HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/15/1956 "'--488 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March l~ 19~~ "", . ""'''. ".".. ""~'''. ..,..... ..... ..... The City Council mt in regular session at 7:30 P.M. ani was called to order by Jf.syor Smitll. other officers present were: CO]1ncilmen Brown, Near, Saniison, Matthieu, Wolfe and. McFadden, Mamger Vergeer. Attomey SeveryllS ani. C1Slrk Law. It was moved by Councilman Sanii50n that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconied by Councilman ~lolfe and carrieQ.. Unier the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish, tre '~ater Departnent om Sedan Delivery were rec- eived as follows: SAMUELSON ~[)TOR CO., 1956 6 cy1. Ford Courier, Net, $1,552.92 State sales tax ~1.. 76 Tot~ F .O.B. Port Angeles 1, 4.68 SCHlllCINER CIIEV1lOIET CO., 1956' Chev~ Sed~n Delivery 1,710.00 Sales Tax _ 57.00 Less Allowance for 1947 Studel;>aker pick-up , 450.00 Total pliee, net 1,317.00 It was moved by Councilman Neer that the bid by Schreiner Chevrolet Co. at $1,317.00 be accepted. Second- ed by Councilman.Brown ani carried. Pursuant to Resolution previousq adopted, the hearing on petition requesting vacation of the South half of alley running North and South through Block 3, Cain's Subdivision of Lot 18 was opened. There having been no objections made or filed, it was moved by Councilnlan Matthieu that hearing be closed. and an Ordinance prepared, vacating the alley as requested. Motion ileconded by Councilman McFadden an:! carried. Robert Cahill, having purchased on contract, Lots 1, 2, 3, ani 4, in Block 404, filed proposal that the City re-purchase the said property. Mr. Vergeer will ascertain amount paid on contract ani report to council. Mr. Vergeer reported that preliminary work is completed on Cherry Hill improvseut and referred to Attorney Thorgrimson for approval. Also that Resolution fixing date of hearing on same should be ready for the nex:t meeting. One fixed estimate claim on L.I.D. No. 167 was filed for approval: H. N. Hanson, hubs ani stakes far January and February, $21.80. It ,was moved by Councilman McFadden that fixed estimate claim be approved ani warrant issued in payment of same. Seconded by Coun;:ilman Brown and carri ed. Mr. Vergeer reported on election by City employees as .of this date, to decide whetrer or not the City shall affiliate with Old Age and Survivors Insuran:e in co-ordination with the,,'Ret:irement System, result of elect"ion being 60 for aM 11 against. i ., I 'I Council considered reqmst previousq filed by the Police ani Fire Departments for meeting with Council to discuss salary and ~Iage scale. It was mOIled by iJotm::i1man 'volfe .that the Hayor appoint a cOlJllll:ittee to meet with two members from each of the said departments. l-lqtion seconied .by Coumilman Hatthieu and carried. Committee to represent Council was COW1cilmen Neer,. ~lo1fe ani .J.\atthieu, said Committee to decide date for meeting and report back to Council. . , , I Unier the head of new business, Joseph Ferg{,son requested in writing that the City consider purcliase of thel alley abutting Lots 20 and 21 of .Block 124, Morse Subdivision. Mr. Vergeer advised that the alley is open' for traffic and.. used by utilities, therefore...recoIlll!lended that status be first dete:nnined. It was moved l by Councilman lvolfe that the matter be referred to the Attorney to ascertain ownership. Seconded by I Coumilman Matthieu and carried. . - .. j 'Claims paid- February 27, March 6, S, ani 9 were approved in total amoant of $31,445.29. It was mOIled by ,I Councilman Brwn that cla.ims be approved as paid. Seconied by Councilman Sandison ani carried. Departmental reports were filed for approval as follCMs: '~ater, Light, Street and Fire Departments; also the amual report of the Library DepartJrent. It was moyed.by Councilman Near that all reports be accepted ani filed. Seconied by Councilman Sandison and carried. