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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
March 10. 1937
The Commiss ion met in regular sessi on at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis.
Roll oall showed the following offioers present: Mayod ~avis, Commissioners Henson
and Masters, "t torney Conni ff and Clerk Hawkins..
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of Applications for Building Permi ts the following were granted:
E. C. Hettman, Garage and '~orkshop, Lot 9, Blk. 282, 'l'ownsite
F. C. Goin, Garage, Lot 8, Elk. 2, Subd. of Sub. Lot 35
C. n. Grover, Remodelllouse, Lot I, Elk. 40, '.J. R. Smith Subd.
H. S. bradley, Build Home, Lot 15, Elk. 167, Iownsite
Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolutions were introduoed.
WHEREAS, The State Highway Department has painted traffic stripes for one mile of the
Olympio Highway in the City of Port Angeles, which is properly ohargeable to the fund
oredited to the ~ity of Port ~ngeles and held by the ~tate Treasurer.
NOW, TIl~REFORE, BE IT R3SOLVED, That the State Treasurer be and he is herby authorized
and requested to transfer from the gas tax fund of the City of Port ""ngeles to th<'l
proper State Highway fund a sum sufficient to cover the cost of paintinB the traffic
! stripes above referred to.
It was moved by Commission Masters that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. Tne Mayor declared the
mo ti on carri ed.
WHEREAS, the ~ity of Port AnBeles is the owner of thefollowing described real property,
having acquired the same by Treasurer's deed dated March 8, 1937, under and by virtue
of the authority of Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the
Laws of 1929, page 365, tp-wit:
Lots 14, 15, 16, and 17 with alley excepting therefrom the West
75 feet: all of Lot 18 and Lot 20 in Block 1 of Cain's Subdivision
of Suburban Lot 18 to the Townsite of Port ~ngeles, Clallam County,
Washington. .
AND WHEREAS, Chester R. Mulledy and Inga H. Mulledy, husband and wife, have offered to
purchase from the City of Port Angeles, for the sum of $98.85, that portion of the above
described real property particularly described as follows:
The East B5 feet of Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17 of Block 1 of Cain's Subdivision
of Suburban Lot 18 to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, ~ash-
AND VffiEREAS, Floyd e. Gossard and ~. Evelyn Gossard, husband and wife, have offered to
purchase from the ~ity of Port Angeles, for the sum of ~175.00, that portion of the
above described real property particularly described as follows:
Lot lB, together with the vacated alley between Lot 18 on the East side and
Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17 on the west side, all in Block 1 of Cain's Subdivision
of Suburban Lot 18 to the Townsite of Port ~ngeles, ~lallam County, Washing-
AND WHJffiEAS the amounts offered for the above described real property are in excess of
the amount paid by the said City for said lots, plus all L.LD. assessments including
all interest and other charges against the same, and,
VffiEREAS, the ~ity Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the
offers are fair value,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said offers be accepted and that the City of Port
Angeles sell the aaid properties at private sale to the said Chester T. Mulledy and
Inga H. Mulledy, husband and wife, and the said Floyd E. Gossard and G. Evelyn Gossard,
husband and wife, for the sums hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens
against the same; that the City httorney be instructed to prepare quit claim deeds
oonveying said properties to the purchasers, and that the City Clerk of the City of
Port Angeles be, aqd he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deeds, and that
the Mayor of said ~ity be, and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim
It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Commmssioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. Tile Mayor declared the
motion carried.
Under the head of New Business,-
The matter of the assignment by the \/ashington Pulp and Paper ~orporation to the Crown
Zellerbach l.Oorporation of certain subleases of portions of Ediz Hook or False Dungeness
Lighthouse Reservation, came up for consideration and approval. The oertain subleases
being as follows:
Sublease from the ~ity of Port Angeles to George F. Whalen, dated September, 10, 1~19,
and later assigned to the Washington Pulp and Paper ~orporat1on on January 21, 1920.
Also, sublease from the City of Port Angeles to Peninsula Dock and Manufacturing, Co.
dated May 14, 1924, and later assigned to the Washington Pulp and Paper Corporat1on on
January 29, 1929.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
March 10, 1937
Ala:;), sublease from the ~i ty of Port Angeles to Washington Pulp and Paper Corporation
(misdescribed as Washington Pulp and Paper Company), dated Ootober 18, 1922.
The leases appearing to he in proper form and there being no objections, it was moved uy
Comm~ssioner Masters that the above described assignments be approved and that the Mayor
and vity Clerk be instructed to sign the approval of the assigments on behalf of the city.
Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members vcted aye. The Mayor declar~d
the motion carried.
Benjamin N. Phillips' term as member of the Library Board having expired, Mayor Davis
submitted his name for reappointment as a member of said Board.
It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoin~ appointmen,t be confirmed. Sec-
onded by Commission Henson. On roll call all membBrs voted aye. The Mayor declared
the motion carried.
1~s. Sylvia Bissell having resigned as a member of the Park Board, Commissioner Masters
submitted the name of Mrs. Jessie Webster for appointment to fill the vacancy on the
It was moved by Mayor Davis that the foreBoing appointment be confirmed. Seconded by
Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. ~he Mayor declared the motion
The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for
Olympic Stationers
Ulmer Offioe ~quipment Co.
J. L. Coffey
Glenn's Service ~tation
Ulmer Office Equipment ~o.
Glenn's $ervice Station
Paris Mator Go.
Ulmer Office Equipment ~o.
James Hardware Bo.
L. Howard Seevers
Marshall-Wells Co.
Washington State Penitentiary
Benjamin Franklin Thrift Store
D & B Battery & Electrio Station
Fred P. Hens on
City Treasurer
Supplies 2.28
" 8.60
Magnifying Glass 3.50
Oil, etc. 3.65
Supplies 1.25
Oil, etc. 2.90
Td,res 21.58
Table & Filing Case 122.15
Hardware 7.29
pyrene, etc. 22.13
Rags 5.93
Street Signs 28.80
Salt (j 5.60
Repairs 15.30
Expense Account 3/1 G.40 1-
Ind Ins & ~'ed Aid 57.81
Supplies 1;63
Thawing pipes 25.87
Servic e Boxes 7.34
Light at Reservoir S'I tJ 4.90
Ind Ins & Med Aid 20.07
James Hardware Co.
Light Department
P.A. Concrete Products Co.
Light Departmen t
~ity Treasurer
C. H. Peach
C. H. Peach
V. A. Samuelson & ~o.
Harris & ~chuller
}'ry l)rug Co.
Holmstrom & Lofthus
U~mer Office Equipment ~o.
A. Spencer
J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc.
S. H. White
Water Department
Getchell & Gagnon
Getohell & Gagnon
General Electric Co.
City Treasurer
puget Sound Power & Light Co.
Service Truck
Car Repairs
Ins. on ranges
Expens e Account
Ilater at Substation
Tire Chains
n II
1. 40
201. ;,5
Meter & Timeswitch
Ind Ins & Med ""id
Power Bill
Ci ty Treas urer
Light and Ila ter
There being nO further business the Commission then
~kJ /'
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City Clerk