodgrass (olub Cafe ) Glen Smith (Smitty's Lunch) Elsie Dean (12 rooms ) Carl Berg Olympio Pen.Motor Freight Co., Lot 7 Block 277 Townsite Lot 18 Block 284 Townsite Soft Dr ink Resturant Resturant Resturant Essen Rooms 1 truck 1 truck $ 50.00 100;00 10.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 2.50 7.50 Under the Head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the following Ordinance was read by title and plaoed on its Third Reading,- An Ordinanoe Approving and confirming assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No.142 for the improvement of certain portions of Fourth,Fifth, Sixth"Seventh"Eight,and Ninth Streets and certain other streets. in the City of Port Angeles and portions of the abutting property thereon by the construction of trunk sewer commenoing on "H" Street at the Interseotion of the alley between Sixth and Seventh Streets; running Northerly on "HE street to the alley Between Fifth and Sixth streets; Westerly through the alley to "I" street; Northerly on "I" street to Fifth street; Westerly on Fifth Street 500 feet West of "M" street; Notherly to Fourth street and Westerly to the outfall; also running from Fifth Street southerly to Sixth street along a line 500 feet \qest of "M" Street which trunk sewer improves the property which can be sewered and drained into the same and thus benefitted thereby; and which said property was fully bounded and described in Ordinance No.952 of the City of Port Angeles, and which said improvement district was created and improvement ordered under said Ordinanoe No.952; levying ana assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land and other property as shown on the said roll; ordering the collection of such assessments,creating and establishing a special local improvement fund for said district and ordering that the said assessments be paid into such special fund. . It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the Ordinance be plased on its final passage and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Filion. On roll call all members voted aye. The l~yor deolared the motion oarried. The Superintendent of utilities presented a contract with the westinghouse Electric and Mfg.Co. to furnish the City meters for the year ending December 31,1932. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the contract be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign the same. Seoonded by Commissioner Filion. All Members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- Penn's Gagare James Hardware Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co., Harold T.Caven Lysall Welding & Forge Works City Parking Garage Montgomery Ward & Co., " Current Expense Fund Repairs Tools ,etc. Pipe Repairs Repairs to tools Storage lIires Tires Tires !;as Pipe fi ttings Light globe Repairs Signs Light & Water Commissions on Dog Licenses Commissions on Dog Licenses Water Tractor Paint Lamps Diesel Supplies l'lood Repairs Repairs Repairs Gas Supplies Bond for City Clerk Registration Books Supplies Indemnity Insurance Freight Telegram Liability Insurance Supplies u Supplies '{}-- ~.3 I ~I " Associated Oil Co. Taylor & Caven Willson Hardware Co., H.T.Swanson Motor Co., Johnson & Bork Madge H.Nailor,City Treasurer Thos J.Scott Thos J.Scott i Madge H.Nailor,City Treasurer V.A.Samuelson & Co. Byron Winter Ci ty Transfer Co. James Hardware Co. J.E.Patten Mooks Auto Eleotric Wa1kling Motor Co. Glenn's Service Station Associated Oil Co. Triok & Murray J.Lloyd Aldwell,Inc., Lowman & Hanford Co., Ulmer printing Co. J.Lloyd Aldwell,Inc., Puget Sound Navigation Co. Western Union Tel Co. J.Lloyd Aldwell,Inc., Quick Print Willson Hardware Co. '. $ 81.69 15.90 13.24 93.40 10.70 2.50 19.28 17.45 17.95 165.68 .82 1.00 27.05 3.00 1,015.05 16.00 34.50 7.70 30.00 10.00 105.63 6.82 6.00 1.75 7.55 4.30 85.60 150.89 5.00 176.74 2.60 750.00 1.26 .66 27.08 15.50 .90 ..... r' 20 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Maroh 9th. 193L llo... C.M.st.P. & P.Ry.Company Puget Sound Navigation.Co. Frank Knoph Puget Sound Navigation Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Thelma Hall Nina J.Nailor R.Lamoreux Creative Reading, Inc. , Gaylord Bro's.,Ino., Crescent Chemical Co. Demeo Library Supplies Madge H.Nailor,City Treasurer J'ennl1u Norris J.tloyd Aldwell,Inc., Madge H.Nailor,City Treasurer M.W.Caskey Ulmer Printing Co. Madge H.Nailor,City Treasurer Water Department Water Department Madge H.Nailor,City Treasurer E.A.Jacobs Wa ter Fund Freight $ 161.70 Freight ;E").0.. 21.17 Light Fund Cedar Poles 182.40 Freight ~/Z ~ 13.07 Freight 17.36 Library Fund Extra Help 2.75 Extra Help 4.00 Periodical 12.00 Periodical 8.00 Supplies 9.96 Supplies 6.25 Supplies 7.50 Light & Water 17.90 Petty Cash /,6 4.05 Liability Insuranoe 25').. -. 10.25 Park Fund Light .90 Labor ;27~o 27.00 L.I.D.General Fund .Supplies 4.45 Filing Fees ,).n 2.85 Bonds for L.I.D No.139 & 143 /0,). - 95.00 Municipal Water Works Repair Fund Pay Roll If!,'! 8} 190.50 Pay Roll 279.37 Light , Investment Fund Municipal Water Works Repair Fund Warrants No's 209 to 239 inc. purchased Cemetery Fund Nippl~s,unions,eto., 632.50 5.95 There being no further business the Commission then adJuurned. 7Jm~ City Clerk cxf~~ Mayor I I I I I