HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/10/1952 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Mo~c':l In 19---!}2 '".,."'""'."m".....".~..""........ ~ , The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A. M. and was called to order bf Mayor Feeley. Officers present were Mayor Feeley, Commissioner Robinson and taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. ~iinutes of the previous sessiQn were read and corrected as fQllm.s: Regarding retirement and extensiQn of employment age, each position will be considered individually. Other>dse minutes approved. Under the head of applications BUILDING PERMITS: '.z./1I~~. ~ 0 , Paul Kesler Richfield Oil CQ. for building permits and license renewals, the follQwing were granted: 4-roQm residence, Lots 11 and 12, Blk. 242, TQ>;nsite TQ remodel existing plant, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, Blk. )37, Townsit e Bilild 6-room house, Lot 16, E. ~ of 17, Blk. 149, TQwnsite Build 5-room house, E, 38' of 15, W. 20' of 15, Emk; j34, Tovmsite Build 5-rDom house, Lots 10 and 11, Elk. 4, Cains Subdivision Build 5-rQQm house, Lot 12 and W 6' of Lot 13, Blk. 334, Townsite Repair garage and enclose porch, Lot 14, Blk. 386, Townsite Residence, Lot 15, Blk. 173, TO\':11.site $11,000,00 2,000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 7,000.00 10,000.00 400.00 10,000.00 Del Guzzi Bros. Del Guzzi Bros. , Del Guz,i Bros. i Del Guzzi Bros. Iva E. Foster \-Jayne Williams meENSES: <15. ,- Fran's arrl Essie's Beauty Shop A & B Beauty and Barber Shop Permanent Have Shop ! Crescent Beauty Shop Merchant's Hotel Beauty operator Barber and beauty operator Beauty QperatQr Beauty Opera"Qr Hotel oper ator Under the head of unfinished husiness, Neil Pendle;, representive Qf the Teamster's UniQn, submitted wQrking agreement fQr consideration by the CommissiQn. It was moved by Commissioner T!\)'lor that signing of agreement be postponed until Park De~rtment employees are cQnsulted regarding pOSGibility of being included in the agreement. Secorrled by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ,AlGO appearing >TaS Wendel Strait, business manager fQr Local NQ. 32, Plumbers and Pipefitter's Union. Mr. Strait cited un-intentiQnal error in water budget and percentage rate raise which should have been allowed. Also re~uested the Commission cQnsider tentative working agreement for the water department. Commissioner Taylor informed that the Attorney has advised against budget changes as contrary tQ Budget Law and no emergency exists. Mi'. Taylor further advised that if the CommissiQn have authQrity and can legally correct error, the CQmmissiQn WQuld favQr making correctiqn. ,AttQrney Trumbull cited from Statutes, provisions gQverning .Budgets and expenditures. Mr. Strait informed that an emergency does exist as Governmental Subdivisions are not subject to ;Iage Stabilization BQard regulatiQns and if the Commission does not cQmply with request, an emergency can be created bf calling employees out on strike. CommissiQner TaylQr favored agreement and it was his QpiniQn that the matter CQuld be settled withQut a strike. AlsQ that he would exhaust all means possible to avert the same. It was then moved bf CQmmissioner TaylQr that the matter be referred to the Attorney, Water Superintendent, and CommissiQner of Public Works, and that the Park employees be included for consideration, represented by Superintendent Adams. Motion secQnded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. "lotion carried. It was then moved by Commissioner Taorlor that the Business Agent be re~uested to draw up agreorent fQr consideration by the CommissiQn. Seconded by CommissiQner Robinson. All voted Aye. MQtion carried. Henry Davies and AttQrney Severyns againcappeared regarding vacation of Lauridsen Boulevard, at the County airpQrt, advising that investigatiQn reveals that the Boulevard, is already vacated. They also filed amended petitiQn re~uesting vacation of that portion of M. Street from the North margin of Lauridsen Boulevard to the SQuth margin of Eighteenth Street with resQlutiQn fixing date Qf hearing Qn said petitiQn: I RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, the Port of PQrt Angeles, a municipal cOl'Jl9ration, has filed herein its petition praying for the vacation of that certain portion of the following street in the City of Port Angeles, said PQrtiQn . Ibeing particularly