HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/12/1947 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 325 March 12. 19~ "The Conunission met in regular sessicn at 10:00 A.I,:. and was called to order IT.>' Mayor Epperson. Roll call of officers showed the following present: 1~yor Epperson, Cowmissioners Johnson and Steele, Attorney Wils on and Clerk law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head Of~pplications for building permits, the follmving were granted: 'sig larson"~'fOO - Repair Service Station; Lot 9, Blk. 5, Williams Cramer Add. Roy Pike Move House to Lot 15, Elk. 572, To,alsite Dan Kettel Build Garage; Lot 15, Blk. 229, Tm'msite J. L. Brady ~ove House to T~t 18, Blk. 352, Tm1nsite R. Sorensen Build addition On Office, Top of Story of 1 I 1,000.00, 400.00 200.00 400.00 Central Eldg; Lot 5, Elk. 50, N. R. Smith Addition 400.00 Build 4-Room Dvfelling; Lot 15, 31k. 292, To,msite 5,000.00' Remodel Store; Lot 16, Elk. 20, N. R. Smith Addition 1,000.00 Put in Tank for Oil; Build Boiler Roo:n; Install Oil Burner; N2 Lot 18, I Elk. 16, N. R. Smith Addition 1,500.00 Under the head of unfinished business and pursuant to bids published for oarrier current e'l.uipment consistiJ of. 480 wall mounting and 520 insert ,"ounting type controllers and transmitting e'l.Oipment, one bid was sub- 'I 'mitted for $18,008.00, ,nth optional equipment which if accepted would be an additional $510.00, estimated , 'shipping daoe to be October 1947. The foregoing bid was submitted by the General Electric Company, and on . re.commendation of Light Supt. Lean, it was moved by Conunissioner Steele that the bid be accepted. Seconded. by Commissioner Johnson. On roll call all members voted Aye. The motion carried. Jack Del Guzzi Ja,ck Del Guzzi Petersen &. Craver City Engineer Dodge, having been instructed to inform 1:J'. D. A. li.asters, ftesident Agent for the Wenger I Building, regarding curbs and sidewalks, submitted copy of information as follows: llarch 6, 1947 , IMr. D. A. Masters 122 North Lincoln Street I Port Angeles, Washington IDcar Sir: .1 ,I The City Commission has directed me to notify you, as agent, for the owner of Lot 1, Block 16, IN. R. Smith Subdivison in regard to the concrete curb in front of said lot. When the sidewalks were constructed in front of this property the curb was left out for the ;1 driveway. lIow the property is no longer used for the purpose for "hich is was built and the driveways are not needed. The City Commission therefore requests that a standard six inch curb be pla ced. in front of this I property on Front Street. , The reason for this request is that the City wants to place parking meters in front of this ~property but under the eA~sting conditions this is impossible as there is no protection for the meters. Will you please take this matter up with the owner and advise us. Ycurs ver"J truly, H. E. Dodge City Engineer IIID/bC ,!Under the head of new business, a petition was presented requesting vacation of an alley in, Block 4, Cain's :SulJdivision of Suburban Lot 110. 18, City of Port Angeles, running Northerly from Fourth Street to the alley 'beJ;ween Third and Fourth Streets, and bordering on Lcts 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 in said Block 4. It "oS 'moved by Cor.unissioner Johnson that the City Attorney be instructed to present resolution setting date of hearing for said vacation. Seconded by l~yor Epperson. All voted Aye. ~ction carried. I 'I)'nn: Tn IIIUIJI,:n.. Police Chief Ide exhibited blue prints of proposed dog pound to :J8 constructed l.i,,\~;:~~:~lil'.~l,~:~~~~~;'~lt)~D'~'.'II~,Y:ilh~:~:i:~r near garbage dump site, constructlon to be same as type approved try Hlllnane SOclety. i,~t,~{,",.'...',~l.~,~,;,P:,~,',~;. :t\:,:"'.','.,(,:.',:~,}l~,~.,,:',:,:.~\~,:,','\,;f,,~~,'II~~,',t,::,1:'.l,~i,',:',:\,~ l,jl~,~,:1,~,'~, ~b~~~h:~V~~r byco;:~~ c~r~~r~~n d~~a ~o~~~ J r~~~~~d~:i~ ~~:d a ~~;~~e~6t~~d ~~ ~~ n~:d J ^ ^ Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. 1.lotion carried. I ~;~ ::: :1';'11,,:: : I:: ; ;~~; 1',1,; ~," \,1,: ; I :',It;~= 1"11 :~~::: 'X~ :~:::ll"I'I~~~;~'''ll'/(..,~.\'~'",~ :\i\;, llj~;~i'i" \!.1.'. 1~rs. I. H. Rutherford spoke before the Commission regarding dog kennel and license~. 1""1 .l"~; (II '1~1.1111~!.~' [,.\\\', The Police "Chief was instructed to make investigation of kermel and it was moved I :JliJJ~f>JJ ~LI:~;I\' l,;,j,T!,~ 1..1l7. by Mayor Epperson that dog licenses for this kennel should not be. issued without the Chief's recommendation. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All members voted Aye . J.