HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/13/1935 ,.... 282 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Maroh. 13, 1935 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor ~aviB, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney PlUIIIDer and Clerk Hawkins. The min\l.tes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applioa Hons for Building Permits and Licenses, the foll owing were granted: Sophie Shields, Garage, Lot 14, Blk. 328, Townsite L. R. Tjompson, RemOdel Danoe Hall, Lot l~ Blk. I, Tideland West E. P. Boyd, Move House. 'Lot,l, Blk. 112, '.rownsite Yellow Cab Company, 2 fi~e-passenger Taxi Cabs George Priebe, 2 five-passenger Taxi Cabs George Priebe Public Liability and Propert.Y Damage PO]fcy of^was filed and approved by Attorney and, the Commission. Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances, the following Ordinanoe was intro- duced, read in full and plaoed on its first and second reading: 100 .00 100.00 150 .00 10.00 10.00 the Oi ty I AN ORDINAnCE setting forth facts constituting an emergency affeotiog the publid health. safety and interest, declaring a public emergency to thus exist; providiog for expendi tures on acoount thereo f: creating a fund and fixing the amount required therefore. and providint!: for the issue of warrants agallnst the fund; deolariog an emergency for the adoption of this ordinance, Under the head of Reports of Officers, the following report was read: Maroh 9. 1935 I To the Honorable lIayor & Oi t Y Commiss ion, Gentlemen: ' As required by law each year. for the Gity's moneys, as follmws: The National City Bank of New York I hereby desi~te the depositories for the year 1935, The First National Bank of Port "'ngeles, Washiogto'n, City, N.Y. Respectfully yours, Madge H. Nailor, City Treasurer. It was moved by Mayor Davis that the Oity Treasurer's action appointing the foregoing banks as depositories for the Oity's moneys be approved. Seoonded by Com- missioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarriled. Under the head of New Business,- F.il. C. Brower was granted the use of lots 9 and 10, Block 320, 'J:ownsite, for ~rde - I int!: purposes for the year 1935, provided, however, that in oase of a sale of said lots a~ any time by the Oi ty, or that the lots should be needed for City purposes, then this grant shall be void and the 10 tsrillliiqUished to the Oi ty. was On motion by Commissioner Masters the Mayor ~authorized to sign a letter re- leasing Bond No. 5706 of the Associated Indemnity Company oovering Stewart Horace White as Superintendent of Utilities from any tnrther liability after February 15, 1935. Motion seoonded by COmmissioner Lutz. On roll oall all IMmbers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following <\esolution was intro- duced: RESOLUTION TO SELL l'ROl'mTY ACQUIRED BY FORECLOSURE. WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles isthe owner of the following dcsoribed real es- tate, to wit, Lot one (I), Blook three hundred and seventy-nine (379), Townsite of Port Ano!:eles, County of Clallam, State of Washington. whioh property was ac~uired by the foreolosure of delinquent local improveIlIeD t assess. ments under the provisions of Ilhapter 275, Session Laws of 1927, and, WHEREAS, one Arthur K. Knudson has made an offer to purohase said property for the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars ($550) on terms of fifty ($00) dollars in cash , and twenty-five (t25) dollars per lnonth until the :full sum is paid, inoluding interest at 6% per annum, al\d, WHEREAS, the \iity Coqrnission has viewed the property and find that the offer is fair value for the property and exoeeds the amount of the delinquent improvement assessments, and general taxes paid by the Cit.Y: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the said offer be aocepted and that the oit.Y enter into a contract with the purohaser for the sale of all the interest the city holds in said property at said prioe and on said terms: that the ci ty attorney be instructed to prepare a oontraot of sale in aooordance wi th the terms herein expressed and tha t the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to exeoute said contraot in aooordanoe with the pro- visions of this Resolution and of Ohap. 275, Session Laws of 1927, inoludino!: Seo. ~ of said Chap ter . It was moved by Comm1ssioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seoonded by Oommissioner Lutz. On rbll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered war ran ts drawn fo1,' same: I I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND State Treasurer City 'J:reasurer Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Stamped envelopes 50.45 30.00 ll... Proceedings of the City Commissi~n of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 13. 