HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/16/1977 260 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 16, 1977 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood .at 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Councilmen Anderson, Haguewood, Hordyk., Ross, Wray. ,... I II ROLL CALL Members Absent: Mayor Olson, Councilman Buck. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish, Deputy Clerk Ward, D. Flodstrom, R. Orton, J. Honnold, D. Frizzell, P. Carr, P. McDowell, R. Parrish. Guests Present: J. Denny, Mr. & Mrs. W. Fairchild, E. Cowles, R. Rogers, M. Lind, R. Anderson, F. Bird, E. Grover, H. Layman, D. Erickson, Mr. & Mrs. F. Hansen, E. Schuon, C. Shear, C. Fidler, J. Key, R. Rogstad, G. Harrison, P. Downie. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the March 2 and 9, 1977 meetings be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. IV FINANCE 1. Bid Call Authorization. a. Councilman Anderson moved the Council authorize the public Works Depart- I ment to call for bids on 10,000 feet of Asbestos Cement Water pipe. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. b. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Light Department to call for bids on substation maintenance. councilman Ross seconded the motion and it carried. 2. Bid Awards. a. Finance Director Orton's recommendation memorandum re: bids received in response to the City's bid call for replacement vehicles. It was moved by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried to concur with Director Orton's recommendation and accept Sunset North- west's bid of $3,812.86 for a 3-wheel Police Scooter; Koenig Chevrolet's bid of $4,262.65 for a Chevrolet 3/4 ton cab and chassis with utility box, $4,332.36 for a Chevrolet Malibu wagon, and $4,680.48 for a Chevelle Malibu Sedan; Murray Motors' bid for $10,464.68 for two 1977 Dodge Royal Monaco, 4-door police sedans, and Wilson Ford's bid for $4,523.15 for a 3/4 ton Ford cab and chassis, and $3,425.78 for a 1/2 ton Ford window van. b. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for 56 Distribution Transformers to low bidder westinghouse, Tacoma at a total bid price of $33,791.75; 36 Units-pole Type Distribution Transformers to low bidder Westinghouse, Tacoma at a total bid price of $12,713.95; 15 units- Pole Type Distribution Transformers to low bidder Westinghouse, Tacoma at a total bid price of $7,891.44; and 30 Units-Padmount Type Distribu- tion Transformers to low bidder Graybar, Tacoma at a total bid price of $19,547.55. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and the motion carried. I 3. Water Quality Lawsuit Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve payment of $25.70 to CH2M/Hill for travel expenses and testimony costs on the water quality lawsuit. Council- man Ross seconded the motion and it carried. ." 261 City Council Meeting March 16, 1977 VI FINANCE 4. Vouchers payable, LIDs, Payroll I. Councilman Ross moved the Council approve $409,537.69 Vouchers Payable, $211.23 LIDs, and $114,866.05 Payroll. The motion was seconded by Council- man Hordyk and passed by the Council. ITEMS FROM THE :AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None VI LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARING - VALLEY STREET L.I.D. No. 200 I At the request of Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood, Public Works Director Flodstrom presented an update on the proposed valley Street L.I.D. Mr. Flodstrom reported that one letter of protest has been filed; the property owner contends his lots will not receive any special benefit from the improvement and requests the property be inspected and an answer in writing be given. The property was viewed and it is the contention of the Public works Department that the property in question would receive benefit from the improvement and that the assessment should stand as it. A letter has been written to property owner Rev. G. Patterson reporting this decision and a description of the zone and termini method of assessment included. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then declared the Public Hearing open and asked for comments from the audience. Mr. E. Grover expressed his satisfaction with the L.I.D. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then asked for any additional comments from the audience. As there was no further response from those in attendance, Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood stated a motion would be in order to close the public Hearing. Councilman .Ross moved the Public Hearing be closed, with Council- man Hordyk seconding the motion. The motion passed with Councilman Anderson abstaining. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then read the "Certification of Evaluation and Out- standing Assessments" and the "certificate of Mailing of Hearing Notice and Preliminary Assessments" on L.I.D. No. 200 as established by City Engineer J. B. Warder. Councilman Ross moved the Council accept the "Certification of Evaluation and Outstanding Assessments" and the "Certificate of Mailing of Hearing Notice and Preliminary Assessments". The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council with councilman Anderson abstain- ing. