HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/16/1982 '.~~~:';':.';~;~'T1fJ~C:f'~'f~~~~',j-;'~~~~~t~;~I~~ft!f';'~:<'~0~~~~ljij)~q;;~~, f.,~}",.~.. i ' CITY COUNCIL MEETING , ". . Port Angeles, Washington March 16, 1982 'I,~ , i'\... ( . I' I ' III I \.~, VII! I CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING Hayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 6:30 P'.M. The purpose of this meeting is to interview applicants for the vacant position on the Civil Service Commission. All members of the Council were present. II INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS FOR CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The Council interviewed the following applicants for the Civil Service commission: Bill Prentiss, Johnnie Sweatt, Floyd Young and Jasper Loucks. c.'\LL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING "~yor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. IV ROLL CALL l1embers Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast and Whidden. l'.ernbers Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carrr M. Cleland, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R.Orton, R. French and M. Campbell. Public Present: D. Stephens, A. Price, A. Deodyard, P. Zimmer, C. Diven, M. Rud,cD. Bragg, J. Shefler and C. Coble. V l".INUTES If" ~, Councilman Hordyk moved the 'Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the February 23, 1982 special meeting, March 1, 1982 Utility Advisory Committee meeting and the corre~ted minutes of the March 2, 1982 regular meeting, (Register Pg. 250, A. Final Plat-Sunnyside, Inc., First paragra~h, 5th line was changed to read ".. .all lots in the plat being less than 7,000 square feet...". Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. VI CONSENT AGENDA VII cOuncilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including: payment to Cohen, Andrews, Keegan & Goeltz for legal represen- tation; permission to advertise for purchase of equipment for Peabody Pump Station modification; permission to-add one patrol car to bid list; Vouchers of $1,095,260.34; and payroll of $177,518.99. Councilman Gerberding seconded and Council questioned staff regarding two-i:tems on theIToucher list. After further discussion. the IIlOtion.,~" ca=ied. I 02;YA ~ NOTICE OF CALL - , FOR 8105 City of Porl Arlgele$, light Deportmont . NOTICE is horeby given .ha' seol.d bid. will be Cf.;iV,t n..'~.~~7..~'~~O We.' Fron. St,.... P.O. Box '1150. Port Angolo-l. Washington 98362. until 2:00 P.M. March 8. 1982. and .hot 'M City will reject all bid. received after the schedul9d clollng time an~d da,.. The bid. will be ope.od 'publicly at that 11m. 'or furnishing th.' following e.qulpmen. and/or material: I . 96 . 200- AMP SINGLE PHASE METERS' , 2 ' 600 " WIRE; 2,800 FEET OF DUPLEX AND 5.000 OF - SINGLE CONDUCTOR' THWN. APPROXIMATE'LY: BARE OVER HEAD CONDUCTOR: :J.l,57S F~ET OF ALUMINUM AND 6,000 'ee' o' coppa', approxlmat.ly. 810 spe-cifrc:o,lons may be obtal.od from .he Ligh. Ogportmen. office at 240 West Fran. Street. Port Angeles. Wo&hil'lgton. ~2. A certIfied check or bid ~ ~d for S percent a. the amount of the bid ,hall ac- camP:OI'lY uach bid, All 'hid. ,ore to Include delivery F.O.B. Port Angel... WO!lhmgton. Bid. will be openod and, "abulatod for th City Council fo.,. . consid.ratlon by sa id Council In seuton Mench 16. .982. '., The Council re..,.....' the rlghl to c.on,klar. dell~.ry "m. and t.o accept or to 'elect any or 011 bIds or an", part ""'r~f. Th. uni' price shalt .prevail . end the City rel4trvvs t". righ.. to.. corr,"::' any' ex. tenslO1"ls or Improper SQI.. "'oxe,. Pub.: Fob. 19.26. 1982 FINANCE 1. Meter, Wire and Cable Bid Award Mayor Duncan reviewed a memorandum from Engineering & Operations Man which summarized the results of bids recieved for 96-200 amp single " wire and cable. Councilman Polhamus moved the Council approve R. Fr mendation to waive irregularities in the receipt of bids caused,by a U.S. Post Office, and accept the low wire and cable bid of $11,731.9 meter bid of $2,550.18, both from North Coast Electric of Portland, man Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. ITEMS FRO~l THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. IX ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE 'AGENDA Councilman Gerberding requested a letter of commendation be sent to ( Civil Service Commissioner Eile~n Hunt. ~~"C""':'l"""''''''''"''''' . 