HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/16/1976
Port Angeles, Washington
March 16, 1976
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Hordyk, Ross, Wray.
Members Absent:
Councilman Haguewood.
Staff Present:
Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish.
D. Flodstrom, H. Kochanek, J. Warder, P. Reed,
R. Parrish, D. Frizzell, P. Carr, K. Rodocker,
J. Hill.
Guests Present:
R. & J. Sargent, V. & M. Allison, D. Phillips,
R. Love, L. Mydon, C. Haines, W. Catton, C. Friedman,
D. & R. Dickinson, B. Macomber, F. Christian, B. Jacobs,
D. McLean, B. McLean, W. Rhodes, G. Mariorty, B., H.,
and J. Vail, N. Clement, J. Tanner, K. Clerk, E. Bond,
J. Cox, C. Buchmann, M. Hicks, G. Young, G. Albette, R.
Nesany, L. Switzer, F. Dalton, R. McStotts, M. Hanes,
B. Babbitt, B. Myren, L. Roline, M. Mattila.
and placed
I and passed
Hordyk moved the minutes of the March 1, 1976 meeting be accepted
on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck
by the Counci 1.
1. Bid Call Authorization.
Councilman H~rdyk moved the Council authorize the call for bids for one
van and one fpur-door sedan for the police Department and one ~ ton
pickup for the Sewer Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Ross. and carri~a by the Council. 1976 Budget Items.
2. Bid Award.
Mayor Olson read ti,ght Superintendent Honnold's report on the bids
received for one .1i~~ KVA pad mounted 3 phase distribution transformer,
12470Y/7200 volts p~imary and 208Y/120 volts secondary, to be used at
Olympic National Park Headquarters. Councilman Wray moved the Council
award the bid for one 112~ KVA pad mounted 3 phase distribution trans-
former to low bidder Graybar Electric Company, Tacoma, at a total cost
of $2,086.35 including sales tax. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Hordyk and passed by the Council. Other firms submitting bids were
Utility Supply Co., Tacoma, $2,691.15; Anixter-Pruzan, Seattle, $2,221.54;
General Electric Supply, Tacoma,. $2,328.90; and RTE, Tigard Ore., $2,100.00.
Vouchers Payable, LIDs, Payroll.
Councilman HOrdYk moved the Council approve $383,889.54 Vouchers Payable,
$90.00 LIDs, and $107.316.96 f,pyroll. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Ross and carried. V;
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March 16, 1976
4. Used Substation Bids.
By letter dated March 16, 1976, which Mayor Olson read in full,
Light Superintendent Honnold reported concerning the City's sale of
three used surplus transformers to high bidder Liberty Motor and
Machinery of Chicago, Ill., on November 18, 1975 for $9,911, with a
90-day limit for full payment and removal of the equipment. The I'
situation to date is that even though the City has made numerous
attempts to contact this firm, the Company has failed to comply with c.
the bid terms. Finally on February 24, 1976, the City notified
subject firm by certified letter than non-compliance would result in
forfeiture to the City of their $500 bid deposit check, which the
City subsequently cashed after conferring with Attorney Taylor.
Second high bidder Martin Electric has expressed continued interest
in one or more of the units when contacted. It is Mr. Honnold's
recommendation that Martin Electric be presented with the option to
either purchase all three units at their November 13, 1975 bid price
of $9,480, or, purchase the one desired unit at the price quoted by
the high bidder (M.E. failed to bid unit prices), with bid terms of a
45-day limit for full payment and removal of the equipment; if Martin
Electric rejects this offer, then the equipment would be rebid at a
future date.
Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize City Management to proceed
with Light Superintendent Honnold's recommendation as stated above.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council.
Duane Dickinson addressed the Council regarding the forthcoming July 17 I
and 18, 1976 Angeles Arts in Action Fair scheduled to be held on Laurel
Street. Mr. Dickinson presented a petition to the Council si9ned by the
owners of twelve Laurel Street business establishments requesting that
the Fair be held at a location other than Laurel Street because this lo-
cation creates terrible congestion to visitors and customers during the
busy tourist season; the petition contained other suggested locations
for the Fair. Mr. Dickinson stated this petition was presented to the Arts
in Action Cou~cil on March 15, 1976 and then pointed out some of the problems
associated with the Fair such as the lack of adequate sanitation, water
and power facilities.