described as f~llows: . M Street extending from the Northerly margin of Lauridsen Boulevard to the Southerly margin of Eighteenth Street in .the City of PQrt Angeles. now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OOHMISSION .OF THE CITY OF Hill' ANGELES that Horrlay, the 7th day of April, 1952, at the hQur of ten 6'clQck A.M. Qf said date, be, and the same is hereby, fixed for the date of the hearing on said petillion, said hearing to be held in the Commissioners Room of the Old Firc Hall at IThird and Lincoln Streets in the City of Port AngElles. I Passed by the City CQmmission .and adQpted this 10th day Qf March, 1952. Frank A. Feeley I I Attest: . jJ. E. Law City Clerk I I Approved as tQ fonn: JOayor ~ John "T. Trnmh11" Ci ty .Attorney It was mQved by CQmmissioner Taylor that the resolutiQn as prepared, be approved and adopted. Seconded by Cqmmissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 4.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 34.00 237 "" 238 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington l-larch 10 (cQntinued) 19~ ......0"."..".'""'""."..,,,,,....... .... NOTICE OF POSTING NOTICE OF HEA.l1.ING ON THE VACATION OF A CERTAIN PORTION OF M STREET IN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE Street in the "City IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition has been filed to vacate that certain portion of M of Port Angeles, said portion being particularly described as fQllows: That portion Qf M Street extending from the NQrtherly bQundar,y line of Lauridsen Boulevard to the Southerly line of Eighteenth Street, all within the Towniste Qf Port Angeles, Clallam CQunty, Washington. NOTICE IS FORT HER HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a resQlutiQn of the City CommissiQn of the City of PQrt Angeles, dated March 10, 1952, a hearing will be had on the 7th day of April, 1952, at the hQur of ten o'clQck A.M. Qf said date, before.the City Commission in the Commissioper's Room"located in the Otd Fire Hall at Third and LincOln Streets in the 'City of Port Angeles, at which time all parties intetested in said pet:l.tion may appear before said Commission and enter their Qbjections, if any there be, "J;o said lJacation. DATED this 10th day of 11arch, 1952. J. E. Law City Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION of a certain street in the City of Port Angeles, to-wit' That PQrtiQn of M Street extending frQm the Northerly bQundary line Qf Lauridsen BQulevard to the SQutherly line Qf Eighteenth Street, all within the Townsite of PQrt Angeles, Clallam CQunty, '-;ashi.ngton. .. t. l STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ,) s s COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) H. E. Dodge, being first duly sWQrn, deposes and s!\)'s that he was at the times herein mentiQned, of full age, and a resident of FQrt Angeles, Clallam CQuaty, State of WashingtQn, and a citizen of the United States. That Qn the 14th day Qf l"arch, 1952, he posted true and complete cQpies Qf the original nQtice of hearing on petition to vacate a street described in the notice of hearing Bereto at~ached. One copy was posted at the front door of the Court House in Clallam County, Washington; One at the Front door of the City Hall at 140 West Front Street, Port Angeles; One in a conspicuous place on the street .1Uch is SQught to be vacated in the petition in the above entitled matter. H. E. DODGE Subscribed am sworn to before me this _day of March, 1952. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at PQrt Angeles. My Commission expires Mr. Davies presented an amended lease bet,.een the City and Port of Port Angeles for a portiQn of LincQln Park, the lease being amended from an indefinite time tQ twenty-five years. It was mQved by Commissioner TaylQr that the amended lease be acknowledged and the City enter into agrement, the same tQ be signed after checking and correctiQn if necessary, cQncerning location of certain power lines, etc. MotiQn seconded by Commissioner .Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Planning Commission recommended that the request by John S. '7den for vaca1ion of Q Street be not granted. