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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
March 13,
IThe Commission met in regular session st 10100 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers
present werel lIayor Feeley, Conunissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law.
!.:inutes cf till previous session were read and amended to read that participation in repair of Ediz Hook
erosion by the Department of United States Ell4lineers is doubtful, but assistance from the Federal GoverDlllenti
II is still possible.
Under the head of applioation for building permits, the followill8 were granted:
. oo,l..
Elmer Dorr. 11} a>ild Partitions, Put in Bathroom; Lot 18, 8lk. IB, Townsite
IIByron Campbell Remodel Existing office; Lot 1, Blk. 54, Townsite
IV. J. Neale &ild Retaining Wall; Lots 1-2-B, Elk. 110, Baker Add.
DelGuzzi Bros. Build 5-Room Home; Lot 14, Blk. 290, Townsite
Oliver Snelgrove Put on composition Shingles on Outside of Home; Lot 10, Blk. 20, Townsite
Petersen & Craver Build 5-Room House; Lots 9-10, Blk. B52, Townsite
1,000.00 '
,UlIler the head of unfinished b1siness, the Collllllission again oonsidered rental of parking meter standards
'for advertisill8 snd Franchise pending. Relph Peyton did not submit proposal as expected but appeared before I'
Ithe Commission requesting that a local fim be considered if a franchise is granted. Mr. Peyton informed
~hat if an outside compa~ ,gets tha franchise, 20% of revenue would go to the City, 15% to the local I
representative, tis balance beill8 taken out of tha City. Peyton also informed that it is the practice of
most compania s to keep options local. That he has been in several cities havill8 advertising signs which
is not a pleasant sight. Marvin YoUll4l cited percentage distriblltion of revenue, the City 20%, Advertising
Compa~ 10%, Royslties 4~%, J.!aint.enance 5%, Attorney's Fees B%, Sales 15%, Insurance 1%, Breakage 10%,
with Bl~% left for overhesd and profit. The difference in set price in different localitites was discussed
'to which Mr.. Holt answered, tlsre is no set price for the advertising which may be different in any city.
Possibility of legal action and cost of litigation was discussed. Mr. Holt informed that he and Mr. Bell
j,had discussed the same with Chester Biesen of the Association of Washington Cities and others, and they
are convinced that advertising signs are legal. Mr. Holt also made the following statement which
,Commissioner Robinson requested incorporated in tbe proceedings. "The 1leter Advertising Company will go on
,record es guarenteeill4l cost of suit if the City hecomes involved by permitting advertising ope rations by
franchise." Attorney Tzumwll assured that anit action taken would not be against the City, but the party
who obstzucts the streets, and that only abutting property owners can object. Chas. Webster, of the
l!.'venill8 News, questioned as to whether it wwld be l\ecessary for each property owner objecting to signs,
to file individua~. It was the opinion of tis Attorney thete would be nO suits against the City.
Mr. Webster suggested that if a contract is awarded, it should be local, and if the City~rants franchise
or oontract., provisions sbould be uade for protection of property owners as individuals. Also that it
should not be necessary for property owners to go to court, wt the Advertising Company should recognize
,complaints. Mr. Webster again expressed his opinion that it is not a good policy for the City of ell8age
Ilin a wsiness which is adequately taken care of. Also requestad infonnation regarding opinion from the
:Attorney General. Mr. Trumbu.ll expressed doubt that an opinion would be submitted. Mr. Holt aasured thet
itRhen the Company is notified of dissatisfaction, the offendill4l sign will be removed at once . Commissioner
IRobinson discussed possibility of a contract in preference to franchise, which would include provision
for removal of signs when abutting property owners filed proper objections. Mayor Feeley questioned
Mr. Holt regardill4l inclusion of another provision which would guarantee tbe City's expense through the
Supreme Court if the Ci~ is involved in litigation due to permitting advertising signs on streets.
