HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/09/1949 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 527 -.., MarclL9, 19~ I I I I I ........._.,.....,n.&,..._ Pet. la,,! ~ IThe City Commission met in regular session at 10.00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. present were, Mayor Feeley, Conunissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Officers" II I' I Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: ~ Building Permits: :?~100 Daniel Beutler Build 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 16, Blk. 2, Hartt &. Cooke Add. Paul Waite Remodel Garage & Transform to Living Quarters; l528! West 6th; Lot 7, Blk. 151, Townsite 5 ;000.00' I 200.00, 6,000.00', 500.001 250.00,1 750.00 400.00 500.00' 500.00' 5,000.00' 5,000.00 :1 Petersen & Graver IEdVffird Ahlskog J. H. Avery B. O. Campbell IArthur Fisher ,Byron Campbell ,Harry F. Gunn E. F. Roth E. F. Roth Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 20, Blk. 239, Townsite Build 2-Car Garage; Lot 1, Elk. 110, E.C.Baker Add. Wall-up Part Basement with Concrete Blocks; Lot 7, Blk. 503, TOYinsite Remodel, Put Concrete2Block FOllndatioll; :E.ot 5, Blk. 195, 1'OYiIlsite Build l-Car Garage; W Lot 4, Elk. 5, P.S.C.C. Add. Construct Partition & Remodel; Lot 1, Blk. 167, Townsite Build l-Car Garage; Lot 15, Blk. 206, Townsite Construct 5-Room Dwelling; N~ Lots 8-9-10, Blk. 324, Towllsite Construct 5-Room Dwelling; SLots 8-9-10, Blk. 324, Tovffisite e I licenses.. 1/.). iLee Hotel 'II Hotel Olympus IAlex P. Marquis ,The street Shop 2 Amusement Machines Hotel-50 Rooms Barber-2 Years Restaurant 48.~ SO.OO,i 2.00,1 12.00,; I' I !Under the head of unfinished business, Mr. Thornton again spoke before the Commission regarding control of I Peabody Creek. Commissioner Taylor informed that the Engineer had made survey as requested, and it was the opinion of the Commission that the City should be responsible only for the culvert and keeping the culvert clear of debris. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Commission make inspection of the situation. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Mr. Brooks and others appeared regarding removal of zig-zag walk from Third and Pine Streets and making cut I which is damaging property. Commissioner Taylor informed that the walk was removed to make a path, and eventually a street, mt now there is nothing. It was his opinion that the City is responsible and will : make thorough investigation, report to be made later. Under tpe .head .of new business, Harry Andrew requested in writing, information regarding license for 'dancing in the dining room of the Dew Drop Inn. The Conunission favored license if under proper supervision ! and according to statutes governing. Earl Davidson informed that approval of license would he decided by the State Board regardless of decision of the City. The matter was referred to the Police Chief, to submit recommendationa at the next session. . 1 Rex O. Oakes, doing msiness as Yellow Cab Company, requested in writing that the license issued by the City; :' to operate Yellow Csbs be changed to Rex's Radio Cabs. Also that the stand at First and Laurel be I 'designated as Rex's /ladio Cab Stand. It.was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the request for change be I I granted. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Mayor Feeley requested that corrections be noted regarding appointD>3nt of Civil Service Commissioners as follows: Paul M. Neer, appointed for 6-year term to expire 110vember, 1949; Murrsy Randall, appointed for 6-year term to expire November, 1951; 1I'm; C. Adams, appointed for 6-,-ear term to expire, November, 1955.. Step-back in Adams' term to November, 1947, necessary to maintain 6-year cycle. The Commission approved the corrections as noted. [EstabliShment of Local Improvement Districts for street improvement, etc., was discussed by the Commission. Attorney Trumbull explained procedure, either by resolution, or petition by property owners. Felix Gallacci informed that the bluff at Third and Pmoo Streets is properLy posted as directed. Commissioner Taylor also reported progress on repair of streets, slides, and other damages. Under the head of introduction of resolution, the following was introduced; RESOLUTION The Port of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation, with its boundaries coextensive with the boundaries of Clallam County, having filed herein its petition praying for the vacation of the following streets in the City of Port Angeles, to wit: That portion of Valley Street extending from the North line of Front Straet to the Inner Harbor Lihe, excepting the portion thereof covared by a franchise of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad. That porticn of Cherry Street extending from the lIorth line of Front Street to the Inner Harbor Line, sxcepting that portion theraof covered by a franchise of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right of way. reserving, however, in the City of Port Angeles necessary rights of way for all public utilit.f;es, and it appearing that the Port of Port Angeles is the o>mer of all of the property abutting upon the portions of the street described in aaid petition; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles that Vlednesday, the 30th day of March, 1949, at the hour of ten 0 'clock A.M. of said date, be, and the same is hereby, fixed for the date of the hearing on said petition, said hearing to be held in the Commissioners Room of the Fire Hall at Third and Lincoln Streets, in the City of Port Angeles. il It was moved ! C~nunis sioner by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Seconded by NOT ICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the second day of U~rch, 1949, a Petition was filed with the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to vacate the following described portions of Streets, to-wit: ~ ,. 