HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/15/1962
Proceedings of tne City Commission of tne Ci~ of Port Angeles, Wasnington
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liThe City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p,m, The following officers were present: Mayor I'
Maxfield, Councilmen Richardson, Smith, Thorne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood, Manager Slankard,
,Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece. I:
j,It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the minutes of the prevlous meetlng be approved and j
',placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
1""00 "'" ,.., of o,f','.,", ,-,i',.., ,,. 'i', ",",'00 '"po"," ,"",,,,,,',," .do"",'''', of '" ,
;pealing the admission tax ordinance (1384). If the ordinance is repealed at this time, the $3000,00
expected income from this source in the 1962 budgetv.ould have to come from other sources, It was
moved by Councilman Randall that any action on the repeal of the admission tax be postponed until
budget time for 1963. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. After further discussion, in which it
was pointed out that the admission tax would be in effect through the year of 1962 and could not
be waived for the Centennial Conunittee, on call for question all voted "Aye". Motion carried.
A conununication from Harbert Construction Corp, requesting the Council's acceptance of the water i
line project as completed and waiving of liquidated damages was read. The City Manager read his I'
report on the completion date of the project, The contractor had agreed upon completion date of I
!project as being October 17, 1961. Ten days extension was granted contractor due to the plumbers
strike, thus making the new completion date October 27, 1961 because October 30th was a Monday this
date was the day on which the completion date was designated. Water was put through the entire
line on November 28th. There are 21 working days between October 30th - the date set by the City
Manager on which the contractor would be obligated to pay all engineering and inspection costs -
and November 28th. However, the project was not fully completed until'the certification was re- "
ceived from consulting engineers on February 28, 1962. Duri~(; the lengthy ~discussion on the sub- II
ject, Councilman Richardson pointed out that the City has received no damages, therefore there is '
no liquidated damages due the City. Councilman Haguewood also spoke against charging any damages III
against the contractor. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the Council accept the water :
construction project from the Harbert Construction Corp., and waive the $100 a day damages, this to:
be subject to any valid claims within the next thirty (30) days. Seconded by Councilman Richardso~
On called vote, Councilmen Richardson, Haguewood and Thorne voted "Aye"; Councilmen Caldwell, Smith~'.,
and Randall voted "No". The Mayor voted in favor of the motion, thus breaking the tied vote Mo~
tion carried. The Mayor stated that he feels that the contractor has complied with the requiremen,s
of the contract and does not feel that any damages were incurred due to the delay, j
Notice was received from the Police Dept. that the probation period granted Red's Taxi on For Hire
License expired March 4, 1962. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Councilman Richard-
son that Mr. Wells be granted a license to operate his cab until the next license period. Seconde I
by Councilman Thorne. After further discussion on called vote all voted "Aye". Motion carried. Ii!
Under the head of new business, a communication from the American Legion requesting permission to
use property on West Front Street to sponsor their annual carnival May 14th through May 19, 1962
to help make possible the annual Kiddies Junior Salmon Derby was read. It was moved by Councilman
Richardson that permission requested by the American Legion for the carnival spot be granted.
Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
Preliminary plans for L.I.D. No. 184 showing the boundaries, general run of curbs, gutters and
streets for the proposed L.I.D. were presented for approval, It was moved by Councilman Randall
that the City Engineer's report with the proposed grades involved in the Pine Hill L.I.D. No. 184 j
be approved. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and unanimously carried.
The City Manager read request from Howard Lumber Co. for hearing and discussion regarding outstand,
ing electric bill against former Western Milling Co. The Howard Lumber Co. has purChased the mach,n-
ery and buildings, and will employ approximately twenty-five workmen. Mr, McGuire, Manager for th~
company, felt that the delinquent bill should not be held against Howard Lumber Co. After a lengt~y
discussion in which it was pointed out that the claim is filed against the estate of the former ,
owner and why penalize a new industry coming into the City, it was moved by Councilman Thorne that'
the Howard Lumber C~ be permitted to have their power turned on with a deposit of $500 so they canl
commence work. Seconded by Councilman Smith. The Mayor pointed out that this does not mean that
the old bill is waived but is merely held in lieu of collection, and it is assumed that the monthly
bills of Howard Lumber Co, will be kept current. On called vote Councilmen Thorne, Smith and Cald"j'
well voted "Aye"; Councilmen Haguewood and Randall voted "No". Motion carried I
The following bids for a truck chassis for the Water Dept. were received:
Murray Motors - 1962 Dodge D-400, cab
bed truck $400 net $2,775.28.
