HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/14/1934 ".. 192 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Harch 14, 1934. 193_ lil... The Oommission met in Regular Session at 10 a.m. and TIas called to order by !Jayor Davis. Roll call showed the following ofiicers present. l~yor Davis, Oommissioners Lu tz and Mas ters, Attorney Plummer and Olerk -Ha'lkins. The minutes of the previous session TIere read and approved. Applications for building permits and licenses were granted as fOllows,- Frank L. Ohristman, Remodel and Repair residence, Lot 11,Block 198, Townsite Hilary Oatli, Frame Residence, Lot 5, Block 256, Townsite L. E. Stark, Dance at I.O.O.F. Hall, I.larch 10, 1934. ~: 0690.00 400.00 5.00 J. P. Jervis having applied for permission to use Lots 3 & 4, Block 320, Townsite for gardening purposes, It was moved by Commissioner Masters that J. P. Jervis be granted the use of Lots 3 & 4, Block 320, Townsite for gardening purposes for the year 1934. Provided, however, that in case of a sale of the lots by the city at any time, or that the lots should be needed for city purposes, then this grant shall be void and the lots relinquished to the city. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. rhe Mayor declared the motion carried. The ~ommission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for smme,- CURRENr EXPENSE Sta te Treasurer Grange Warehouse W. C. Schroeder 1'1. C. Schroeder James Hardware Port "'ngeles "Ilotora Garvin Auto "'0. 11 It If Ind. Ins. & Ued. Aid Sacks Insurance II Hardware Tires Rep~ L's Street Signs Repairs Kerosene Hard'lare Repairs-Tractpr Gas Pipe Pa int Hard\'lare & Tools Repairs Oil Repairs Freight Filing !laws Service It '.load Repairs Lamps Gas Meals for Prisoners Linoleum :;lupplies Meals for Prisoners :lervice Lamps Freight Supi/lies Gas' Hardrlare Service Supplies II Harris & Schuller Frank McDonald & Sons Conrad Service James Hardware Garvin Au to Co. Associated Oil Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products ~o. Johnson & Bork - Willson Hardware Co. V. A. Samuelson & 00. Standard Oil Co. V. A. Samuelson & 00. Puget Sound Navigation 00. ";Tm. Schrader Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. n It II " E. O'Brien' Port Angeles Uotors Kissner J.lotor Parts Co. Port "ngeles Mo tors Lee Cafe Kaufman-Leonard Co. Ulmer OffiCle EquipmeJ;l t Co. Lee Cafe " Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Willson Hardware Co. puget ~ound Navigation ~o. Bingham Equipment Co. Ulmer Office Equipment eo. Associated Oil Co. James Hardware 00. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Go. Ulmer Office Equipment Co. Blackburn Printing Co. Evening News , Ulmer. Office Equipment Co. Pac. -Tel. & Tel,., Co. Benj. Franklin Thrift Store ~illson Hardware Co. City Treasurer C. L. Sarff H. R..,.lleman Quick Print Publications Supplies Service Jani tor Supplies Net for Dog Catcher "ater Filing Saws Lumber Supplies ~.J. ,k>1~ 71 A TER FUND \lashlngton State Dank Federal Pipe & Tank Co. ~illson Hardware Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Puget.Sound Navigation Co. Quick. Print ' P.I., Concrete .t'rodutlts Co. Lee Ca.fe Grange Warehouse Co. Frank McDonald & Sons George's jer~ice Station Paris Motor Uo: , Blackburn Printing vo. Associated Oil CO. V. A. Samuelson & Co. State 'l'l'easurer Rent Supplie s " Fre ight " Supplies " Meals & Sandwiches for Night Crew Sacks Services Renair Tire Repairs Supplies ,Gas Service Ford Trnck Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid b'.i ..... ",* ~ PARK FUIlD State Treasurer Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 34.22 18.00 23.00 33.10 1.89 136.62 2.00 31.80 81.00 16.02 6.30 27.00 8.44 264.69 37.70 39.50 88.09 1.75 25.58 70.90 4.77 2.00 2.75 .65 3.75 37.94 2.02 .68 12.60 19.20 2.50 7.00 7.60 5.78 .55 23.80 6.05 49.96 6.93 . 3.70 4.81 '15.00 121.85 1.00 6.40 2.41 10.00 360.00 3.75 3.13 .50 45.00 65.52 2..56_ <:.43 3.48 7.25 13.80 3.80 1.50 3.40 1.00 23.28 20.60 9.25 17.70 34.08 8.16 I I I I I March 14, 1934. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193~ 193_ I I I I I LIGHT ;MfD ,'/ashington '-'tate Bank Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. \"lillson Hardware Co. Q.uick Print 00. Johnson & Bark Ulmer Office Equipment Co. Ci ty Elec tric Co. Olympic} Utility ,Co. \'lesterJ1 Electric Supply Co. Ci ty 'J':reasurer ,/. ,I. UliJ1 K. E. Rudlillph Astrid Frederickson P. S. ,cower & Light Co. Helen JilcLeod N. ,I. Plumbing & Hea ting Co. Lin e Jla tel'ial Go. . Schweitzer & Conrad Pac. Tel. & ~el. Co. Evening News Blackburn Printing eo. J. Llo;;rd Aldwe11 ' United Motor Service Associated Oil Co. Pac. Tel. & tel. Go. l'Iestinghouse r;lec. & Mfg., Co. General Electric Supply va. V. A. Samuelson & Co. puget Sound Havigation Co. PUEet Sound Navigation Co. Anl':ele II Foundry St/:!"te S~reasp.rer LIBRARY FUND Rent Panel SUPRlies Paint SupplieiOl Wiiling "ange & Commissions Rods, Washers, etc. 4 Ranges ~ Supplies Contract ~iling Fees ,'rood Labor Typing' Feb. Power Clerk Hire Repairs to range fuse Lihks Ftlses Servi ce Advertising Supplies Insurance on ranges ::iupplies Gas Service Transformer Oil Barre1 Paint Repairs Freight Freight Transforl1er Tops Ind. Ins. & Mea. ~id Jennilll Norris Puget, Sound News Co. The Union Library Association Standard Book tlo. Eastern Book Co. Demco ]~i brary "'upplies K. O. ]~ricks on J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. J. .'il. Hooker James Hardware rhe pab. Tel. & tel. Co. Reliable Used ~'urniture Petty Cash Books ~ Supplies Premium on Insunance Insurance " 1 Supplies Service Stool There being no further business the meeting then adjourned. "lJ... 1D ?1> :?J~ , d ty vlerk. 7f:~ ,4 -' '" 5; "3S J ' 45.00 ,,?5 155.7,9 8.75 12.40 9;10 250.96 220.40 256.44, 3.50, 2.50, 38.50. 15.00 5,536.72 16.00 11.05 3.78 24.00 8.2.5 12.00 20.65 8.73 28.38 73.12 7.83 15.00 6.72 3.00 7.81 6.69 202.00 10.59 8.43 3.02 12.23 27.71 3.73 7.70 16.24 16.20 10.,,5 16.23 7.00 4.25 1. 75 )"layor. ....