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1910 creating L.I.D. No. 200 entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 1910 I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the improvement of a certain area within the city by the construction and installation of storm drains, grading, ballasting and paving streets and extending the water main, and all work required in connection with such improvements, all pursuant to Improve- ment Resolution No. 24-76 of the city passed and approved March 2, 1977, creating a local improvement district therefor, providing for the payment of the cost 'of said improvements by special assessments upon the said District, providing for the creation of Local Improvement District No. 200 Fund and for the issuance and sale of local improvement district warrants and notes or bonds. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. During discussion on the motion, Manager whorton reported that the interest rate has been determined not to exceed 7.5% per annum. On call for the question the motion carried with Councilman Anderson abstaining. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then read the request from City Engineer J. B. Warder to call for bids for the grading and paving of valley Street from Second Street to the 12/13 Alley. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the call for bids on L.I.D. No. 200. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and the motion carried with Councilman Anderson abstaining. ~62 .l City Council Meeting March 16, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 2. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONE REQUEST - FISHER CONSTRUCTION Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read a synopsis of the public hearing held by the Planning Commission on Fisher Construction's rezone request and the Plann- ing Commission's recommendation concerning this matter. Mayor Pro Tern I Haguewood then declared the Public Hearing open and requested all persons desiring to express their opinion on the Rezone to speak at this time. There were no comments from the floor. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood again asked for comments from the audience. As there was no response from those in attendance the Public Hearing was declared closed. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the Planning Commission's reasons and deny the rezone because it is spot zoning, does not follow the Comprehensive Plan, can have detrimental effect on the neighborhood and does not have merit for the entire community. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 3. PUBLIC HEARING - STREET VACATION REQUEST - F. HANSEN Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read the reports from the Planning Staff and the portion of the Planning Commission's minutes of March 14, 1977 relating to F. Hansen's petition for the vacation of Center Street between Campbell and Craig Avenues. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then declared the Public Hearing open and asked for comments from the audience. A general discussion followed with several area residents speaking in opposition to the proposed vacation of this portion of Center Street. Mr. Hansen was in attendance and spoke in support of his request. During the discussion Public Works Director Flodstrom indicated there has been a request to have the Public Works Department set property corners on Campbell Avenue and on the alley which would help resolve property line problems existing in this area. After listening to all the testimony of the opponents and proponent of the request, Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood declared the Public Hearing closed. It is noted ..1 for the record that six written protests have been filed on subject petition. Councilman Hordyk made a motion to concur with the decision of the Planning Commission and deny the Center Street vacation request for the reason that the vacation of this portion of Center Street would result in difficulties to the Fire Department and Public Works Department in providing services to the area. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and the motion was passed by the Council. The request of Forrest Hansen for the vacation of a portion of Center Street was denied. 4. PUBLIC HEARING - MORATORIUM ON NEW SIGN INSTALLATION Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read City Manager Whorton's analysis of the Chamber of Commerce's request that the City Council place a moratorium on all new sign installation and construction until such time as the Planning Commission revise the City's sign ordinance which. is planned for later in the year. After exploring the feasibility of a sign moratorium, it is Manager Whorton's recommendation to the Councilthat.in lieu of .asign moratorium each applicant for a sign permit be given written notice of the impending new ordinance thereby encouraging applicants to wait for a new sign ordinance or to utilize temporary signs until the new ordinance is adopted. Manager Whorton informed the Council of the difficulties associated with a moratorium on new signs, namely, implementation, enforcement, legality, and the effect upon the zoning code. After reading Manager Whorton's report, Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood opened the I public hearing and asked for comments from the audience. Mr. Clarence Fidler spoke in support of the sign moratorium, stating he feels a sign moratorium could be easily implemented and enforced until a new sign ordinance was adopted. He encouraged the Council to initiate a moratorium on all new sign installations and construction by prohibiting bill boards, off premise signs, on premise signs exceeding $500 value, all signs over the public right of way (sidewalkS) and rooftop signs until the current sign ordinance is revised. