HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/11/1935 ,... 280 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ March 11. 1935 The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 a.m. lIlld was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oa1+ showed the followint!; officers pr!lsent: Mayor Davis, Commission- ers Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. Under head of Unfinished Business,- 'j' LEGAL PUBLICATIONS ~1 <!> " e,\I.I. POll UII)!; f;e~Tl~.;J<~i)id1F:w 111:e~~h i:c('(.f~.~~n 1)~' t~~~ t;ily Clel'lt of the City (If port An- g'eles. '''''aslllng-ton, until. 10 a. III ~an:ll 11, 11!:":&, and llot Inter, nl the office of the City Clerk In the , eftv Hall of snl<] cltJ.' ; th~h(~e~~~t;l;:'~~tf~I~ll~}IIJli~\~r;Jlgr:~ fg~ i ~ 8th Street. o\'er V:llle~,' and 'rum- watel' Gllll'lli'l> In Port Angele~ to I tlt' sUJJI)liecl in nccOl"dance with j plftJ)~ :1nd specifIcations. J Hids mny Ill'! mllrl", on ont'. or j mOl'" of the se"arate sjlccifkatlona flud bidli on these flllCcificllllcns mu!'t be MI)[lt'at(1ly SllhrniHN1. I B111i'Iel'~ mma cOlllply with rf'. (juJl'CIlH'n1SO outJhled Itl the Notice tu Bidderfl which ~l'e n. lltlrL of c~ch H)lecJficntirlll. H1cl.~ will be l'~c,(:i\'~cl u]J<'lIl ~n of the following mnterll\ls: ~))eclficnlion No. i-Form l.umllf' I'. l:;peciril':tllion No. Z-Boltr; nnd MJsccllllncnui,l M[1.1'd\\'lll'~ Speciflclltioll :'\"0. 3A-Fl'am- Ing Lumber for l~l'escr\'atlve trentmer,l Ilrlor to ConstruC- tion. S!leclClcaUon No. 3U-Creo- :soting of Timbcr~. SI.cc!flcr<UOll No, :Ie_Trans. pl'1I'tlltlon of CrcosolN]' TlmlH'r. Specification No. 3D-'l'ran!l- portiltlon of V'abrknted 'I'lm- bel' to Cl'~n!lotlng' J'lnlll. . SIl,"c1tlcaUoll' ",'0. :IE-Hrntn1 gf~~::,~~~::~:~g N:a:'~~~:IC;::: {' and COlLCl de Mnt('rlnl~ SfJeciflc:1tlOll :\10 'i_H.!'Il1_ for('ln~ ~teel SpecJrlCf\tLOll No C~- struc-\, tm n1 $-ttecl Chnln I...lnlt Jonbl Ie. Conc!!'t!' POllts and Dlnlll[q~:e ., "'Ittlng'~ 1 ~pcclflcntlOJ1 :So ilB-]!:lec- 1 11)('nl Conct\llt nlH) T 19lulng Fl,o:ture!l ' , Bidder!; \\ III 1l1"BSC en.H C01 the I BPCCI.flCfttlOl1!l. on' which tll(1~' Wish to l'lll ftHl]- n() OUll'l'fl. __ f ,\11 hid!;' I'halJ ~e :H:coll1panieu b\' 11 eertiJit'd checl( In the Bum 'of not Il'SS thall 5% of thelllll llnu made pllyal.tle to the City Treasur-' "'I' of the City of (lOl't AllS"eka,~ \\'nshingtoll, or the bid will not he' 1!lllll'trlcl'cd. A bOll\l fol' fi<J% of the. amount or the COIl tract price must b(\ fur-, nll!hnd ll~' thl' i"llcce.<:sful hld[lcr. ~ Hllcciflcatlon.s ma\' be (lbtlltnl'd fl'om the Cit~' CI('I'1,:: UJlon dCJlOSlt-\ Jl1g the gUln of sr..oo which Htlln 2i'~~~ 1;1~~I:~~~:JIlt~~ ~i~~{{le~~}~~~~ Th,~ CI'~. Comml!'lRlc)J] l'I'serve:' the-right. to rejcet allv OJ' nll bid:" Dllted t1~if'l ~~th dl\)" Qf Febl'LU\r)', J~l:lr" at Port _AtlKI\les, '\'flshing- ton, K M. HAWKTNR, j rub. Marcil 1-2.~.l!13rl. City '':;It>rl{ - NAME OF BIDDER &: Supply. qo. Produots lio. 01 )~ngeleil Gravel (Olympio Forest .1/[. R. Alleman ~ao1~io Coast Forge Co. rorthwest Bolt &: Nut Co. ~ettleton Lumber 00. 'Stimson Lumber Co. Angeles Gravel &: Supply 90. ~reston Lumber & Supply Go. v' West Coast Wood Preserving Co. v " Angeles Gravel &: Supply ~o. .JohnBon Tug &: Barge Co. Foss Launoh &: Barge Co. (ngelelS Gl."avel &:'.SuPItlY..~Go. ~preston.Lum.ber &: SUPP.1Y Co. Nettleton Lumber Co. . Halffman Angeles Gravel &: Supply Go. Preston Lumber &: Supply Co. 'Nettleton Lumber Co. v' Ant!;eles Gravel &:_Supply~go. 'Northwest Steel &: Rolling Mills Paoifio Coast Steel Corp. ... Pursuant to the following call for bids to furnish the mater ial for the reeons truction of the 8th Street Bridges over Valley and Tumwater Gulohes, the Clerk reported bids on file as follows: I I SPECIFICATION NO. 1 I R m,UI RED AllOUNT BID DEPOSIT $ 2203.04 $110.16 2246.25 113.00 2523.61 127.00 $ 6487.55 ~350.00 6550.94 350.00 $14746.77 $820.00 14746.77 750.00 15504.59 775.23 15849.96 850.00' $13685.00 $700.00 I $ 391.00 $ 19.55 1368 . 50 57.45 1564.00 150 . 00 SPECIFICATION N~. 2 ^; SPECIFI CATION NO. 3A ") SPECIFI CATION NO. 3B SPECIFICATION NO. 3C -J I l) SPECIFICATION NO. 3D $ 195.50 $ 9.78 586.50 40.00 782.00 See No. 3A for Dep. I 2150 .50 108.00 SPECIFI CATION NO. 3E $ No oharge 391. 00 $ 20.00 782.00 See No. 3A for Dep. SPECIFICATION NO. 4 if e18795.00 $939 .75 SPECIFICATION NO. 5 $ 7495.74 7496.74 $400.00 400.00 March 11. 1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ 281 -, I I I I I / SPECIFICATION NO. 6A Port Ar~eles Concrete Products CO. E. J. White ----- Bid not complete Pioneez' Sand & Gravel Co. _____u Bid not complete $ 5087.23 2335.63 704.08 The Olympic Utility Supply Co. Byron Winter SPECIFICATION NO. 6B t v' $ 893.08 989 . 88 The bids were referred to the City Engineer for ohecking. There be ing no further business the Collmas ion then adjourned.. $275.00 125.00 90.00 $ 44.66 50 .00 . I~}\ ~.lq P6o'\ >> 'ID /{!1~" ./ ,..",,'" h.,/Y\ ..,.v '" l;.' J' 7)~W:W ~~~ ~~~ Ci ty ~lerk. Mayor. .....