Mr. Holt could not confirm this guarantee without consulting his Company's Attorneys. It was moved by
Commissioner Robinson that the Attorney be instructed to draft a contract in which would be included a
provision that if any awtting property owner objects to installation of advertising signs, on request fUed:
with the City Clerk, the sign will hot be installed, Dr if installed, will be immediately removed. Motion I
seconded by Mayor Feeley. Commissioner Taylor voted opposed, as it was his opinion that the majority of ,
;business men be had contacted were not in favor of the signs. llio due to the stand wbich the Division
of Municipal Corporations has taken, the signs are apparently illegal. 1
I !.
Collllllissioner Taylor reported on request by Captain Eastman for parking facilities convenient to Coast Quard '
iCutter Winona for its personnel. Mr. Taylor informed that adequate parking space could be reserved near
::Front and Lincoln Streets. east of Harris & Schuller Sl1eet !.Ietal Shop.
IUnder ths head of new business, Ted Brown, E. C. Steele and other Pine HUl residents appeared before the
'Commission and presented a petition requesting that the Commission not consider use of Cedar Street for
logging trucks. Commissioner Taylor pointed Ollt the need of a logging truck rwte and assured tbat survey
is only prelimill8ry with nothing definite. Engineer A~vers informed that nothing definite will be done
until the Origin and Destination survey is completed. The State will then make definite recommendations.
It was regularly moved and secended that the petition he' filed.
H. W. Kramer, of Carey and Kramsr Consulting Civil and Electrical Engineers, subnitted proposal for ,
preliminary studies, surveys and plans for propossd sewage treatment project, water system and distriwtion,
and economic studies of ligbt distribution system. lOr'. Kramer explained in detail bow a comprehensive I
survey of ci~ utilities cl?uld be made to eventually tie in with a master plan, and means of financing
Ithe same. Estimated time required for survey would be six months and if the City requires actual design and
preparation of detailed plans and spacifications for constzuction, the Company agrees to deduct from their
fee for actual design, the proportionate amounts paid for preliminary work on the proportionate parts of
lithe water system and sewer project. Total cost of preliminary survey is $8,850.00. Sewage Project and
,Water Projects 15,850.00, Electric System $3,000.00. Mayor Feeley intormed that he has been interested in
a comprehensive survey tor a long time and tbat expense of survey would be cheap considering the amount the
City has involved. Commissioner Taylor expressed desire for further consideration,with the State Polutl.on
Board, and informed that the Conunission has authorized survey ot the water syataJil by M;r. Geisinger, which
is now under wey, and further contracts would only be duplication. It was Mr. Taylor's opinion that storm
sewsrs can be taken care of by present plana and he is not willing to 'proceed with survey at the present
due to other expenditures required. Commissioner Robinson inluired as "'to.' possiWity of separstion of
electric system from combined proposal, wbich could be considered later. 1Ir. Kramer intorlllBd that ,I
separation could be ciimsidered and proposal worked out for electric system and rural water district. It wasl
moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Commission authorize Carey. KralllBr and Associates to make survey o~ ,
the electric system as per agreement. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion J
Ilcarried . 'I
The Commission discussed establishment of an Improvement DistIict on lower Cherry I!ill for atreet imp' ovement
and if resolution Dr petition method should be used. It was moved by Commissioner 1'aylor that the Attorney
be instructed to draft a resolution tor creating an improvement district from Eighth Street to Second St.
snd from Lincoln Street to Cherry Street. Motion seconded by Conunissioner Robinson. All votad Aye.
Motion carried.
,The Commission authorized calls for bide to be published to furnish for the Light Department wire. trans-
formers, and material for installation of power line to the Morse Creek Dam, bids to be opened J!arch 27th.
March 15th, continued,
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
637 ,
TII......._I._................--.___U.. U7711 ~
II The Rayonier, rnc. approved liquidation of funds advanced by them for the purchase of property from Sampson
and Balch in 1940 and 1941. Amount of liquidation would be k,094.75 with interest at 3% payable from the
Port Angeles Water Revenue Refunding Bolll FUnd. The matter was rsferred to the City Attorney.
IA letter of approval from the Planning Commission regardill8 survey beill4l made by G. L. Geisill4ler was
: ordered fi led.
,Mother letter from Sverre N. Omdahl, Director, State Department of Agriculture, informing that no def10its
I action has been taken in regard to inspection of dairy products in this County, was ordered filed.