At this point, Les Roline, Angeles Arts in Action Board Chairman, addressed
the Council and presented a fact report pertaining to the Fair. The
report informed the Council of the purpose of the Fair, the efforts that
are being made to control the Fair and resolve the associated problems,
and the Board's desire to cooperate with the local businessmen.
The matter was discussed at length and concluded with Manager Whorton
recommending, and the Council concurring, that this matter be referred to
Parks Director Frizzell and Police Chief Kochanek to work with the
involved parties to resolve this problem and report back to the Council.
1. Mayor Olson presented a "Certificate of Award" to Gerald Young in I
recognition of his six years of meritorious service as a member of
the Port Angeles Planning Commission and extended the Council's I".
appreciation to Mr. Young for his years of devoted service. Mr. Young
thanked the Council for the award and commented in response to Council-
man Ross' request he reconsider serving another term, that he felt more
.interest would be displayed in serving on the Planning Commission
if the Council would reduce the 6 year term of office to three years.
March 16, 1976
At this time, Mayor Olson read a PROCLAMATION proclaiming the week of
~larch 14 through 21, 1976 as "Jnternati ana 1 Demo 1 ay W.eek," whi ch was pre-
sented to the Council by Bruce Babbitt. Councilman Hordyk moved the
Council authorize Mayor Olson to sign this Proclamation on behalf of
the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the
Council. .
Mayor Olson introduced the next Agneda Item relating to Northern Tier
Pipeline Co.'s preliminary permit application, which this firm filed with
the Washington State Department of Ecology for the proposed construction
of a pipeline through the State of Washington with an accompanying
marine terminal in the inner harbor area of Ediz Hook, Port Angeles,
Washington, and the subsequent communications between officials of
the Department of Ecology, the City, the County and the Port.
Several information documents were before the Council for their con-
sideration at this time, namely, Northern Tier's ECPA Application, a
letter from J. Biggs, DOE Director, a letter from D. Lundblad, DOE
Environmental Review, a DOE Listing of Required Permits, Manager Whorton's
Response to letter from D. Lundblad, DOE, and the City Planning Depart-
ment's Environmental Checklist.
Manager Whorton briefly reviewed the subject matter of the documents
which summarize the events that have occurred since March 3, 1976,
the date Northern Tier filed their preliminary application with DOE.
Explaining that the City hasreen requested by D. Lundblad of the DOE
Office that acts as coordinator of applications to respond by March 20,
1976 to certain points based on the review of Northern Tier's prelimi-
nary application, Manager Whorton stated his letter to Mr. Lundblad points
out the City's major concerns regarding this issue and requests that
Port Angeles and C1al1am County be named as the Lead Agency through
an Inter-Local Agreement. As the letter may be construed as official
policy of the City, Manager Whorton recommended the letter have the
approval of the Council.
Manager Whorton also recommended an evaluation of Northern Tier's
financial stability should be conducted to assure that the firm and its
affiliates, if any, are fiscally able to assume the financial responsi-
bility for an environmental impact statement, estimated to cost several
hundred thousand dollars, and all other associated impact costs. At this
point, Clallam County Prosecuting Attorney C. Ritchie addressed the Council
concerning this matter and indicated that the County has initiated an
investigation of Northern Tier's net worth through Dunn and Bradstreet
at an estimated cost of $760.00. The County and the PUD Commissioners
have each approved payment for one-third of the cost of the study and
the County request the City assume the remaining thirty-three percent
of the cost.
Councilman Ross moved the Council approve this expenditure in an
agreement with the County and also approve Manager Whorton's response
letter to D. Lundblad, DOE. The motion was seconded by Councilman
A discussion ensued during which Councilman'Hordyk expressed his objec-
tion to the Taxpayers assuming the cost of the aforementioned investi-
gation when the City has had no direct contact from either Mr. Curran or
any other representative of the Northern Tier Pipeline Company. Council-
man Hordyk then moved the Council table this matter until a full Council
is represented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. The motion
carried with Councilman Anderson voting "NO."
