HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/11/1936 "... 368 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 11, 1936 193~ i~ i 0(} ~ N 1~- 'f.~' - 1 '-< k:,s lirr... The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed t.he following officers present: Mayor Davi,~, COlJ1missioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and apDroved. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following Resolution was intro- duced: RSSOLUTION RESCINDING RC~OLUTION TO EXECUTE LEASE WHEREAS, The I.:ity Commission adopted a certain Resolution, February 13, 19:36, and recorded on page 36G~ Vol. 19, of Commissioners' Proceedings, authorizing and instruoting the Mayor and City ~lerk to execute a lease for a term of five years to J. R. Eldridge, on Lots 14 to 20 inclusive, Block 434, Townsite, and WHEREAS, It appears that the said above described lots had.be en aCQ.uired by lease by the City to be used for Park purposes only. Therefore, the Ci ty h9. s no authori ty to sub-lease or use the said property for any purpose other than Park purposes as set forth in the lease to the City. THER~ORE, BS IT RESOLV3D, That the said j(esolution above referred to, autliorizing the execution of a lease on Lots 14 to 20 inclusive, Block 4~4, Townsite, to J. R. ~ldridge be, and it is hereby rescinded and ordered cancelled. It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Mastsrs. On roll call all ~embers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of New Business: The Superintendent of Utili ties present ed a contract p ermi t Vii th the Pac ifi c Telephone & Telegraph Company for the annual rental of Three ($3;00) Dollars, payable in advance, for permission to attach wires, crossarms, etc. to 6 certain Cit;w Light Depart- ment poles, numbered 1217A. H17B. 1217C, 1~17D, 1217Eand 12:37A, being the first six poles east of Grace Avenue, Port "ngeles. The permit being in proper form and it appear- ing to be the best interest of the City that it should be executed, the ~ommis sion in- structed the Mayor to execute the same on behalf of the Ci t;W. The matter of the purchase of a truck for the Light Department was taken up and upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Utilities, a Dodge Commercial Sedan was ordered purchased, wi th two s pot light s install ed and wind ow ins talled in right rear door , at the price of ~963.00. The Ccmmission examined and allowed the following claimo and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE !"UlID R. E. Davis Thos. T. Aldwell & CO. D. A. F.\asters The Pac Tel I'c Tel 00. ~vening News C. H. Harvey Au tomoti ve Parts Ser vice Howard-Cooper Corp. James Hardvlare Co. Union Oil Co. The Pac ~el & Te1 ~o. Garvin Auto Co. The Pac Tel & Tel 1.:0. Walkling Motor Co. Lynch I s ~ervice Associated Oil Co. ITillson Hardware Co. Angeles Gravel & SUppl~ Co. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Antone jmith's Grocery Western Tractor & EQuipment Co. Epperson & Son s Union Oil Co. Lysall 'ieldiI\g & Forge ~orks Garvin "U to "0. Art Burnside IV. A. Samuelson & Co. I \Villson Hardware Co. I Blackburn Printing Co. I 1. G. Groves Nalkling Motor ~o. Glenn's ~ervice Station Union Oil Co. Miles G. Goodwin The Pac Tel & Tel ~o. The Pac Tel & Tel ~o. State Treasurer State Treasurer Expens e Account Premium on Bond Expens e nccount Ser vie e Publica ti ons Gas Pump &, Tank Tire Ghains, e tc. Noz7.1e Tip Hardware Gas Servi c e Rep airs Servic e Repairs " 37.6.5 50.00 8.37 1.G5 44.52 25.00 8.06 1.85 1. 40 10.92 6.75 .25 3.15 2.2.5 2.60 15.45 2G.21 23.68 7.47 6.60 35.80 .28 97.53 1.50 6.40 28.90 1.00 1.:::0 20.00 29.75 5.56 19.43 54.99 12.80 3.65 5.15 13.25 65.69 Gas Hardware Cement, Sand, Lumber ,etc. Repai rs S aU Grader l'arts Lumber Gas Repa irs Chains, et c. Badges, etc. Antifreeze Hardware Suppli.es Meals for prisoners Repairs Tire, Oil, etc. Gas Servic es Servic e Service Ind Ins & l\ied .i!.id Ind Ins & Med nid 31 -- bS"V WATER FUND Willson Hardware Co. Light Department Epper son & "'ons. Pac Tel & Tel "0. ~~nEI:Uj~~O'l e Suppliea Light at Reservtbir Lumber Phone Ser vic e Emp ty: jacks Pipe 8.62 14.77 78.83 8.46 G.64 3,".00 1 1 I: 1 I March 11, 1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193~ "'IIIl 369 I I I I I Hooker Electrochemical Go. V. A. Samuclson & Co. V. A. Samuelson & Go. Lynch's "ervice Union Oil Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries Chlorine Truck renairs II It Anti freeze Gas & kerosene Ind. Ins. & Med Aid LIGH~' }"'UND --- Line Material Co. General Electric Supply Co. General Electric vo. Graybar Electric Co. General &lectric Supply wo. J. Lloyd Aldwell,-Inc. George ,Irthur Rand Quick Print Speedwell Service Lynch's Service Holstrom & L6fthus McHu~h & Peterson Blackburn Printing Co. Standard Stations, Inc. Willson Hardware 80. Addressograph Sales Agency Uniom Oil Co. V. A. Samue Is on & Go. V. A; Samuelson & Co. fJater Dept. James Hardware Co. Olympic Printery Kee Lox Mfg. Go. Hi-way Service Pac Tel & Tel wo. General Electric Co. Dept. of L~bor & ~ndustries Fus e Links liIa ter ial & Supplie s Meter Gases Air Heaters Switch Parts Insuran ce ,ranges Wood Printing Tire & Tube Tire, tube, antifreeze Tire & ~be Repairs Truck Meter Statemen ts Lubrication & Service Screws Machine Supplies Gas oline Repa iI'S truck It II ,'later Substation Material Printing Ribbon CouDons Tire & '"ube Ssrv ice Meters & Cases Ind Ins & Med Aid LIBRARY FUND City Treasurer The Pac "el & Tel Co. Jennilu Norris . The ~astern Book Co. The Junior Literary Guild Standard Book Co. The Union Library Association Light & "ateI' Service Petty Cash Bo oks Books Books Books PARK FUND Lysall Welding & Forge Co. Brooke's Grocery Co. James Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. State Treasurer Material & Labor Sup pli es Hardvlare Hardware Ind Ins & Med Aid 8th S:r. BRIDGE CONST:iUCTION FUND Pacific Testing Laboratories Angeles Gravel & Supply Go. 9~ yI~~ ",..r SS( C/ D8" 11-- -- D \ '1-' - 14.31 20.:'\0 1. 86 1.02 8.22 26.90 29.17 83.09 10.74 20.79 2.67 4.66 11.00 22.49 36.72 37.43 36.7<: 4.47 IG .34 8.5(1 .61 7.54 3~. 51 2G.08 .97 1. 95 2.19 32.33 9.18 26.72 14.65 71.87 12.25 13.11 4.25 5.43 7.56 10,09 13.19 18.45 1. 62 1.45 .49 23.20 13.25 '1')<' Laboratory Tests ~f -- 24.00 3rd Estimate on (j]ontract (,Y 6,G71.72 11.?1J!~ adjOUrn~d' _' I ,8~ ( I There being no fur ther business the Commie s ion then Ci ty Clerk May or ....