HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/16/1938 r" 578 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 16. 1938 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. Roll'oall showed the follgwing officers present: Masters. Attorney Uonniff anc ~lerk Hawkins. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and The minutes of the pt' evious session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following were granted: W. E~ Bauser. Remodeling House, Lot 13, Blk. 345, 'ownsite ~on 6mock, Building Garage, Lots 10-11, Blk. 223, Townsite F. G. Shriner, Construotion of Home, Lots 8 & 9, Blk. 4, of ~aints Subd. Sub. Lot 18 Frank Pollow, Moving House, from Lot :Il to Lot 18, Blk. 325, Townsite Apostolic Faith Church, Build Church, Lots 15 & 16, Blk. 233, Townsite Under Head of Uommunicetions,- The fOllowing petition of the Lincoln Aeights Improvement and Garden ~lub. .signed by 1~s. Xate S. Needham and othe~a was read and ordered filed: 2000.00 I 150.00 of 2500.00 200.00 20000.00 To the Honorable Board of City ~ommissioners, Port Angel es . Washington I The Lincoln Heights Improvement and Garden Club respectfully request your cansideration of the following petition: 1. Many residents of Lincoln neights contemplate home improvement by seeding park- ing strips, planting trees, shrubs and hedges but have no definite information as to lines and boundaries; therefore we ask that these lines and boundaries be located and street grades be established as an aid to Uity Beautification and a general improvement be inaugurated at once. 2. To facilitate travel by many of the adjacent property owners, we ask that "A" Street be opened and made passable from 8th Street south at least as far as 10th Street as soon as possible. 3. The conditions of sidewalks on much of Lincoln fteights is deplorable being most inconvenient and often postively dangerous to pedestrians generally, and to school ohildren partioularly; therefore we ask that holes be filled and a gravel covering be provided specifically as follows: (a) On the south side of West 5th Street between "B" and 1'umwater (b) On east side of ~umwater from 5th to the bridge (c) On the east side of "0" from 5th to Bth (d) On east side of "B" from 5th to 12th (e) On one side of 12th between "B" and "E" I Respectfully submitted, Linooln Heights Improvement and ,Garden Club. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND H. H. Van Brocklin Epperson & Sons Standard 011 ~o. Oi ty 'freasurer Olympic Stationers Insuranoe Supplies Gas ;;tamps .:>upplies " 17.00 2.70 15.84 2.00 10.00 20.25 .30 1.00 7.35 75.00 75.00 18.77 I City Treasurer Olympic ~tationers City Treasurer ,;tamps Supplies Stamped ~nvelopes t1 II ..I )..<f( - J. Lloyd ~ldwell, Inc. Insuranoe CITY STREET Jo'UND Hattinger &-Levy Epperson & ,;ons James H. Coyne A. J. Sanford Standard 011 Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Western Tractor & Equipment etc. 22.10 15.00 19.37 66.00 28.95 11.96 62 B. 4 0 13.50 169.74 435.96 2.83 I H. H. VanBrooklin "It 11 Insurance " (; o. Lumb er Labor Watchman Gas- Lumber, Gravel, Parts gJ. ,4 " WATER FUND Graham W. Ralston D & B Battery & Electric Station State Treasurer Insurance Battery oocupational Tax .j of 23.95 10.86 500.G3 ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 579 "ll March 16. 1938 193_ I I I I I T"'O~ . ..U,,"V .....TT\.E., ......'0...... ."'NT.... 0.... LIGHT FUND Olympic ~tationers City Treasurer Sta te Treasurer J. Lloyd ~ldwell, Inc. J. Lloyd "1 dwell , Inc. Philip E. Keene Furniture & ~upplies Cash Paymentu Business :rax Insurance 194.60 20.50 883.79 la.57 f72 29.32 1,).-1 - 74.00 33.70 <1-3 34.05 ) 11- 17.98 33.70 , . 12.00 )~ - .60 171.78 Professional ~erviceB LIBRARY FUN D Union Bond & Mortgage Co. J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. Wm. J. Ware " " Insurance on Books " PARK FUND Hurd '~ransfer Ci ty Treasurer Hauling Rhododendrons Filing Deed L.I.D. GUARANTY FUND Nattinger & Levy Insuranoe Under the head of Reports from ~ity Officers the following report was made: The Oity Treasurer reported that Hazen B. Wood was in arrears on his contraot to pur- ohase the north 124 feet of Lot One (1) and the north 124 feet of the east half of Lot 2, Block 1, Tideland west of Laurel Street in front of Port Angeles. The said Hazen B. Wood having failed to make payments at the time and in the manner required under the I terms of his oontract, also to pay for fire insurance on the buildings on the property ;under the terms of his oontract. The total amount due at this time on the contract including payments, interest and insurance being ~584.25. It was moved by Oommissioner Masters that the said Hazen B. Wood be notified that if the full amount of $584.25 now due on said oontract is not paid within 30 days from date of service of this notice ~s provided in said contract, then the said contract will be declar3d forfeited and terminated. Seoonded by Commissioner Henson, On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. Under the head of ' Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Tpe Clallam Oounty Airport 'desires eleotric service and the City of Port Angeles has no service available at that looation, and VffiEREAS, The Puget Sound Power and Light Uompany, whose lines oover that looation are willing to make the neoessary extension to furnish servioe for the said ~lallam County Airport. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Puget 30und Power and Light Oompany be permitted to serve the Clallam County Airport whioh lies within the City of Port Angeles for s period of five years, and until suoh time thereafter as the City has service available at tha t location. It was moved by Commissioner tienson that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. The Commission then adjourned to meet Mond~, Maroh 21, 1938, at 2 P.M. /)~ , , ~~ City lll'erk Mayor ..ai