Manager Whorton requested a Council decision at this meeting regarding
his response letter to D. Lundblad, DOE, with the Council authorizing
Manager Whorton to forward the letter to DOE.
3. Mayor Olson read the minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission March
8,1976 meeting with the following action being taken by the Council.
March 16, 1976
3. cont.
Councilman Ross moved the Council concur with the Planning
Commission's recommendation and approve a conditional use permit
for Mr. and Mrs. E. Bond to construct a single-family residence
in the CSD-Cl zone on the southeast corner of 14th and "C" I
Streets with the abutting RS-7 zone regulations governing the site.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried.
Councilman Ross moved the Council deny Jack Plaskett's request
for the vacation of the easterly 10 feet of Penn Street from the
south margin of Front Street to the north margin of First Street
(Highway 101). The~motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. On
the Mayor's call f~r discussion on the motion, Bob Love, representing
First National Hank3 requested the Council delay this street vaca-
tion pending the Bank's research into the effect the street vacation
would have on their property. Attorney Taylor-advised the Council
at this point that action on the request~d ~treet vacation is
premature as State Statutes stipulate specific procedures to be
followed in street vacations beginning with a petition or resolution
followed by a public hearing and Ordinance. (Reference RCW35,79.010-050.)
It B' noted a petition was not in evidence. On the Mayor's call for a
vote on the motion to deny the street vacation, the motion was passed.
Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the recommendation
of the Planning CQmmission and approve a one-year extension of
the conditional use permit granted to Charles E. Friedman, 814
W. 11th Street, on September 16, 1975 to operate a ceramic studio
as a home occupation in the RS-7 zone. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council.
Councilman Wray moved the minutes of the Planning Commission
March 8, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as read by
Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and
carri ed.
Mayor Olson read a letter from the Planning Commission which called
to the attention of the Council the right-of-way and alignment
difficulties existing at the Front Street entrance to the east
city limits. The Planning Commission also strongly recommended
the immediate acquisition by the City of adequate right-of-way
across the property on the south side of Front: Street to allow
for improving the traffic circulation, alignment and widening of
this approach to the city, in view of pending development of the
privately owned property in this area.
Manager Whorton reported that discussions have been held with Mr.
Plaskett, owner of the property, regarding the possible curtailment
of any further development in this area.to preserve the required
future right-of-way. Manager Whorton also stated the State Highway
Department have included the "East City Limit Improvement Project",
in their 1977-79 biennium budget. While considerable discussion was
devoted to this subject, no action was taken by the Council on this
F. Dalton's preliminary plat of "Seabreeze Estates" Block A in
suburban lot 53 on the southeast corner of 10th and "N" Streets I
was taken under consideration by the Council at this time. It
is noted that this subdivision platting matter was conSidered and
acted upon by the Planning Commission at their March 8, 1976
meeting, however, due to a misunderstanding, no action was taken by the
Council at the time this item appeared in the Planning Commission's
March 16, 1976
Mr. Dalton was in attendance and presented a map of the
preliminary plat. The natural drainage situation across lots
4-9 and the associated developer reimbursement problems were dis-
cussed at length with Mr. Dalton, Manager Whorton and the staff.
fOllowing the discussion, Councilman Buck moved the Council concur
with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve F. Dalton'~
preliminary plat of Block A "Seabreeze Estates" contingent upon the
natural drainage situation across lots 4-9 being adequately taken
care of to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works and
further contingent upon the south half (35') of Twelfth Street
right-of-way being dedicated before any dwelling on lots 23-29 could
be occupied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed
by the Council.