'I' . :x. I' . 'i,., . HI ~' ~ VII I VII1 C"':~{"~J~~~~t.~',"~'. ":"i;J:~~i~1'.;V'W~@~t~~%%~~~~~?~*~~3~" CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 16, 1982. I CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to interview applicants for the vacant position on the Civil Service commission. All members of the Council were present. II INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS FOR'CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The Council interviewed th~ following applicants for the Civil Service Commission: Bill Prentiss, Johnnie Sweatt, Floyd Young and Jaspe:r:: Loucks.. C~ TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING ~~yor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. IV ROLL CALL 11embers Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordy~, Polhamus, Quast and Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lann 'P. CarrrM. Cleland, L. COsens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn Pittis, R. Orton, R. French and M. Campbell. Public Present: D. Stephens, A. Price, A. Deodyard, P. Zimmer, C. Oi, Rud,.' D. Bragg, J. Shefler and C. Coble.. v ~...INUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as receivE minutes of the February 23, 1982 special meeting, March 1, 1982 Utilit} Committee meeting and the corrected minutes of the March 2, 1982 regul, (Register Pg.: 250, A. Final Plat-Sunnyside, Inc., First paragra!,)h, 5th changed to read It.. .all lots in the plat bein'g less than 7,000 square Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. VI cmrSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Agenda including: payment to Cohen, Andrews, Keegan & Goeltz for lega tation; permission to advertise for purchase of equipment for Peabody modification; permission to~add one patrol car to bid list; Vouchers and payroll of $177,518.99. Councilman Gerberding seconded and Counc staff regarding two--i:tems on the-voucher list. After further discus!; carried. FINANCE 1. Meter, Wire and Cable Bid Award Mayor'Duncan reviewed a memorandum from Engineering & Operations Manager French which summarized the results of bids recieved for 96-200 amp single phase meters, wire and cable. Councilman Polhamus moved the Council approve R. French's recom- mendation to waive irregularities in the receipt of bids caused by an error at the U.S. Post Office, and accept the low wire and cable bid of $11,731.95 and the low meter bid of $2,550.18, both from North Coast Electric of Portland, Oregon. Council- man Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. ITEMS FRON THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. IX ITEI1S FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Gerberding requested a letter of commendation be sent to out-going Civil Service Commissioner Eile~n Hunt. "\~"""L~ 'k.~~i:r~1I;~,~~:,:~~~:~~~~~, .. 'l.';; _ ,CITYC"COONCIL' MEETING:;'. ':!.;~>'r ~.arch l6,r'1982 . IX ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA (cont.) Councilman Gerberding also read a letter he had drafted regarding the Department ,of Transportation's recent ruling allowing tankers of over 125,000 dead weight tons to proceed east into the Strait of Juan de Fuca'as far as the new Dungeness Light and requested COuncilmembers' comments on ,the letter. Council discussed the issue at length, suggesting some revisions to the letter and alternative courses of action' other than dispatching a letter to address the matter. It was determined to further investigate this with staff prior to any action being taken. Councilman Quast requested staff convey to the news media the City's actual ex- I,', ,. penditures incurred in review of the Northern Tier application and participation in the EFSEC process and the actual reimbursement for those expenses received from Northern Tier., ' ,~ Councilman Quast also suggested the, Council consider regulation and inspection by the City of the ambulance services provided by private firms within Port Angeles" Mayor Duncan then read a letter to Commander Wright of the Coast Guard Cutter Campbell expressing the City's appreciation for the Victoria Dependents Cruise and regret at the decommissioning of the Campbell. All Councilmembers endorsed the letter and requested Manager Flodstrom look into obtaining a remembrance of . the Call\Pbell, such as the ship's bell, magnetic compass or. ship's wheel. ~ A LEGISLATION 1. Appointment to the CiVil Service commission The COuncil interviewed~ill Prentiss, Johnnie Sweatt, Floyd Young and Jasper Loucks at the special meeting. A.majority vote was obtained for Johnnie Sweatt on the first ballot. Mr. Sweatt's term begins immediately; he is filling an un- expired term and wi~l serve- until March 2, 19 B8. 