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the financial report of the City Treasurer for the month of Feb- , ruary be accepted ani place<! on file. Seconied by Councilman Neer ani carried. Also submitted for Council consideratio;' was statistical report showing average mont~ charges for water eervice to fifty-seven consumers South of tre Boulevard exclusive of contract charges. Copies of tab- ulation will be prepared f or further stuc\y by the Counc il. Mr. Vergeer read answer from C.H.&St. P. R. R. Co. regarding inquiry as to abandonment of right-of-way on : I Street Hill. It was assured that when abandolllllent is approved, the Oi ty will be first considered for i acquisition of same. I ~ Hating sold his interest in coffee shop at 9th and C Streets, Pete McGoff requested in writing that his City licenses be transferred to the new a<ner, Jack.Miller. It. was moved by COW1cilman 11atthieu that transfer be approved. Seconied by Councilman McFadden and carried. . . , A. R. Konopaski and Theodore T. Carlson requested in writing that Liberty Street be vacated from alley to j allw in Blocks 189,,190, 2ll,end 212, Townsite. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that request be , referred to the Planning Commission for. reconnneniatioll> Seoonied by Councilman.Matthieu ani carried. , . Dates for canvass of March 13 election returns being l'.arch 19 - 23 in::lusive, as fixed by Statutes, Council decided that Legislative Body shall meet I.londay, ~lar"': 19 ~t 4:30 P.M. for that purpose. ' Councilman Neer cited Washington Street from Eighth to'the Boulevard as being above grade ani inquired as to when the street wiU be brought down to proper grade.. Mr. Vergeer informed that 20" main will be lowered this sunnner at which time the correct grade will be es1;ablished. 'I Mr. . Vergeer also advis ed that negotiatiom are in proc'ess for sale of additional firm pOlfer to the Crown Zellerbach Corporation. I Objections were expressed concerning parking. of County Bookmobile on Laurel Street South. of 8th, trereby causing traffi c hazard. Removal was :inr!oodiateq. authorized. ... I I I . I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 15 cont,inll",d 19-5.6_ ".. . "M". ...,~,.'"',.~... ......... moo <.'>- I Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced ani read in full: I RE30LUTION NO. 10-56 . A RE30LUTION annexi~ to the police force of the City of Port Angeles the office of Police Matron. I It wa~ moved by Councilman Neer that the foregoing Resolution !>e approved aM adopt ed. Seconded by Couroilman Salliison aM carried. 1_ , Mr. Vergeer also confirmed appointmEnt of Stanley Taylor to continue serving in the capacity of Police Judge. I UMer the head of reading aM passage of Ordinances, the following was read in full and placed on final reading: ORDINAN::E NO. 1:366 AN'ORDINANCE to control, license, and regulate the conduct of Public Dance Halls and Public Dances operat;ed, or ,m;lintaimd in connection with any business or at arv pl;!.ce where intoxicating ;Liquor is sold or served, prescribing penalty for the violation thereof and specifyilll minimum floor space. It was moved by COWlcilman Sandison that the foregoing Ordinance be passed final reading and adopted. Seconied by Councilman HattlJieu an:! carried. Under the head of introduction an:! reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read infull,: ORDINANCE NO. 1367 AN ORDINANCE vacating the alley running North ani,South through the South Half of Block 3 of Cain'~ Subdivtsi9n of Suburban Lot 18 of the Government T<MIlSi te of Port Angeles. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that the foregoilll Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by I Councilman Mcfadden an:! carried. No furtber busimss appearing, the meeting was declared adjoumed. a, B, ;;Ccuu-' , () ,.. . , . . City Clerk tI-, Lb Me,yor . B S uI1B'i~ ~;gj1i6~1~~mp;'iJ. ~~;fi"C~ 1956 at: U14 office of the' C I ~ J C~er.k~ l4Q We.'lt Ffom SWeet." p.art .;u'Jell'!.,o>;, Wfl,..:~'(on on furn~h.in: ,t.