4. Letters of notification from the Washington State Department of Ecology
and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency of project approval and
certification by each agency of the City's application for a Step 1
Facilities Plan grant were read by Mayor Olson. Manager Whorton
briefly 'reviewed this matter stating that the purpose of this sewerage
study is to determine the most feasible method for reducing or elimina-
ting the causes of overflows, bypasses and treatment plant overloading
during periods of inclement weather and high ground water conditions,
and, additionally, to identify the most practical and economical
methods of complying with the additional treatment requirements, such
as secondary treatment, of the City's NPDES permit. CH2MHill will be
doing the study and they have been informed that the first priority
of the study is the Forrest Avenue area. If problems develop in
the study of the sewer 1 i nes, additi ona 1 funds wi 11 be reques ted, the
study will be delayed, and a TV study of the line will be made. The
action required by the Council at this meeting is their authorization for
Mayor Olson to sign the "Grant Agreements" whereby the total cost
of the study, in the amount of $90,370, will be financed by DOE (15%)
EPA (75%) and the City 10%. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council
authorize Mayor Olson to sign the DOE and the EPA "Grant Agreements."
The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council.
5. Mayor Olson introduced and read a letter from N. Harrison, Vice-
President of Sunnyside Enterprises, Inc. expressing the firm's interest
in purchasing the City-owned Morse Creek Gravel Pit property. Manager
Whorton informed the Council that the useful life of this site as a
gravel producing pit is over and the City uses the property for material
storage and stockpiling. Should the Council decide that a portion of this
property is surplus, it would be Manager Whorton's recommendation
that the City retain an area for material stockpiling, bone-yard storage,
and as a location of a sludge drying pit, and, to obtain an appraisal
to properly determine the value of the property. The Council dis-
cussed this matter with Manager Whorton, with Attorney Taylor advising
the Council that it is unnecessary for the City to call for bids for
the sale of surplus property. FOllowing the discussion, Councilman
Ross moved this matter be referred to the Council Real Estate Committee.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council.
6. Councilman Hordyk moved Agenda Item No.6, "Charges for clean-up
of Peabody Oil Spi 11-tab 1 ed March 1, 1976", be taken from the table.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried by the Council.
After a brief review of this situation to date, Manager Whorton informed
the Louncil that the City has been requested by the U. S. Coast Guard
to pay for the cleanup charges on the Peabody Creek Oil leak problem
since last July even though the City has had an informal agreement
with the Coast Guard since July, 1975, for taking care of this situ-
ation. Manager Whorton recommended the Council take official action
to authorize City crews to take over the cleanup responsibilities and
schedule a work session for further discussions on the legal aspects
of the matter. Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize city crews
to assume the maintenance responsibilities for cleanup of the oil
leaking into Peabody Creek. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Hordyk and passed by the Counci 1.
March 16, 1976
After Mayor Olson noted Manager Whorton will be on vacation March
17, 1976 through April 4, 1976, a work session was scheduled for
Thursday, April 8, 1976 at 7:30 P.M., in Manager Whorton's office.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve a Quit Claim Deed to
John Selby to Clear Title of Mr. Selby's property located on the
southeast corner of Boulevard and Lincoln Streets. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Wray and carried with Councilman Ross abstaining.
Richard L. and Adrienne Anderson's Quite Claim Deed was referred to
the April 8, 1976 work session.
Agenda Item No.8, "Letter from Cl a 11 am County Committee on
Fisheries re small picnic area near Elwha Salmon Rearing Channel-
tabled 2/17 and 3/1/76," was left on the table. Manager Whorton
reported the City is awaiting a response from the State on this
Councilman Wray moved Johnie Key's resubmitted request for the annexa-
tion of Vista Meadows to the City of Port Angeles be referred to the
Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck.
It is noted that due to the posting of an incorrect legal description
of the property, the Planning Commission deferred this request to
their March 22, 1976 meeting for reprocessing. Following a report by
Attorney Ron Richards of a conflict of meetings on March 22, 1976,
the question was called for by Mayor Olson and the motion carried.
10. The Plaza Annexation, Agenda Item No. 10, was passed over pending I
action being initiated by the Clallam County Commissioners in
reference to subject annexation.
11. Councilman Ross moved the Council appoint Colin Bennett, 3108 S.
Peabody Street, to the Port Angeles Planning Commission for a six-
year term to expire March I, 1982. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Buck and passed by the Council.
1. A motion was made by Councilman Wray seconded by Councilman
Anderson and carried to accept and place on file the following
December, January and February Staff Reports: Revenues and
Expenditures, Treasurer's>Fire, Municipal Judge, Police and
2. Councilman Ross:
Requested progress report on Marine
Drive and Truck Road Signalization
Project; Public Works Director
Flodstrom reported a meeting has
been scheduled on March 22, 1976
with the Contractor. .
