HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/12/1941 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington """"Ill 257 ~.~arch 12, :}941 19_ I I I I I The Co~~sGion met in regular cession at 10 A.~. and was called :0 ord9r by Mayor B~~tle. Roll cell 5r.~"'.'le~ tho< rollm'rlTlri officers present: E?;).or Beetle) Corrrnissior~e:.:'s Bean'. and Li:1d, Actinc AttorneJ" Taylor and Cle~~ HB.w]-:i..1S. The minutes of th3 previous session W9rF re~d and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Pemits the following vlOre grouted: Ernest Charest, Construct L~minated Partitions, lot 1, Block 51, K. R. S~ith Subd. R. v 1.:organ; ~t:ild r,:~ll, Port Fill West 0:: Valley Str~et T. G. Goin, Build Addition to House, Lot 7, Block 2, Suod. of Lot 36, Tovmsite lSO .00 450D.00 300.00 U:1der the head of Introduction of R~solutions" the following resolutions were introduced: FIIII:G TIi.:E FOR hEARING PIlTITION TO VACATE A P02TICN OF CAReLIN~ STR~ET m!EREAS, Ralph Smythe, Dagne Smythe, J. P. Christensen ar.d Laura V. Christensen have ma", and filed their petition with the City COInnission requesting the vacation of the following portion . Caroline Street within the City, to-vnt: NOW, THER~FORE, BE IT RESCLVED, Commissioners f roor. of t~e Fire said Con:rdssion, 'oe and the sa et which tL~~ ell perRons ing That portion 0': Caroline Street boun:ied on of Norman R. Sr.:ith's Subdivision of the l' ~/ the East line of said Block Thirty-fiv ion, extp.nded, and on the North ~nd Ne~ b l'f:iER~flc) more tha.i b\'c-t.hirds of of property abutting the portion u 0-::1: Tr,.irty-five (55) j ort Angeles, on the East 5S 'orman R. ~mithls Subdivis- ',ctoria Str~et; and All of the private property owners be vecat.d, have signee the petitio. .esday, the 9th day of April, 1911, at 10 A.~. of said day at the t~e~t Building at Port Angeles) Washington) at the re6ular meeting of 's hereby fixed for the hearing and dete:mination of the said p.tition, any inte~e~t th~r~in, may appear ~ud w~ke Rnd file any objections thereto. BE IT FUR'!'HE" p.ESer., D, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to give twenty days notice of the time an~ ce of hearing on saij petition by posting as is required b,y the laws of the State of ~ncluding Sec. 9297 of Remington's Revised Statutes. ;r Cormnissioner Lind that t~e foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Secon~ed b~' RESOLIJTION 'NHEREAS, The City of Port ,Jngeles is the ovmor of the following described re;;l property, ha,in" acquired the saree by Treasuror's deed, dated I.larch 12, 1941, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 145 of the laws of 19?9, page 565, to-~~t: Lots Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (Il) and Tv181ve (12), Block Two (2) of Westphal's First Subdivision to Port fngeles, Washington, and 'lffiEEEAS, Byron Winter ha s offered to purchase from the City of Port Angeles the above described real prop- erty for the sum of t45D.OO, payable as follovrs: ~45.20 as a doom paJ'1llent and J;25.CO on or before the 15th. day of April, 1941, 2nd t25.CO on or before the 15th day of each and every month thereefter until paie in full, together with interest cor.:puted at the rate of 7% per am.um on balances due and paid with the month- ly instal~ent~J and YffiEREAS, The City Comrr.ission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is f3ir value and is in excess of the amount paid ~/ the City for seiC property, plus all l.I.D. asses:rr.ents, includinz interest and other charges against the same. NO'.V, THEREFORE, BE IT LESOLVE:J, that the said oL'er be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Byron Winter for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying spid property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be, and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and ttat the luayor of the ~ity of Port ~ngeles be, and he is here'oy instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when the purchase prioe and all accrued interest ther,on has been paid in full. It was mcved by Collllllissioner Boar.. that the foreGoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Co~.issioner Lind. On roll call all members voted eye. The ~ayor declared the motion carried. Under ttJ,e he~d 0: New Business, the follovTing Petition for 'Jpcation of Stre~t was t~reserlted: ~TITIC!J FOR VACATION OF S'I'R:m? To the HonorAble Ci t.;r COl71f!'issioners of th~Lity of Port Angeles, a ;nunicipal corporation of the Stat,:! of Washington: The undersig~ed hereby petition and request the vacation of the following described street located within the bOWldarics of the City of Port 'Pngeles, Clallam County, Washington: That portion of Caroline Street bounded on tho. South by Block Thirty-five (35) of Norman R. Smith's Subdivision 0;: the lownsite of Port P.ng.les, on the EOGt by the Esst line of said Block Thirty-five (35) cf Norman R. Sr.1ith's Subdivision, extended, and on the ~ort.h and West by Victoria Street; That t.he portion of the street herein described has never been used for public purposes, and it is i:npos- sible to use the same for street purposes; that the abutting owners~ together with a description of their respecti?c propert1es~ are as f~lJows: J. P. CHRISTENSE~l and LAURA V. CHRISTENSEN, his wife, - Lot Three (3) in Block Thirty-five (35), Horman li.. Smith's Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angela s; ~ ,... 