HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/15/1933 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "'lIl 99 March 15,1933 193~ I I 1 I I The Commission met in Regular 'Session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor DaviJ. Roll call showed the following Officers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits the following was granted,- C.W,.Alexander, Small dwelling on Lot 1 Block 330 Townsite pnder the head of new business the following Resolution was introduped,- Resolution Relative to discount on Light and Water charges payable In March 1933 $500.00 VffiEREA'S by reason of the Presidential Proclamation the local banks have been closed for several days making it difficult for light and water users to pay the charges as required. l BE IT RESOLVED that the time for allowing discounts on March 1933 payments for light and water be extended to Maroh 25th.1933 and the City Treasurer be and said Treasurer is I hereby authorized to accept payments due in March 1933 with discount allowed ~p to I Mar'ch 25,1933. Nothing in this resolution shall be construed to allow any discounts on delinquent i bills or accounts for light or water or to authorize the extension of the discount,c~date fo~ any other time or to otherwise modify or suspe~d the rules and regulations. It was moved by Commissioner' Eeam that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Filion. On roll call all l[embers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of unfinished business,- The City Attorney and Superintendent of Utilities reported that they had gone to Olympia on Maroh 14th.,as instructed by the Commission on March 8th. and took up wi,th the ~epartment of Public ~orks the matter of a hearing relating to a reduction of rates for Eleotric Energy furnished the City of Port Angeles by the puget Sound' Power & Light Co. The Department of Public Works indicated that they would give the matter consideration in the near future. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same.- Current Expense Fund ," Western Union Western Union Pacific ~el & Tel Co. Evening NeVIS Thos.J.Soott Auto Parts & Accessories O. E. Uls tram Hugo Olson Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Lee Cafe James Hardware Co. Auto Parts & Accessories Lee' Yingling W.C~Schroeder Associated IDil Co. Willson Hardware Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. V.A.Samuelson & Co. W.C.Schroeder City Treasurer Laura Burns Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Jmhnson Transfer Co. M.R:Al1eman Frank B.Knoph Associated Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. Lamoureux Service Mook's Electric Service E.A.Thomas H.T.Caven Customs Top & Body Works E.Sanderson V.A.Samuelson & Co. Western Tractor & Equipment Co. Georges ServiceeStation P.A.Concrete Products Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. G.E.Coolidge Johnson Tug & Barge Co. Wm.Schrader James Hardware Co. Lysall ITelding & Forge Works G.E.Coolidge G. E. Coolidge Service Service Service PublIca tions Killing and desposing dogs Tire cross chains , !.abor Labor.}",!!, Service Servioe Meals for Prisoners Supplies Anti-freeze Wood Insurance Gas Brush Hook Handle Service Used Ford Truck Insuranoe Water Rent Lumber Lumber Hauling Lumber Hauling Gas Oil Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Maintainer parts Repairs Pipe,etc. Crushed rock Sharpening picks,etc. Coal Tolls etc. Tools Drift Bolts Drift Bolts llrift Bolts .30 3.27 1.75 137.06 17.00 2.80 3.00 2.50 8.45 3.00 28.70 .75 .40 4.50 79.00 30.80 .60 4.25 225.00 52.00 360.00 10.00 65.63 10.72 18.00 57.06 114.00 217.93 41. 08 8.00 4.95 19.85 11.55 1.20 1.80 14.98 29.19 2.81 6.25 23.00 9.70 2.50 7.00 20.20 74.83 86.93 116,.10 .....1111 r'" 100 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193~ March 15,1933 Willson Hardware Go., H.P.MCNutt H.P.Mcliutt W.G.Schroeder J.B.Mathews MGHugh & Peterson euge~D96urid~Naxtgation Co MeN~r&aPeterson V.A.Samuelson & Go. V.A.Samuelson & 60. Standard Stations No.l199 Associated Oil Co. Shell Oil Co. Gi ty Treasurer Blackburn Printing Co. Quick Print City Treasurer Willson Hardware GO., Willson Hardware Co. VI. C. Sohroeder J.Lloyd Aldwell,Inc. S.T.Eddy Pacific Tel & Tel Go. Chas Dougherty Lysall Welding & Forge Rorks Willson Hardware Go. J.R.Bartlett Olympic Forest Products Co. Olympic Forest Products Co. Byron Winter Glallam Hardware Go. Jack Loomis City Treasurer VI. 1'1. Ebbett Seattle Hardware Go. W.C.Schroeder P.A.Shopping News Evening News V/.W.Ebbett Puget Sound Navigation Co., Paoifio Tel & Tel Co. V.A~Samuelson & Go. Associated Oil Co. Clallam Hardware Co. Johnson & Bork Lysall Welding & Forge \'Iorks J.W.Bronner V1.C.Schroeder Willson Hardware Co. Ida' J.Morse E.O'Brien G.G~Davis VI. Ve. Gasper Henry Garlson Henry Danz Gi ty Treasurer H.P.McNutt Willson Hardware Go. Kames Hardware Co. P.A.Concrete Products Go. Crescent Securities Co. Evening News Hardware & Tools Sharpening pioks rr tI Insurance Lumber Repairs to tractor Light Fund EEllight Repairs Alcohol Repairs Reuairs Gas Oil Water Supplies Supplies Stamped envelopes Lamps Lamps Insurance Rent Rent Service Wood Repair trailer Flashlight cells etc., Cedar polcs Tape Couplings etc., Cable Bol ts etc Atlas r100d Range Filing f€es Swi tilhes Range uni t Insurance Advertising Advertising Car hire Freight Service Via ter Fund Repairs Gas Nails etc., 5 Gal paint Vlelding pipe Ghairs,bed etc., Insurance Blow torch Rent Library Fund Wood Wood flood Wood Wood !lark Fund Light Repairs Hardware & tools Hardware & Tools Pipe Blue prints L.I.D.General Fund Publica tions There being no further business the Commission 1; /lJ, ~~AC Gity Clerk ~ then adj~urned. / \fb~ r ' Mayor ~L?r ~13 104.41 2.40 1.50 75.00 18.00 .50 3'J1.20 5.40 .55 11.66 1.75 23.10 7.58 1.95 41.25 4.70 2.48 34.34 70.82 31. 25 100.00 3.00 8.25 4.50 7.99 8.38 130.00 14.86 1.65 3.55 1. 77 37.50 3.00 .50 7.84 26.55 9.00 38.70 15.00 o L, , 1. 70 1'0 ~ /' 6.30 1.10 23.10 1.25 11.25 1.50 76.35 " 25.00 0:' 7.50 )6'1 / 10.00 10.50 9.00 1~ 35.78 9.00 1~ 6.00 1.62 3.05 10.00 (,q 8.70 100.00 I 'J-<f - 1.3~ 2.31 I I I I I