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the recommendatiQn be accepted and vacation refused. SecQrrled by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head Qf new business, the report of PQlice Judge Re.ynolds for the month Qf February, shewing $1,809.50 fines collected, was approved and ordered f~led. The Commission discussed light and water accounts and collection Qf same. It was mQved bf CommissiQner Tahlor that as of this date, nQ bills be referred tQ cQllection agency for collectiQn; that claim for 'l'ormer collections be allowed, and Superintendents of Light and Water be instructed that accounts shall be .""nected as provided bf City Ordinance. MQtion secQnded by CommissiQner RobinsQn. Mayor Feeley VQted OPPQsed. MQtiQn carried. Commissioner TaylQr sPQke regarding sod removal at Civic Field as contempls ted by the Park Department, thereby enlarging baseball diamond to regulation size, having been requested by certain ball clubs. It was decided that 11r. Taylor will discuss the matter with l'ark Superintendent Adams. The Commission examined and approved the fQllowing claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same' , CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: t1sl. .0; Bussing Offic e Supply Olympic Tribune City Street Hazel's Cafe Peter J. Naughton City Fuel CQ. . Tide Water Associated R. O. Ide Sheets, ribbon, clerk'sj maps, pencils, eng. "'egal publtications 11 gal. gas 143 meals-police Board for prisoners Fuel Oil Gas February car mileage $ I 19.26 I 28.74 I "2.75 I 95.74 I 20.40 164.38 93.20 22.89 , ! I I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .... . ""_.. '''He'. """.,_, ...".. ..... .... I CURRENT EXPENSE. FUND : Port Angeles Evening News Mrs. H. E. DeVine '!be Olympic Printery Woodies Harley Davidson I Nailor Lumber Co. American Red Cross j'WillSOn Hardware Middletone Motor Parts Olympic Statione rs Luvaas Tire Retread Service Auto Parts CO. I. Clallam County Humane Society ,CITY 'STREET FUND: 111'1.1'1 iDobson Electtic Auto Parts Co. lRenShaw's Service Tide -Water Associated Oil Co. Janish Motor Co. IVies tern Tractor and Eq,uip. Co. 100in .}laint. and Supply 'PenpJ,y !Richfield Oil Corp. Olympic Stationers rOlympic -Electric ,Willson Hardware Machire ry Service and Supply 'F. A. Concrete Products I .LIGHT FUND: </J' Y,z- z.- : Olympic Printery Bussing Office Supply iRenshaw's Service City Street Dept. Pearson "'usic Co. :',Dobson Auto Klectric :Olympic EJe ctric Co. (Clallam Adjustment Corp. 'State Treasurer :Graybar Electric .Co. Westinghouse Ele ctric Supply ,Line }''Laterial Co. IHarold Hibbs Plumbing & Htg. I ,SANITATION: 33 'f. 4 l' ,City Fuel ILuvaas Tire Retread Service D and B Battery & Electric ICity Street Dept. ;PARK FUND: I".' 'I Willson Hardware Ezyout set. shear IJames Hardware Hooks, ring post hole digger PARKIID MB.'TER AND TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: /~ i/. 7' lRailway E>cpress Agency express charge lCi t,y 'Street Dept. gas ,.JaCk :Sahlberg Eq,uip. Co. Signs L. I. D. GENERAL FUND: 10lymPic Tribune :L. I.: D. REVOLVING FUND: ~OlymPiC Tri bunc There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. o 1:, t~. (J City Clerk .:\"O'.'fl'I': 01" ~,\I,l'; (~G:: ::~,~;~ ~- ~~:,/.I;~~~ f,g~ r;,:~~~l \ ~c ~~I,)} :t~~~ W\'.;'I j milt'K 1'..:3. 'T!:t.,1~:-11 of Pnrt. ~~~'I~.!'1:td~:t,llll\\'.11~~~~:I~I:e;,~ ;;'<l'~:~:~~~~e'~ Ii ,~~,h~~i~~:~tt?/::I: ~1ll'_"lllt or the hi.l ..;ill he i[(<>.fcPtt'of .'It Wtel'!,:q'el HI" l:.1'\- l'lflrli.'_f,r t11~ ~'~'}~l;()~~~ ~1;1.I,t'_Y~t~lfI .~~t. '!f:'r....J1Il_.~lV-'.'90'!'-l!rtt~ til(. ~,~i~~.,MV"'~lI ~~~"hj"&;"< fOfn\~jl<_IH~-~I.('j;,_J~~~. .. ;:~ :~j~~i:~;,:t~!:.f;t:' 1~~~H r!fl.~ ~.gllJ II March 10 (continued) Display ad 1 sylis uffice supplies l\eys, shock absorber brackets Fire supplies Triangle bandages Plul'\ger, root, mat, etc. Chains, batllery, etc. Stencils Us ed tires and repair Exhaust pipe Pound fees and liceases plugs, condenser,coil parts Battery and charge. Gas Switches, tail lamp Wheel Wire Core blocks Gear oil Flatpakin, carbon Glbbes Light globes Keros ene torches Sewer pipe Office supplies Office supplies Gasoline Gas and oil Radio service ~attery amps, etc. Collection expense Taxes Met ers Cur arrl pot tranfs. Hardware l'ipe Fuel oil Ti re repairs Plugs, paint gas and 0 il ~egal publication ~egal publication 19~_ 9.85 1.03 3.91 4.70 294.64 4.50 10.77 173.84 3.30 25.24 6.91 470.00 15.08 199,30 18.84 758.46 4.29 58.87 13.66 8.24 16.88 8.29 6.05 2.05 41.99 27.94 14.27 9.89 2.95 94.50 247.20 38.5'6 160.35 29.07 3,173.97 226:60 2ll.29 134.40 21.17 168.52 12.88 6.93 150.75 7.76 8.93 6.57 5.50 92.69 7.80 1.26 ~ ~/ d ~1" ayor . 23-~ " I ......