IC~~truction of a buildill4l at Second and Wsshingto~ Streets for housill8 Carrier Current controls and
'equipment was referred to the next session.
I The Co~ssion examined and a~roved the following claims, and
Gordon Sandison llond Premium
'OIYmpicTribune . Legal Publications
',City Treasurer Postage Stamps
/)lget Soum Navigation Co. Frt.
,ljQoker Storage Garage & Serv. Stn. a.lbs
[Woodie 's Harley Davidson Duplicate Ke)"
The Olympio Electric lilectrical Supplies
Natursl Gas Corp. of Wash. Gas
II Pen~nsu1a Fuel ,Co. . Fuel Oil
Even10g News Press Printing
Olympic Stationers Supplies
I" & W Fire Service 5 Gals. carbon Tet.
,Willson Hardware Co. Tools and Hardware
IHOWard~ooper Corp. Firemen's Coats
The Texas Co. Gear Oil
'John Ooneis Spot OU
IRsdio ApplisnceCo. t/- 2- One Tube
,D & B Battery & ~lectric Stn.
'Tower Super Service":>
iTower Super Service
; O~pic Tribune
ordered warrants issued 10 payment of same:
:WATER FUNDI 1-<.5.;).
'City Light Dept.
'I'Seattle Redio Supply Co.
'James W. Caven '
'D & B Battery & Electric Stn.
I,M. B. Skinner Co.
i:Western Utilities Supply Co.
Istate Treasurer (p 0
I'LIGHT FUND, .:(.13,/ --
!McGrsw Hill Book Co.
'City Treasurer
,State Trea surer
John S. Weil
'I The Olympic Tri bIlne
:City Water Dept.
Johnson & Bork
'Line Material Co.
j/)lget Sound Navigation Co.
, (0
Tower Super Service
'Earl Davidson /:1
PARK FUND: /.:JJ1' -
'Wheeler Hardware & Furniture Co.
: City Street Dept.
City Treasurer
!Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.
James Hardware Co.
Eklund Lumber Co.
Plugs, Rotor
Hub ABBy.
Light sat Reservoirs
Rsdio Parts
Thawing Services
Pipe Clamp
Jan-Feb Tax
Sta te Taxes
File Saw
Water at Sub-stn.
Pe1ot, etc.
Guy Wire
Frt. Chgs.
Parts and Repair
Car MUeage for Feb.
Acid Core Solder
Ga s, Diesel, Oil
Light, Water, Garbage
Phone Servic es
Wire, Caps, Fuse
Lumber, Nails
5/3 :"
Plymouth Motor
Montgomery Ward & Co.
Washington State Penitentiary .
/)lget Sound Navigation Co.
City Treasurer
Willson Hardware Co.
, l'
'CEMETERY FUND I .:(1 i...
City Street Dept.
JalllS s Hardware Co.
Dobson Auto Electric
Gas and Oil
Brilliantshine; Lubricant, Pins
Tube Grease
-> ~'I
,Olympic Tri bIlne
Publication--5ewer Bids
~There beill8 no further business, the session was declared adjourned.
Nvtlce ilij h~~~~ly6 ~f~,~~e~~at fl('lI,led (I
LId", ,,...il.I I)I! nwe[ ...~d uy the l~lt)' ClerK
I, ;of the Cl t~. of Port Augch'3, V.'al!lh ill 10'"
tr)u, nt th", eily Hall uf buld Clly, not
i '~~t[~' ]'~~:h l~;UtOIl:'i:'lgl~~a0;~n::r~'I~;I~~:
hn'(. III K V A ',['r:ltl>lfot'IlH)rll,
72!1(J(1:l-~';UY"t::U/Z'IU Vult. WillI 011,
~:~~~Y1~~~1~~~i~~11~~u: ~~;~Ol;~l~t~~~
tl'a.n-d, Tile eornmlssluJi reserves tllC
I'lght to reject any or all bids,
J. ~, LAW, City C(cl'lt,
G, X(Uif.
City Clerk
/~,jd ~1
5.40 !
19.09 :
1.73 I