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood asked for any further comments from the floor. As there was no further response from the audience, the public hearing was closed. "'- ~ -....T 198.A IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION NO. ICJ8.A A RESOLUTION of the Council Of tne CItV ofPoh Angeles, Washington,eleCtarlng ft1e IntentlCln I of -'he City Council to improve a certain area within the City by grading, paving and draln'ng tl'1e streets therein and Installil'19 curbs and gutters, and by doing all work necessary in connection tMrewith, and fixing a time, date and place for the hefllrlng on thIs resolution of intention. BE IT R ESOL VED by the City Council of the City of Port Ange/es, Washington, as follows: Section 1. That it Is the Intention of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Wishlngton, to order the ImprolJement of the area described in Exhibit A, aHached hereto, lInd Incorporlltecf by reference f1ereln, by grading, draining and paving the streets therein and Installing curbs and gutters, and doing all other work. necessary in connection wit" the improvements described In thIs resolution. Section 2. The area described in Exhibit A shall be improved by gradIng, paving and drafn!ng the streets and alleys described in Exhibit B, attachecl hereto and incorporated herein. and by doing all work necessary In connection therewith, inClUding the installation of curbs and gutters in sucl1 streets. Section J. The City's engineers are hereby directed tosubmit to the Council at or prior to the date fixed for the hearing on this resolution a statement of the estimated cost and expense of suctl improvements, the portion of such cost to be borne by the property within the proposed improvement district, the local improvement district assessments outstanding and unpaid agelnst tMproperty therein, and the aggregate lIdual valuation of the real eslat~, inClUding 25 per cent of the actual valuation of the improvements in the proposed district according to the valuatIon last placed upon it for the purposes of general taxation, together with a dIagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts, parce/sof land and other propertywhictl will be specIally benefited by said improlJements. and the estimated amount of the cosl and expense thereof to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel Of land or other property within the proposed improvement dIstrict. Section4. All persons who may desire to Object to the formation of such improvement district are hereby notifIed to appear and present such Objections at a meeting of the City Council to be heletln the Council Chambers at 134 W. Front Street, at1:30 P.M. on April 6, 1977, which tIme and place are hereoy tixeod for hearing of matters relating to said proposed improvemenls and all ObjectIons thereto, and for determining the metl'1od of paying for said improvements. The City Clerk and Engineer are hereby directed to prepare and give notice of such hearing In the manner required by law. . PASSED by the Council of t"e City of Port Angeles, Washington, and approved by Its Mayor !II a regUlar meeting of said CouncIl this 16th day of March, 1971. . CITYOF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON , By Sam Haguewood .Mayor -Pro. Te-m ~ DESCRIPTION OF DISTRICT: Beginning atthe center of Lauridsen Boulevard at the west abutment Of the "Boulevard Bridge" opposite the east lineof Lot 16, Block 335, TownsIte of. Port Angeles; TIlence northerly along the east lineof said lot 16, Block 335 and the said east line prolected, toa point 150 feet northerlY of the north milfgin Of Lauridsen Boulevard, measured to riiilht angles thereto; Thence westerly parallel to the north margin of Lauridsen Boulevard to the east 11M Of Lot 16, Block421, Townsite of Port Angeles, and the said east line-prOjected; .Thencesoutherly along the east line of Lot 16, Block 421, and said east line pro;ected 10 the south line Of_' Lauridsen Boulevard and Highway 101i Thence westerly" along the south line of Lauridsen Boulevard and Highway 101 to the e8~terly bluff line of vall&Y Creek canyon; . Thence southerly al(lng the easterly bluff line of VaHey Creek. Canyon to its intersection with a line 1SO feet south of and perllllel tothesouth margin of Park. Area; . Th~nceeasterly parallel to,thesouth margin of Park Avenue to the west lineof lot 21, AlderwOOd Acre Tracts; Theneesoutherly along west line of saId lot 21 and said west line projected to Its Intersection with the easterly bluff line of Valley Creek. Canyon; Thence easterly along the easterly bluff lineof Valley Creek Canyon to its intersection with a line 150 feet southerly of and parallel to the south