2. Planning Commission Minutes ~Eyor Duncan reviewed 'the March 10, 1982 Planning Commission minutes with the following action being taken by the Council. A. Conditional Use Permit - Price ;1 Councilman Gerberding moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the reduction in the required parking down to 7 spaces for the Price Conditional Use permit, 321 West 8th, due to a'change in conditions; for a period of one year, subject to the following conditions: a.) that the present business occupancy of the premises not be altered in any way; and should the business wish to expand its services, such request must be made to the Planning Commission; and. b.) that the Planning Department shall review the situation prior to any Commission consideration of renewal at the end of the one,year-.extension: 'C;ouncilman Whidden seconded and the motion .carried. .. .___ ._.......__~_.n~ _ _ _ ~____ _.-- ._ "- _...-~-"~----'- ----.-,.-.____ __n,. '.' . ,B. Conditional Use Permit - Stephens Councilman Whidden moved the COuncil concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the extension of the Stephens Conditional Use Permit, 804 East 2nd, to operate a floral decoration business as a Home Occupa- tion for an additional two year period. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. C. Conditional Use Permit - Gau Councilman Polhamus moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the Gau Conditional Use Permit, 528 West 12th, to re-establish duplex use of an existing structure in the RS-7 District; Council- man Quast seconded. Councilman Hordyk requested consideration be given to Mr. Gau's incapacitation after his purchase of the property; and subsequent vacancy -of the unit for such a period of time as to disqualify this structure as a duplex unit under the "gra.'tdfather clc:.uselt included in the Zoning Ordinance. On call for the question, the motion was denied with Councilmen Polhamus and Quast votin~, uYes". , Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council grant the Gau Conditional Use Permit to re-establish duplex use of an existing structure in the RS-7 District, located at 52B West l2th Street. Councilman Haguewood seconded and the motion carried with CO\Ulcilmen Polhamus and Quast voting "No". .;j>~t~(:.~ ~:h c~~:~~~~~~:~:i:.7ftjt?:.t~'~1t/j.:,., "':'~'."":"\"';>~~~;~~:f::~~t?:~:~~~:e:~~t':?i'!; . . - - X LEGISLATION (cont.) 2. PLANNING COM.'1!SSION MINUTES (cont.) D. Rezone Request - Hopper I) Mayor Duncan read a letter expressing Mr. Hopper's request to postpone the public hearing on his rezone request of 19.43 acres from RS-9 to RMF, located in the vicinity of "N'" Street between 14th and 18th Streets, until the May 18, 1982 Council meeting. COuncilman Quast, citing several citizen complaints regarding the lengthy time period involved in processing a rezone application, moved the Council deny Hopper's request and schedule the public hearing for the April 20, 1982 meeting. The motion died for lack of a second. After further discussion, Councilman Haguewood moved the Council schedule the public hearing on the rezone request for the May 18, 1982 meeting. as per Mr. Hopper's request. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Qu~st voting "No". Councilman Hordyk moved the COuncil accept and place on file as received the March lO, 1982 Planning Commission minutes; Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. .