HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/16/1961 68 Procee~ings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington MARCH 16, 19~ 1".t1PR""TINCllCO. P.2UU ~ The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Maxfield. Other 1'1 Offirers present were: Councilmen Smith, Richardson, Thorne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood: Manager : Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. I It was moved by Councilman Richardson that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on file. \ Seconded by Council man' Thorne and carried. Later during the meeting, Councilman Randall requested the I! Mayor to refer back to the minutes and moved that they be reconsidered for correction. Seconded by Councill: man Richardson and carried. Correction was as follows: Attorney Moffett informed that he has received a I" letter from Attorney General O'Connell stating that his explanation of Council's awarding bid to the next to II lowest bidder for transformer sub-stations is satisfactory and the account considered closed. It appears that' the Councll action in question was bid award to Del Guzzi Construction Company for water reservoir construction, not to Maloney Electric for transformers. It was then moved by Councilman Randall that the minutes be accepted with correction. Seconded by Councllinan Richardson and carried. Ii Under the head of unfinished b~siness, bids for construction of a restroom at Lincoln Park were received as Iii follows: Owens Brothers Construction Company, $3,396.00. O. M. Hendrickson, $2,990.00. A. L. Chapman, $3,134.00. Del Guzzi Construction Company, $3,260.00. It was moved by Councilman Haguew'ood that the offer by O. M. Hendrickson for $2, 990.00 be accepted as the lowest bid. Seconded by Coun~llman I Caldwell and carried. It'was noted that the State Sales Tax was not included in the bids. I Bids for llghting fixtures for the Civic Field, Elks Memorial Playf1eld,and Tennis Courts were received as I follows: North Coast Electric Company, Civic Field, .$4,381.16; Elks, Mens softaall field $2,448.11; Elks I Womens softball $1,945.19; Tennis Court, $676.84. Total, $9,451.30. Westinghouse Electric Supply Company: Civic Field $4,925.93; Elks, Mens softball $2,515.24; Elks, : Womens softbah $2,010.04; Tennis Court, $685.97. Total, $10,137 .iL8 less $361.00 if all items awwrded. I Line Material Industries: Civic Field, $4,496.20: Elks Mens softball, $2,615.16: Elks Womens softball, 1,1 $2,071.12; Tennis Court, $735.04. Total, $9,917.52. Did not bid all items. I I! Ii Stusser Electric Comp,any: Civic Field, $4,510.38; Alternate on item I, $1,396.00. Elks Mens softball, 1$2,633.67. Alternateltem 1,$1,461.60. ElksWomens softball, $2,072.57. Alternate on Item 1, $30.45'1 'Tennis Courtjl, $723.82. Alternate Item I, $365.40. -General Electric Supply Company: Civic Field, $4,572.00; Elks Mens softball, $2,588.00; Elks Womens I I softball, $2,000.00; Tennis Courts, $719.00. Total $9,879.00. I Home Electric Company: Civic Field, $4,914.90; Elks Mens softball, $2,620.20; Elks Womens softball, I $2,095.00; Tennis Court, $755.50. Total, $10,385.60. I 1,1 Graybar Electric Company, Inc., Total qucJation only, $9,750.00. It was moved by Councilman Rice,ardson that all bids be referred to the Manager for tabulation and report at the next meeting. Seconded by ouncilman Caldwell and carried. I , Municipal Swimming Pool. The Manager will arrange a meeting with Architects for further discussion. I It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the proposition of installing a parking lot west of the Pollee II Station and construction of sidewalk and curbs on the south side of Front Street from Oak to Cherry Streets be~ referred to the Planning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. ~ Under the head of new business, reports of City Departments were approved as follows: Budget Report of Exp1enditures, Fire Department,POlice Department, Police Judge, Water Work, Balance Sheet, Operat,ing Statement and Blllin~, 'Light Work, Balance Sheet, Operating Statement, Billing and Work Report. It was moved by Councllman II !. Caldwell that all reports be accepted and place d on file. Seconded by Councllman Smith and carried. i ,Claims payable were approved for payment in amounts of: General Funds, $10,409.77. Water Fund, $1,073.22. , Pipeline Fund, $496.33. Light Fund, $3,905.55. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that all 'Claims be II approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. Norman Leonard having requested that minimum be set on Lots 5,6,7,8,9 and 10, Block 357 Townsite, counch- man Randall reminded that a Council Committee recently appraised adjacent property and moved that a mini\'l'1u[n <- of $125.00 per Lot be fixed, this being the same as set for Lots ih that area. Motion seconded by Councilmcln Richardson and carried. III' Councilman Caldwell introduced five Boy Scouts of Troop 473, they being Star Scouts and going up for Life I award the first of May. Their attendance is one of the r~Quirements in connec1ion with merit award badge of I Citizenship in the Community. II Also present were members of the Honor Society. They were introduced by Miss Mary Finley. President of th~ II OrganiZatiOn.. II Cauncllman Caldwell spoke regarding the playfield lighting program. particularly the Elks Memorial Playfieldll Citing this as the tenth anniversary of the City adNiring the playfield.. He suggested that some commemorati1on of this occasion be observed when the lights are installed and work completed by Joint exercise with the 1 Mayor and Exalted Ruler tnrning on the lights. The Mayor as sured that the City is wll11ng to cooperate. I Councilman Smith cited the need of financial assistance for the Badminton Club and in his opinion all could I' help by attending and paying attendance fee. There are about 600 Junior and 100 Adult members taking part ih the program. Mr. Smith empahsized responsibillty of the instructor and suggested that he be paid $100.00 per month for about eight months, this being similar to the summer recreational program. CounCilman Richardson proposed borrowing from certain funds and proVide for repaying in the next budget. The Council r~ferred the matter to the Manager to ascertain possibility of assisting t he program. , I Frank Webster of 1401 West 7th'Street, asked the Councll to consider in:tallation of street lights at 7th and Ii 8th on G Street as this would be a benefit to adjacent playfield and discourage prowlers. Mr. Webster was ,assured that the request will be given due consideration. 'The Council received report on results of test drilllng to determine adequacy of soil structure for proposed I I I . .J .. I I I I I Proceeoings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington 69 (Cont'd) MARCH 16, 19~ l..aHPI'lINTINGCO.,".Z4Z:J;I~ Under the head oflintroduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 146B AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for an adjustment In the wages of employees in the electrical distribution system for the year 1961. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. Councilman Randall cited State Statutes as permitting certain classifications of Light Employees to request salary adjustments once each year and said adjustments were not included during preparation of the current Budget. I Pursuant to request by Reuben Hurt of McMahah Fuel Company, a Fraachlse Ordinance was introduced, permitting installation and maintenance of pipelines arid distribution of Natural Gas within the City. It was moved by Cduncil- man Richardson that the Ordinance be introduced and read by title only. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE granting10McMahan Fuel Company, A Washington corporation. Its i successors and assigns. a non-exclusive franchise and right to construct. operate and I maintain a natural and/or artificial gas distribution system In the City of Port Angeles. I Washington. ' I:AUomey Moffett told the Council that he has compared the Ordinance with the OrdinanCE recently adol'ted and the only change Is the name from Natural Gas Transmission Company to McMahan Fuel Company. There being no further business. the meeting was declared adjourned. QG~ (j CITY CLERK G(LA Y g IN-.~; n f G ~yOR ~ NOTICE OP BALE RoE4.J. PROPEBo;n- j NOTICE is hereby gi....en that the City or Port AngeJe:s will sell to the l1ighc!lt and best bhldcr the :f.:>l!ow- If]to~~''~i~~1l7:'e:! C.NJ:ndtro,t~~~t.~ I 357. Townsite. :Minimllm as set by the Clty Coun- cil, $12S.01) per lot. NU'l'ICB Is fUT'.ther gl\'en tllat SCal-j cd bids will he received tor the <"'1l'1(' at the City Hall until 6 :00 o'clock r. 1rf" ApMl 6, 1961 n.nd not li'~(er. Did mU:OH bc n.ccompnnleo by a df.!DOslt of not .]es8 than 10% of I :tmOlllll bill or the offer wIll no-t be considered. The City Couneil re:"erv- f:'S the righl to re.i€ct any or all blrlS'j 1\I. W. SLA1'\KARD, City Manager, PublLslled: 1\1:lrch 2~ anll 30, l!I61 ----- - .- -- -""Ii