lineot Viewcrest Avenue; Thence easterly along a line parallel to Viewcrest Avenue and 150 feet southerly therefrom, to a pojnt 150 feet westerly of the west line of Maple Street; City ot Port Angeles, WaShington, as follows; Thence southerly along a line parallel to and 150 feet westerly of the west line of Maple Street to the southerly line (If Block 28, Grants Addition to Port Angeles; Thence easterly erong the southerly line of Blocks 27 and 28, Grants Addition to Port Angeles, to a poInt 150 feet westerly of thewest line of Peabody Street i Thence southerly along a line 250 feet westerly of and parallef to the west line of Peabody Street, to the north margin of Ahlvers Road. Thence easterly along the north line of Ahlv'ers Road to the east line of lot 15, H. Maguire'S Addition 10 Port Angeles; lt1ence northerly along the east Hneot lot 15, H. Maguire's Addition, to the north line Of 10116, H Maguire's AddUlon; Thence easterly along the north line 01 lot 16, H. Maguire'S Addition to the east Hne of the H. Maguire'S Addition; _ '. . ~ Thence northerly along the east line.of the H. Maguire's Addition to a pOint lS~ feet.southerlv of ' the south margin of Park Avenue; Thence easterly along a line 1.50 feet southerly of and parallel to tf1e south margin of Park Avenue for a distance of -425 feet I Thence northerly along a line425 feet easterly of t"e east line of the H. Maguire's Addition to the north margin of Pi!lrk Avenue; Thence easterly 8 long the north margin of Park Avenue to the east margin of Eunice Street; Thence northerly along the east mtJrgin of Eunice Street to a point 140 feet southerly of the south margin of LaurIdsen Boulevard; Thence easterly along a line 1.d0 feet southerly of and parallel to the south margin of Lauridsen Boulevard tothe east line (If Block;2, Dann's Park. Addition to Port Angeles; Thence northerly along the east line of Block 2. Dann's Park to the center of Laurldsl!n Boulevard atthe west abutment of the" Boulevard Bridge", the point of beglnnrng. City of Port Angeles, WaShington, as follows: EXHIBIT B Peabody Heights LID No. 198.A STREETS TO BE IMPROVED FROM a Oak Street Cherry. Street Ct1erry Street East Bluff Valley Creek East BlUff valley Creek East Bluff Varley Creek East Bluff Valley Creek laurel Street Laurel Slreet Laurel Street Laurel Street Laurel Street Eunice Street East Bluff Valley Creek Park Ave. 250 feet south of Park Avenue Oak Street Oak Street Oakcrest Avenue Laurel Street Peabody Street Oak Street Park AlJenue Viewer est AlJe. Hancock A\lenue Viewcrest Avenue Park Avenue Park Avenue Park Avenue Park Avenue Vast10n Avenue Viewcresl AlJenue -ATTEST; Marian C. Parrlst1 City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: C. T. Walrath City Attorney STREET Lauridsen Blvd. Motl)r Avenue Dolan Avenue Hancock. Avenue Fogartv Avenue Forest Avenue Columbus Avenue San Juan Avenue Orcas Avenue Lopez Avenue Whidby Avenue Vashon Avenue Voshon Avenue Park Avenue Park Lane Alderwood Circle Oakcrest Ave. Oakcrest Way Viewerest Ave. Vista Street Oak Lane Cherry Street Oak Street . Oak Street .. Laurel Street Lincoln Street Chase Street Peabody Street peabOdy Street Eunice Street Maple Slreet Regent Street ALLEY BETWEEN Lauridsen Blvd. & Motor Ave. Fogarty Ave. & Forest Ave. Forest Ave. & Columbus Ave. Columbus Ave, & Park Ave. Motor Ave. & Dolan Ave, Dolan Ave. & Hancock Ave. Hancock Ave. & FOQart'l Ave. Fogartll Ave. & Fogarty Ave. San Juan AlJe. & Orcas AVe. Orcas Ave. & Lopez Ave. Orcas Ave. & Lopez Ave. Lopez Ave. & Whldbv Ave. Whidby AlJe. & Vashon AlJe. Vashon AlJe. & ParK Ave. Vashon Ave. & Perk Ave. Pub.: March 22, 25, 1977. I EXHIBIT A Peabody Heights LID No. 199.A I TO East abutment of "B/\ . Bridge" Laurel Street . Laurel Street Laurel Slreet Laurel Street Laurel Street Laurel Street Lincoln Street Lauridsen Boulevard Vine Slreet Eunice Street East line PSCC 2nd Subdivision 45() feet west ot Eunice Street 450 feet east of east line PSCC 2nd Subdivision I City of Port Angeles, WaShington, as follows: I, MARIAN C. PARRISH, the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Port Angel~. WaShington, DO HERE BY CERTI FY tflat the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Improvement ResOlution No. 198A of said city. duly adopted by Its Council and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council he/don this 16th day of March. 1917. - Marian C. Parrish City Clerk Alderwood Circle cul.de.sac Laurel Street Oakcrest Avenue Regent Street" 260 feet east of Peabody Street 18(1 fl. east of Oak Street Highwav 101 Pfllrk Ave. Lauridsen Boulevard LauriOsen Bouh1!lJard Lauridsen Boulevard Lauridsen Boulevard Lauridsen Boulevard Ah Ivers R:oad Lauridsen Boulevard Nort" to north Hne Lot 1 Block 1 Wagners'Addn. Vlewcrest AlJe. North to Greencrest cul.de.sac ALLEYS TO BE IMPROVED FROM Cherry 51. Cherry St. Cherry S1. Cherry S1. Cherry Sf. Oak Street Oak. Street Oak. Street Laurel St. Laurel St. Peabody Sf. Laurel St. Laurel St. Laurel Sf. Chase St. TO Oak Street East Bluff of Valley Creek East BlUff of Valley Creek East Bluff of Valley Creek Laurel Street Laurel Street Laurel Street Laurel Street Chase Street Chase Street Vine Street Vine Street Peabody Street Lincoln Street 300 ft. east of Peabody St. -~- '"- - - --- 1- I