{~ 3. PICO - 4th STREET VACATION ORDINANCE At the February 16, 1982 meeting, the Council voted to proceed with the PICO 4th Street vacation and directed staff to prepare the ordinance for their con- sideration. The Real Estate Committee was to make a recommendation on price; however, due to circumstances they were not prepared to make such,a.recommendation. Councilman Hordyk therefore moved the Council table this item to the April 6, 1982 meeting; Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. ~ I ORDINANCE NO. 2203 AN ORDINANCE establis~lng a, DawntOwn : Improvemenf Pholl. III Cons~ruction Fund. provldtng for adminl.trotlon of Downtown Improvement Phose II prolect monle. WHEREAS the City Council of Ihe City of Port Angeles AN ORDINANCE establishing a Downtown Improvement Pha; will receive funds Irom the --C ' d . d . f dmi' . ,Department 01 Comm.r~e II onstruct~on Fun , provl. l.ng or a n~strat.l.O] Economic Dev.lopmeni Downtown Improvement Phase II project monies. Adml.nistralion fa, con. strvct10n of Downtown Im- provements Phase II; and WHEREAS. ,he City Coun~1I is desirous o! providing for the proper adminl.l,atlon of said funds; NOW. THEREFORE. be It ordained by the City Council 01 the City of Port Angel.. o. lollows: 1. There I. hereby estobllshed In the City Treasury 0 fund far fiscal administration of moni., -appropriated for construction ,of the Downtown tm- provements Phose II; 2. Sold Fund shall be entitled "Down.awn im. provements Pha.e II Con. s.tructlon Fund:' 3, The Director of Ad, Councilman HO,rdyk moved the COuncil adopt the foregoing resolution a mlnlst,allve Se'''I.e. Is chorged wllh administration Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. of the Construcllan Fund and ~ is hereby outharized to I trans-fer previously ap- I proprla'ed manle. for prolect , construction to the Downtown ~ ImproveMents PhOIl!t II Mayor Duncan read a memorandum from Finance Director Orton regardinc' COnSltuclion Fund, . d . h 1 . l' t Ad' CO' tt t' i 4, T~e City Council may suggestl.OnS ma e durl.ng t e ast Ut~ 1. Y Vl.Sory IllIlU. ee mee ~ng place additional monies in i improving the Senior Energy Credit Program and expanding the piesen1 .he CanSlfUc:tlon Fund Os it . . h h . d d' J d...ms necessary; p,ovlded payment plan. CounCl.l concurred Wl.t t e suggestl.ons ma e an 1.nst. that odditlonal ap. I staff to prepare an ordinance implementing these recommendations ani prop,lallOns . ore enacled In . $epa rat. otd Inane.. bring it before them for consideration. \ PASSED by 'h. City Council 01 'he City al Port Ang.les at j .. a regulo, meeting al t~e 7. LEASES WITH PISCES SEAFOOD, HIGH TIDE SEAFOOD &. FRIEDl-IAN GALLERY, Council held on th. 16th day: , 01 Mor.~, 1982, , ; Darothy Dun~on I Mayor Duncan read a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom regarding an I MAYORi the leases to pisces Seafood, High Tide Seafood and C. Friedman Gal, ~~~~:~c. Parrish. CltyCI.'" I three tenants would like to make significant'; "lprovements to the CiJ APPROVED AS TO FORM; r Craig L, Miller, City Altorney , L ~ub,: March 23. 1982, 4. DOWNTOWN Ir1PROVEHENT PHASE II CONSTRUCTION FUND Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2203 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. ~ Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. s. ARTHUR D. FEIRO MARINE LABORATORY Mayor Duncan read Resolution No. 7-82 by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 7-82 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles officially naming, tne City's Marine Science Laboratory the "Arthur D. Feiro Marine Laboratory". 6. SENIOR ENERGY CREDIT AND BUDGET PAYMENT PROGRAMS .;:t':~1;%t;'CITY CO~~~L.' ~~~;~.:{~:~:~n~~~~~~~?~;~~~~~~~~Ff-j;;'~~~ .~,,,~_...;-.:~ ~~~;'-r~.~~?r.-:~-~~1.~T.~~~'~:~~~~Jj~~~i::7~~~i:~1!:~ ,'~.Ji,r'tw March l~,' 1982, '. " ., " ..., " '&110 CtS6"lS~ 'S6~L'l.~ . , 'sAoo 'PUO' ",X& '",uo p" LEGISLATION (cont.) .sn 110 "'I'lsu!,UO) "AJn>J"W 'dy Sl' '1009 6u!4SU 'IWnd ,~l 'll6lt"iS~ 'elqol!D^o aBoJoow 'l:l'l~)3l!lI\fS ,~l, 'CWl'l'E96 I 'OOlL$ "1" 's"u!6u& \ 'd4 SI '!I OS 'U!qo, 'Iooq , 4s!l AN'I~OH\fW .iL A~~ldS 'Ol8L'CB9 '.6~1$ 'uosuyor ~ 'd4.l "'1'1 'N01S~NI^1l ,CL \ SlDD8 E8' \ i ,I x 2. PLANNING COM.'1ISSION M1NUTES (cont.) D. Rezone Request - Hopper I) M~yor Duncan read a letter expressing Mr. Hopper's request to postp~ hearing on his rezone request of 19.43 acres from RS-9 to RMF, locat vicinity of "N'" Street between 14th and 18th Streets, until the May Council meeting. Councilman Quast, citing several citizen complain the