258 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington I.'arch 12, 1941 19_ RALPH a:rTHE and DAuNE SMYTHE, his wife, - Lots One (1) and Two (2), in Block Thirty-five (35), Norman ~. Smith's Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles; That said abutting o'Yners have herein signed and approved this petiticn; that Clallam County through its duly ~lected, qualified and. acting county. C~nnnissioners, has approved the vacation of this street, a copy of SA1d approval here1n deslgnated as Exhlblt "A", has been attached hereto and by this reference made a part of tl:is petition; WHEllliFeRE, these Petitioners pray that such street be vacated after proper notic~ and by proper resolution by the City Comr.~ssion of the city of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington. . Port Angeles, Washington March 11, 1941 I Honorable Harry H. Beetle, Mayor City of Port .Pngeles Port Angeles, iTashington 1- Dear Sir: This is to inforr.: you that the Board of County COllLClissioners of Clallam Vounty have no objection and hereby approve the vacating of That portion of Caroline Street bounded on the south by Block 3S of l:onnan R. Sr.lith's Subdivision of t.he Tovmsite of Port Angeles, on the east by the east line of said Block 35 of Norman R, Smith's Subdivision, extended, and on the northwest "'J Victoria Street. Very truly yours, E. C. Horton, Chairman Board of County COJr.IT~ssioners P.fter duly considering the foregoing Petition the follo,'[in;.; resolution was introduced: 1 RESOLUTIeN FIXING Tn.~E FOR HEARIllG PETITION TO VACP.TE A. POH'E'IO:: OF CAlcOLINE STREET I WI:EREAS, Ralph Smythe, Dagne Smythe, J. P. "hristensen and Laura V. Christensen have made and filed thei.r I 'I petition with the Cit.y Commission requesting the vacation of the following portion of Caroline Stroet within the City, to-wit: That ?ortion of Caroline Street bounded on the South by Bleck Thirty- five (351 of Norman R. ~ith's vubdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles, on the East by the East Ibe of said Block ThiJ.ty-fi"e (35) of ~Ioman R, S:r.ith's Subdivision, extended, and on the North and West by Victoria Street, and I 7ffiER:!AS, more than two-thirds of the privat.e property owners, to->1it: All of the private property owners of p~operty abutting the portion of Caroline Street which is sought to be vacated, have siened the petition. NO"i/, THER:,FeRE, BE 1T RESCUED, That 'NednesdaJ" the 9th day of April, 1941, at Ie ~..r. of said day at the I Comds,;ioners' room of tho Fire Depart.ment Buil:ling at Port Pngeles, Washington, at the regular meeting of I sai:l commission, be and the saffie is heroby fixed for the hearing end determination of the said petition, at which time ~ll persons having any interest therein) ~y qppear and make and file any o~jections thereto BE IT FURTHE:! RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he is here1:T" instructed to give twenty days notice of the time and place of hearing on said petition by posting as is required by the laws of the Stete of Washir.gton, including Sec. 9297 of Re;Ulll&ton' s Revised Statutes. It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the forp6oing re60~ution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Com:rissioner Bea.'!:. en roll cell all members voted aye. Ihe !~yor deolared tho !:lotio::! carried. The Comr.lission exe!l1ine:l and allowed the foller.ving claims and order~d warrants drawn for same: CUR'tENT E1.PENSE :1J112l ehal'le s Lind Puge+. Sound NaviJ~tion Co. West-.rn union City Treasurer Ass'n .of Washin~ton Cities Ilaval Lodge #353 Western onion Shell en Co. Frances Stone The Fehly Studio Lerl"'ick t s Cafe Shell Oil Co. Vannausdle Se oond Hand Store Automotive Parts Service Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Frank t",cdcnald & Sons state Treasurer Expe:-!se Account Freight Telegram stamps 1%1 Service Charge Rent of S\Y:ir:JEing Pool, etc. Telegram Gasoline St.enographic Work f1:.rrliee r~81s fo~ Prisoners G3soli.'1e Extinguisher, etc. Parts Wind Shield Sjiop Work Ind Ins & Med Aid 2.45 .55 .35 1.00 12E .00 90.00 1.85 43.29 35.00 2.22 2e .42 14:68 4.59 38.24 1.53 3.57 10.64 I I ,~ /<\-" 1 - CITY STREET FUI:D Charles Lind Standard Oil Co. Shell eil Co. Frank Macdonald & Sons ~0rshall Wells Company stat~ Treasurer Car E){pense uas) ~tc. Kerosene Shop ,10rk Screw . Ind Ins &. Med Aid 3.80 175.89 5.94 41.85 01.18 14.87 !'-I- ;J..il " ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .., 259 l',",rT'~ l?J 1(,.,.'1 19_ I 1 I I I vrA TEll FU'ID rt.. Pleas~nt Tr:;l~phCI.:_e {;:).. Shell en Co. P. .~.. 80ncretc .Products Go. Palmer Sur~ly Co. ~arckrr.ann & Williams State Tre,q surer . Phone Rent 5.00 18.35 17.75 98.S8 ~}. 748.fi7 .." ~S' 489.36 I 6.92 70.21 1.10 2.96 22.63 15.30 / 4.56 ~~ ./ 407 .90 (I" 973.87 J 1?12 126.45 .55 f'b 3.03 3 ' ,. 115.48 /' 112.25 ')0-,,1 Ge ~iO li:le Sewer Pipe Pi?e Pipe Buslnoss Tax Ind In s rIGHT FUND , Cit:;. T,.~asurer Puget Sourill NavigatiJn Co. Angcl~s Co-operative Co. Sh~ll Oil Co. A. Spencer G~~eral Electric Supply Corp. Pecific Lamp & Supply Co. State Tree~urer . Cach for Postage Freight Cups Cia soline "rrood Solshin:;;s Wire Business Tax Ind Ins & ked Aid IIBR~P.Y FUl8 Edwin .~llen C;ompany Boob PARr. rum Pug~t Sound Ne"/igation Co. State Tr~asur-9r Freight Ind Ins Grr ARA NTY ?lJND City Treasur~r " n Assessments Taxes Ther, being no further business the Corr~is3ion then adjourned. 1; Jry;~ ~ '. ~ 707/~ City Clerk Mayor .....