I: Live Music Friday & Saturday by IIHarper" TOP SPOT No Cover I I I 263 City Council Meeting March 16, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 4. PUBLIC HEARING - MORATORIUM ON NEW SIGN INSTALLATION (Cant.) A general discussion followed between the Council, Manager Whorton, planner Carr and Mr. Fidler. Areas covered included energy wasted';through:lighted signs, pending state legislation in reference to compensation for billboard removal, and an appeal to the public to abide by the sign ordinance through the educational process. Following the discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved that an appeal be made to the people of.Port Angeles asking their help in eliminating garish signs and that City Manager Whorton be directed to put a letter in writing to those that apply for sign permits indicating the intention of the Planning Commission of rewriting the sign ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 5. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Manager Whorton recommended the Planning Commission Minutes of March 14, 1977 be deferred to the Council meeting of April 6, 1977 and that all applicants have been advised of this change. Councilman Ross then made a motion to table the Planning Commission's minutes of March 14, 1977 to the April 6, 1977 Council meeting and set April 6, 1977 for a Public Hearing on the Preliminary plat of Seabreeze Estates. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson, and carried. 6. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES Councilman Anderson moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Board of Adjustment February 22, 1977 meeting as read by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. 7. RESOLUTION - L.I.D. No. 198~A Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 198-A entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 198-A A RESOLUTION of the Council of the' City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the intention of the City Council to improve a certain area within the City by grading, paving and draining the streets therein and installing curbs and gutters, and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith, and fixing a time, date and place for the hearing on this resolution of intention. Councilman Anderson moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title and set a Public Hearing on Resolution No. 198-A for April 6, 1977. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. 8. CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATES Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read by title Ordinance No. 1911 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1911 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance Nos. 1670 and 1878 of the City of Port Angeles establishing the time, date and meeting place of the City Council. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance, setting the regular meetings of the City Council to the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month beginning at 7:30 P.M. The motion was seconded by Council- man Ross and passed by the Council. It is noted the Council will meet the first and fourth Wednesdays in April due to Public Hearings having been set by the Council for the first Wednesday in April. Ordinance No. 1911 will be published after the April 6, 1977 Council Meeting. 264 City Council Meeting March 16, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 9. AMENDING ORDINANCE - STREET VACATION, PENINSULA COLLEGE Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read by title Ordinance No. 1219 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1912 .AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Ordinance No. 1907 which vacated that portion of Park Avenue within the Peninsula College boundaries. (To correct legal description contained in Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1907.) Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council- man Ross and unanimously passed by the Council. 10. RESOLUTION - PLASKETT EASEMENT Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read by title Resolution No. 6-77 entitled, RESOLUTION No. 6-77 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles conditionally authorizing the execution of a Grant of Easement. Attorney Walrath explained that the effect of this Resolution is to ratify and conclude the terms of the settlements of the McDonald Corporation and the J. & M. Plaskett lawsuits by conveying to the Plaskett's certain ease- ments; however, the executed easement will not be delivered to the Plaskett's until receipt by the City of documents approved by the City Attorney abating and dismissing both suits. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. 