Bob Bolter Chev. Co. - Model C5503,
Ruddell Oldsmobile Cadillac, Inc, -
trade in $250.00 net $2,700.00
Anderson Ford Co. - 1962 Model F600
plus sales tax.
& chassis $3,175.28 less trade in 1949 Dodge Flat
cab & chassis $3,010.80 less trade in $414,00 net
1962 I.H.C. Model 1600 cab & chassis $2,950,00 less
plus sales tax.
truck $3,150.00 less trade in $350.00 net $2,850.00
It was moved by Councilman Randall that the bid of Bob Bolter Chev. Co. in amount of $2,596.80 net
I be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
! Bids for a one-half ton panel truck for the Water Dept. were received as follows:
Murray Motors - 1962 Dodge D-IOO $2,266.63 less trade in 1956 sedan delivery $300.00
net $1,966.63
Bob Bolter Chev. Co. - Chev ~ ton panel Model 1405 $2,127.42 less trade in $405.60 net
Lannoye Motor Co. - 1962 Willys Utility Delivery Panel $2,350.40 less trade in $300.00
net $2,050.00
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the bid of Bolter Chev. Co of $1,721.82 be accepted. Se-
conded by Councilman Smith and carried.
" There being but one bid received for the bituminous plant mix and tack coat for street work, it - 'i
was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the bid of Randall Kilmer Construction Co" bituminous plant II
,mix $6.10 per ton and tack coat $60,00 per ton be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Smith and car-
Proceeoings of t~e ~ity ~ornrnission of t~e ~ity of Port Angeles, Was~ington
, . " ",",,"C co: - ""~ ....
rBidS for the construct~on ,01 a restroom 1ac11~ty ~n Er~ckson'Playf~eld were
I' Del Guzzi Construction, Inc. Port Angeles - $3,053.00 plus sales tax.
O. M. Hendrickson & Co. Sequim - $3,150.00 plus sales tax,
Geo. Mangano,1222 So. B St., Port Angeles - $2,846,00 plus sales tax.
rece~ved as follows:
.It was moved by Councilman Randall that the bid of Geo. Mangano in total amount of $2,959,84 be
laccepted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
l'It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the bids for furnishing coin operated lockers for the
swimming pool be referred to the City Manager for study and recommendation at the next meeting.
Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
One bid was received for folding bleachers for the swimming pool: Rod Mussey and Co. one lot Unive -
Isal Bleachers, 95' 6 rows galvanized f.o.b. Port Angeles not installed $4,376.00. F.O.B. Port I
,Angeles, delivered and installed $4,740.00. Delivery in approximately ninety days. It was moved I
,by Councilman Haguewood to accept the installed price bid. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and
rnanimOUS1Y carried.
Bids for furnishing pipe for the water Dept. were received as follows:
Johns-Manville - Item 1, 5000 lin. ft. 6" class 150 cast iron pipe, Tyton joint or equal -
NO BID. 5000 lin. ft. 6" class 150 asbestos cement pipe @ 1.431 per lin. ft. total
$7,155.00. Item 2, 10,000 lin. ft. 2" class 150 cast iron pipe, Tyton joint or equal -
NO BID. Delivery within 14 days.
Pacific States Iron Pipe Co. - Item 1, 6" C.r. 1.965 per lin, ft. A,C, NO BID.
.739 per lin. ft, Total bid $17,215.00. Delivery 3D days.
Item 2, C.I
Pacific Water Works Supply Co" Inc.
Item 2, 2" A.C. - NO BID.
Item 1, 6" C.r. NO BID, 6" A,C, 1.36 Total $6,800 00
H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. - Item 1, 6" C. r. NO BID. 6" A. C. 1. 44 per lin, ft Total $7,200,00:
Item 2, 2" C.r. NO BID.
U.S. Pipe & Foundry Co. - Item 1, 6" C,r. 2.08 per lin. ft. 6" a.c. NO BID, Item 2, 2" C.r.
or equal .77. Total bid $18,100,00.
IThe representatives of several companies spoke on the merits of their company's products. After
I~UCh discussion it, was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the low bid of Pacific State Iron Pipe Co.,
I~n both the 6" and 2" cast iron pipe, total of $17,215.00 be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Ran.,
,dal1. On called vote, Councilmen Caldwell, Randall and Haguewood voted "Aye"; Councilmen Richardsoh'
ISmith and Thorne voted "No", thus creating a tie. Mayor Maxfield voted "No" based on the fact that
re feels that with the proper joints the asbestos pipe is adequate for the service for which it is
Ito be used. Also the asbestos pipe costs approximately $2,500.00 less. Motion passed~ ~~~
lilt was then moved by Councilman Richardson that the second lowest bid of Johns-Manville for 5,000
Ilin. ft. of 6" asbestos cement pipe in total amount of $7,155.00 be accepted due to the trouble
Ilthat the Water Dept. has had with the lower priced pipe, and the recommendation of the Water Dept.