3. Mayor Olson:
Welcomed new County Commissioner
Mike Doherty; read letter from I
Roosevelt Junior High School
Principal Richard Lang re prOblems
created by a Mobile Concessionaire-
Chief Kochanek reported this matter
has been referred to Attorney Taylor.
March 16, 1976
4. Councilman Wray:
Commented on compulsory retirement
of Policemen; recommended speed
limits be repainted on City Streets;
brought up for discussion the possi-
bility of another left turn lane at
the Front and Race intersection to
accomodate more vehicles turning
south on Race; commented that Council
members had filed an application to
withdraw from the Social Security
System during Mr. Puddy's management;
Manager Whorton will check.
5. Council man Anderson:_
Commented on condition of L.I.D. No.
198 Streets.
The meeting adjourned to executive session regarding the Burrowes
Morse Creek Law Suit at 9:25 P.M.
~'A-~ e,~
City Cl et-\ /MIl!: -,;"'" ,
, ~" 32\76
! GIVEN that at 7:00 P.M. on the
I nnd day of March, 1976. In the
Council Chambers at 134 W,
Front Street. the City Planning
Commission will conduct a
public hearing on a reQuest to -
annell to the Clly of Port
Angeles the following described
The Northeast Quarter of
Section 22. Township 30
Norlh. Range 6 West W_M"
Clallam County,
Washington. Ellcept the
North"ast Quarter at the
Northwest Quarter of said
subdivision: And except
Ihat portion of said
pr"mlses lying weslerly on
th" tollowing described
line: Beginning at a point
on the South line ot said I~
Section 22 that bea.. North
88 degrffS 03 minutes 04
seconds Wesl a distance of
340.56 feet from the
southeast corner therl!Of;
thence North 4 degrees 03
minutes J4 seconds East a
distance of 1876.76 f""t;
thence North 88 degr""s 09
minutes 49 seconds west a "
I r~~CneceN~i':h ~r~~ --1'
minutes J4 second.' E.ut a
dlst...nce of 725.25 feet;
I thence North 88 degrees 09
itil minutes 49 seconds West a
distance of '281.8 feel;"
thence North 14 degrees 55
I minutes II seconds West a
distance ot 1498.53 feet;
thence North 1 degree 30
" I minutes 32 seconds West a
distance of 718.9 feet thence
North 87 degrees 21
minutes 42 secondS West a
dlstanc" of 331.9 feet;
thence North I degree JO
minutes 32 seconds west a
distance Of 570 teet; thence
North 19 degrees 54
minutes East a distance of
200 feet to Ihe terminus of
this line descriptIon. Also
except the North 30 feet of
said premises conveyed to
Clallam County by deed
recorded under Auditor's
File No. 413543. The West
Half of Ihe Northwest ,
Quarter and that portion of .
the Northeast Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter
.__.__ ....__.. _. "L~ ...
~~ -:b~
FUe No. 413543. The West
Half of the Northwest
Quarter and that portion of
the Northeast Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter
lying West of the Mt.
Angeles Road and thet
portion of the Northwest
Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter tying West of the
Mt. Angel es Road, a" in
Sectlon 23, Township 30
North.. Range 6 West, W.M...
Clallam County,
Washington. Except the
North 30 feet of sa id
prem ises conveyed to
Ctallam County bV deed
recorded under Audltor"s
File No. 413543. The East
Three.fourths of the South
Half of the Southeast
" Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter of Section 15,
Township 30 North, Range 6
West W.M.; and the West
Ha'f of the Southwest
Quarter of the SOutheast
Quarter of the Southeast
Qua rter of sa i d Sect ion 15;
except that portion
conveyed to the State of
Washington.. by deed dated
January 19, 1966i
Situate in Clallam County,
All I nterested person s are
1 nv ited to appear 8nd volee
thelr opinion on the annexation
Paul Carr, Cltv Planner
CIty of Port Angeles
Pub..: March 21, 1976.