11. SERVICE AGREEMENT - PUBLIC DEFENDER Manager Whorton explained the proposed contract between the City of Port Angeles and the Clallam-Jefferson Public Defender's Office concerning representation of indigent Municipal Court defendants. The Public Defender's Office proposes to provide criminal defense and related services for accused indigent defendants unable to afford legal counsel as opposed to the current practice whereby the Municipal Court Judge assigns an attorney at the City's expense to represent accused indigents without funds, as required by law. City Attorney Walrath and Mr. C. Shea from the Public Defender's Office further explained the details of the proposed contract. Manager Whorton indicated that the City would realize a cost savings under the proposed arrangement and recommended the Mayor be authorized to sign the Agreement with the Public Defender's Office. Councilman Ross moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with the public Defender's Office at $400.00 a month for the remainder of the year 1977. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. It is noted that the records of all cases handled by the Public Defender on behalf of the City would stay in the Public Defender's Office, even if there would be a sub-contract I involved in this agreement in the future. 12. ANNEXATION REQUEST - J. KEY Councilman Hordyk moved the requested annexation of an area on the east side of Mount Angeles Road by Johnie Key be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation at their April 11, 1977 meeting, and that the Public Works Department direct a letter to the Planning Commission for their input regarding providing utilities to the requested annexed area. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. I I 265 City Council Meeting March 16, 1977 VI LEGISLATION I I I 13. 8th AND RACE INTERSECTION SIGNALIZATION PROPOSAL Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read the recommendations from the Public Works Department concerning traffic signals being installed at the intersection of 8th and Race Streets. According to public works Director Flodstrom, the project is expected to be funded by either the City's allocation of Federal Aid monies or by Federal Aid to Safety Program Funds. The possi- bility of participation from the National Park was also mentioned. Following a brief discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the public Works Department to proceed with the installation of a time actuated traffic signal at 8th and Race Streets. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council. 14. PROPOSED LID PROJECTS A memorandum from the public Works Department concerning several inquiries received by the City Engineer regarding the forming of LID projects was read by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood. The two areas being considered are: (1) The Cresthaven area involving Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Alder and Liberty Streets, and (2) 16th and "F" Streets. With Council authorization, the public Works Department would initiate the project by preparing preliminary sketches of the affected area and indicate the type of improvement needed. After completion of this phase, if the affected residents still desire an LID, the regular procedures for formation of an LID would be followed. Councilman Ross moved the Council grant permission to the Public Works Department to do the preliminary design and planning on the two proposed LID's. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. 15. WATER CONTRACT RENEWAL - PUD Manager Whorton explained the only change in the water contract renewal was the inclusion of a provision that in the event of a water shortage or drought condition, the District will be limited to 8% of the total City Supply from the Morse Creek system, and that Mr. Jackson from the PUD has requested a two year contract rather than a one year contract. During discussion on the terms of the contract, it was determined that the Public Utility District purchases in excess of 1,000,000 cubic feet of raw water per month from the City of Port Angeles. Following the discussion, Councilman Hordyk made a motion the Council authorize the mayor to sign the water contract renewal for two years with the Clallam County PUD. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council. 16. PROPOSED BOND ISSUE - MUNICIPAL PIER, CIVIC FIELD After a brief discussion between Manager Whorton and the Council on the related costs associated with a special election, the legal requirements for holding a special election, and possible Federal matching funds on the proposed bond issue, Councilman Ross made a motion to hold a special election on May 17, 1977 to propose a general obligation bond in the sum of 2 Million Dollars ($2,000,000) to provide funds to develop a municipal pier. This motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Hordyk then moved to adopt the Ordinances as written for a general obligation bond to be put on the November 8, 1977 general election ballot for a municipal pier at 2 Million Dollars ($2,000,000) and the renovation of Civic Field at Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000). Councilman Hordyk's motion died for lack of a second. The discussion continued with Manager Whorton proposing to develop a slide show and a citizens committee to promote the proposed bond issues 30 days before the election. Councilman Wray expressed the opinion that only one proposition should be placed on the ballot. Councilman Anderson then made a motion to put both the general Obligation bond for a municipal pier at 2 Million Dollars ($2,000,000) and the renovation of Civic Field at Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) on a special election ballot on May 17, 1977 