528 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 9, continued, 19~ NOTICE, continued That portion of Valley Street extending from the North line of Front StI~et to the Inner Harbor Line, excepting the portion thereof covered by a franchise of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad. That portion of Cherry Street axtending from the North line of Front Street to the Inner Harbor Line, excepting that portion thereof covered by a franchise of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right of way. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on the 9th day of March, 1949, the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles duly adopted a liesolution directing that a hearing on said petition to vacate said portions of streets be held in the City COllllllission Room of the City of Port Angeles in the Fire Hall, on Wednesday, the 30th day of MarCh, 1949, at the hour of ten o'clOCk A.M. DATED this 9th day of March, 1949 J. E. Law, CiW Clerk AFFIDAVIT Of POSTING IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION of the following descrihed portions of Cherry and Valley Streets, to-wit: That portion of Valley Street extending from the North line of Front Street to the Inner Harbor Line, excepting the portion thereof covered by a franchise of the Chicago, Milwaukee, st. Paul and Pacific Railroad. That portion of Cherry Street extending from the North line of Front Street to the Inner Harbor Line, excepting the portion thereof covered by a franchise of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right of way. *'**iNNBrUll ~u:a;:u II ~~Jl~ J: ~ STATE: OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) H. E. Dodge, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he was at the time herein mentioned of full age, a resident of Port Angeles, Clallam County, State of Washington, and a citizen of tba United States and of the State of Weshington; That on the 9th day of March, 1949, he posted thue and complete copies of the original notice of hearing of petition to vacate certain portions of atreets described in the notice of hearing hereto attached. One copy was posted at the front door of the Court House in Clallam County, washington; one at the front door of the City Building at 140 West Front Street, Port Angeles; one in a conspicuous place on certain portiona of the streets which are sOllght to be vacated in the petition in the above entitled matter. H. E. Dodge Subscribed and Sl'/Orn to before me this 9th day of March, 1949. Betty It.. Church, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Port Angeles. My Commission Expires 11-15-50. The Commission approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same. CURRENT EXPENSE JiUND: 1f3K!+ Olympic Stationers Olympic Printery Peninsula Herald Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Wray & Heber Willson Hardware Co. Richfield Oil Corp. D & B Battery & Electric Stn. : Tower Super Service , ~o CITY STREET l'UND: 'I-.?~ - ! Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Nailor Lumber Co-. Willson Hardware Co. D & B Battery & Electric Stn. Tower Super Service Dobson Auto Electric '1-7 WATER FUND: 75'1,(- D & B Battery & Electric Stn. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. 'Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. State Treasurer The Duc k Inn Angeles Machine & Welding Works SANITATION l'UND: 31!f Kenneth OWen Lincoln Welding D & B Battery & Electric Stn. Office Supplies One Receipt Book Legal Publication Phone Servi ce s Parts & Hdwe. Tools & Hdwe. Gasoline Battery Oxygellll and Acetylene 29.95 1.58 25.94 65.88 17.56 14.51 242.95 29.02 11.59 Sand and Cement Sewer Pipe, etc. Lumber Tools and Hardware Parts & Repair Oxygen, Acetylene, etc. One Cable 257.91 65.15 27.05 42.97, 55.51' 19.271 .14' I 9.27, 965.lS' 5,545.65 196.61 976.14 46.51 ll.33 Spark Plugs Pipe Pipe Pipe Taxes Meals Repairs Garage Rent 2 Wheel Spacers, Material Stop Switch 30.00 8.76 .62 Ill..... I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington LIGHT FUNDI ~'I; c.fO_s::J... Clallam County P.U.D. No. 1 City Treasurer Clallam Adjustment Corp. McMahan :FUel Co. ; State Treasurer James C. Martin : B. W. Lean ,Peninsula Herald !Maydwell & Hartzell lWestinghouse Electric Supply Co; I' PARK FUND: :37 t/ Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Ed Johns INailor Lumber Co. 'Olympic Sta ti oner s IAngeles Gravel & Supply CO. IPARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: 'Clark & Edwards Puget Sound Navigation ;Co. Willson Hardware Co. Kenneth Owen March 9, continued, February Powar Postage and Envelopes Collection Fuel Taxes Ca r Expe nse Expense Adv. Hardware, Fuses Transformer Parts & $Witch Servic e 3851 Two Yards Fertilizer Lumber Office Supplies Anti-Hydro If? :8' Lwnber Frt. Screws, Bolts Warehouse Rent 19~ 529 I 22,032.00 303.00 2.50 2.69 2,231. 951' 20.441 l4.M 2.21', 12.62 18.471: 2.9) 6.00' 21.621 2.99; 3.861 25.21' 4.82' 2.35 15.00' ICommissioner Robinaon moved, seconded by Mayor Feeley, that the meeting be ,recessed for Peabody Creek [inspeOtiOn. .After the said inspection, there being no furth~r business, the Commission adjourned without action. I fl. g,~ (/ City Glerk iJ""A4 ~7 Mayor