~otion ca rried . .Under the head of introduction of resolutions for tile sale of real property by the City, the following three ireSolutions were introduced: K,'E. Rudolph Lts. 2, 5, and 4, Blk. 6, Puget Sound Co-Operative :Jolm 1. and Edna !Jae Brady Lot 18, Blk. 352, To,msite of Port Angeles Fr~nk C. and Iriene R. Rich Toot 3, Blk. 415, Towtlsite of Port Angeles Colony's Subd., Townsite fOO.OO 225.00 75.00 ,It 'ras moved by Commissioner Steele that the foreEoing three resolutions be approved and the property sold. ,Seconded by I:ayor Epperson, All members voted Aye. The motion carried. ,I [The Commission ey.amined and approved the fol101'nng claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: ~ .U' CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: .;? .< {, 7 ' iWestern Union ' Telegraphs H. E. Dodge Expense Trip !port Angeles Evening News Legal Publications IThe Olympic Printery Warrants, Office Supplies City Treasurer St. Lites, Fire Hydrants, Light, Water, Garbage ,(lymPiC Stationers Office Supplies I I 4.08, 7.77, 36.171 50.65', 1,602.18, 11.53 I ,.., 326 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 12, continued, 192!.- I 'CURRENT EliPENSE WND, cont inued : City Street Dept. Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. Nu-Way Shoe Repair Park & Shop Food Store McMahan l'uel Co. Hooker Storage Garage & Service Stn. D. & B. Battery & Electric Station Angeles Co-Operative Creamery H~ffird-Cooper Corp. Harris & Schuller Willson Hardware Co. Davidson-Hay Hospital Pharmacy .". 1,-~/3, 1.2. CITY STREET FUND: The Toggery Willson Hardware Co. City Treasurer Epperson &, Sons Thompson Studio ,D. & B. Battery & ~lectric I'Peninsula Plywood Corp. Unit Crane & Shovel Corp. Tower Super Service 'Port Ange les Evening News IIJanish Motor Co. Sta tion 1fATER FUND: 4'1.;71''7- /j4 ,State Treasurer IICity Street Dept. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Remington Rand, Inc. Epperson & Sons 'I ILIGHT WND: " -< /, o/?,JO 3'1 Clallam County P.U.D. No.1 B. W. Lean 'I 'Four ~~eel Drive Auto Co. :City Street Dept. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Remington Rand, Inc. ilState Treasurer 'Park & Shop Food Store Port Angeles Evening News, Inc. Graybar Ele ctric Co. '11, VilIs on Hard,rare Co. Harris & Schuller SANITATION FUND: "'1;16, // i,Tovrer Super Service Station !~ooker Storage Garage & Service Stn. City Street Dept. :'fray & Raber ,D. & B. Batter:y & Electric Station !,GraYbar BID ctri c Co. Port Angeles Evening News 'PARK WND: .$ /533. oS ,pity Street Dept. Fred Anderson Vernon Anderson Clallam Grain Co. ,Epperson & Sons Willson Hardware Co. Port Angeles Evening News City Treasurer General Electric Supply Corp. PARKING llETER & TRAFFIC ffil!TROL FUND: Harris & Schuller CEME1'ERY WND: 4 S ,? 0 City Street Dept. FIREMEN'S PENSION & R1'LIEF FUND: ~ S ,sf 'Davidson & Hay Hospital !,iechanical Labor Office Supplies 4 Gas Gun Holders Tissue, Borene Fuel Oil Car Repairs Gar Repairs 10 Doz. Dixie Cups Truck Operation & Dept. Supplies l,~aterial & Labor Dept. Supplies 5-} Lbs. Sulfathiazole Cream, 5% 42.45 5.89 5.00 7.50 121. 64 .77; 2.29 4.53, 275.82 47.43, 44.-64 19.46 ' 1 , Rubber Gloves Brooms, Handles, Dolts, Nuts Car License Lwnber, Friction Tape Photos of Hoad Damage on Spit Parts , One Load Core Blocks 2 Clutch Plate w!lining Acetylene, Parts, Demurrage, Oxygen Legal Publication One Dodge Pick-iJp Truck 5.671 14.57 1.75, 48.14 25.18; 12.90 8.24 41.40' 51.68 1.96 1,505.83, Taxes Truck Repair and Gas Parts Water Bills Lumber 897.87, 152.68,1 2.18' 757.65 ' 8.?6,1 Fe brua ry Powe r Car Expense, Supt. Parts Shop Work Parts Dill" Taxes Brooms Adv. Hardware Lamps Oil Burner for furnace 17,594.25 58.08' 27.86;' 142 .95 i 1.271 757.65 ' 1,851.26" 5.09 1.96" 94.58\ 155.80 441. 791 Truck Repairs, Oil Fuel Pump Gas '" Oil itepair Jack, 6 Keys Spark Plugs Lantern & Batteries Legal Publications , 19.59 4.64 79.24 2.85 4.04' 9.58 5.59' , Equipment & labor; Gasoline 8 Hours Bulldozing Truck and Labor Lime Llunber J Nails Shovel, Handles, Stucco Wire Legal Publication Light, Water, Garbage Floodlight Equipment · C; ~.3 /Coney Collection Tray 98.50 18.00 55.00 12.00' 7.65, 154 .69, 5.59 67.571 1,134.65 I 1 6.231 I 5.40, 5.541 Gasoline Office Calls, Presceiptions GUARANTY FJND: 4-/0/ ? 0 City Treasurer Taxes Paid 4' ., ;ERICKSON CHILDREN'S PUYFIEW F'UND: {,If' . 'Sig Larson Playfield Comfort Stations 101. 70 iThere baing no further business, the .session was declared adjourned. 618.001 I a. fa, -J:=<.t/, t ..... Clerk ~V1 \ ~;/~~U<~, 12yor I I I I I