;,supt. to accept the superior quality, American made pipe, Seconded by Councilman Caldwell. On
polled vote, Councilmen Randall, Richardson, Caldwell and Thorne voted for and Councilmen Haguewood
and Smith voted against the motion. Motion carried by a four to. two vote. I
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the low bid of Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. on 10,0001
lin. ft. of 2" cast iron pipe in total amount of $7,390.00 be accepted. Seconded by Councilman
Richardson and unanimously carried.
~The plans, specifications and contract documents for the construction of the addition to the Muni-
Icipal Library were presented for approval. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the plans,
specifications and contract documents be approved and call for 'bids be published. Seconded by
Ilcouncilman Richardson. John H~lberg of.port Angeles requested a.de1ay in the acceptance of ~he
'plans and feels that the old l~brary bu~lding should be left as ~s, and recommended a new bu~lding
Ion a new site. After mOre discussion 'and upon called vote, all Councilmen voted "Aye". Motion I
Ilcarried. The City Manager reminded that the call for bids provides for the bid openings at 3:00 p.m.
ion April 5, 1962 so that they may be computed by the architect for action by the Council at the reg~
lu1ar meeting April 5th.
I'The following liquor license applications were presented for approval: Jack and Bruno Del Guzzi,
I~Lee Hotel, 112 West First St. - new application. Loyal Order of Moose, 118\2 E Front St. - new
'application. Sharon Marguriette Cole, Harbor Tavern, transfer from Robert Lowell Hickman. It was
Imoved by Councilman Caldwell that the liquor license requests be approved. Seconded by Councilman
I[Richardson and carried.
IllIt was moved by Councilman Richardson that the sixth progress payment to K. T. Henderson, Inc. for I
I'WOrk done and material furnished in the construction of the Municipal Swimming Pool in amount of
$48,663.6B be paid. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried.
[The Mayor announced that the City's Annual Report for 1961 has been completed and is available to
lanyone interested at City Hall. Councilman Randall and other councilmen commended the City Manage~
[alSO the Mayor, for the fine comprehensive job done on the Annual Report.
'The following reports were presented: Monthly Budget Report of Expenditures, Police Dept., Fire
Dept., Municipal Judge, Light Dept. Operating Statement and Balance Sheet, Water Dept. Operating
Statement and Balance Sheet.
It was moved by Councilman Randall that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by
Councilman Caldwell and carried.
Claims for payment were presented in amount of: General Funds, $42,707.14, Water Fund $3,110.10,
Pipeline FUnd $8,235.77, and Light Fund $8,181.03. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the
Ibills as enumerated in total amount of $62,234.04 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman
IRichardson and carried.
~Under the introduction of Ordinances, the following Ordinance was introduced and read in full:
Proceedings of the City Commission of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, Washington
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Section 24.14 I
of the Code of the City of Port Angeles with reference to
water service area.
t was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted as read. Seconded by
:ouncilman Caldwell and unanimously carriad.
letter of "Thanks" to the City Councilmen for their unanimous vote extending the City Ordinance
anting the residents in Area C City water was received fram Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Sherneck and rea~
;by the City Manager. 1\
l request that the center strip on First and Washington in front of the service station and Tradewell
tore be removed was received. After some discussion on accidents and near accidents occurring at II
his section of the street, it was moved by Councilman Randall that the communication be referred to
he State Highway Dept. with a recOlT1lllendation that the strip be extended thirty feet or more at the II
east end. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried.
[t was moved by Councilman Richardson that the claim for damages to a car in amount of $60.00 be reJJ,
' erred to the City Attorney. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell.
e meeting adjourned at this time to reconvene for the canvassing of the absentee ballots and tall
,ok, of ,h. ',",wl """00 h"'-d 00 "".d'" M.~h ~ t "'^ -Irct.,j I
eneral Election of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, held and conducted March 13, 1962, as
bhown by the canvass of Absentee Ballots and the Poll Books:
Poll Book
Position No. 1
Joseph W. Wolfe
Nathan G. Richardson
Position No. 2
Charles R. Willson
Murray F. Randall
Position No. 3
Willard S. "Bill" Traylor
Donald E. Cornell
James E, Caldwell (write in)
: rom results of said election, it appears that Joseph W. Wolfe, Charles
Farnell were elected to serve as Councilmen of the City of Port Angeles
WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this 16th day of March, 1962.
R. Willson and Donald E.
for a four year term.
Port Angeles, ash hgton