at an interest rate not to exceed 8%. This motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. On call for the question, the motion carried with Council- man wray voting "NO". z66 City Council Meeting March 16, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 16. PROPOSED BOND ISSUE - MUNICIPAL PIER, CIVIC FIELD (Cont.) ORDINANCE NO. 1913 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City at a special election to be held therein on May 17, 1977, of a proposition as to whether the City should issue its unlimited tax levy general obligation bonds in the principal sum of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in order to provide funds to develop a municipal pier within said City, and declaring an emergency. I ORDINANCE No. 1914 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City at a special election to be held therein on May 17, 1977, of a proposition as to whether the City should issue its unlimited tax levy general obligation bonds in the principal sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) in order to provide funds to renovate Civic Field within said City, and declaring an emergency. 17. GRANT APPLICATION - LANDFILL IMPROVEMENTS Councilman Ross made a motion the Council authorize and approve the grant application for Landfill Site Improvements. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it was passed by the Council. The landfill Site Improve- ments project description is to add transfer station at landfill site to I facilitate refuse unloading in a centralized area and purchase landfill compactor and loader equipment for operation of landfill. The State Program Title is Referendum No. 26; the total project cost is $231,000. 18. LINCOLN-BOULEVARD TRAIN Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read the memo from the Departments of Public Works and Parks and Recreation, concerning the moving of the Rayonier locomotive to a new site because of the unsafe condition which exists at its present location at the intersection of Lincoln Street and Lauridsen Blvd. The Council discussed the proposed move with Public Works Director Flodstrom and Parks Director Frizzell. Following the discussion Councilman Ross made a motion the Council authorize the relocation of the Rayonier Locomotive to the triangular lot at the intersection of Chase Street, 13th Street and Lauridsen Boulevard. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council. 19. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS As an information item, the Council was advised of the expiration of terms of office for Roy Nelson, James Rexroat, Board of Adjustment (4 year term). Harold McLaughlin, Rosemary Taylor, Park Board (3 year term) and James willis, Planning Commission (6 year term). Councilman Anderson moved the Council appoint Henry Smedley to the Planning Commission. Councilman Anderson's motion died for lack of a second. Consideration of appointments to these I Boards and Commissions will be taken under advisement by the Council. 20. LATE ITEMS 1. LANDFILL SITE CONTRACT \ Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. \ 7-77 entitled, 67 City Council Meeting March 16, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 20. LATE ITEMS 1. LANDFILL SITE CONTRACT (Cont.) RESOLUTION NO. 7-77 I A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the execution of a contract for services at the City Sanitary Landfill Site. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson, and unanimously passed by the Council. VII STAFF REPORTS Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the March Park Board Minutes, the February Reports of the Humane Society, Animal Control Officer, Fire, Parks & Recreation, Municipal Judge, Police, utilities Billing and Utility Report-Public Works and the 1976 Reports from the Fire Department and Senior Citizens MUlti-Purpose Center Assessment. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. Councilman Ross: Inabili ty of Ferry Dock. personnel. Greyhound Bus to be able to stop down at Manager Whorton will check with Greyhound Councilman Hordyk: Commented that lO~ a mile for employee travel is not a fair amount. Requested additional information and discussion on this matter. I Councilman Anderson: Asked that the trip to view the Rapid Rail System at Walla Walla be put on the agenda for the work session. Presented a brief report on his views of the trip, with the Council discussing the rapid rail system with Public Works Director Flodstrom. Councilman Wray: Commented that anyone opposed to the Rapid Rail System should see it in action. Commented on Army Engineers work on Beach Erosion Control. There is a book in the library, "Spits and Bars" No. 551.45 on how the work will be imple- mented. Check into the traffic light at Marine Drive and truck route; complaints have been received. Manager Whorton: Letter sent to County Commissioners on the proposed Courthouse. I ~f~hJc?' ~ City Clerk ~~~n~~o~o~t~ ~n~ ~w~~~- ~--~- E~= z~CQ~~~o~~E C ~w~~~--~D~~~~ ~~o ~I~~~~~~ID;j:w~E~a <z ~~~~E~~6~Og~! ~ ~~~~=CO~-~ ~CU~ ~a 15o-Ei~~~~~~~~ Elgc . ~ ;=~:~:~~ii~~i~~ ~ ~~~gg~6~.~~~LWUt~~ o~z~~~~~t<<t!~~~~~~ z~~~~~5g~~~&~~=2~~ ~u~~8~8~8~~~<~~g ~t "tE :;;u ll.