(;.e Cemd'"' 'j:larlment ~ i.x hundred Of ~ l~J) rUc?~ !II po;:;t:j foot ~nc~ ,:l.od ttIIt.~lMs. Ulct top rail ~Uh two do~ fi:utglllg twelve: ~~k g~~~lj~~~e.! ~,1~ i~d:~d {ifb; {250J feet n! UYc. (5'\ f 0 0 t f('n~e otherwi"e id~tcal to hbove !f'~'~l1~~:;:ion_. ,~ b<~ i.*~. Port An,. ~~9'/"I.'. .f-.\ WA.~.hh'~lOn.. A lIVe percent 'triCdepo...~~ Ql" tud bond reQUired. C:ty tt':'~'l".'eG -the Llghk~ ,IH.,~ept, ~1(,V-Ct. 0.::"'1'. ~l'}i\:o.e quantity () n ,":,: ~.~~"R~EER' , It r:er .;E -,'~, "ii. 2:~. ~9m , ...., T:Yl2Lt't;1:,,: ,; 1:'# 'l.'-~ NOTICE TO BIDDERS-----, .~1~4AL,.~I~.,.~~"; ~~L '-~,1 ~,N'~tice is bereby gjven, th~~( l -'N\Jt't~ 1iJ ,:tri~'~q.l _. ,~'-~t%ed ~idtt:glt~eCl~~,v~~oa~~ Sealed btl:' ....nt tlc'j'&t!ived' .e~'lFr6nt Street Port Angeles Wash- the City Clt:rk of the Cit;y. O! Port \ 'n!ton up t~ and not later than 1 r~~f>e~~s1~8 ~\O:~O~I~~'S~~~t~ ~~~i '~heo lu~iu~~b~k'otP~e19'f~~~~~ .An~eles, Wn~hmgtnn tor furm~-j'tems' I ~~~ ~~WhIlfh:e~ ~JQ)~2~~;n~~ ~,>~~i~:, . A. .st~~if~: ~~~~o~~e~~e~~~~ ~~~~;~,o~_~d R~\~4ip~:t~[) a~~~'~~~;1 B. c8~cJ::~eft~u~);;~~1~iandard ~jri~~n_:f~e~I ,~i;u b~~~~P t~~, ~r~~,' ~~~n:~[e:~efement concrete fOlJoWUl1oj" [111111l:~)tun'l oe..'<i6nahon: The pipe to have a- two (2) inch ~6~?:: ~(~{.ri':~~t~ c~n~l~leIf~J~1 ~le {~~e a~5J ~n~~e O~~~~r ~fl~n~~ Modei B910 or. -eQut-vulcnt...'Itbdy to joint to facilitate handling. ' ,c" f'Q\J1'tpt'd :-V1.th t~'leRC?l~ ,\f\P a~ All pipe shall meet the require-I ~,fct~. ~~~~~t~~le.~ !.Iudel ra(flc w b~ ~:~~t:ei~eoFH1;b~a~as~~:~d: Jn~,l~dd:; l;hollrll d~l~~~ery ~~d ae;~Oj~; ~:~~~~~~\~~rl:t~g.sectj(ln 64 and : r~:l ~~~y;~9~3s ~f:e~a~h~~~.O~~ AU .prlces QUO~~d'Sl\tl~r'pesf~~e~. ~~,i~~n~s't:~e ~~~~l~;; N~~:~~~~~~; 'r~~i~~g::~y be ob~ I exceptmg radIO ct'uml'lumeatlon I )tng at the office of fr~~~::..~t t~~hJ~~Il~S to be removed Ineel' of said City. ! th:n~ida~~~~itoIOhiJ 6'h:~l ~~~~n~ ri~etp reject any ho;l patlY thf-' pl'OPQ~a1. . to WB-IVe any for , in City 1'\).'-,erVe!; the rig.ht to reJect. their opinIon, the best interest of UllV or n1( bIds. IthC City wUl be served thereby. I " d. S, VERlJEBR, . ~it~' c'1:rr: eny .\'aIlilt~t'r City of Port Angeles Pl}b: M>J~~.~PJ~~~.~56T ~Pub: AprU 6. 13, 1956T 1 NonCE Tu DlQDERS -- ~ Seal~ bidl,. ~t be 'received by LEG1\L PUBLICATION ~;g~~;;'_ ~~;;W 1W.Jhf;,gi.L)~~~tf~~~ . <::\LL FOR. BIDS ' 1956 a,t \h(' Off~f the CitY Clerk BJd.<:; wII' be recelv~d up to S:ool for 'the furnJ"lOO'g: of one New p.m.,. Apnl 19th,__ at the offlce of. ". oo.e.1 J QUiett!."'. True k Sho\- '.1 the elJ:! Cler.k. Port Ang-eles. W:lsh'j 6rtt~~~C~h~t6 ~);,~:~~5bl"te~O~~lt~ ~ }g1"i::r~~~tsb:i4J,~4~V~ol~~ ~~rtlth f o.b Port Anf~tl('-~- taps & bUshings, tiO~l~~' v%~tt t~f~'1ii~p();~et~iI~~~ ~ c9t'y SM~n~:~E~ ., nish Bid mm~t bl;'; ..~com~allied by Pub: Apr. 6, 13, 1956 T c[:'rUfled check 01" bid bond for [be - '""'"'"-..~.... 'urn 01 not Je:.::~ th~ll 5 p~r C('llt or Ulc amoWlt bid. Bidder must "'.live anh~rrdt~ag~~~h a~~~~ve.'> the right t(l rejeet any or all bId:" G. s. Vel~f'er. CiTY M:~n,\gf'r Pub: March 3U, April 6. J..9MT NOTICE TO BIDDERS Bid prop~.d.', wltl be receivE'd ,.t .he offll'p of llle C1ty Clet'k, POI' t An:-~t:lec'. WlL' hil!:~t-on up to S:OO ~;t)~.UIi~~l.:~n;O~~JI~n :l~~~\~~ "tr.d,toD '~s Ill-'f our bid mvihvioll lIUmO('-l' fJ8O-Bl. da:e4 March 28> 1956, , ::i:tiQ ,-;uh~f.at;1I11 w :115Q KV A tiA KV to fonner including p or apPUl'tel1lUl~f'~ lIl'ctf"d ."ee(1lldar)' out-dool' in."t:lllll .io ,~r(, :'!',''-!oih.b:,' at l CilV MJ.l'!,; ~l,r, 140 We",t F run" SL,";'t.t, PUll A.n"".:t:.,." OJ at:JItt' uJ. rkl' of T. E_ Sparlinl', COmptlIU'. titS T,~lK:t'vif'w Bouh--v,ud. Sl'":;I.tIE., Wll,;hill~-tl,n. lid dt.J.!o."i' or o';c. bond vi' 5 per l'l.t<l H-'quir",.!. City w:;€rve; the rl:;J:lt. to n;jt''..'t allY OOll,l~bi~l::H.GEEH. CtTV M.nj,~, ',1"1' P:III__~.:!.{_n:!1 ~!~. _~I_-.!lli I"',l;-r 4891 I