lengthy time period involved in processing a rezone application Council deny Hopper's request and schedule the public hearing for t 1982 meeting. The motion died for lack of a second. After further Councilman Haguewood moved the Council schedule the public ~earing request for the May 18, 1982 meeting as per Mr. Hopper's requ~st. Gerberding seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Quast vot Councilman Hordyk moved March 10, 1982 planning motion carried. the Council accept and place on file as rece commission minutes; Councilman Whidden secon 3. PICO - 4th STREET VACATION ORDINANCE At, the February 16, 1982 meeting, the Council voted to proceed with t 4th Street vacation and directed staff to prepare the ordinance for t: I sideration. The Real Estate Committee was to make a recommendation 0 however, due to circumstances they were not prepared to make such,a.r Councilman Hordyk therefore moved the Council table this item to the 1982 meeting; Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 4. DOWNTOWN IHPROVENENT PHASE II CONSTRUCTION FUND Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2203 by title, entitled ',.' IJ ORDINANCE NO. 2203 AN O~-!NANCE establishing a Downtown Improvement Phase II'Construction Fund, providing for administration of Downtown Improvement Phase II project monies_ '9S9~'l.~ 'so"u!.nq SOLV'l.~ '''po,. '''PIOUO' II!M 'OOS'Sl$ - 'loOH yl!M OOS'~L$ - SI""4M uo '1""4M 1101 'B JDG6 6U1PUDI MG\J "pUOJ ~J9JJad OJ lonUUD ~ueJo9J "PUOJ 'Jxe 'sdl' dOOJp "11 061~ "H'O'W'S 's'n04 Ol '9061 '"uDld 1011 SOLI 'INSS3) "LlXll'l.Jo' 'Al!nbo JDf ~:mJ~ JO JO:) JeplsuoJl II!M 'sJno4 MOl Mell. 'eJo14'S Ii/I ''''Old ~ 'II 'OI"OM l!3dld 6l. HDJ:>J!V ~8 HOI.lnHJ~ & 'll>'9l-LC~"1 '000'$ 'Adouo, '''polq 'wn,p "I~101 ~3Z001lnS 'SI6C-CS9 'puo, POO!) 'IOUO!~ 'ou,,,~ul 99, '~Jn'ldwnp 'OA. I '9~S6"~.~ '\Seq ,0 OOe:$ 'P"qIDII '1 0/, L 3!)OOO lS, '<lA!'O "up oW OC6 'S31S3 'sJ!cd&J puo sued wo~'Sn:) 'p"^OW&' spn~s N3110HS Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title; Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 5. ARTHUR D. FEIRO J.IARINE LABORATORY Mayor Duncan read Resolution No. 7-82 by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 7-82 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles officially namin~ the City's Marine Science Laboratory the "Arthur D. Feiro Marine Laboratory". . Councilman HO,rdyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title; Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 6. SENIOR ENERGY CREDIT AND BUDGET PAYNENT PROGRAMS Mayor Duncan read a memorandum from Finance Director Orton regarding several suggestions made during the, last Utility Advisory Committee meeting towards improving the Senior Energy Credit Program and expanding the present budget payment plan. Council concurred with the suggestions made and instructed staff to prepare an ordinance implementing these recommendations and to bring it before them for consideration. 7. LEASES WITH PISCES SEAFOOD, HIGH TIDE SEAFOOD & FRIED~mN GALLERY Mayor Duncan read a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom regarding an extension of the leases to pisces Seafood. High Tide Seafood and C. Friedman Gallery. All three tenants would like to make significant j~provements to the City property "'''~,,~..~'",,~~~~~>(-~'IJ)!!!di;~~~j'. 255'i~'~j't>cIri '. cOUNcii:.' MEETING::ft'~;:'''~'lJ<: , . "3:7:'{; March l6'~' 1982 " t- . "':'<": X LEGISLATION (cont.) 7. LEASES WITH PISCES SEAFOOD, HIGH TIDE SEAFOODS & FRIEDMAN GALLERY (cent.) at the ,foot of oak Street, but would like an expansion of the current one year lease to warrant any capital improvements to the property. Council discussed the intended improvements with the tenants and Councilman Hordyk moved the Council extend the lease for a three year term, with a one year termination' clause and renewal options to be negotiated between the tenants and Manager Flodstrom. Councilman Polhamus seconded and after further discussion, the motion carried. 8. 1981 GENERAL FUND REPORT Finance Director Orton commented briefly on the 1981 General Fund Financial Report he had prepared and Manager Flodstrorn summarized the major revenues and expenditures of the Current Expense' Fund for 1981. 9. SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD APPOINTMENTS Mayor Duncan read a letter regarding the Senior Center Board of Directors rec- ommended appointments to the senior Advisory Board. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council appoint to the "Senior Advisory Board those individuals recommended: Tom Deeney, Margaret pohl and Leone Western. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. 10. PORT ANGELES KIWANIS - LAUREL STREET BARBECUE Mayor Duncan read a letter from the local Kiwanis Club requesting permission to hold their annual barbecue, August 28, 1982, on Laurel Street between Front and First Streets. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council give permission to the Kiwanis to hold the annual barbecue as proposed, provided they keep the alley clear for traffic. Councilman Quast seconded and after further discussion, the motion carried. XI LATE ITEMS 1,_ Proclamation - St,. Jude Children's Research Hospital Mayor Duncan proclaimed April 17, 1982 as Port Angeles St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Day in Port Angeles, Washington. 2. Derby, Days All American Crab Race Manager Flodstrom notified the Council of the Second Annual Port Angeles All AIT~rican Crab Raqe scheduled for March 20th to benefit the Derby Days float fund and of a special invitation to the council requesting their participation in a special heat. 3. North Olympic Health Planning Council Office Space Manager Flodstrom advised the Council of the North Olympic Health Planning Council's managerial responsibility for Project Information and desire to rent office space in City Hall to provide supervisory personnel for this program. The Council authorized Manager Flodstrom to make the necessary arrangements and negotiate the terms oErental of the office space. XII ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. XIII ITEMS FROB THE COUNCIL AND STAFF NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Hordyk questioned Finance Director Orton regarding the percentage of recovery expected for the damaged police car. Manager Flodstrom and the Council commented on several items included in the information agenda. A meeting for the utility Advisory Committee was scheduled for March 23rd at 5:00 P.N. at Nanager Flodstrom's request. Councilman lihidden questioned the City's policy towards families taking in boarders. It was determined that staff would look into this further. , / '1',\,... . ~l .1. . . ~1'~' CITY C~~C'~ MEETI;G~r~'T March 16, 1982 .'~-:'~":-~t:i ""~4~ ~,,:"~-.:.... "-,.. .. " , ':(r~7:t.~~~i%~I~' "J.~<-2578)fg XIV ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION 1- ft I'", .. J The Council adjourned to an Executive Session at 9:00 P.M. xv RETURN TO' OPEN SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT The Council returned to open session and adjourned at 10:05 P.M. ~ t!!" ~ City Clerk JmtIi~ '" "",', ) .. ~ .J .' , ~,--....... .<:.., --, NOTI~F CALL I FOR BIDS City of Port Angeles, Light Department NOTICE II hereby IIlv..n. that sealed bids will be~ received by the City CI.r~,1 City 01 Part Angel.l, l~o:1 West Front St,eet, P.O. Bc>xl 1150, PMt Angele., Washinglon 98362, until 2:00 I p.m. March 2~, 1982, and Ihal Ihe city will rejecl all bids: received after Ihe ICheduled clollng time and dale, The bids will be opened publicly allhol time for furnishing the fol/owing equipmenl ondlor mat.rial Supply and In. Ilallallon of approxlmalely 3,500 ,elldentiol electric, waler healer lnsulallan I wraps In the CIiy of Port: Angelel service a'ea by Dec. 31. 1982. Bid Ipecificotlans may be obtained from Ihe Light, Department office at 2~0 1 West Front Slreel, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362, I A certified check or bidj bond for 5 percent of the amount of the bid sholl ac., c_pany each bid, All bidS, ar'" to Include delivery F.O,B. Port Angeles. Washington, , Bldl will be opened and \ tabulaled for the City Councl/ for considerQticn by t.Old Council in leuion Tuelday, April 6, 1982. The COiUndl reseNes the right to consider dellve,., 'ime and to accept or to reject ,any or all bids or any part , thereof. I I The unit price Ihal/ p,evall J and Ihe City res.rves Ihe 1 I right to eorrecl any ex, I tensions or improper solos . j,axel. I ' Pub.: Mar. 5,12, I'll, 1982 __..l 1 I ."~