1935. 193_ 283~ I I I I I The PaclfiG Tel & ~el 00. Evening News , City Treasurer D. A. Masters F. R. Herron The PaG Tel Ii: Tel Co. Lysall Welding Ii: Forge Works Kissner Motor Parts Co. Burt Typ~writer Service Ed B. Taylor Kissner Motor Parts Co. W11ls on Hardware Co. Co-operative Laundry I. C. Gr6ves i'lalklint!: Motor Go, The Pac if1 C Tel & Tel 00 The Pacific Tel & Tel ~o: The Den Blaokburn Printing Go. J. E. Safreed The Paoifio Tel & Tel ~o. Walkling Motor Co. Street Department Associated Oil 00. Western Traotor & Equipment Go. Filion Mill Ii: Lumber 80. M. R. Alleman Epperson & Sons Marshall-Wells Co. Lysall \~elding & "Forge Works Shell 011 Co. Family Shoe Store James Hardware CO. P.A. Ooncrete Products Co. Garvin "'uto Co. ' Leader Departmen t Store V. A. Samuelson Ii: 00. Winson Hardware Co. Kissner Motor Parts Go. V. A. Samuelson Ii: Co. Olympio Printery WATER FUND State Treasurer Ci ty Treasurer Ellis Ii: Ford Mfg. Co. Renneelaer Valve Co. Lysall Welding & Forge WDrks City Light Dept. P,A. ~onorete Produots Co. Angeles Foundr,r Co. Hooker ~leotrochemical Co. Willson Hardware 00. Tom Caven Ci ty Treasurer Q.uiok Print Paris Motor Co. Mar.ball-Wells Co. Frank Macdonald & Sons J. B. Mathews Sash & Door Factor~ M. II Alleman Montgomery Ward Co. Eppers en & "OnB' , V. A. Samuelson & ~o. LIGHT FllND Sta te Trll&sur er A. Spencer Oi ty Treasurer Standard-Station'wlnc. General Eleotrio Co. Puget Sound Power~& Light Co. IFra~ L. Plummer M. '"onrad V. A. Sam~elson & Go. Olympio Utility Supply ~o. ,General Eleotrio Supply'~o. Marshall-Wells Co. She 11 ~11 UO. Willson Hardware Co. Lowman & Hanford Holmerdan Dunstan ~o. BIas kburn Pr in tin g Co. 'M. R. .lJ.lleman Olympio lirintery Washin,g ton Pulp Ii: Pap Ill' 60. James Hardware Co. i'Burroughl1 "6d ing Machine 00. :General Electric Co. Oity iiat~.r Dept. J. Lroyd Aldwell, Inc. Oiympio Printery ~,'irH'iprl~:it & Tel 00. I Servi ce Publioations Stamped Envelopes Expense Account Gloves Servic e Repair s Lamps Repairs to typewriter Washers, etc. Lamps Supplies Laundry Meals 1'0 r prisoners Repairs Service n SUpp lie s " Expense AGcount Servi ce Grease Car Pay Roll 611 Links Lumber Lumber Lumber Oil Measure Repairs Gas Rubber Boots Shovel Pipe, eto. Repairs Supplies Rep airs Hardware Parts Repai rs Supplie s Ind Ins & Med Aid Express Pipe Cutter Hydr8n t Parts Repairs, etc. Gasoline Ii: 011 Oop-orete Boxes Oasting Chlorine Supp lie s Plan e Light Printing Repa irs Hardware Machine Work Glass, etc. Lumber Trowels Lumber Truck nepairs ..,t 3f1 Ind Ins & Med Aid Wood Stamped Envelopes 011 & Labor TransforDle rs Power Bill for February Law .t>xpe n se Hauling Poles Truck repairs Wire Hea ter Tools. eta. Gaso line Vlrench parts Binder s Disinfectant ReGeipt Books Lumber Supplies Purchase Power Line on Ediz Hook Hardware Servic eB Transformers & Meters Water at Substation Insurance on ranges Supplie s Servic e Supplies 0). 2.95 120.19 60 .00 9.05 3.75 8.35 10.00 1.36 5.00 .75 20.37 l-,25 18.14 16.45 73.4.-'3 3.75 1.95 4.90 33.25 12.60 6.50 1.00 42.75 18.78 4.48 54 .43 7.36 42.89 2.75 6.10 161.33 8.90 1.65 3.35 52.91 .50 23.65 34.85 .36 1. 95 5.60 4,0 18.43 6.74 49.00 33.45 116.75 16.50 16.50 5.07 14.30 8.99 2.50 11.69 20.60 12.57 2.33 2.50 2.89 6.68 .75 2.69 8.80 19.48 12.75 20.00 11.75 127.16 6165.89 19.50 3.00 8.40 390.02 6.31 23.33 36.25 .45 5.00 12.00 5.40 16.48 .40 450.00 .50 16.75 800.54 1. 95 7.06 4.55 17.30 45.85 ~ ~ 284 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Mareh 13, 1935 193_ ll... E. O'Brien LIBRARY FUND Oi ty Treasurer The PaoifioTel & Tel Co. Charles VI, Clark ':0. The Hertzberg Bindery The"union Librar y Ase'n H. . Wilson Co. Bellingham Bookbindery Demo 0 Library Supplies tf n n Unio~ Bond & Mortgage Co. J. L~oyd Aldwell, InD. Wm. j. Ware SneddGn Rebuilt Furniture Shop Ethel Ostsrhaut ~. Lloyd kIdwell, Ino. Jennllu Norris PARK FUND Sta te Treasurer James Hardware Co. Thos H. Guptill LIGR T INVESTllllCNT FUND City Treasurer Wood Ligh t & ria ter Serv.ll.ce Books n " Subsoript1 on Binding Supplies n Insuran ce n Repairs Extra Work lnsurano e Petty Cash Ind Ins & Med Aid Shovel Signs Warran ts Purohased :0- 5')-~{' ~).. *...10 There being no further business the Gommission then adjourned. ?7,~ (Ii ty Clerk. ;{;.~ /' / May or . 7.30 14.97 4.25 25.18 132.16 6.32 1.00 108.04 5.20 2.00 45.10 37.58 16.28 5.00 3.75 14.81 5.35 I I 19 ~ ~ 6.33 1,95 1.50 351. 23 I 1 ,I ...