~ vv ; ~ '~ e: E r-: l -c u ." ~ I ., I .LJ VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. )~ ~ID~~~~o~5t~o~~ ~~~~c>~~ r l.'JUJ~-g~- ~~c~~S~~~ ~~~~.g~;:5 .~~ I ~~c~~;~~~~~~E~ ~:~~~ c ~u o::W<(fll - L-d):>.m.o 0 l:J:oc.c:X:~o lL~ 4Z- >-:E-:lo.E.o ,...- --L,<(v.-E .- j w ~~~ ~n -~8~ ~m ~t~5 vu I uI: ~~~o..r~l1t~:C--:'C)Q:q; _ ItI tS:~ :c ~ ::: ~~~~~Bg~:~gg~~~~ ~~N~>~~~~i ~ ~~ :~;~~~~~~~~~~~i~~o~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~g~~6~~~~2t~~~L~~-8~~~~ ~ ~- ~ ~ -~m-U~_ ~ >_c - ~ ~ \ o~z8~~~~u~E2Q~>~~~o~EE~~w ~ zow ~-gE~ ~~eN=~-~ ~m_ro~~ . 2~E1~8~3~~8~!~~~~~~~~!~~ ~ ..y~~=( Gm~s 1lll!Maf 'SUOISI.'UP ! II aql palllllJWop s.iantiq ralluv pOd :lUnOA aq,L . ; 'lsoI ~ J PUll g III PaddoJp pUll .! paPllls aUOAJaA3 'uolP" o.rp aql 10 suolSJ^ 1P :) PUll ,~ II! p;lladwo~ uOlllrqqSl!M I sJaA"Id 06 awoS 'fl!UOPllllAlIJ , aql ul lJl!d Jfool .' Sf s" 'pualfaaA1 aq; JaAO !lim pooM.aJoqfUO S1.JnO::l I I I 267 City Council Meeting March 16, 1977 VI LEGISLATION VII V aut".... ,...."...... ....".. un c....VIl uy the Cily Councl1the Director of Public Works called for bidS for the operation ot the City Landfil1 Site and no acceptable bids were receIved; and _ '" WHEREAS, the previOUS. operator has offered to operate the site In acc.ordance with the terms and o(:ondtticns -of,. a,~ contracl of which a. copy Is Council of the City, attached". . hereto an.d_ . incorporated herein by this. the execut~on of a c' reference; now. therefore.'.. . City Sanitary Landfi. BE IT R.ESOLVED BY. THE . COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF PORT.. ANGELES, thai. .the f Mayor" be/ and he hereby is. ore. authorized and. directed to Coun. execute the. contract for t~e operation of Ihe city landfl.lI, site~ a copy of which -contract IS ; allached 10 this resolutlon and made a pari hereof. by this reference.' ...~-'t;- ~'-":'it ....... . .~;" '.-' ,::- PASSED by the Ctly Council; of Port Angeles Illls .16th day Of Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file March,,1977.-.,..'f:~r. '~'_':'~ct Minutes, the February Reports of the Humane Society, Animal Control Officer, Fire, Parks & Recreation, Municipal Judge, Police, Utilities Billing and Utility Report-public Works and the 1976 Reports from the Fire Department and Senior Citizens Multi-Purpose Center Assessment. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. 20. LATE ITEMS 1. LANDFILL SITE CONTRACT (Cont.) RESOLUTION NO. 7-77 A RESOLUTION of the Angeles authorizing for services at the Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the as read by title. The motion was seconded by and unanimously passed by the Council. STAFF REPORTS Councilman Ross: Inability of Ferry Dock. personnel. Greyhound Bus to be able to stop down at Manager Whorton will check with Greyhound Councilman Hordyk: Commented that IO~ a mile for employee travel is not a fair amount. Requested additional information and discussion on this matter. Councilman Anderson: Asked that the trip to view the Rapid Rail System at Walla Walla be put on the agenda for the work session. Presented a brief report on his views of the trip, with the Council discussing the rapid rail system with Public Works Director Flodstrom. Councilman wray: Commented that anyone opposed to the Rapid Rail System should see it in action. Commented on Army Engineers work on Beach Erosion Control. There is a book in the library, "Spits and Bars" No. 551.45 on how the work will be imple- mented. Check into the traffic light at Marine Drive and truck route; complaints have been received. Manager Whorton: Letter sent to County Commissioners on the proposed Courthouse. VIII l ~ I .l f .ci :> 0. ~~~-S~~o~o~tCll >-"'OqJ ~wCllt~- ~- --tE ~~~ z~~n~~~g~~e c ~~~m .--~~~m~~ ~ClIO ~I~~i~;~~~~:~cf~~ <I ~~~~~~~~~o~~~ ~ """u.V)r:v=:c L_...U _CliVI .J::.';:; I ~O-:E'i"f 22277 'w __3: NonCE OF i uw~.u c PUBLIC HEARING . ~u- 5 C NOTICE IS GIVEN lhal " o ~ >:.3 ~ public hearing will be held by >: 0 w .;; the Port Angeles Cily Council at >:::tg; 7:30 P.M. on WedneSday. C!)u.c March 16,1977 in the Municipal.. Chambers al 134 W. Front Street. City of Port Angeles, WaShington for the purpose of conSidering a vacation of a porI ion . of Center Street described as follows: ThaI portion of Center Street abutting Lois 1. 28 aM alley of Block 3, and Lois 16. 17 and alley Of Block 4, in the Illinois Addition 10 Port Angeles. Washington as per plat thereof recorded in Volume 1 of plats. page 71. records of Clallam Counly, Washington, All inlereSted parties may appear at such lime and e)(preSS their opinion on Ihe proposed street vacation. Marian C. ParrtSh -r,;;- Cily Clerk l Pub.: Feb( 22,'1:. ADJOURNMENT .co< ..... 'i:~ ~u o..~ uu c .~ The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. ~dh/~~J~' ~ ity Clerk ~~; - j) M:fyor ~,. -I, ,,~ oU I ,lilt; >~~nJl~o~5t~o~u.. .nJ::~~--;~-' / CJ~4i~ ~- ~.c:::-; 2x g~ ~:; ~.!2 E~:E ~~ , z~~~~c~Rc~~~u~~ o~~~g c ~v . "w<{ItI-....~.......~fi>-~:5.....c ~~~~:c~410 tl.~ , <(~t"C~~~~D.E.D....o~- .--...<t",.-E uu w 0 ~ . E-oO ~~ ;i~~ 11.):t a..~~ll.cn~d.tO~,,:-oe::a;...... t: Q. .: .~ ~ ~~~~~~g~:f~f~~~~ ,~~~:~~fig~_ ~ ~o -~~~E2 ~~~c~~~~~_ ~~~ c~ ~ W ....=> 10-01" ~t:'-_ll'I-:::gCOOj"" .!:-S ~ u~~vc~6tB~OIs~t~E~~~~8f-~~ ~ ~~-5oh z~~~nt~ ~ ~~~ ~~-~ m o~z8~~~:E~E~~oo~.~~toEE~~:~ ~ z~~>~-5g~E~~~XE3~X_~~=~eR ~~~~o~oooo c~~~o~~~~~no L U~-U~uUvUo~~_ ~~~v ~~d